Park Pet Peeves


Active Member
Guys, I've deleted a lot of the "bickering between one or two posters" posts because, quite frankly, the rest of us are tired of them.

I will say it for the 100th time...THINK before you post. I know it's hard to believe, but except in rare cases, no one is sitting there trying to think up something specifically intended to irritate YOU, personally. This is why I dislike these "pet peeves" sort of threads.

We ALL innocently (or for our own convoluted reasons) do things from time to time that will annoy others. And there it is a natural response to try to explain our actions to others when we feel that we are being attacked. If that doesn't work, we all get angry, and things get nasty around here.

So please, stop painting others with such a broad brush, but if that brush crosses over you, try not to take everything posted personally. At least TRY to see the other person's POV, even if you disagree with it. If you can't do that, then ignore them. After all, when all is said and done, the majority of us are just strangers on a discussion forum, so why should our opinions bother you?
Perfect. Couldnt have said it better.:sohappy:


Parents spreading out the family on a full bus when they could group the under five year olds all into one seat so more unable bodied people could sit


New Member
What ruins it for me are all the rude people visiting the parks. Example: people who walk right at you (if everybody would stay to the right, it wouldn't be a problem). One of my biggest pet peeves are those last minute people who feel the need to crowd you when you are trying to watch a parade/Wishes,etc. I always arrive early to get a good spot...and it never fails...the people who show up right before start time, and try to get in front of you or just get right up in your personal space. And of course, then they hoist their child up on their shoulders blocking your view. Fun times!


New Member
Original Poster
You know what peeves me? Getting stuck in the back row of the ride. You always see the queue infront of you... and it's kinda like playing blackjack. Party of 2... Party of 4... party of 11 (!!!) we need two more, ooops, that's us... back row. waaaah waaaaah bust.


Here's one I haven't seen so far-people who have the pull behind suitcases at the parks. You can at least see strollers and wheelchairs and the people pushing them can see where they are. You don't expect someone to be pulling something behind them and they certainly aren't paying attention to what's behind them. I've almost been taken down a few times at park closing by someone pulling a suitcase behind them. Not only that, but WHY would you want to be lugging something that big around with you all day? Doesn't seem fair to the person stuck with suitcase duty!

I second the Healy's. Is there some reason these children have to roll instead of walking? My step-niece was going to purchase some for her children before their Disney trip last Christmas and I told her that she would be better off getting them Disney crocs!


Active Member
Here goes mine:

1. People who do not wear deoderant. It should be mandatory to wear some prior to entering the parks.

2. Personal space violators. Standing 1 inch from the back of me will not make the line move any faster. Its all too important to have some space between you and those in line :hurl:.

3. A person viloating #1 and 2! Its real bad if a stranger is touching you and hasn't put on any deoderant that day. :eek:

4. People who physically push and bump into you while you are walking (at a good pace), only to get right in front of you and come to a dead stop. This is especially bad if the person you cut off is pushing a stroller! It happens more than you think. We walk at a fast pace, while pushing the stroller and every time someone does this. Every scenario is different and there are those who are not mindful of those around them and just stop in the middle of a walkway for no reason, stroller pushing or not. Just stating our experience and not wanting to start a stroller debate.:D

I agree with number 2, however when they cram you in like cattle and tell you to fill every available space it makes it diffiicult for one not to invade your space
I would definitely have to say...

1) Idiots taking flash pictures on dark rides. Went on Snow White one time and the people in front of us took flash pictures almost the entire ride. Very rude.

2) Parents who scream at their kids in front of a crowd of people.

3) People who talk during films - had a couple talk all the way through Impressions De France one time.

4) Kids who can't sit still and keep talking during shows that are more for grown ups. Had one experience totally ruined at American Adventure.

5) And my favorite - you're waiting in a looooong line at one of the fast food places - lets say the Harbor House. The people in front of you have had 20 minutes to stare at the menu and decide, yet when they finally get to the cast member at the register they go "Uhhhh... hmmmm.. let me see here......" :brick:


Hmm, smokers in areas other than designated or those who straddle the designated areas as if they will disappear if they actually enter the smoking area. Those afraid of deodorant and showers so they stink up the park. People who think they are my jacket or just stand close enough to me in line they feel like one. Parents that force their kids to do things they do not want to do because, "I paid a lot of money for this and you are going to do this!" Big pet peeve, the parks are for the kids, not for you to feel you are getting your money's worth! The people who just do not listen to simple instructions given by the CM's. Ahhhh, it was nice getting that off my chest.


Active Member
I have a few that were mentioned:

1. People who smoke in non-designated areas.

2. People that try to push past you in line to "catch up with mom, dad, friend, etc." Why can't they all wait to get on the line together???

