No outside food and drink in WDW parks?


Well-Known Member
Considering the massive discount Coke offers Disney, the water probably costs less than that.

The idea of banning outside water is still an offensive concept for a resort that pretends it has excellent guest service.

No reputable dealer gives a discount on Coke, no matter what the volume.


Well-Known Member
I just wanna know what happens to the parents that bring the economy size containers of goldfish or Cheerios for their kids to keep them somewhat behaved/happy/fed thruout the day.


Well-Known Member
totally understand banning bags of food, coolers etc. completely ridiculous when you see people hauling entire meals into the park, come on now. i'm shocked it lasted this long considering how tight Disney's gotten the last 3-4 years.

i do wonder how far they'll go. can i bring a protein bar into the place? even if they just allow food that fits in your pocket i'm all for it.

it sounds silly but something like a quest bar is perfect for long park days. they definitely don't sell them. not all of us function on fried food or quick service offerings 24/7. expand your selection and i'll be more on board with a 100% food/snack ban.


Think for yourselfer
No reputable dealer gives a discount on Coke, no matter what the volume.

This is wrong.... Not surprisingly.

I happen to own a store that sells Coke products, and we get discounted rates. Direct from Coke. We are a smallish store, so we don't get the max discount rate either. There are levels. If anyone wants, I can post a picture of a bill with the discounts clearly visible on it.\

Edit to add....

Depending on time of year, and incentives, we pay around 50c a bottle for Dasani.


Well-Known Member
I can understand keeping large amounts out. But trying to ban small things impossible.

My woman is a diabetic type 2 and we have to carry snacks everywhere. When her sugar drops we need it readily available not fighting to leave a line find a snack cart with an option and waiting in another line.
If all outside food gets banned I will sneak granola bars on my person.

p.s. my lady isn't obese.

Hey did you write that last line because your lady was standing behind you!! She was wasn't she...smooth move Uncle Lupe....smoooooth!!


Well-Known Member
This is wrong.... Not surprisingly.

I happen to own a store that sells Coke products, and we get discounted rates. Direct from Coke. We are a smallish store, so we don't get the max discount rate either. There are levels. If anyone wants, I can post a picture of a bill with the discounts clearly visible on it.\

Edit to add....

Depending on time of year, and incentives, we pay around 50c a bottle for Dasani.

Pretty sure that's not accurate. DH used to run concessions at the local Convention Center. He switched between Coke and Pepsi more than once over several years because of the deals being offered.

I think you might be missing his joke.


Well-Known Member
I. Only did it once because it was an extremely cold day, but i still don't see kids snacks, adult snacks, dietary needs, and water being banned. You can buy it all at your resort on wdw property. Why not?


Well-Known Member
Every location that offers fountain drinks will provide you with a cup of ice water at no charge. No purchase necessary just walk up and ask.
The irony here is that IF they ban bringing in bottle water but continue the ice water policy, it will actually cost them in money (the cup itself, the water, the energy to freeze the ice and the labor to dispense it) and goodwill. While they might be looking at potential marginal revenue from keeping bottled water out, I just don't see the cost-benefit analysis shaking out here and I personally don't think any potential revised food and drink policy will be this draconian.

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