Pavillion Layout (Renderings Inside)


New Member
The layouts. These remain somewhat the same to the old ones, with some modifications. WeirdOne mentioned the fact that noone would be able to find the other attractions, due to Storm Chasers being outside. I have solved this by putting the Storm Exit on the third floor, forcing riders to 'trickle down' throughout the rest of the pavillion, and allowing them to see everything it has to offer. The Lab has two entrances, one being right next to the storm Exit, causing the Labs to Absorb a good amount of the riders. Weatherific also empties right next to a lab entrance as well, but on a different floor, so the crowds don't immedietly merge. Bathrooms where also added on the second floor.
The weatherific Entrance was moved to the first floor, making it more easily accesible, so more people will find and ride it.
Bathrooms are available in the Resteraunt areas for the people on the first floor, while those on the third will just have to hold it :)
The red dots still represent elevators, the blue dot is the area for the mobile in the middle, and the green is staircases.


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3rd: Show Building Layout
This one explains itself for the most part. Bext to each attraction/ area, it tells which floors of the 3-floor show room it will take up.
I could not illustrate on here that under the labs is a Cast Member break room/ prep room along with a sponsor lounge.
Also, Under the length of space provided for the shops/pre-show/post-queue area is extra queue for Storm Chasers. The circular building includes a ramp that will take guests from this queue up to the 3rd floor


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So there's phase one of the plan..Later tonight, I'll have the mobile sketches and layouts of the two pods up.
Wow! :eek:

I sure missed alot, anyways, I am here now

First order of business "multi-cyclic" would mean that the Flares wrap around the building a number of times, making multiple cycles around the building. I really like the way this is looking, the only suggestion I would still make would be that the Flares be wrapped a few more times around the building and maybe be a little bit thinner, I dunno it seems that the larger waves pattern seem a bit more archetypal of water rather than wind or weather. All in all though I think it looks great. Instead of a fountain though as WeirdOne had suggested what about a snow globe like structure that would well snow obviously, but also, rain, storm, tornado ect. sort of like a weather globe...Just something random that popped into my head.

As far as the mobile goes ummm alright I'll wait till you have posted more, but I must comment on one thing, I am not too keen on the idea of being able to "spy" on guests via the weather balloons I really do not see the connection between this and weather and may make some people feel uncomfortable.

Interior designs still look great!

I think they will work functionally well as they you have them; however I will respect any suggestions further made by WierdOne with the expertise via his ex-imagineer.


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Sorry, I still have to complain. SORRY!

First, can the restaurants have the changeable weather domes we planned in the beginning. PLEASE?!

Second, so, the StormRider queue and Fastpass starts in the right ear, then follows the building all the way to the back to reach the pre-show. Isn't that a horrible waste of space (especially when you have a whole floor of extra queue below the preshow.) That just seems to be too much wasted space to me.

Third, I will not let WeatherIfic! exit into the lobby. i want it to exit straight into the labs giving guest better access and letting them find them easier because they MUST go through them.

Fourth, StormChasers! must dump you into a gift shop, we're Disney, we take as much profit as possible.

Fifth, I STILL do not agree with the StormRider entrance being outside. That's a big NO NO in my opinion. I will not agree to it being outside. Not one ride has an outside entrance
maybe outside queue's but not entrances. They are always within the buildings themselves (the exception MIGHT, and I stress MIGHT be Ellen's Energy Adventure or Test Track, but their entrances are still inside.)

Sixth, I believe we can find room for bathrooms on the thrid floor. It's not fair to make people hold it.

Seventh, stairs should be escalators and stairs. Like the Land. Easier and much more convienent.

Eighth, Is there going to be a "hole" (don't know what else to call it) for the mobile. Like it extends all three floors, but will people on the second floor be able to see from the balcony to the first floor. Like, is there a roof between the mobile's first and second floor. I can't really explain it. Like know how the land has the center area that is open. And there is no roof between the first and second floor so the baloons can go from the first to the second. Like that, except for the mobile. Get it?

