Obnoxious Park Visitor Stories


New Member
Once coming out of Epcot after Illuminations, we were on the bus and as it went past the All Stars queues this woman opened a window and started shouting about how poor and cheapskates they were, that they will be queuing for hours and how important she was because she had "upgraded" to CBR.

The whole bus went quiet in shock...:hurl:


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Once coming out of Epcot after Illuminations, we were on the bus and as it went past the All Stars queues this woman opened a window and started shouting about how poor and cheapskates they were, that they will be queuing for hours and how important she was because she had "upgraded" to CBR.

The whole bus went quiet in shock...:hurl:

The windows on the busses open?


New Member
Once coming out of Epcot after Illuminations, we were on the bus and as it went past the All Stars queues this woman opened a window and started shouting about how poor and cheapskates they were, that they will be queuing for hours and how important she was because she had "upgraded" to CBR.

The whole bus went quiet in shock...:hurl:

Sounds like someone had a little too much to drink in the world showcase!


Active Member
Sounds like someone had a little too much to drink in the world showcase!

LOL yeah anyway!

I usually come back with a couple shin injuries from strollers. I am so used to it now, I just plan on it.

I forgot one on mine, cutting in line at Soarin'. In January this lady was standing right on my back the whole queue and when we turned the corner (in the blue ceiling area) she just started pushing past everyone with kids in tow. I was like its not like you're going to get there any faster, plus Soarin's queue moves pretty quickly (I think anyway) about 10 people up [yes she made it that far] this lady in an electric wheelchair blocked her in and told her to go back to the end of the line, that we had been waiting as long as she had! We all clapped, it was great and she was so embarassed. I mean come on, we were about 15 minutes from riding did you really need to cut in line?


Well-Known Member
the more i read these the more I think " how did I forget THAT?". You know what really gets me? Are the people who run for cover every time a drop of rain hits and they block everyone else from going about their business. One instance in particular for us was leaving CBJ..while we were inside CBJ a short summer rainstorm hit. So the exit was blocked...making hard for people to leave the theater...the cm's needed us out to get the next show in. People behind us decided to climb over seats and push through people...only to STOP at the doors when they saw the rain. We finally got through w/the kids still intact and headed for our next ride/attraction. We don't let the rain stop us.


New Member
Not just at Disney, but anywhere there is a line, I can't stand it when the person behind you is right on your back. The line moves, so you move up a bit and they move right with you, but it is like they are glued to you and won't give you any space. They could practically hug you. GIVE ME MY SPACE :fork:

I usually give a lot of space in front of me to see if they get the hint. Then I wait and walk very slowly when the line does move. If they are still right on top of me, once I stop, I'll back up and run into them to make a point.


New Member
Not just at Disney, but anywhere there is a line, I can't stand it when the person behind you is right on your back. The line moves, so you move up a bit and they move right with you, but it is like they are glued to you and won't give you any space. They could practically hug you. GIVE ME MY SPACE :fork:

I usually give a lot of space in front of me to see if they get the hint. Then I wait and walk very slowly when the line does move. If they are still right on top of me, once I stop, I'll back up and run into them to make a point.

I hate that too. Sometimes I'll lightly bump into the person in front of me and when they look I'll loudly say "Sorry I was getting run over from behind"

It's a small momentary nuisance for the person in front of me, but the people behind always get the hint.


Well-Known Member
I just remembered this from my last trip in may! Dbf and i were waiting for the bus at the all star movies resort to goto DTD, as most people know by the time the bus gets to the movies resort it is usually full and there is standing room only, we start loading on the bus and stand in the back as far back as we can go (by the back door), when all the sudden this woman starts screaming that people are squishing her kids (who were sitting mother included) then she stands up and starts pusing people out of the way still screaming that her kids are going to die because of people standing and that we are all going to die in a bus crash, she starts banging on the back door screaming LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT NOW! The driver never opened the door and she is now pushing everyone aside dragging her two crying children (probally 5 and 8) looking at everyone and saying look what your doing to my kids your ruining there disney magic! They finially get off and stand in the line again and wait for the next bus, i felt so bad for those kids they were both sitting on the ground crying because she was now yelling at them
1 - I agree with Tink81 about the people who stop & sit in the middle of theaters (especially when its very crowded and the announcements continually request people MOVE down - they act like they don't hear that - drives me crazy!!)

