Pavillion Layout (Renderings Inside)


I still like your design and I agree it does not look like Mission:Space, I see the "swirl" resemblance but I don't see it as too much of a likeness. Do you have an interior of that design?, I do not really see the "Mickey" design being the best use of space either.

I like your idea of interaction for the fountain/mobile,but I have little faith in park guests, rather than allow them to talk to one another and allow the possibility of fights, profanity and what not, have a list of commands that each level can send to the other two available on a touch screen and the other levels would have screens that would display those requests of the other floors, the guests could then activate or reject those requests, in case of an absence at that floor there would be a time restriction to fulfill the order or it will be automatically carried out. I think will still provide an opportunity for teamwork and interaction in a much more predictable environment.

Also I feel that if we are going to add interaction to it, we might as well add as much and as realsitic effects as possible.


New Member
Give me two weeks, and I'll design it..That'll put me past exams..which are killing me. I've got some really great elaborate Ideas, and I like the button Idea, much more manageable. That's great :)

Anyone else, feel free to draw up some plans too, but I'll have mine up in 2 weeks.

As for the interior design...No, nothing. The outside of the building was more for looks, The middle dome is the only REAL dome, the rest is all faux with the actual building behind it. So it can have any shape we want to give it.


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I still say we keep the mickey head. I personally think that is excellent use of space because Weatehrific needs a circular theather, and StormChasers! can fit in the other ear and the middle is free to everything else. I think it works perfectly. But, seems I am outnumbered. HATE IT WHEN NO ONE IS ON MY SIDE :(. Oh well :(.

I still don't like the outside design, lets compromise now. I say we get rid of those side things. I don't know what they are, but I personally don't like them. That's my opinion. Second, I say the entrance wind around with a fountain in the middle. Like This.


Those dashed lines are pathways. Just picture them more round. Kinda like an oval. Also, for the design, I say the whole outside be painted kindof like the Living Seas thing with the sun, only more sand-like. And make like that "sand" appear to morph for the sun into a thunderbolt and into rain which appears to morph to snow, which morphs to a cloud, etc. Like make the mural flow like that. Sorta. I hope that makes sense.

NOW THE BIG ISSUE! The mobile. Ok, here me out before you out number me again on this ;). I like the mobile idea. I don't like it being turned it to toooo big of an attraction. I don't like it being called an attraction PERIOD. Maybe exhibit. Maybe display. NOT ATTRACTION. I like the idea of it being interactive. I don't like it getting complicated. Look how complicated we turned LoL and look what happened to it. I don't want us to end up screwing the pavillion over because of over complicating things. I want the moblile to be simple, yet interactive. I like the team wrok idea, but guests don't care, little kinds prolly don't understand and adults just wanna see stuff. The button idea is great. Again, hear me out first. But, we are just way too overcomplicating this mobile. I personally think it should be a tower. On the lower level we have like let's say 4 "TESLA Coil Looking Thingies". These are main control pods for this. They are like generators (no real purpose [decoration maybe]). On each level there are little weahter pavillion touch screens randomly placed along the railings. From there, lets saya guest chooses rain. The "TESLA Coil Looking Thingies" send a shock to the top (with soundeffects) causing it to perform that task. Like sprinkle water for rain, snow for snow, etc. etc. It is simple idea that I personally feel works easier and better without just ruining the idea of a mobile in the firstplace.

Thanks for hearing me out. Now bash me all you want. Out number me again 2 - 1 since it is mainly us three working. Whatever. Like I said, I never wanted it to be a simple mobile like The Land. I mentioned in some posts make it interactive but not pushing the limit so far that it just ruins the idea. - The WeirdOne :D

P.S. - Sorry if this offends anyone or their feelings. This is me, get used to it.

P.P.S. - Sorry for being pessimistic. I have a disease and am taking meds, and am just having problems all over. I might have to have surgery. But, nevermind that. Maybe I'm having PMS for men or something.
Well personally I am neutral to whether or not the "team work" idea is used for the fountain/mobile, I just like the idea of the touch screen, seems to be the easiest way to sort out the functions.

I still feel the overall design is still up in the air, so let's just see what pans out.

I'll be gone for a while so I probably won't see the boards again till this weekend.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
::jumps on the bandwagon::

Hey, count me in on this! Sorry I've been MiA lately, heh...

I do think we're overcomplicating the mobile, keep it simple.

Seeing as I've not done much, could someone fill me in on the project? (What each ride is, what happened to the Tornado ride, ect.)


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Jake, just read the past topics. They have it all. Look up to maybe 10 - 15 topics back fromt his one, everything in betweeen is tornado, weatherific, etc. - The WeirdOne :D


Well-Known Member
What about this, I removed the things on the side, And made it more squarish, It has the curves in frount for looks, and maby what ever circular thing was going in them, It is 3 floors, and has mirals in frount of the building. I just made them a quick draw so their might not be any or if their is it would not look like that.


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First and foremost, before we do anything, we need to settle on a building design. SO, no work on anything else until we get this and the mobile settled out? Ok? GOOD! - The WeirdOne :D

P.S. - I still think we keep the designs the way I have them.


