Pavillion Layout (Renderings Inside)


Originally posted by WeirdOne

- Mobile - VERY HEAVY Conjestion in center area due to everyone wanting to see and play with mobile. Think Light Magic Conjestion. I mean, it's BAD.

What if the mobile was sunk several feet below the main lobby floor along with a circular area. The base and first level controls would then be in a pit apart from the main traffic flow. Once through the main doors a ramp could slowly slope down into this area while guests not whishing to "play" with the mobile, atleast on this floor, could then continue to the rest of the pavilion by splitting off to the left or to the right.

I think this would help lighten the congestion atleast, what do you guys think?


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Ok, that could minimize traffic in that area by a bit, because, most guests wil STILL tend to go towards the "weinie." Loose the doors. Most people head towards doors a lot of the time. Also, if we sunk it, we should at least put ramps on the other side too so it looks like this.


I hope that makes sense. And, I got most of the help with these things from an ex-Imagineer who helped me analyze them some. Although some may not seem practical, they are true. LOL! - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
Ok..Ok..I played around with the layouts some today..The Mobile..I really don't think it's gonna be THAT congested, Bt I still planned, in my outlines below, extra room and large space around it so people can manuver..Instead of the ramp Idea, which is very good, Why don't we use something simpler and more practical? LIke a small, 3 foot wall around it, so people can look at it, while walking around it, but it keeps the people who want to play with it outof everyone else's way..I also Moved the entrance and exit to storm chasers outside, along with the fastpass center..this, I believe, Will relieve ALOT of major traffic concerns, the gift shop will have two stair cases (Since it will be on the second floor) One that leads to the third floor of the main building, making an optional entrance back inside, and another that leads down to an exit..that way, people can decide where they want to stay..Umm..

THE BIG RED ARROW INDICATES THE OPTIONAL STORM RE-ENTER I ran out of room, and couldn't write it on the picture itself :)


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New Member
Ok, Here's a rendering of a new outside design..The 'little' pod on the left is the resteraunt and food courts the one on the right is the queue (on the first floor) and gift shop (second floor) for storm chasers, the little blue box is the fastpass center, and the crap on the ground is supposed to be flowers..but..well..they didn't come out so good..focus mainly on the design of the building tiself, not the colors, they are negotiable..Is it an acceptable design?

Some stuff I forgot to mention with my last pictures...The red dots are elevator shafts..The green boxes are staircases :)


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Well-Known Member
Ok, i know we have come with a design, sort of. I said i would have a slightly more better arial (spelling?) Design/sketch.

Here it is,


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Like the interior layouts. As far as the mobile goes it would be alot simpler to put up some sort of barricade but I think that sinking the mobile may look better aesthetically. This is not that big of an issue though, so either way would really be fine.

As far as your exterior design goes may I suggest wrapping the "flares" (sorry I don't know what else to call the protruding curves) around the building in sort of a cyclone effect. The pods also don't really seem to fit with the rest of the building either, perhaps you could simply wrap a flare around each of those buildings as well. In addition the wrapping should be multi-cyclic to provide more of a cyclonic effect and also to prevent the confusion of any persons who may confuse it with mission: space.

Weird One-

I like the idea of the double ramp, but how do people get into the building w/o doors :confused: ;)

Figment 1986-

Your aerial view seems fine but with out a frontal view it is really hard to distinguish any major differences between your design and Chad's


Well-Known Member
Vertially, The Front of the building would look like Chads design, I cant do anything better than what i had. Though ince you all said the mickey wouldn't be enough space i done the arial sketch of it, it looks like a hidden mickey, small curves comming off one large curve, It has a different paint of somthin on top, maby a nother story for stuff.

Sorry, i cant even make out what i am saying, I hope you can understand it.


New Member
Thanks! The Flares are curved, it was just to hard to show on Paint..Im gonna work on a new sketch (not paint this time) and It'll hopefully look better.

I also have a functional mobile sketch..It utilizes a sunken farm model at the very bottom..It's much simpler then we had originally made it, but still fun..Here's what it comprises of:

1st Floor: You get a chance to pilot clouds..4 clouds will be suspended, and controlled by joysticks..
-2 Rain Clouds: The cloud has brightly colored 'tinsel' like substance (flashy, somewhat metallic, in all different shades of blue) that waves around, you can terrorize the poor farm with it, and ellict certain responses from the model..(For example, if the cloud is suspended over the farm truck, the windsheild wipers will go on, if it's over the farm house, you'll hear a voice yell "Cletis! That dad-burn hole in the roof is lettin' water in again! Get the pans!" If it's over the fields, crops will spring out of the ground..

