Pavillion Layout (Renderings Inside)


New Member
Hey everyone, just so you guys don't think I've abandoned you, I am still around , Our computers are all down still, thats why I'm absent. It's taken me.....45 minutes just to get here..I hate TABS! Anyways, My dad says we'll have things cleared up by tonight, So, that means, it'll probably take....15 years..Oi..All I can really say Is, I'll see you when i see you, which should, in all truth, be sometime in the upcoming week. I hope the chat went well, if anyone wants to give me a synopsis, I'll find the time to read it.

WeirdOne, Don't worry, it was late, we all yelled, we all screamed, I need to apologize as well. You're still my number 2 :)


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Chad, nothing happened in the chat, we kinda need you there. We did have a very interesting chat about Bratney Spears. - The WeirdOne :D
Weather Works Update

Just to let you guys know I will have the new (and hopefully final) renderings for Weather Works done and up as early as the 4th. I would have had them up sooner, but I started taking 3 college classes last week(getting communication out of the way, engineers don't need no stinking communication :hammer: ) Anyways the point is if anyone wanted to change anything to the content or the structural shape speak now or forever hold your peace, or until I have it posted ;)


Well-Known Member
I am back, IU am relaxed. My brain is still messed up. I hert all over. But i am ready to work again. But no new ideas from me yet.

I love the princess cruse line, Especially their ship "Grand Princess"


New Member
Ok, guys, I am officially /back/! I got the Internet, and I've got SOJI! I am a happy guy!

Anywho, We need to sort the layout out -NOW-. Well, not now, but, how about in an AOL chat room Friday, 10:30pm EST? Expect it to be lengthy, expect it to be in depth, expect it to be free of Britney Spears.

If this time and day is not good, please contact me, and adjustments and/or conditions will be made.
Here are is the final sequqence which ironically enough you wrote out:

1 Intro
2 Precipitation, Evaporation, Temperature changes
3 Wind currents, Meaning and types of Cloud Formations
4 Storm In a bottle (Thunderstorm)
5 Interactive (Explained below)
6 Unload

Ok, The interactive part..
If you've been to Innoventions, and played the Racing game, this is alot easier to explain.

Basically, it's going to work off this priniple:
A pane of glass (any size) placed in front of a canvas will cause any image projected on it to appear as large as the canvas.

This principle would be applied at the end. Seats would be 'Grouped' into sections of four seats. At the end, a glass pane would lower down from the ceiling, infront of the theater would be a HUGE white canvas, IMAX size. At the end of Scene 4, guests would be directed to a 'selection panel' on one of the seats, where guest will push buttons to choose 3 weather conditions to experience. This would occur as the cars move from scene 4 to 5. once they reach 5, the glass panels would be lowered, and the projections would start. The ceiling would also be lower here, and each seat would have fans, misters, heat lamps, cool-air jets, and vibrating seats for each group. This would allow the 'teens' to choose more thirlling experiences, the kids to choose the safe ones, and the confused people to choose a mixture of dangerous and fun ones. Then, the screens would go up, and a general IMAX ending would be presented to everyone..Perhaps a large view of earth from space, showing all the storm patterns from a sattelite view, with an inspirational catch phrase (similar to "If we can dream it, we can do it!" Only this one would pertain to weather) ~


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Originally posted by Chad
Ok, guys, I am officially /back/! I got the Internet, and I've got SOJI! I am a happy guy!

Anywho, We need to sort the layout out -NOW-. Well, not now, but, how about in an AOL chat room Friday, 10:30pm EST? Expect it to be lengthy, expect it to be in depth, expect it to be free of Britney Spears.

If this time and day is not good, please contact me, and adjustments and/or conditions will be made.

Ok, Chad, can we make this at least 30 minutes earlier. I am kindof on restriction andd I need to be done ASAP with the chat. - The WeirdOne :D


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I'll be there at 10 and I'll wait till 10:45 for anyone to show up, before I leave. What's our AIM/AOL s/n Chad? - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
Ok, I posted this on FigmentDream's thing..But here's something a bit more..

We had the chat, it was quick, but we made some finite decision, that were quite important. We basically fused my queue plans with the rest of Figment's Ideas. This will acomplish quite a bit:

#1 It Keeps the show building far back, and able to be hidden.

#2 Gives maximum space for Storm Queue

#3 Still Incorporates most of WeirdOne's great ideas for resteraunt/shop layouts, along with his traffic flow, etc.

WeirdOne- I want you in charge of pavillion layouts. Don't do it over night, plan it out well, and get everything as detailed and well sclaed as possible. Speak to me and FigmentDream --(In private chats if neccesary) about where things will be placed.
But you've proven you're good at doing this, and I want you to lead up this phase of the project. Once past this, we get the weatherific script, and design the resteraunts and shops, and guess what...? We're finished with planning! Then we could just add general art and hopefully some flash movies that show the ride...But we can move on to project 3! Woo-Hoo!

I used the area aloted on WeirdOne's most recent design, Here is the link to the pages where the designs are:


Hopefully that section will stay the same if not just let me know and we can work something out I am sure.

Also I am a little confused to what exactly was decided on in the chat; sorry I was not there, but I did not think it was going to happen since there was no real official word, like there had been before; could someone fill me in please?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of the Resturaunt,

Why cant we make it only 2 stories. And place a Shop below it. The Show will be scientific related stuff related to Weather. The resturaunt is still not entirely planed out in my head, But will change it;s season, Every 15 min. So Summer, Fall, Winter, then Spring. Their would be a dome if i remember right which will represent the changing weather patterns. And the changing weather would also be visable from the Store.
The Resturunt would Be Sitdown, And might have some charicters come, Depending on the weather. Their would also be a slight change in the temp of the resturaunt, Depenting on the season.

How is this??

(Please dont tourture me, I will not overthrow you again, Sorry, sorry, Me have a bord brain that comes up with weard ideas like that)

What did i just type??


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Originally posted by FigmentDream

Hopefully that section will stay the same if not just let me know and we can work something out I am sure.

Also I am a little confused to what exactly was decided on in the chat; sorry I was not there, but I did not think it was going to happen since there was no real official word, like there had been before; could someone fill me in please?

OK, I don't think any changes will be happening to the area. I think I might have to remove the shop. But, not sure on that. The chat decieded not much. First we decieded upon the pavillion layout itself. That's said here. Also, we deceided on the restaurant. it will be the changing type like Animator's Pallete on the cruise ship and will use your snowglobe as a center show piece (if you don't mind). That's basically it. - The WeirdOne :D
Originally posted by WeirdOne

Also, we deceided on the restaurant. it will be the changing type like Animator's Pallete on the cruise ship and will use your snowglobe as a center show piece (if you don't mind). That's basically it. - The WeirdOne :D

Sounds cool, use away! :D


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Chad, I have been really busy lately and am only getting busier by the day. I'm afraid I can't do the renderings. I'm under too much pressure and have too little time on my hands to be doing stuff like that. I'm sorry I can't do them. - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
bah! Ok, ok, I'll work on it. Now that I'm back from the beach (and all tanned, I'm a sexy beast!) I have some time to put it together. Other then that, the only thing holding us back from moving on to another project is a weatherific Script...Any Volunteers...? (Said in a 'Ghost Host' type voice.)
I started a script for weatherific! back in the Weatherrific! post but it was not very good, and that is really not one of my strehgths; but someone could maybe fix up what I have and jump frog it, if they wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I gess School is back for all (:hurl: :hurl: :hurl: )
I was dootling during percussion class today, And i made a slight modification to the pavilion. Here it is, I hope...


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