3. People who scream like banshees on Tower of Terror preshow. Yeah, we know you're been on the ride before and yeah, you think it's funny, but the 4-year old and their parents that you just scared the crap out of don't think so.

4. People who can't walk 2 feet to the trash can and leave their cups, bags, etc. sitting on the bench.

5. People who use foul language. Hey, dummy! This is WDW not the bar on the corner.

6. People who stand practically on top of the back of my shoes in line. Hey, there! Did you want to take me to dinner first before we get this personal?


Well-Known Member
i just love it when you wait for a bus and you get the last 4 seats, after you were at the park all day, and waiting for a bus for like 20 min... then one pulls up behind the one you just got in...

then some random lady yells at you for sitting, while she stands there instead of getting on the other bus and she yells at Bi**hes at you then she gets her husband going and mind you she wasnt wearing deodorant. oh dear lord:mad::lol:


Active Member
What ruins it for me are all the rude people visiting the parks. Example: people who walk right at you (if everybody would stay to the right, it wouldn't be a problem). One of my biggest pet peeves are those last minute people who feel the need to crowd you when you are trying to watch a parade/Wishes,etc. I always arrive early to get a good spot...and it never fails...the people who show up right before start time, and try to get in front of you or just get right up in your personal space. And of course, then they hoist their child up on their shoulders blocking your view. Fun times!

That is when i say something


Well-Known Member
As far as the rude people go I usually try to ignore them. It makes no sense to me to get angry when I am on vacation. My pet peeve is when I overhear people making offensive comments about the place that we all love. It seems silly but just the other day I overheard a woman talking at the grand floridian telling her friends not to go to epcot because it was such a snore. You would think that I built the place by the way that that comment made me feel. However, she was entitled to her opinion even though she is dead wrong.:lol:


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I've seen it several times and will never understand it:

A parent hollering at their crying, over-tired child: "I spent thousands of dollars for this damn vacation and you're bloody well going to have fun! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!"

How could any rational human being imagine that's going to improve their child's demeanour? :brick:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Parents who change their kids p00py diapers on the table, in the middle of a dining establishment (counter service... full service.. where ever) I HAVE seen it.

Umm ew... I was eating.... thanks.


Well-Known Member
I try really hard not to be annoyed when I'm on vacation, but when it's super hot out and it's crowded sometimes you can't help it.

The first year we went my daughter was 5 ( she is now 11) but we had driven that year, so we drove our car to one of the parks. After a very long day we had waited about 30 or so minutes for a tram. As we were walking up to the tram this adult man and woman shoved my little girl out of the way to get on instead of us. And they had just walked up. I'm not kidding you when I tell you my hubby had to hold me back because they were going to pay for even touching her. They knew that they had done it because they wouldn't even look our way. I know it's been so many years but thinking about how rude people are just makes my blood boil. :fork:

And then another time about 3 yrs ago, I was separated from my family on the bus. I was all the way in the back. This lady was taking sooooooooo long to get her stuff together to get off the bus. Her daughter was standing right in the walk way and no one wanted to go around her. So the kid moved over to the side and I went around and the mother yelled at me. She told me that I could wait. And I told her that my family was already gone and she said I'm sure they will wait. I said oh really? Do I know you? And she said no and I said then you don't know what my family will do and no they won't wait. We don't get to come once a month like you. She was telling someone next to her that she gets to go to WDW several times a month. Trust me, if we could go several times a month we would:D Of course at the end of the night she was on our bus back to the resort. And she recognized me and moved really slow to get on the bus. She took forever breaking down her stroller and picking up her stuff. She looked at me and smiled. I kept my cool then. I was so proud of myself!!:)


Parents who change their kids p00py diapers on the table, in the middle of a dining establishment (counter service... full service.. where ever) I HAVE seen it.

Umm ew... I was eating.... thanks.

lol probably the same people that let their kid ______ in the plastic bag


The fact is, if everybody has to wait in line, then when the ECV gets to the front, everyone behind it will have to clamber around because they won't load an ECV onto an already full bus. So now the disabled person has to wait longer. The reality is despite it being your pet peeve, Disney actually knows what they're doing and have developed an efficient and cost-effective process. I think they've been in business long enough to know the best overall approach. The fact that you get delayed a few minutes here and there probably doesn't cause anyone but you to lose sleep at night. If you want, I'm sure any person forced to use an ECV or wheelchair would gladly trade places with you and "suffer" your pain...

The world doesn't revolve around you, get over yourself.

thank god im renting a car when we go with my mother-in-law who will need an ecv

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