-1 Tornado Cloud: Imagine those big brushes from carwashes that spin around, now imagine it with grey strips..Same idea, you'd get to move it around the town, and things in the model would respond

-Lighting cloud: This cloud would have a button you would push, to cause a lighting bolt (made of plastic, really cartoony looking) to push out, then retract, once again causing responses

2nd floor would Have 'Weather ballons' that you could pilot up and down, and around, they would have cameras, so you can 'spy' on parts of the pavillion

3rd floor: a lrage model of the sun with computer screens to give you facts..

Don't judge it till you see it, I'll have some stuff up on these in the next few days :)


New Member
BTW: Thanks for the positive feedback Figment dream! It'll really help! But what do you mean by Multi-cyclic?


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Chad - Are we dropping the hidden mickey? And your designs totally confused me? Are all three of those designs alternative desigs for the center main lobby? or all three florrs of the lobby? Sorry, I am just totally confused. Where is the gift shop in the renderings? Third, I talked to one of my ex-Imagineer buddies and he said the WDI perfers attraction entrances in EPCOT that have fastpass to be located indoors IF there are multiple atteractions inside. This is just the suggestion from my ex-Imagineer buddy. I actually agree with him, because how many of us would want to get Fastpasses and wait in line in thehot muggy sun with 100's of other SWEATY and NASTY people? Just asking. I say we keep the FP and Entrance inside. I think the mobile looks more aesthetically pleasing sunk into the pavillion. A wall around it just mkaes it seem and less WHIMSICAL (I used a Disney word ;)).

Love the new building design, but I do have a "complaint" about it. I think we need a foundtain in the front. PLEASE! With a ramp that wraps around the foutain leading in. PLEASE! I think that would make the pavillion awesome. And, yes, I agree with FigmentDream, wrap it around more like a cyclone but still make it geometrical. I hope that makes sense. And if the pods remain (I hope we loose them, they look...well...just ugly, IMHO.) I agree there to, we should make them "cyclonic". Also, I think we should paint a mural on the swirl thingies. Dunno what to call them.

FigmentDream - I thought those were doors to the mobile. Since they are to the pavillion. KEEP 'EM! I guess I got confused (As usual :rolleyes:.).

Figment1986 - I still say we keep my design. I think it's the best, maybe we should vote on it? I like yours, but I think that hideous building attached to the back is horrible. want to use as little "extra" backstage as possible.

That's my IMHO for today people. Maybe I'll ask my ex-Imagineer friend what he thinks of our pavillion. - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
The three floors are all one lobby :) I should've labeled them 1st floor etc..Sorry bought that..
Weirdone, you ARE weird..we KEPT the hidden mickey, just reversed it..Figment 1986's aerial view is actually what my new building plan would look like..The two pods are there to make the ears!!!

No matter what your ex-imagineer friend says, having the storm entrance outside of the main building will ease ALOT of problems!
We can put the Fastpass inside the other pod, and air-condition it..But it's either a few sweaty bodies getting fast-passes, or a bunch of sweaty bodies climbing over each other to get to where they want to go inside


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Chad - This is IMHO that I post here. Be forewarned. I personally believe that weatherific SHOULD and MUST be in one of the ears. WHY? The ears are perfect for the show. They are round. COP/America Sings/Meet The World are ALL in round buildings. ALL of them. That's why the ears are perfect for WeatherIfic! Second. I believe that Show Buildings are the DEVIL. I hate buildings that extends past a certain point. I like clean, consice, and buildings with AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE show building behind them. I HATE Show Buildings. That's why StormChasers should be in the other ear. Little use of show building. Then, the entrance can be on the second floor with FastPass there too. Makes people explore the building, also. Third, a while back, didn't we like the idea of those changeable weather roofs? What happened to those? HUH? Ok, I understand your drawings now, but shouldn't the mobile extend the three florrs with an hole surrounding it on the 2nd and 3rd floors. You know, open space, air, nothing, and people are on a balcony operating it? Ok, once again, this is all IMHO. - The WeirdOne :D

P.S. - I got some interesting shots I'll post tomorrow. Things like concrete and door designs. LOL!


