Out of control WDW ticket prices


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be kind of frank here and forgive me if it offends....DISNEY IS OVERPRICED. Point blank. They get away with it because nobody does it better than them. They've built, developed, and mastered their brand. I understand people will continue to pay. I understand they are in business to make money. That doesn't mean us, as consumers, have to blindly be happy with the stinging feeling of giving your credit card info over to the Mouse.

Will I continue to pay the enormous toll for a week of bliss? YES!!! but darn it...I WILL COMPLAIN. To those who say it isn't valid, doesn't matter, it's good value, GO TO A DIFFERENT THREAD. You will never convince any one who earns their money that Disney isn't overpriced. Just isn't going to happen.
Amen, brother. I could not have said it better myself.

To those in favor of sky high prices, I have a legitimate question:

What is your breaking point? When will the high prices be too high for you?

Would you pay $150 a day? How about $200? $300 anyone?

At some point, something is going to just snap. I don't know what Anerican family can afford the prices as they are now without taking out a second mortgage. But somehow, people are still mobbing these parks. It is kind of hard to understand. There sure as hell ain't that many people in the precious 1%.

I am still financially recovering in January from a trip I took last September and I'm just me. I have absolutely no clue how, say, a family of five that doesn't live in a gilded, palatial mansion can pull off a weeklong trip to WDW these days.

So what is your price breaking point? How high is too high?


Well-Known Member
Domestic WDW attendance has been declining for years.

WDW has been filling in the gap by offering some outstanding discounts to international guests.

Just offer us those discounts our brethren in the U.K. and Brazil receive and I think a lot less of us would be complaining about prices. :)

This is just what I was about to say. The attendance numbers are kind of deceiving, because it seems that they've moved to suckering in the foreign market due to some domestic folks catching on to the bs.


Well-Known Member
Remember that episode of Rosanne (I think it was a few episodes) when they went to Disney World? This was before they won the lottery. Just saying, does anyone think that working class family would ever be able to afford 2014 WDW?

They can and will charge whatever they want, but the sheer greed is pretty pathetic.

And yeah, I know it's a free market, no one is entitled to anything and if you can't afford it, just go sit in a box and play with dirt and blah blah blah.


Well-Known Member
Remember that episode of Rosanne (I think it was a few episodes) when they went to Disney World? This was before they won the lottery. Just saying, does anyone think that working class family would ever be able to afford 2014 WDW?

They can and will charge whatever they want, but the sheer greed is pretty pathetic.

And yeah, I know it's a free market, no one is entitled to anything and if you can't afford it, just go sit in a box and play with dirt and blah blah blah.

Lol, I watch that episode at least once a week. I thought it was hilarious how they made it seem like it was a Disney resort and Dan was able to take 2 minutes to get to Epcot.


Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
Ultimately, typical travel costs for a family of four for a week staying offsite still costs more than the total ticket prices charged by TDO. For us, the airline tickets cost more than the tickets to WDW for seven days. While quite expensive, tickets are not the number one expense for a typical family around us unless they drive which costs most people two days of travel each way as it is a 15hr drive from my house.

Airline from my home city for a family of four is ~$1600 when traveling on Sat/Sun.
Rental car at $40/day, $280.
Off-Site hotel in the area for $75/day is ~$450.
Food on/off-site at $50.00/per person, per day. $1200.
7 day PH tickets for 4, $1568.

I am not excusing TDO for their YoY ticket price increases at all, just simply trying to make a point. Ticket prices may not be the top expense for many people that travel to WDW, simply a very large one.


Well-Known Member
Disney charges too much. The hotels are over-priced.

Rather than lowering the prices, they've decided to implement wristbands, thinking that will get people back in there, paying those prices.

Forget customer entitlement. Think "self-preservation."

The idea that Disney can just keep charging more and offering less and people will keep on paying is stupid. Even Disney is starting to see the error of that logic. Sadly, they think they can sucker people back in.

We fans are kind of easily-suckerable, but I don't think these magical wristbands will be the occupancy-raising lever Disney hoped they would.

We will see.
Did you need some tissues with that post?


Well-Known Member
Nope, its not ethnicity, its more an expression of different social norms and expectations of appropriate behavior while in public places. Just like cheerleaders and large groups of foreign visitors chanting all around the park bring complaints, those who behave badly in public are to be avoided.

Which again brings up the point.... how does raising prices equal a better environment? People will act out regardless. Money can't buy manners.


Well-Known Member
Greed is good...


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Well-Known Member
Ultimately, typical travel costs for a family of four for a week staying offsite still costs more than the total ticket prices charged by TDO. For us, the airline tickets cost more than the tickets to WDW for seven days. While quite expensive, tickets are not the number one expense for a typical family around us unless they drive which costs most people two days of travel each way as it is a 15hr drive from my house.

Airline from my home city for a family of four is ~$1600 when traveling on Sat/Sun.
Rental car at $40/day, $280.
Off-Site hotel in the area for $75/day is ~$450.
Food on/off-site at $50.00/per person, per day. $1200.
7 day PH tickets for 4, $1568.

I am not excusing TDO for their YoY ticket price increases at all, just simply trying to make a point. Ticket prices may not be the top expense for many people that travel to WDW, simply a very large one.
So how much is your on site cost?


That's because when Harry potter world phase 2 opens you will need a park hopper to see all of it. Marketing genius!
At least you will see why ticket prices increased at Uni. Heavy investment in new E ticket type rides is a good use of my admission money rather than Disney's current path. It's become so bad that we're just relieved that, as bad as it is, they're not going to just shutter Imagination. It's no wonder sponsorship for attractions is an issue. Would you want to invest millions with way the parks are currently being handled?
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Amen. Heck if anyone is pillaging pockets people should look at Comcast who charges around 80bucks a month for 50mbs internet speeds while Paris pays around $30 for 100mbs. (In fact we are no where near the best in the world for internet cost). But we are open market and these products are in demand and people will pay.