But the reason for my post - once we did the Keys to the Kingdom tour - now here's a tour you pay alot for, so you'd think these are people who really like Disney. At one point the CM was talking about what great lengths they take to be sure the parks are clean & free of garbage, noting that Disney even did studies to see how far people would walk with garbage before just leaving it somewhere and how, based on this, there are garbage cans throughout the parks specifically placed by numbers of feet apart from each other. Anyway, not more than 1 minute after this discussion, a woman in the tour drops her cigarette butt on the floor and steps it out and LEAVES it there (obviously this was many years ago before designated smoking areas). You could tell the CM wanted so badly to say something (and my husband had to hold me back from making a big scene!) - I just can't believe the disrespect to the property from some people!!! I'm not a smoker, and I don't really care if people DO smoke, but WHY, WHY, WHY don't smokers think that dropping cigarette butts on the floor ISN'T littering??? And that goes for everywhere, not just in Disney!!! It's LITTER people! No different than leaving a kids dirty diaper on the park bench or just tossing empty food containers in the road!!! :brick:


Active Member
Kasey, it sounds like that woman had extreme claustrophobia, probably not helped by the constant crowds, and her own fatigue and stress, and she had a panic attack.


New Member
I've got a whole horde of tricks that I like to use, and everyone is free to re-use them.

- For people who sit down in the middle of the theatre. Stop right in front of them and stare down at them. The CMs will continue their spiel especially as that whole row behind you backs up. It has NEVER failed!
- For kids that step on your heels in queue, start discussing questionable material. Most parents will move them away.
- For people cutting in on your parade spot, have a guy in your group start hitting on the 'dad' in that group, especially if they are of certain nationalities. You won't believe how fast they leave. I often stake out 1.5 to 2x what I need, so I can give up some room.

But the most important fact is to give everybody one chance to redeem themselves. A lot of people get oblivious at WDW - hard not to sometimes. They may not know they have done something rude to you (rude is a subjective term, recall). After that, it's open season.
Are cast members allowed to post? :D

Here's my list:

While at innoventions:

1. Opps city isn't that hard to do folks. I can spiel the instructions a million times yet when the game starts, noone has a single clue what to do. Sometimes I just feel like saying "you know what?" "Forget it!" and push the button and let them do whatever they want. Seriously, I've explained the whole thing and I've still gotten the dreaded question: "So, how do you play this?"

2. Toon Tag: Once again...it's a game of collecting icecream and tag....eaasy....Three easy rules are to get off the trolly, you push fowards towards the screen, when you're it or while on the trolly, you can't get any icecream and I also let them know where the icecream is....I start the game and adults and kids are pushing backwards on the trolly, trying to get icecream while they're it and asking where all the icecream is. :brick:

3. http://www.membrana.ru/images/articles/1017159693-0.jpeg


4. When we mean we're closing in 3 minutes, that doesn't mean to go into the building ~_~

5. Stop asking us if the House of Innoventions is a ride.

6. At UL (test the limits lab) learn to read signs and fiqure that if you want to set off the lights, don't just push on the buttons over and over and over again. And when I finally help you "overload" don't just look over and asked me what happened.

I have a story for you for Illuminations. I was working there tonight and it was the time to decide if we were going to let guest into the sitting area.
And we really really dread having to do that since guest don't know how to listen and totally ruin everything for us.

ANYHOW!! Ropes are there for a reason people, please listen to the cast member. When we say "please don't cross over the safety ropes at anytime," we mean it. What happens? Well we did decide to open tonight because I felt everyone was going to behave tonight and well it was total opposite.

As soon as we let people come in through where they're supposed to come in, people in the safety area back ropes were going like mad animals under the ropes and into the sitting area. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE SERIOUSLY?? SERIOUSLY! WHY? AND I was yelling my lungs out yet people continued to cross the safety area zones!! why do they ignore us? You think we're just trying to give people a hard time?? no, we have rules for a reason you know.....I also let everyone know that "YOU ARE TO SIT ON YOUR REAR!!" No kneeling and no standing!!

