I am not assuming anything. I was just giving my opinion on why the level of quality has not kept up with the rise in ticket prices. But you cannot make a 1-1 comparison between ticket prices and level of quality. The decline of quality (whether perceived or actual) is due to many factors, cost of producing the quality one of them. You also have the people charged with delivering and creating the quality. You have the perception and reputation of the quality by the customers.
I am sure you will agree that people are more apt to give and chip in on a negative opinion than something positive (this thread being one of them). I posted on another thread here about 'what is your Disney sin?' and someone posted that after reading many other threads on this site, she was regretting her pending trip, the first one she has had in a very long time. And it is true. If someone who had either never been, or hadn't been in 10, 15, 20, 30 years read these boards, they would come away with the opinion that Walt Disney World is in imminent danger of going out of business. The transportation system is terrible. The food is terrible. The hotels are crumbling. etc. So naturally one would think that there is a definite quality issue.
But is it really that bad? I would argue no. Are there issues? Of course. Has there been a decline? In some areas, yes. But judging quality is mostly subjective. The whole point of my opinion (and the second part of my previous post) was that if they were to fund this 'Disney Difference' in 2014 dollars, they would have increased costs so high that the resulting prices charged to customers would be prohibitively expensive and they would lose even more money.