Ninth, glad the lab has many entrances and it big. We want education happening too you know. LOL!

Tenth, great job guys. This project is really taking off now again. Hopefully this one will get finished.

- The WeirdOne :D


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Originally posted by FigmentDream
I think they will work functionally well as they you have them; however I will respect any suggestions further made by WierdOne with the expertise via his ex-imagineer.

Um, I do not rely on my ex-Imagineer source too much on this project. Merely traffic flow ideas and stuff. Please do not think he is doing all of my work.

And yes, cameras are usually a NO NO in Disney due to voyeurim with sick people who like to misuse them. No Cameras Chad, sorry. - The WeirdOne :D
Originally posted by WeirdOne

Um, I do not rely on my ex-Imagineer source too much on this project. Merely traffic flow ideas and stuff. Please do not think he is doing all of my work.

I was refering to the traffic flow, sorry if I was too vauge.


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Oh no problem. I just wanted to clear that up so people don't think I'm faking my way through this project. Any comments on my suggestions? - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
Oi, You didn't read the whole thing OR look at the diagrams closely, did you?

Originally posted by WeirdOne
Sorry, I still have to complain. SORRY!

First, can the restaurants have the changeable weather domes we planned in the beginning. PLEASE?!

-----Sure, like I said, This is just a SPACE ALLOCATION diagrams, I haven't altered theming in anyway.-------

Second, so, the StormRider queue and Fastpass starts in the right ear, then follows the building all the way to the back to reach the pre-show. Isn't that a horrible waste of space (especially when you have a whole floor of extra queue below the preshow.) That just seems to be too much wasted space to me.

----------Nope, The right 'Ear' is more of a 'Display' area then anything, with a large spiral ramp leading up to the third floor. The 1st floor (As I CLEARLY stated in my posts) Is the ACTUAL Queue line..Think of it like The room in dinosaur, where Bill Nye Talks, and where the Dino Skeleton is..It's a BIG room, but has very little space for people, it's a 'Show' room. This will be the same thing. Plus, the extended 1st floor Queue line (which is QUITE large) Will allow us to make it EXTRA themed.. (Put in some of those Windows where guests can look out and see stormy weather outside that we were talking about earlier..)----------

Third, I will not let WeatherIfic! exit into the lobby. i want it to exit straight into the labs giving guest better access and letting them find them easier because they MUST go through them.

---------Sure thing, We can change that easily :)-------------

Fourth, StormChasers! must dump you into a gift shop, we're Disney, we take as much profit as possible.

-----------Again, if You looked at the Diagrams, you would see very CLEARLY that there is a large space labeled SHOP. I actually made it very large because you mentioned it in one of your last posts----------------

Fifth, I STILL do not agree with the StormRider entrance being outside. That's a big NO NO in my opinion. I will not agree to it being outside. Not one ride has an outside entrance
maybe outside queue's but not entrances. They are always within the buildings themselves (the exception MIGHT, and I stress MIGHT be Ellen's Energy Adventure or Test Track, but their entrances are still inside.)

---------Well, Technically it is inside..You'll never be waiting in line outside of a building, not even for a fast pass..

Universe Of Energy
Test Track
Journey into Imagination
Honey I Shrunk the Audience
Mission: Space (will, in the future anyways.)
Horizons (before it was demolished)
Spaceship Earth (And it ACTUALLY has an outside queue!)

I really can't see you validating this argument..Almost all of them are attractions first, then Empty into a pavillion of sorts..(You know, you ride the ride then play with some Post-Show stuff)------

Sixth, I believe we can find room for bathrooms on the thrid floor. It's not fair to make people hold it.

------That was a joke! There are two bathrooms located in the pavillion, one on the second floor, the other in the resteraunt area just inside the entrance..Thats exceptionally generous as far as Restrooms go..Most pavillions don't even HAVE bathrooms!-----

Seventh, stairs should be escalators and stairs. Like the Land. Easier and much more convienent.