Imho, the problem there is competition and market control.
Comcast is pretty much the only player in huge swats of the country.. so they can charge what they want.
Worse when they lobby the local cities or even the state laws to block any other kind of network (like they did block completely small city networks)
In my side..Similar to how TELMEX (now owns prodigy internet) completely dominated internet until the cable companies finally got the gov protectionist of Telmex out of them (the owner of telmex is one of the richest folks ever.. he doesn't need such protection!)

We used to pay 199 USD (yes.. 199 USD in Mexican pesos.. which is around 2500 pesos) per month for a 256Kbps ADSL line.
Now I happily have a 100Mbps/10Mbps cable line for 99 USD and ADSL prices have lowered a lot.

I am curious to what the curve of ticket prices is to compared to the rise in C level exec pay/benefits.
You bet its gonna be more tied on how the CM salaries tanked (and added more "college plan" CMs? using third party maintenance services, and outsource almost everything?) in the name of "efficiency" and "productivity".

Amen, brother. I could not have said it better myself.

To those in favor of sky high prices, I have a legitimate question:

What is your breaking point? When will the high prices be too high for you?

Would you pay $150 a day? How about $200? $300 anyone?

At some point, something is going to just snap. I don't know what Anerican family can afford the prices as they are now without taking out a second mortgage. But somehow, people are still mobbing these parks. It is kind of hard to understand. There sure as hell ain't that many people in the precious 1%.

I am still financially recovering in January from a trip I took last September and I'm just me. I have absolutely no clue how, say, a family of five that doesn't live in a gilded, palatial mansion can pull off a weeklong trip to WDW these days.

So what is your price breaking point? How high is too high?

Dont Americans still earn the highest salaries compared to most of the world?
I think the whole fallacy will end in a sad "noone should complain until we white middle class Americans cant afford it, then I will grab the pitchforks and call sacrilege!"

but agree with you about "who sets the limit? "

Anyway, regarding your weeklong trip.. its called SAVING money ;)
even with a pitiful salary like mine, I managed to save and purchase my trip.
Also agree with the price range Callen said, the big hit for me.. was the airline as well.

I honestly find cruises more expensive than a trip to WDW.

Which again brings up the point.... how does raising prices equal a better environment? People will act out regardless. Money can't buy manners.
Education does, and most of the people who have balanced money are usually the most educated.
too much money, and you end with parasites like the Kardasians, Bieber or Paris Hilton and Co.
too poor or with family problems? you end with Getto or ganstah type people with no education.

As for me, I think I will follow what many people have said in here.. "If you dont like..."
I will probably take my money to the cruises or disneyland, at least until these guys have something to show that is worth the price (like avatarland?)



Well-Known Member
Education does, and most of the people who have balanced money are usually the most educated.
too much money, and you end with parasites like the Kardasians, Bieber or Paris Hilton and Co.
too poor or with family problems? you end with Getto or ganstah type people with no education.

As for me, I think I will follow what many people have said in here.. "If you dont like..."
I will probably take my money to the cruises or disneyland, at least until these guys have something to show that is worth the price (like avatarland?)


Maybe, but I have no doubt that regardless of continued price increases, that bad behavior will never escape WDW. Many families are already priced out of a WDW vacation and we still see threads about rudeness or a sense of entitlement from guest who have spent thousands to be there.


Well-Known Member
Mine? We typically stay at Deluxe resorts but use our AP discount when available. 8 days at the BC late this summer is going to run ~$2980 without discounts (I expect to pay around $2000) or more per day than a week at a typical offsite hotel.

So $2,000 just for the room?
:depressed: ugh... I feel nauseous.... my entire 8 day trip to Disney staying at CSR cost about the same for just me and my fiance.
I feel for you parents! I'm going to need a second mortgage to take my future children to Disney. :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
:eek: Woah! wait... $55 dollars for a season pass.... sure beats the $108 for my local six flags season pass!

Anyway back to Disney...:hilarious:
You think that's bad? Our local zoo charges $95 for a annual pass and we are in the Midwest so no one goes to the zoo in winter. So almost $100 for 4 months of zoo visits, oh and it closes at 6pm so if you work during the week you can get 8 days a month out of that. Plus members get no discounts on food or merchandise here. To me Disney is a great value compared to that.


Well-Known Member
You think that's bad? Our local zoo charges $95 for a annual pass and we are in the Midwest so no one goes to the zoo in winter. So almost $100 for 4 months of zoo visits, oh and it closes at 6pm so if you work during the week you can get 8 days a month out of that. Plus members get no discounts on food or merchandise here. To me Disney is a great value compared to that.

Save your money!

national geographic channel!!!

I repeat....

national geographic channel!!!

It took me a bit to financially recover from my last Disney trip as it was kind of last minute.
I am still financially recovering in January from a trip I took last September and I'm just me. I have absolutely no clue how, say, a family of five that doesn't live in a gilded, palatial mansion can pull off a weeklong trip to WDW these days.

I hear ya...I went April 2013 and it was a somewhat last minute trip with a friend of mine. After it was all said and done I spent at least 1500-2000 dollars, didnt stay on site, and only went for 4 days. This time I planned ahead a bit more, booked for March 2014 around September and the shock wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Staying on site, free dining, and 6 day park tickets for about 500 more than I paid in April (this is including airfare as well)!

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