New Member
The blue circles do indeed extend all the way up for the mobile, it's a roof-to- floor mobile, ad if you look at my layouts, all of the floors have a space for it :)

Ok, I think yer having a bit of a size problem..Look at the size of look at the size of say..Dinosaur..The ears would be COMPLETELY disproportional! I was trying to HELP your hidden mickey idea by following Figment's idea of reversing it, What you are talking about is completely impractical and downright..disfunctional..I'm sorry, giving a BIG ride like Storm Chasers a LITTLE space like that mickey ears is damaging to the ride experience! The show building will be hidden by a large hill, noone will see it.


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CHAD, not to start another argument, but, I never included space for StormChasers Show Building in my designs, WHY? Wasn't sure where to put it if we were even keeping the mickey idea. If we were, the space in the ears labeled "StormChasers!" should read "StormChasers! Queue And PreShow." I intended for a show building, but I was hoping that we could keep it to a mininum. - The WeirdOne :D

P.S. - Just for future reference, don't use dysfunctional towards ideas, it's not polite or very diplomatic.


New Member
But then whats this buisness about you not liking show buildings, if you had one planned all along? I'm sorry, but Like you said, these posts are 'IMHO'..But I didn't mean dysfunctional (And Look, I even spelt it wrong) as Retarded or something..I meant it as 'Not Functional' or 'Impractiacal' But now that you tell me it's a queue area..The only problem I have is still the crowd..we put way too much in here to have all the entrances in ONE building, we're talking mayhem..I think using the pods will relieve so much problems, while still giving you your hidden mickey..But I'm done arguing for tonight, though it is fun to jump back in the saddle! (I missed Soji!) I'm gonna make a full project plan proposal for you guys to look at..I'll be as complete as I can be


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Yes, I had a show building planned. As mcuh as I HATE them, I must admit, we had to have one weather I liked it OR not. I still say we keep my layout, it works the best, and yes, there is a way to significantly lower crowds in the building. HOW YOU ASK? Answer tomorrow. IT feels good to be back. - The WeirdOne :D


Well-Known Member
I wish i posted this little bit earlyer:

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight. LOL J/K

Now, Man now that i look back i did reverse the mickey head, man. I made a difference with the pavilion. Oh and. Remember you need showbuildings. i just axedentally made it a lil too large, It can be shrunk, And hills blocking view to see it. I like that, That's why i joined this place, So many ideas, so many buds, So manythings that help me come up with new things.

Any one care to tell me any idea for a nother pavilion, I am still stuck with Volcano GD. I am getting tired of it.


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Ok, the answer ot my question. If me have the Mickey my way with Fastpass on the first floor and the StormChasers! entrance on the second floor, this is what happens. Crowds tend to build around "weinie." In this case, the mobile. Then crowds will move on and most will keep on the first floor. This will cause them to start looking around the Fastpass area. They will then be probed to move along and explore the rest of the pavillion (one reason is to find where they go to find the ride :p.) This eases the traffic flows. Now, then people are going to the second floor and they will line up for StormChasers! and WeatherIfic! which will be greatly spread out the crowds.

Using your idea Chad and figments, the crowds will gather at the first thing they see. In this case, the restaurants and the Fastpass/StormChasers entrance leaving the rest of the pavilion unexplored because most guests (including myself, I never discovered any other pavillion besides Test Track and Spaceship Earth until my last trip. I didn't know there were rides in any of them.) LOL! How silly of me. So, using your way of orientation, the crowds will gather at the entrances of the restaurants, Fastpass, and StormChasers! entrance causing a big traffic flow problem. This is why my layout works better, because it helps spread out and vary the guests.

AND, if you put the FastPass and queue entrance to StormChasers! outside, we are going to have to mkae the queue bigger than ever for them to reach the show building in the back with the ride inside. Plus, where would the rest of the pavillion be put, with your layout, you undermine where the other rides will be and how they will be placed causing more guest traffic flow problems. Things aren't randomly placed inside you know ;)?

- The WeirdOne :D


New Member
OK, This is my proposal..First Off, All of this is SPACE and TRAFFIC FLOW designations, it does not, alter any of the rides/shows in anyway, it simply gives them a place to exist.

Second, This is the product of everyone's ideas..I've simply Pooled them together into something Coherent..While almost EVERYONE has contributed something, I would like to offer special Recognition TO WeirdOne, FigmentDream, and Figment 1986, who's ideas are apparent in the designs...

First: Outside Image: Not the best, but hopefully you can make it out. I added a fountain area to the left, moved the fastpass for Storm INto the air conditioned area of the right pod, but the entrance still remains outside.


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