Obnoxious Park Visitor Stories


Active Member
It's unbelievable how rude some people can be.

The CM's sure have to put up with a lot. It reminds me two years ago we were at BCV in October, and took the boat to MGM, it was right during playoffs and we being Red Sox Fans (:cry: right now) were really interested. The CM on the boat was a Yankee fan, and as my son was wearing a Red Sox Shirt, so she was teasing him, and we were teasing her, but very good naturely. Well this other guy on the boat (unfortunately another Red Sox Fan) was being obnoxious about it. The CM kept her cool, but when the guy left the boat she said "Have a Magical Day" in a tone that really didn't mean it, my wife and I both started laughing, and he didn't get it. Then we continued with our nice conversation with her. I'm sure if she wasn't in control she would have said something a lot worse, I give her credit as I don't know if I would have kept my cool.
It's unbelievable how rude some people can be.

The CM's sure have to put up with a lot. It reminds me two years ago we were at BCV in October, and took the boat to MGM, it was right during playoffs and we being Red Sox Fans (:cry: right now) were really interested. The CM on the boat was a Yankee fan, and as my son was wearing a Red Sox Shirt, so she was teasing him, and we were teasing her, but very good naturely. Well this other guy on the boat (unfortunately another Red Sox Fan) was being obnoxious about it. The CM kept her cool, but when the guy left the boat she said "Have a Magical Day" in a tone that really didn't mean it, my wife and I both started laughing, and he didn't get it. Then we continued with our nice conversation with her. I'm sure if she wasn't in control she would have said something a lot worse, I give her credit as I don't know if I would have kept my cool.

I'm so glad I can keep my cool too. I would've gotten fired ages ago for killing someone. :p

When stuff like that happens, I start shaking so bad. I do have a right to yell back at illuminations though. These guest were going underneathe the safety ropes area and I was yelling off the top of my lungs saying "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? SERIOUSLY? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ROPES ARE THERE FOR A REASON." They didn't know what to do and just went crazy and left under the ropes again.

The cast of innoventions has a nice punching bag area in our breakroom to cool off steam.


Well-Known Member
we were in MGM....

I am a photographer as well as my wife and both my kids.. and we are pretty good.. but as any good photographer knows shots only last an instant..

I am standing on the main street in MGM and a balloon salesman is walking toward me.. the sun is setting and the balloons have a unique glow.. So I grab the camera, set up my shot, with speed and f stop, because to get an outstanding shot it pays to do it your self and all my cameras are manual..

and this fool standing between me and the balloons, someone who was not in the shot.. PUTS UP HIS HAND AND RUINS THE SHOT..

and then tells me how funny it was.. It would have been much funnier had I put my hand right between this guys teeth and he was picking himself off of main street..

I don't understand this type of behavior.. what right do you have invading my vacation or my enjoyment or my livelihood.. It wasn't like I was taking a photo of his chick in a swimsuit.. He wasn't close to being in the shot.. but he ruined a once in a lifetime opportunity since I only come once every three or four years, at different times of the year and different situations each time..

some people are really different..


Well-Known Member
I don't know, as someone w/more years under her belt in the customer service industry than I care to think about...I think the best way to deal with the irate customers/park visitors/ resort guests etc. is to stay calm and keep an even keel...if I walked by a situation where a CM was screaming at a guest I think I'd have to ask another CM to step in and give some aide. The only time we have EVER stepped in and made any remarks was ASMovies late in the night (after midnight) we were departing from the bus and this dad just lost it...and I mean LOST IT! He starts screaming at his wife, shoved her out of the way and started pounding on his son who was maybe 6-7 years old...my husband is a fairly big guy and didn't make a scene but simply grabbed hold of the guys arm and said "hey buddy, lets just calm down for a minute and not ruin a $5,000 trip for one bad night." I thought for sure the girls and I would be visiting a jail cell or hospital room for sure but CM's from guest services came by to see what was going on between my husband and this guy while the poor wife was getting ice for her son....never did see the family again on the rest of the trip...I was really worried though..did the dad take it out on the mom and boy once they were all out of sight? who knows..but my husband couldn't just stand by and not do anything...there are a few wackos out there that can ruin a day for Disney employee or guest.


Well-Known Member
I too agree with the people who find pleasure in ruining others photo ops. Perhaps many assume that everyone uses digital and can simply redo every photo..but some photo ops are fleeting and can't be "Restaged" so to say.

