Pavillion Layout (Renderings Inside)

Where are the mosaics intended for?

I thought I remembered them being for the outside...if so I have a major concern that the pavilion may look like the Magic School Bus does weather. While a whimsical mobile or attraction may be suiting, I think the outside of the pavilion should be very simple and static.


New Member
WeirdOne? What did you do to the designs?? 4 restraunts? 4 Shops? Good GRACIOUS! This isn't a MALL! :) I though you were just redoing the plans I had compiled..The stuff were adding seems like a bit of overkill doesn't it? I mean, I love all these idas, they're all wonderful, but you can't stick them ALL in there, now can you? I think you need to go back and remove alot of the extra stuff that you threw in there...Take out all the extra resteraunts..And make the left POd the -MAIN- Eatery, with the nice, sit down resteraunt (with the changing ceilings) ON the first 2 floors, then have a counter service on the third floor. Then, if you look at my original layouts, the shop reserved for -AFTER- Storm Chasers was really a large area, almost as large as one floor of Weatherworks, we could put the Storm Chasers Store there, the wind chime store in the same space, and then, make the candy store (which I've absolutely fallen in love with) As a push cart or a stand alone unit on one of the floors..4 resteraunts, 4 shops..My goodness..The Pavillion with the MOST shops and resteraunts is the land, with 2 Shops and 2 resteraunts..You've DOUBLED that, and added 3 attractions into one building...Thats really killin' it..This is a single pavillion, not an entire Theme park..Seriously guys, less is more, sometimes.

Side Notes:
Mosaics: I agree with Figment Dream, I'm gonna hold judgment till I see em' it could end up looking a bit...TOO colorful, but on the other hand, it would also complete the 'earth theme' because the Land has a mosaic, and the living seas has a mosaic, so, shouldn't the weather have one? Time will tell, we'll play around with the idea.

Fountain: I was looking at a map of epcot (to count resteraunts and shops, to make sure my above statements where accurate) and was looking at the proposed spot for our pavillion, we have ALOT of space, you guys should really go all out on this fountain, make it awesome!

Car: Sounds great, weirdone!


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Originally posted by Chad
...WeirdOne? What did you do to the designs?? 4 restraunts? 4 Shops? Good GRACIOUS! This isn't a MALL! :) I though you were just redoing the plans I had compiled..The stuff were adding seems like a bit of overkill doesn't it?...

Hey Chad, you didn't read the posts did you ;)? Sorry, just had to stick that in there. Like I said, any can be removed or taken out, or whatever at any time. These are just TEMP PLANS for us to work with while we get the FINAL designs done. You want more shops and less restaurants. YOU GOT IT. It's noted within my big text file of info on the maps. Also, you want the StormChasers! shop to be bigger? WHY? As big as WeatherWorks, that crazy not to mention very very just not right. Like you said, this isn't a mall ;). We don't need big shops, not very big ones, and we certainly don't need one the size of Weather Works. LOL! That's absurd, IMHO.

Now, Me and DisneyExpert will do the foutain, we had a basic design, but...since you guys want us to go out, we will ;). No Sorcerer Mickey though :(. Ok, we'll, lets get those final plans done so I can make 'em. - The WeirdOne :D


I read that you guys want to go "all out" on a fountain but I don't think you want to take away from the main fountain behind Spaceship Earth. When the fountain starts dancing it draws a large crowd, I don't think you want to draw those people away to your attraction just for the fountain and get the area over conjusted. A fountain is a good drawer but not super fantastic.


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WE don't want anything that spectacular. Just a fouintain to be fantasmic and whimsical, just we want to go "all out" as in make it wonderful and beautiful but not like he one behind Spaceship Earth. I hope that makes sense. Don't worry, nothing will take away rom Fountain of Nations. - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
Yup, Weirdone, I did read your post, and I know you said any of them could be taken out, so thats why I was telling you that alot of them do need to be taken out. Don' worry, I make it a point to read every post alllllll the way through.
I made some more floorplans that I think will solve all the problems..It includes a new space for another shop/eatery, plus you have the Storm chasers shop, and the two resteraunts in the left pod.

The fountain: When I said all out, I meant making something bigger then just a hose stickin' out of the ground..Something with like a scultputre in the middle (Like The Imagination Pavillion) We have a lot of space to fill, because the pavillion is big, and will need to be set back a bit away from the rest of EPCOT..Definetly do not make it rival The FOuntain of Nations.

OK, here are some new plans that I think have everything squared away, and should settle the arguments..I'd like to CLOSE anymore debate after today, so get in any last words before midnight, Then, we'll have a chat session, and open up Debate on the boards again...How does that sound? When is chat good for everyone? I'm available evernight after 10:15pm I know thats kinda late..But I'm a workin' stiff.

Here are the new plans:
Some Notes, the lobby and pods are VERY VERY disproportional, and are MUCH smaller on the picture then the really are..I just didn't have room


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New Member
Another note, on ALL these pictures, the show building extends back indefinetly, despite the line there. It just goes back however far we want.


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New Member
And finally, here's that big space I was talking about, what do you guys want to have in there?



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Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
I dunno when I could chat. I have a friend spending the night all weekend starting tonight thru Sun. I guess I could chat with him here, when is just the problem, I have to work... We'll see. Just post a message saying when and where, and I'll check in and if it's not to late swing by.



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First and foremost, 10:15, I'll be there, in the SOJI chat waiting. I know DisneyExpert is one around behind our time Chad. What day, can we make it today I'm sure it'd be easy. Otherwise I'm avaliable almost everyday until 11:30 - 12:00 EST.

Second, I think the way I layed them out would have been better, we could have just taken out the extra shops and stuff. I gave more than ample space for almost everything and it just looks more well, organized. Like I said, with little editing on my drawings it would have worked just fine. The way mine is layed out, it doesn't even have that big space left over. I just think mine is better layed out. IMHO.

- The WeirdOne :D

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FigmentDream
Where are the mosaics intended for?

I thought I remembered them being for the outside...if so I have a major concern that the pavilion may look like the Magic School Bus does weather. While a whimsical mobile or attraction may be suiting, I think the outside of the pavilion should be very simple and static.

I think you're confusing a mosaic with a mural. A mosaic is like what's all over The Land, The Living Seas, and the Cinderella pictures inside the castle. Not very "Colorful" (in a sense) at all. More abstract. A mural is the colorful long paintings you see, like in the Main Street Photography Shop, with all the Disney characters, anyone know what I'm talking about?

Originally posted by DisneyExpert

I think you're confusing a mosaic with a mural. A mosaic is like what's all over The Land, The Living Seas, and the Cinderella pictures inside the castle. Not very "Colorful" (in a sense) at all. More abstract. A mural is the colorful long paintings you see, like in the Main Street Photography Shop, with all the Disney characters, anyone know what I'm talking about?


No I knew exactly what you are talking about mosiaics are tiled and murals are painted most often. Personally I am not a major fan of the moasiaics on the Land to begin with, but that is just my wierd tastes. So they are fine, I just wanted to poit out something to be weary of.

Well, now guys I have a delmia

Whose design are we going to go with, cause Weater Works has a different shape in each design, so I guess it is a good thing I haven't started that yet, and I guess I won't untill we pick one.

Well I can't chat tonight, but ussually I will be able to get on late


New Member
OK, more debate.

What About..Saturday? Is everyone up at around...10am? I can fit in a chat before work (plus, I'll be watching saturday morning cartoons then, So I'll be up..) And Jake, I want as many people as possible to be here, and You've been workin' very hard, I DEFINTLY want you there

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