-------Sure thing!------------

Eighth, Is there going to be a "hole" (don't know what else to call it) for the mobile. Like it extends all three floors, but will people on the second floor be able to see from the balcony to the first floor. Like, is there a roof between the mobile's first and second floor. I can't really explain it. Like know how the land has the center area that is open. And there is no roof between the first and second floor so the baloons can go from the first to the second. Like that, except for the mobile. Get it?

--------------Yup! FUlly viewable from all floors-------------

Ninth, glad the lab has many entrances and it big. We want education happening too you know. LOL!

-----------Thats why I put it in there!-------------

Tenth, great job guys. This project is really taking off now again. Hopefully this one will get finished.

- The WeirdOne :D


New Member
Oh, and the Cameras--Actually, I got the idea from disney..The Conservation Station has some cameras that you can use to look at people on the kilimanjaro safaris..But, i agree..lets scrap that one..I still like the idea of the weather ballons though, because, well, they'll make the mobile look Neat, what with all these brightly collored ballons independently moving around...How about this instead?

Anyone been to DisneyQuest? And played the Car Game? The Incan temple car game? Where you stan infront of a TV that is linked to a REAL remote control car with a camera on it. You see from the camera, and drive around, looking fro treasure, when you get close enough to the treasure, your car picks up on it (due to a radio signal the treasure gives off, it stops your car, and a little movie plays) The fun is that your friends can watch your car move through the maze, and shout directions at you..

We could do this with the ballons, have them move up and down, and be able to circle the column that the mobile is supported on, in search for certain types of clouds..When you find one (Cumulus Nimbus, Sirrus.. ETC..) Your ballon would stop, and a movie would play that explains a bit about the cloud (Like how Nimbus clouds are 'thunderheads' etc..etc..) You find all 'X' amounts of clouds, and get to watch a *SPECIAL* Movie, and a ticket prints out, that you can redeam for a special, 'Cloud Hunter Pin' (PLastic, and rather cheap, since we'll need quite a few)

How bout that? It'd be fun to watch all the ballons independently moving around..
First off I really like the new Balloon idea.

I only wonder though if multiple people are doing this multiple films may be going on simultaneously. So rather why not simply have the name of the cloud light-up when a guest hits it, and once all of them have been hit the individual weather balloon can light up or something. then they get the ticket and their pin. One of the Labs is a Cloud Lab, so I see no reason why the films could not be moved over there in some sort of a kiosk fashion instead.(BTW what happen to the "Labs" being called Weather Works???)

The only real issue that I find still a bit argumentable is the StormRider entrance. I will have to agree with Chad that it would be better to have an exterior entrance to help break the crowds that will surely clog the pavilion. However I wonder if a second entrance could not be added inside the building as well. What if the "right ear" was used as a rotunda entry plaza for the attraction the outside and inside doors could both enter into this area, then guests would combine to enter the true queue. This may seem to make the ear a traffic nightmare, but hopefully guests would not spend alot of time in it, by obviously marking the "real" entrance to the ride, also the outside entrance would be heavily marked and advertised as the entrance to the ride. Hopefully taking most of the guests simply passing by and all those intentionally seeking out the ride The interior would simply prevent guests already inside the pavilion for one reason or another to have to walk outside the pavilion to get on the ride. The ear then could be interiorly labeled more subtly. The ear could maybe be themed like the foyer entry area to the Company(sorry I forget the name)'s headquarters. Stationed there could be three cast members to prevent any congestion. A receptionist behind a desk, who would be back up normally she/he would be answering fake phone calls(alot could be done with that to tie in the story line) the primary "movers" here would be tow castmembers standing at the "interior" doors to the facility sorta like doormen, who would verbally usher in the guests. I think that would be a nice touch of Disney magic and would hopefully prevent any major traffic flow problems as well as a nice compromise.