Funny side note : (I use 35mm cause I love my camera) took tons of photos..when we got home and had the film developed we had some great photos of the kids but in two of them there is large woman who is spending some serious concentration on readjusting her bra.. how I missed this and didn't move the kids is beyond me..but the photos ...which could have been our favorites..are the ones the kids hate the most..my littlest calls them "the lady pictures"


New Member
BRING IT!!! !! omg...when you said dude, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop laughing my a off. *breathes* you're absolutly right. I have this anger that skyrockets when I'm talking about guest. It brings out thw worse in me and I start fighting and arquing and omg.....so I want to applogize and I'm glad you understand about guest and stuff. I was so mad, I didn't even know you were talking about calming down and stuff like that is going to be in the parks no matter what part. But I still have the right to rant. XD! CHHHAAAAA!

LOL! It's allllllllll good! We all need to rant sometimes! It's nice to have a place to do it.

Heehee, i call everybody dude. I think it comes from growing up by the beach in South Florida.

Glad we're cool now. :)


New Member
I don't understand this type of behavior.. what right do you have invading my vacation or my enjoyment or my livelihood.. It wasn't like I was taking a photo of his chick in a swimsuit.. He wasn't close to being in the shot.. but he ruined a once in a lifetime opportunity since I only come once every three or four years, at different times of the year and different situations each time..

Because this is America and you have the right to be an idiot. Was it nice thing to do...no. But come on, get a grip and move on, get over it.


New Member
Most annoying people ever was the boatload of folks on POTC w/me at DL 2 years ago...they sat at the back of the boat and quoted Napoleon Dynamite contantly. What this had to do with POTC I'll never understand, but it sure ruined the ride...:brick:


Well-Known Member
i don't want to argue...

but If the photo I took was one I could later sell, then I am out of money as well as a shot..

why do you defend some one for being a jerk? that is what this whole thread is about.. people being jerks at WDW..

I don't understand, and this is the last that I am going to say on the matter..


Well-Known Member
One annoyance that we expect and learned to enjoy is character moshing. you know, when the CM brings out a character for autographs and a line forms and sure enough. Those that can't wait just walk on up and chaos ensues and someone gets rude and, boy thats a good show!:sohappy:


New Member
There was one time last year when my dad and i were going to watch illuminations from the resturant in Japan. We had the spots right outside on the ledge for about 45 minutes when this boy (about 8) and his dad showed up. By then it was too crowded for both of them to fit, but i had enough room so i let the kid wiggle in. Through the whole show the kid keeps shoving me over (and the last thing i want to do is start a fight during Illuminations) so i shove over enough so my dad gets squashed out and the kids dad has a spot.

That was the last time i moved over for anyone besides a well behaved kid, who didnt insist on pushing me out of the way.


New Member
This is a little different from the screaming girls and rude parade crowds...

I was on Universe of Energy and when the vehicle began moving I realized I was downwind from someone with VERY VERY bad B.O.

It was so bad in fact, I had to restrict my breathing a little bit so I could enjoy the ride while not choking from the B.O.

When the ride ended, I began to exit and WHOAH! I got a total mouthful of that HORRIBLE B.O! Whoever it was hadn't bathed in at least one week NOR used deodorant in all their days in the <st1:state w:st="on"><st1>Florida</st1></st1:state> parks. My boyfriend told me to wait a second. He then turned to me and said, "It’s this family next to us...they smell ABOSULUTELY horrible." So we let them get some distance between us. We followed them out with about 6 or 7 other guest in between us and the family. The whole time I was holding my breath. That was a long breath to hold for exiting Universe or Energy.

When we got outside to the fresh air I had to step aside for a second because the B.O. in the air was SO bad I began to gag in my mouth a little. SO GROSS!! This family had left a trailing B.O. smell the whole way out.

To park visitors: PLEASE PLEASE bathe and wear deodorant! With the ride lines and ride vehicles in small spaces, your B.O. can offend everyone around you within a 15 foot radius!! :cry:

If this was about a month ago, then this same family was in the same restaurant as us. The whole room stunk tremendously (seriously unbearable) and their server looked like she was about to gag everytime she approached the table. It was beyond B.O....it was B.B.O.!! Nasty!!
M'kay here are my two most mean/obnoxouse things that happened.

I was at the Magic Kingdom with my mom and we were walking looking for the Liberty Tree Tavern and this old guy in an electric wheelchair kept honking his horn and he ran over this lady and he said, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" I mean, it was his oun fault and the lady was putting her kid into a stroller so how could she have seen him?

This happened a couple days ago: My sis was on the Carousel of Progress and singing the song while the room was spinning and this 20 year old behind her kicked her seat and said, "Shut up!" So my sis gave him the finger and the guy kicked my hairpiece she was wearing off (not the kind of hairpiece like a wig, the kind that you put in a pony tail). I mean, my sis wasn't singing the song while in the middle of the show, she was singing it while the song was playing. When my sis told me what happened I just wanted to knock the guy's head "clean off" as Brer Bear would say, lol.:fork:


New Member
I saw a lady have what I would think of as a breakdown before the Fantasmic show because there was no real line going into the show. She yelled at her husband, child, and dropped her stuff and left the park.