Well-Known Member
What i say is,
We can still have the circular theaters, and have the impression of it beaing a hidden mickey shape, Have curves on the outside. The theaters would be in the outer curves, and the rest would be housed in what ever, it would be basically one huge square, or rectangle. Just having the impression of it beaing the mickey head. I have been working on that idea during my testing days, When i had no testing, exept for 2 classes, 2 out of 6 isnt bad. I have a drawing of it, it is sketchy, if you want to see it, i will post it.
Why not make the building design whatever works best for the attractions and use the dome skylights to form a hidden Mickey on the top of the building?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FigmentDream
Why not make the building design whatever works best for the attractions and use the dome skylights to form a hidden Mickey on the top of the building?

That's about exactually what my, curent above plan has. A Hiddenmickey, created by the domes, and having larve curves in frount. Having the impression. If i can shrink my concrpt art i will post it ASAP.
Originally posted by Figment1986

having larve curves in frount. Having the impression. If i can shrink my concrpt art i will post it ASAP.

I am still lost as to what you mean by large curves and giving the "impression" of a hidden mickey, if the domes on top form a hidden mickey it is there; no "impression" needed, hopefully your rendering can clear this up.


New Member
I'm here, I'm here..Just sorta sitting on the sidelines for a minute or so..TOmmorow, I'm off the majority of the day, I'll have some new stuff up

You're way, in my opinion, is the ONLY way to go, have one main building sort of a lobby, with the attraction buildings coming off the side..As for the hidden mickey..Have we thought out all our possibilites? This is only going to be viewable from the air, so what else can we do to make the mickey head? There's gonna be a parking lot behind the building (as there are at every epcot pavillion) maybe it could be a round one to complete the ears? Then we could also play around with plants and such..
Just some new thoughts


Well-Known Member
curently i have no idea what i posted, i hope this picture can explain. I will redetail it. Make it look more what i think it needs to look like. I may have it done sometime tomorrow.


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Actually Chad, that's not too bad of an idea, although due to recent budget cuts and stuff, if we use plants or a parking lot, you know Disney will eventually kill them. And, plus, I've got most of the pavillion layed out perfectly with minmal guest traffic crowding (well, some, if we are still keeping the Tea Cups.). I love the new thoughts.

Figments - Another set of great ideas. This is the beauty of Imagineering, COMPRIMISE. LOL! Ok, let's see if maybe we can combine the two ideas?

- The WeirdOne :D


New Member
Well, can we see your traffic flow outlines? It would help with the designs..

I like FigmentDreams Idea too, The three domes, now that I look at it, allows there to be a hidden mickey, but doesn't compromise the Space below..If you guys don't want to play around with the parking lot and such, then I'd say go with the three domes. I didn't have half as much time as I thought I would today, sorry guys..I do have some stuff to put up, it's just finding the time to scan it all in (my scanner is a butt hole) Anyways, I don't want us to get TOO caught up with this hidden mickey buisness, it's a nice idea, but I'd rather have a functional, practical building, then a mickey that only a very select few would get to see.


Well-Known Member
Well, with my curent sketch, It has only curves on the exterior, It will be a large interior, but i have the top of the building a different color or slightly rased with the domes to make the mickey. and the rest in my mind i cant explain. I got to get it in my sketch book. I may have it by tomorrow morning. Or even tonight. I don't know. But at least my design is a idea. I promiss to have a better version of it soon. That one i made in like 5 min.


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Chad, I didn't really draw out these outline. I have them planned very very well in my head.

WARNING (DISCLAIMER) - I am not, nor do I claim to be a traffic analyzer or an expert on traffic flow. These are merely my predictions on what will happen based on past things like this. This is not to be taken too literaly. ALSO, based upon my diagrams in posts 1,2,3.

- Tea Cups - Heavy conjestion in center due to everyone wanting to see the teacups, etc. Not to mention lines, and the such.

- Nothing in middle - Leaves hardly any conjeestion as there are no real "wienies" to distract the guests and cause traffic problems.

- Mobile - VERY HEAVY Conjestion in center area due to everyone wanting to see and play with mobile. Think Light Magic Conjestion. I mean, it's BAD.

- Heavy conjestion around exit/gift shop.
- Long Queues (hopefully :p)
- Moderate Conjestion around FastPass Area.
- Conjestion could be avoided by placing the entrance and fastpass on second floor and having the queue start on second floor and go down to first (Think opposite of TTA/PeopleMover).

- Conjestion around entrance.
- VERY HEAVY to HEAVY conjestion in and around labs because of everyone wanting to play, etc.
- CROWD EATER - Not to worry too much about this area.

Restaurants And Shops
- Conjestion varies in areas, but based upon their location, I would say HEAVYISH around first floor, lighter on second floor.

- If we leave this area blocked off with a big wall, could cause some traffic problems, if we turn it into an open courtyard or something and demolish it when we get a new attraction rady, guest traffic is descreased becasuse spead out over a big area.
- Also, people leaving the LABS will exit right onto this area, this affects traffic in a big way.

Ok, well, there are my ideas and interpretations on guest flow.

Just something I thought I'd throw in. We really are starting to work like a real Imagineering crew right now. Anazlyzing guest traffic and building design without too much focus on the details yet. Good job guys on such an amazing thing we have done. Even if we don't finish this, LIKE LoL, we will have learned so much. Well, ok, now back to the project.

What do you guys think of my analyzation? - The WeirdOne :D

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