The only other issue somewhat undecided is what to be done with the area around the mobile, I believe that WierdOne and myself voted for sinking it with the double ramp for aesthetic purposes but no one else has commented.


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Originally posted by Chad
Oi, You didn't read the whole thing OR look at the diagrams closely, did you?

Well, to be honest, I did, you just used small lettering on the SHOP part. I overlooked that, that was my fault. But, yes, I did read and look at the diagrams closely. Just because sometimes I act dumb in my posts and because I missed something doesn't mean you have to be*can't think of word* towards me. But, yes, I did read your post. I understand your frustration, I miss stuff lately because I start college on the 24th. OI, a 15 year old in college. OI. I need a break.

Figment, I agree on the ear idea. Getting late, I need to be in bed.

Chad, post your mobile idea/drawings already. In an earlier post, you told us to wait till we saw it. WE'RE WAITING...

Also, chad, glad the entrance isn't outside anymore. We can discuss themeing later right? Thank you for correcting me on the outside queues. It's been a while (NOTE TO CHAD - I easily miss things, don't blame me for it. And because I object a lot doesn't mean I hate/dislike/disapprove of your ideas. On the contrary.) You win on the bathrooms. You and your bathrooms ;). And also I love the way you easily agree wit the simplish most easy touches. That's why I love you Chad. As a buddy of course. GREAT IDEA WITH THE PINS! Are we sinking the mobile or not?

I'll complian about the mobile tomorrow when I get a chance to read it better.

- The WeirdOne :D

P.S. - Chad, for future reference, try not to be so critical towards me, I am a fool an d easily miss things. We're all human you know ;).


New Member
I'm sorry about last night..I was side-swipped by a drunk driver, sorta took my frustration out..I'm Fine, My cars fine.. (Funny thing about Saturns, those dent-resistant panels really do work) So I was sorta laying it on thick, and I apologize..Don't worry WeirdOne, I most definetly don't dislike/hate you, I think you're one of the most valuable people on here, and you have the some of the most amazing ideas. It's just my nature to be very argumentative :)

The Mobile..Yes Well, am still working on it, could you guys explain this 'sunken-in' thing again? I remember reading it and looking over the diagrams, but I can't visulize it very well


New Member
Ok, But the People can walk AROUND that area, right? They don't have to go down into the lowered spot, there's a pathway all the way around, correct? If so, I think thats a good Idea :) But we wouldn't do that on EVERY floor would we? Just on the bottom, right?

And figment Dream, I like the double-entry Idea, I think that'll be the best compromise for Storm. You Ok with it weirdone? We'll make half of the right ear sorta like an extra 'lobby' with two entrances, then have the queue inside of it..Like this:


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New Member
Ok, Here's some updated StormPlans..I gave them so lengths too, Which you can see in two different colored lines on the first floor..They're negotiable


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Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
ok, here I am! lol I haven't died... just been busy with some stuff. I had a couple things that I wish could be on the outside. First, a fountain is a must right smack in the center of the entrance way with a circular path leading around it. Kind of like the Sorcerer Mickey founatin in the Imagineering book. (Not sorcerer Mickey of course, but I mean placed like that fountain is.) Also, I think mosaics along the outside lower walls would look great. Tile pictures depicting different types of weather. One thing I thought would be cool, but I doubt you'd think the same would be a little courtyard off to the side very nicely landscaped with lots of hand crafted windchimes. Call it the Court of Winds or something. Then, inside have a shop called "Winds of Change" that sells windchimes like those found outside along with a work bench area where guests can watch them being made. Tell me what you think. Any feedback is appriciated.



