Out of control WDW ticket prices


A Long Time DVC Member
Respectfully, I think you've missed the point.

Virtually everything at WDW today was built by the mid-1990s. Compared to previous decades, corporate Disney is not investing in WDW.

Unless you want to count more Disney Vacation Club resorts. :rolleyes:

It is market based. If this price is too high - do not go. Enought said.
A much smaller Disney company invested billions in Orlando and remained highly profitable throughout its first 25-30 years.

It's only been during the last 10-15 years, during which the theme parks have absolutely stagnated compared with previous decades, that prices have spun out of control.

And it does not cost Disney more to run the parks today. Quite the opposite. WDW's biggest single expense is payroll and, adjusted for inflation, CMs are paid less today than they were in WDW's Golden Era. Meanwhile, maintenance budgets have been slashed.

And families do not make more today than in the past. Even with the rise of 2-income families, adjusted for inflation, median household income is up only about 10% since 1971. Families are working more hours than ever and yet are barely keeping up with inflation.

Unlike the 1970s and 1980s, today's WDW makes a ton of cash from hotels and timeshares.

WDW has never been more profitable.

Corporate Disney is drawing a boatload of cash from WDW and not investing it back into the parks.

The price is market based, if it is too high do not go. Enough said.


Well-Known Member
On my iPhone, can't seem to find the post from @psukardi mentioning the Apple products...

What a lot of people fail to realize when it comes to Apples products is the level of service I get for the premium I pay. I have a 2010 MacBook Pro. Paid a lot more for it than I ever spent for a regular Windows-based laptop. I never had a Windows-based laptop last 4 yrs. Additionally, there's the value in knowing if I have a problem I can go right up the road to the Genius Bar and get help from a live person who's first language is the same as mine. Last summer my charger stopped working. I went up to the Genius Bar and they gave me a replacement. No additional $$ to spend. This for a 3 yro MBP that was long out of warranty. I recently had a problem with one of my teens screwing up my keychain password. Took it to the Genius Bar and BAM. Fixed. No $$ spent. I pay more for Apple products because they last. Apple stands behind their products and the service is excellent. I pay more because I get more.

In contrast, I'm not really interested in returning to WDW because I don't think I get more when I pay more there these days.

If you have never had a windows based laptop last more than 4 years, most likely it was do to the manufacturer and not windows. I have a 7 year old Lenovo and 4 year old Toshiba Satellite, and the only issue I ever had was promptly fixed by Toshiba. We also had a 2006 Dell laptop that only went 3 months ago, after being dropped one too many times (which we replaced with a mac book pro.) Now that many Microsoft stores are popping up, getting repairs or customer service is just as efficient as going to your local Apple store.

But more on topic,

"Apple stands behind their products and the service is excellent. I pay more because I get more.

In contrast, I'm not really interested in returning to WDW because I don't think I get more when I pay more there these days.

this X10000.
I have been hearing more and more stories of customer service failure on Disney's part and it is clear, Disney no longer provides the service or quality it once did.


A Long Time DVC Member
A well thought out and fact based rebuttal......well done!!

I agree. I'm tired of people ing and moaning because they can't easily achieve the dream that Disney portrays in those heart warming commercials....let them eat cake!!!

No let them go to Universal!


Well-Known Member
A well thought out and fact based rebuttal......well done!!

I agree. I'm tired of people ing and moaning because they can't easily achieve the dream that Disney portrays in those heart warming commercials....let them eat cake!!!
Damn straight. Tell this to my 17 yro who worked his butt off saving for 2 years to obtain his dream of buying a muscle car. He picked it up a week ago. He didn't buy new and didn't get his ultimate ideal ride but he achieved something huge. He couldn't be happier.


A Long Time DVC Member
Damn straight. Tell this to my 17 yro who worked his butt off saving for 2 years to obtain his dream of buying a muscle car. He picked it up a week ago. He didn't buy new and didn't get his ultimate ideal ride but he achieved something huge. He couldn't be happier.

I did not make my first trip to a Disney park until I was in college. Worked a part time job all summer to save enough to go. Now I go several times a year, but I have work hard to earn and save my money to do the things I want to do. By the way I drive a 2002 Ford Truck with 240,000 miles on it. I put my money where I enjoy it the most.


Well-Known Member
And do you think that is achievable still today? Do you think a college age kid can save up and make the same level of vacation you took back then.. still today?
*RAISES HAND* :hilarious:

My friends and I are all current college students/recent grads and go every year or every other year. We all work full time though, and some live with parents, some live with spouses (like myself) so sharing bills definitely helps free up money for Disney.


A Long Time DVC Member
And do you think that is achievable still today? Do you think a college age kid can save up and make the same level of vacation you took back then.. still today?

Yes I do. I made a lot less money at that time and we cut cost by doing thing like staying off park and eating breakfast in the car on the way to the park. At that time there was only one park with only one E Ticket ride coupon in my book. Could not afford to buy an additional E Ticket, so sent a lot of time deciding with one to ride.


A Long Time DVC Member
Yes, that's brilliant business strategy; tell the customer to stop complaining or stop buying the product.

You stick with that attitude. You'll go far.

I am not Disney so it is not a business strategy at all. I am just tried of so many people on this web site doing nothing but finding things to complain about. I go to Walt Disney World to enjoy myself and if I did not like what Disney was doing there I would not go. Not a business strategy at all. Disney has invested billions of dollars in the last few years in parks, park expansions, and new cruise ships. If you do not agree on where they spend their money don't go!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My friends and I are all current college students/recent grads and go every year or every other year. We all work full time though, and some live with parents, some live with spouses (like myself) so sharing bills definitely helps free up money for Disney.
I've posted the following comparison a couple times. One more time isn't going to hurt ...

In the spring of 1983, I purchased a 3-day park hopper ticket for $35 (including tax), about $82 today. Minimum wage was $3.35/hour meaning (excluding taxes) it took less than 11 hours of work to pay for that ticket.

Yet somehow the Disney company with $1B in annual revenue managed to invest $1.9B in EPCOT and still keep prices reasonable.

Today, a 3-day hopper costs $341.87, or about 47 hours of work at today's minimum wage of $7.25/hour.

Alternatively, adjusted for inflation, the price of a garden wing room at the Contemporary in the 1970s & early 1980s was less than the price of a Value Resort rack rate room today.

Or, if those are too "ancient history" for some, when first introduced in 2005, a 7-day MYW base ticket cost $199. In 2013, that same ticket costs $309, an increase of about 55%. For comparison, median household income has increased about 12% over the same period.

Time and again, Walt Disney emphasized providing his customers with value.

Iger's and Rasulo's greatest legacy is pricing families out of WDW.
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Premium Member
Yes I do. I made a lot less money at that time and we cut cost by doing thing like staying off park and eating breakfast in the car on the way to the park. At that time there was only one park with only one E Ticket ride coupon in my book. Could not afford to buy an additional E Ticket, so sent a lot of time deciding with one to ride.

So you only made it work by cutting extreme corners... Cost savings that aren't even available anymore... WHILE the rate of cost basis has been shown to be increasing faster than everything else... And you think the same type of trip is still feasible??


I'd love my income to work by your math...


President of Progress City
yes!! Yes!! YES!! - National Geographic Channel - Where YOU too can watch the inspiring, the educational..."Alaska State Troopers", "Locked Up Abroad", and "Drugs Inc" !!

Don't even get me started on the crap they show on TV !!!
Those are very educational!!! How do you think I started my drug business so that I could go to Disney World. GOSH. lol

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