Off Topic- Surprising the kids


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So, I haven't told the kids we are going to Disney World. My youngest (5) thinks we are driving to Antartica and my oldest (12) thinks we are going to SC to visit family. I have been ITCHING to tell tell tell.

We start driving Friday night. Plan on arriving on Sunday

So any ideas on how to surprise them? I was thinking of waiting until we are actually THERE to see if they can figure it out. But boy keeping my mouth shut is HARD!!!!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Let them figure it out on thier own. Video tape it once you enter the gates that will say Welcome To Disney World
My cousin surprised his kids once that way. Woke them up early one more with a video camera and told them to get ready cause they are going to disney. The video is hilarious


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
When I have kids I'm not going to tell them. Were just getting on the plane and they are gonna have to figure it out themselves at some point.


New Member
Original Poster
Are there signs on the roads

that will state something about Disney World?

We are staying in Kissimmee...

Or do they just have Welcome to Disneyworld when you are going to the park?


Well-Known Member
When you're driving into the area, you'll pass under arches that welcome you to WDW with some characters (I think just Mickey and Minnie).
Call it to their attention and let them see it then! It'll be so fun for them!
I'm an adult and it's the most exciting thing to drive through!!

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
My friends are trying to surprise their 5 year old daughter this Easter, when they go down. She's already been numerous times, and I have no doubt will be a registered member of this forum the minute her parents allow to access the internet!

Anyway, because she's used to the routine by now, they've said surprising her is going to be difficult. She asks a lot of questions, and will probably wonder why they are going to the airport, why they're getting on the Magical Express bus, and whatnot. I expect they'll have to tell her on the plane at some point.


Well-Known Member
You are too funny. I would drive to Blizzard Beach due to the Antarctica trip...

For our first trip with our oldest daughter (she was just 2 months older than 3) we did not tell her until we got there. A few months before we left we put a Disney planning VHS tape in with her other tapes so she could watch it once in a while to let her get used to the characters and such. We went on our trip and flew down never said where we were going and she never asked. When we got to the MK she did not say a word and we still had not said a word. We walked under the train station and right away she looks around and says, "where is the castle". She knew where we were and we were the ones that were surprised...


Well-Known Member
Go to YouTube and type in Walt Disney World Surprise - there are quite a few videos of kids (and some adults!) being surprised with trips to WDW. They are great to watch and some of them have brought me to tears!

Have fun :wave:


Well-Known Member
My cousin surprised his kids once that way. Woke them up early one more with a video camera and told them to get ready cause they are going to disney. The video is hilarious

We're going this September and we're driving also. Were going to do the same thing; just wake them up and tell them we're going to WDW. :D


We are going in June and i am not telling my kids at all. I am going to let them figure it out for themselves. Once we arrive at the enterence and they see the Walt Disney World sign that is when they will know.


I've thought of trying the surprise route, but there is so much planning involved and I usually have the kids help me, that I don't think I'd be able to get away with it. Also, they are both in elementary school and we try to get much of the schoolwork done before leaving, so that would be kinda challenging... besides, the build-up to the trip is just so much fun!

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
My wife and I surprised our sons a few years ago, planned it perfectly. Got them up early, told them we were going to meet their cousins as they came through Newark on their way back home, their dad is in the air force and at the time was stationed in germany, and they knew it, but what they didn't know was they had gone home 2 weeks earlier. So we're at the car park, I started to video tape them, opened up the back of the truck and they saw the bags, asking who's they were we told them that we weren't going to six flags, but to disney, the look on our older sons face was priceless, then after telling them 3 times they finally got it. So glad I got it on video. :D


New Member
We're going in September and can't wait to see the surprised look on my DD's face when she finds out where we are going!!!! :eek: We're driving too, so I may just get them up and say we're taking a drive.... and drive....and drive! Im sure we'll get TONS and TONS of questions, but it'll be SO much fun to see the look on her face and to see her reaction. It'll be great!

So.... Don't tell them! Try to keep it a surprise. And keep the video camera handy when they find out!


Active Member
We`re leaving from NC Saturday morning. Saturday evening we are picking up our 4 and a half year-old granddaughter in GA. She has no idea we are taking her. She is the biggest Disney/Princess nut. She loves looking at the pictures of our trip(without her) last year and one of her favorites is the picture of the Welcome sign. This will be her first trip and we are not going to say a word about it. I just think that when she sees that sign she will be a sight to behold. I really can`t wait for this moment!

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
When your nearing the parks on 4, there are signs showing distances to the parks. My son and I get excited when we see them as we know were 'home' again...:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
It's hard not to tell...We had planned on not telling our kids about our September trip, but they get so excited helping plan...And who can resist 6 months of having no problems getting them to behave "or else we won't go":lol:

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Well, our boys know we are going in Aug. , but they don't know where we are staying. We are in DVC and I got us into the new tower, I couldn't get MK view, (but we are on the list for it just in case). I'm going to tell them it was all booked up so we are going to SSR. They won't know till we pull up the morning we arrive. We will be taking the autotrain down and driving back up. so I will have my wife in the back with the video camera getting them as they find out where we are staying. I CAN"T WAIT!!! :sohappy::sohappy:

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