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Originally posted by DisneyExpert
ok, here I am! lol I haven't died... just been busy with some stuff. I had a couple things that I wish could be on the outside. First, a fountain is a must right smack in the center of the entrance way with a circular path leading around it. Kind of like the Sorcerer Mickey founatin in the Imagineering book. (Not sorcerer Mickey of course, but I mean placed like that fountain is.) Also, I think mosaics along the outside lower walls would look great. Tile pictures depicting different types of weather. One thing I thought would be cool, but I doubt you'd think the same would be a little courtyard off to the side very nicely landscaped with lots of hand crafted windchimes. Call it the Court of Winds or something. Then, inside have a shop called "Winds of Change" that sells windchimes like those found inside along with a work bench area where guests can watch tem being made. Tell me what you think. Any feedback is appriciated.


Ok, we dropped Sorcerer Mickey after a while. I tried to convince them, but it was a no go. SORRY. I felt the same way. I like the idea it spiraling up to the entrance. It much more aesthetic and better looking. OH, now, upon closer inspection, I realized you didn't want Mickey, just the way it looks. GET IT. See, I do make mistakes. LOL! That courtyar and windchime shop are excellent ideas. I think that's one of the greatest ideas I've heard. AMAZING. You have a knack for that little Disney touch. Great Work. I say it goes in. - The WeirdOne :D


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CHAD - Ok, now don't yell at me this time if I miss something again, PLEASE. Glad the dent resistant doors work. Happy everything was ok. Ok, time for my complains.

First, where's the mobile drawings you promised us?

Second, People can walk around the mobile.

Third, we wouldn't do it for every floor, because, how would we really when there open space so people can see down floors right ;)?

Fourth, I love the idea with the double entry and I FULLY AGREE. FULLY. But, where is the fastpass now, because in the drawing it looks like it's back outside. That's confusing me.

Fifth, for the large display, I say we make it like on of those machines with weather readings and all you see it red cells and warning signs, etc. Get it?

Sixth, Could you explain the 40ft and the 32 ft thing. It's weird and if I'm seeing it right, you must have misinterpreted the disagram we showed you.

Seventh, on the second floor diagram, I assume that those black squares around the mabile are computers or something?

Eighth, GREAT WORK GUYS, I think to furthur make Chad's designs readable, I'm seriously considering re-doing them like my first ones so they are better read and understandable. Sorry Chad, paint doesn't cut it anymore. LOL! I hope you get that that was sarcasm. LOL!

- The WeirdOne :D

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
ok, i hear we're planning on having an entrance to StormChasers inside and out. Excuse me for being negative here but.. that is the WORST idea I've heard yet. If you do this:

a. it will cause too much confusion from idiots wondering into the queue from the outside thinking it's the entrance to the pavilion

b. too much congestion at the main entrance from people stopping to figure out whihc door is to the pavillion and which is the ride and then standing there deciding which they want to do.

c. If people enter from the outside, let's say they just want to do the ride and they leave their stroller there or even if they don't have a stroller, (but the stroller people would be the most ticked), and they just plan on riding and coming out. After the ride they get dumped onto the 3rd floor which requires them to navigate a pavillion they may not be familiar with in order to get back to the outside where they thought they'd be unloading the entire time. Not good.

d. what happens if the line stratches outside Test Track style? People trying to get into the pavillion will be all too confused and cluttered by the many bodies stretching around the entrance. They may even get in line for the ride thinking it's the line to get into the pavillion then they get to the load and it's too late but they didn't want to ride the ride, just browse the pavillion.

e. The "Lobby" that the inside and outside entrances dump you into would be so crowded it wouldn't even be funny. Regardles sof if you have cast members there directing people, folks don't always want to listen and there will be so much confusion. drawing from my previous point, what if the line stretches out? Where the hell would it go? Inside or out? And if it stretched both ways, where would the two join to get into the one line? and if it only stretches in one direction, what happens to poor soles trying to get in from the side that it's not stretched out of? Where do they get in line? Do we force them to walk all the way out (or in, as the case may be) just to get into the line? Like I said, mass confusion.

I really think that this needs to be reworked. really.


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