Here's one that ruined my night. During Christmas at Disney MGM I was taking lots of pictures of the Osborne Lights. I was patiently trying to get a good shot of my cousin next to a neat Mickey Santa display without any crowd in it. I didn't ask anyone to move, I just waited for openings. Suddenly, some guy comes over and asks if we minded if he got in there a took a QUICK shot. Of course I said sure, he didn't need my permission. So he's taking his time and clearly not taking a quick shot. He was trying to get a clear shot like I was. So, I figured I'd help him. At one point he had a clear shot, but a big group of folks were coming. I indicated that if he hurries, he'll get a great shot before the crowd comes by and ruins it. I guess he heard me wrong. He turned around and started screaming expletives at me, telling me that he has just as much right to take as much time as he wants and for me to %$@$)*!$&!&!$*! myself. I try to take the high road and explain to him that I was merely trying to help, and that he misunderstood me. I get even more expletives and gestures and some sort of lecture on rudeness and how I've ruined HIS night. More expletives, calling me a liar as he runs off. At this point, I have now lost my cool and start to give chase with the full intention of straightening this creep out. My cousin grabs me, points out that the guys a jerk, and will stay a jerk. He assures me that I was right, I was trying to help and he is wrong. I'm still steaming, but my cousin just laughs at me. He says, " Dude, if I let you follow that guy you're gonna get us thrown out of the park. And I'm not gonna let you do that to me." So I had to let it go. But it wrecked the rest of my evening.