WDW vacations are a huge expense/investment for most of us. From what I have seen of obnoxious people, they have this all or nothing mentality and get so wrapped up in everything being perfect, they actually make it a stressful situation. If there is anything I can say to anyone it's that WDW is a place that makes the imperfect perfect and the only way that any WDW vacation goes wrong (side of emergency situations and weather) is if you mess it up with your attitude.

Steps of of soapbox.


Active Member
I really like those people who think its cool to put their hands in the water and splash their friends on rides like POC or small world or splash mountain. they have the attitude like "I know its wrong but look, I'm cool. Plus when they continually splash my family it just makes me irrate.

People who go see characters with 6 kids, get a group picture, 6 indivuial pictures then everyone has an autograph book. I saw Rabbitt from Winnie the Pooh on my last trip in a rare Epcot appearance. After waiting in a long line the cast member announced "Rabbitt will be leaving in 2 minutes so pictures only please so we can get as many families as possible". needless to say the next family had 4 kids, each with an autograph book and each wanting seperate pictures. Then the mother had the cast member take another picture so she could get in it. that was the last family Rabbitt saw and my kids never did find him again on our trip. He did come up to the rope so they could hug him goodbye which was very nice of him and the CM for asking him over.

Another time my boys were seated in front of the Power Rangers car to watch them regroup and leave. A crowd gathered around also and finally the rangers were called back to their car. Just as they start to do their karate move goodbye a 40 year old guy walks from behind the rengers and stands in front of every kid sitting there while his companion starts posing for pictures. His fat thigh was inches from my boys head. I politely asked him to move to one side and showed him how all the children were seated right behind him. He then turns and, inches away from my face, starts yelling at me in polish. His companion, in his 20's starts laughing at his comments. I admit I have a short patience to rude people but I kept my cool and asked him "I'm sorry...are all these little kids ruining your experience with your favroite power rangers.....does your 20 year old boy toy need his picture with his idols." I know, very sarcastic and prob asking for trouble but seeing them turn red was worth it. He yelled more in polish then stormed off when I didn't back down. I wouldn't esculate anything in front of my boys but I do enjoy it when a quick comment does the trick.


Active Member
How about this one....I was in line for fast past at EE and the lady 2 spots in front of me was taking a long time. The guy in front of me said "never get behindsomeone with a poncho". as I looked over at her I saw the ultimate delay signal......an orange flag on a small pole. She was a tour group leader and had over 50 passes, I swear, I jumped to the next line and saw all the passes in her hand. Thicker than a deck of cards. I came and went and she was still going strong. I later saw her with her group, it was huge.

Its one thing to get in fast pass line for your party but there has to be a limit somewhere... maybe 15. These large tour groups are waayyyyy overboard.


Well-Known Member
One time, when we were about to go on Carousel of Progress, we were in line to go into the next show. The cm came out after he gave his speech. Then, this girl came out of the door and tried to get somebody that was behind us to come into that theater. The guy that worked there told her to go back in. He told her that it was about to start spinning and two seconds later, it started to. Then, it stopped because the door was open. Finally they got it started back up. But our group had to go in quickly to get in on time. The guy that the girl was trying to get didn't even get on. But she must have not seen that when she got off. The ride hadn't even stopped spinning yet (this was the time that we were getting off) when she had yanked open the door. Then, of course, people started getting out. But the ride had stopped because the door had opened. So they tried to make people stop getting off. Then they had to move the ride to where it was supposed to be. But there was not enough time so they couldn't even let the people in line into the room that was empty. I think that they should have suspended her from the park personally. When she did that twice. That is very disrespectful and rude.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and to add to that, my family went over to the bathrooms right after that. Of course, she is there. I saw her come out with her family. They were all at least about 12, so they didn't even need a stroller but for some reason, they had one. The same girl that had stopped the ride was pushing one of her sisters around in it (the sister she was pushing was older). Then, after about knocking over a couple of guests (myself included), she ran into one of the benches. She almost broke the stroller and hurt some guests.


Once while my sister-in-law and I were both pregnant (6 & 7 months), we stood the entire trip on a crowded bus.

I have to say though that for every obnoxious guest at WDW, there's great guests and castmembers that go out of their way for people too. This past January while getting off a bus with my mothers wheelchair, a man who had exited the bus with his family, came back on the bus, took moms wheelchair and carried it off the bus. He then held it for her while we she got seated.

About 15 years ago, when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were at the Studios, my daughter couldn't wait to see Raphael. While waiting in line, other kids constantly got in front of her. Raphael noticed what was going on, and walked over to her, posing for several pictures. It really put a smile on my daughters face, and mine.

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