Then people wonder why we don't open the stage up. What's the first thing people do? Kneel!! stand up! walk around!! While the show was going on, guess what else happened? People were still crossing over IGNORING THE ROPES!! ROPES IN GUEST TERMS MEAN GO UNDER!! Before the show ended, people we still crossing ropes!! I got bitched at FOR DOING MY JOB!! *sighs*

WHEN CAST MEMBERS GIVE DIRECTIONS, YOU BETTER LISTEN TO THEM PLEASE!! For everyone's safety, listen to us please please please.

Disney World only mentions not to stand on railings a million times.....I won't even go there.
Actually, I will. While at illuminations last night I must've told about 15 adults mind you to get off the railings? WHY IN ANYONES MIND WOULD ANYONE BE STANDING ON FENCES? They even have the bullocks to tell me "we'll are you going to sit us somewhere we can see?" If I could answer back to them I'd tell them TOUGH COOKIES, YOU SHOULD'VE ARRIVED EARLIER....DUH.

When it rains, can you believe that people stand on the rails?? I've gotten kids off the trees!!! Parents and kids on the bridge area over mexico sitting!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIETY TODAY?@!! Please don't stand on the chairs or the railing people...please please please.....you can seriously get hurt!

Can you tell I love working at illuminations?? Seriously, I love my job. It's just guest that ruin it for me.

At character connections: once again, ropes are there for a reason. You're to wait in line for each character ONE AT A TIME ONE WAY STREET!! No backtracking...that's cutting in line. If you're at mickey, skip pluto to go to chip and dale and then you decide you want pluto, get back in the line~~~!!!!!! NO FREAKING BACK TRACKING...COMMON FREAKING SENSE.

I have guest ask me all the time "we already saw mickey" can we go straight to donald?"

The answer will be "you will wait in line because you obviously didn't see all the people in front of you and they're also going to chip and dale." ~_~; :hammer:

SMOKING IN DESIGNATED AREAS PLEASE!! Disney world isn't a "free country" IT'S PROPERTY OWNED!!

I've had guest throw cigs at me for telling them other wise! can you believe that?

rollerskates for children, I can't stress enough.....What makes you think just because they're on shoes, that they're allowed....It's the same thing at grocery stores, no bikes or skating inside.....NO SKATES IN DISNEY WORLD....

When it rains, DON'T SLIDE!! JEEZ!!
When it rains, DON'T TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES!! People spit on the floor, vomit , cig butts....PINS we find pins. Yet people find the need to walk around barefooted. I wish I had a scanner to show you the print on the maps where it says : SHOES AND CLOTHING MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES."

That's another thing, people don't read maps or signs.....

Please don't ask me "where is number 6?" If at epcot. I don't memorize maps.

Please don't ask me a question and while I'm giving you the answer walk away that is freaking rude!

DON'T YOU DARE WALK PASS BY ME WHILE I'M STANDING, COME CLOSE AND GRAB AT MY PINS!!! I'm a pin trader and you better ask me to see my pins!! I HATE THAT!! I REALLY REALLY HATE THAT!! I have pins on my belt area too and can you believe guest just come up to me and grab away at my belt area pulling and tugging. ASK ME FIRST IF YOU'D LIKE TO SEE MY PINS..... YOU PIN FREAKS!! AND don't you dare ask me if I have "lanyard pins" Also, if I have a mystery pin, don't go grabbing away at my lanyard to turn it around!!!

Don't ask me prices for universal.

Don't ask me if I know how to get to walmart from there.

Don't ask me where the exit is....if you don't remember the way you came through, you're a lost cause.

While at Extra Magic Hours, if we say your whole family needs to be there to get their braclets, they need to be there. Don't go cussing at us. We don't care if they're in france, that's not our problem, you go get them.

Don't go telling us "well magic kingdom let us wear the bracelets on the left hand." Guess what, WELCOME TO EPCOT. We're not mk, ak or studios.

I think that's it *breathes*

and to everyone I say "Have a magical day." :p :p

Serioiusly, we love our kids and our guest, but there's those certain few that just make our day go to pieces. Please listen to signs and read the maps....don't get mad at the wait times....what did you expect??? Noone to be at disney world? It's only an hour!!! And poor babies, it's only inside an airconditioned area. People are so inpatient nowadays and it ruins everything. Calm yourselves down. Rides are going to be long and there's not way to deal with it sorry.

