I don't know, as someone w/more years under her belt in the customer service industry than I care to think about...I think the best way to deal with the irate customers/park visitors/ resort guests etc. is to stay calm and keep an even keel...if I walked by a situation where a CM was screaming at a guest I think I'd have to ask another CM to step in and give some aide. The only time we have EVER stepped in and made any remarks was ASMovies late in the night (after midnight) we were departing from the bus and this dad just lost it...and I mean LOST IT! He starts screaming at his wife, shoved her out of the way and started pounding on his son who was maybe 6-7 years old...my husband is a fairly big guy and didn't make a scene but simply grabbed hold of the guys arm and said "hey buddy, lets just calm down for a minute and not ruin a $5,000 trip for one bad night." I thought for sure the girls and I would be visiting a jail cell or hospital room for sure but CM's from guest services came by to see what was going on between my husband and this guy while the poor wife was getting ice for her son....never did see the family again on the rest of the trip...I was really worried though..did the dad take it out on the mom and boy once they were all out of sight? who knows..but my husband couldn't just stand by and not do anything...there are a few wackos out there that can ruin a day for Disney employee or guest.
First I agree with your take on customer service. I've done it all my life and am finally getting paid well for it. People don't realize how unappreciated CSR's are, until they have to deal with a bad one. Believe me, we lifers don't do it for the money. I truly believe we do it because it feels so good to make an unhappy person happy (maybe I've been brainwashed?)
Second, what a sad story! I am so glad your husband stood up, and I understand your fears about the reprecussions. I once watched a 10 year old being verbally abused by a father to the point where I wanted to intervene, but I thought, what worse is waiting for him if I do? I still kick myself for not saying anything.