We only give out certain amounts of fast passes throughout the day. Come early!! Don't wait till the last minute is advice I can give you folks. Don't ask stupid questions. Pronouce the names right.....

Where's university of energy? You want dinner, make reservations. Simple things like that...research!! it'll save you the worries of the stressful day at the world. Wear decent clothes, it's a family place. Be polite to everyone. BE PATIENT with us cast members. We want everyone to be happy but if people are yelling at our faces, nothing is ever going to get solved. Have common sense.....think for yourselves. We'll be more then happy to answer questions, but help us out here please.


Well-Known Member
I noticed the time you posted that and I'm sure you are now sound asleep after being able to get all that all your chest.:lol:


New Member
Can you tell I love working at illuminations?? Seriously, I love my job. It's just guest that ruin it for me.

Those darn guests just ruin it for you, huh? Good thing you've chosen to work in a front line customer service position at a mega multi-guest environment like WDW. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Those darn guests just ruin it for you, huh? Good thing you've chosen to work in a front line customer service position at a mega multi-guest environment like WDW. :brick:

lol, I was thinking the same thing..especially if you have problems w/people not understanding instructions...WDW gets a fair amount of foreign visitors who are not used to the American way of life...


Well-Known Member
One thing that really irks me is when careless parents let their kids use the que(?) railings as jungle gyms. Like in GMR or BST, where you have to wait a good 5 minutes standing still. I don't expect them to sit still, mind you, but, as mentioned previously, its a personal space issue. One which kids don't understand and, obviously their parents too. Now, get off me before I kick you! Ooops!:zipit:


New Member
Hi. The people I have the most problem with are the Stroller Bashers. That's what I call the guests who use their child's stroller as a battering ram in the parks to force all other people out of their way. :eek:
Those darn guests just ruin it for you, huh? Good thing you've chosen to work in a front line customer service position at a mega multi-guest environment like WDW. :brick:

I'm quite aware that I work for a fortune 500 company. Like I mentioned above, I do it for the children. That's all I do it for. I myself love the parks and enjoy working at epcot. Epcot is a very beautiful park and it's detail still amazes me after all this time.

As far for guest, my coworker herself is from the uk, and foreigners have nothing to do with how a person acts. If they can understand her jokes while riding at the jungle cruise, they can read signs and know what common sense is. Being from another country should be enough that they should'nt act like they would back home.

And plus I do get those guest that applaud my strickness while working. They tell me that it's great to know that disney is firm about rules and it's only those certain few that just don't know how to behave. I've had guest come after illuminations and thank me for a job well done. If we weren't strict, disney would be should I dare mention the other parks in orlando? ~_~; It would be mayham!!
I noticed the time you posted that and I'm sure you are now sound asleep after being able to get all that all your chest.:lol:

Yes, yes that felt really good to get it off my chest actually. I need to write a book of behavior for some of the guest and their children. =/ Parenting has gone way way wrong. You don't want to know what they did to me when I talked back to my parents!! back in the day.

Now it's a nice slap to the rear or "time out." Children are stepping all over their parents.

At illuminations once, this little girl just would'nt stop crying so the mother bribed her and the little girl stopped. GO FIQURE!! :king:


New Member
I am with all the parade/firework pushing haters. I was at epcot and i had found a spot 2-1 1/2 hours before Illuminations. 30 mic before it starts a big asian family came and squezed there double stroller right nest to me, it was touching my leg. meanwhile the rest of the family gets as close as thay can squeeze through, meaning that they were squishing my family and I. About 10 min. later the 2 kids in the stroller start screaming and hitting eachother. The little boy had a popcorn about half full, the little girl slaps the popcorn out of the boys hands and of corse it goes all over me. The parents are doing absolutly nothing about it, i look at the parents and one of them sais in a snuity voice "oh sorry". Luckly about 10 min. before illuminations starte they left.

I try to not notice the bad things when i am in such a magical place but sometimes you just cant let some things go.

ok, im done:D:D

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