NextGen / FP+ / Magic Band. The official truth starts to appear


Active Member
There are a few people in the parks with the band today. It's hideous and blue.
The people I saw with them were dressed nicely (think business attire) and most women were just holding them in their hands. One had it around her purse strap. I wish I could have gotten a picture.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious to see what happens when you have a split stay. We're staying at AofA for three nights in March, taking a cruise, then staying for another three nights at WL. To further complicate things, I'm buying my park hoppers online from a third party before we leave. I wonder if they'll be able to link my tickets to the bands, will I be able to arrange FP+s, and will we need to get new bands when we check in at WL (I'm guessing yes).


Well-Known Member
I am just totally baffled by all of this.
What is wrong with just going to a park and using your damn ticket to get a paper fastpass for an hours time? Why all the planning? Why all the need for a smart phone, and to have a log in and an ID and book your fastpass times? I just want to be able to go to the park, with minimal crap, especially not my mobile phone and have an enjoyable, stress free day,not to use dodgy Wifi that may or may not work, to spend valuable holiday time booking fastpasses to rides.
The system now is fine. It's fair to everyone, no matter where you are staying or how long you are staying for. It's easy; "Ooo I fancy riding this ride. Oh, 2 hour wait? Well nevermind I'll get a Fastpass and come back in a few hours." Uhm not any more. This just screams of Disney trying to make money.
Can you do any fastpasses without a smart phone or a log in or a bracelet? The current system works, it's easy, it's convenient. This sounds as if it's about as convenient as a chocolate teapot!

Gah. This seems like too much effort and hard work for a holiday. Just get rid of the fastpass system altogether and go back to waiting in stupid lines.


New Member
I am just totally baffled by all of this.
What is wrong with just going to a park and using your damn ticket to get a paper fastpass for an hours time? Why all the planning? Why all the need for a smart phone, and to have a log in and an ID and book your fastpass times? I just want to be able to go to the park, with minimal crap, especially not my mobile phone and have an enjoyable, stress free day,not to use dodgy Wifi that may or may not work, to spend valuable holiday time booking fastpasses to rides.
The system now is fine. It's fair to everyone, no matter where you are staying or how long you are staying for. It's easy; "Ooo I fancy riding this ride. Oh, 2 hour wait? Well nevermind I'll get a Fastpass and come back in a few hours." Uhm not any more. This just screams of Disney trying to make money.
Can you do any fastpasses without a smart phone or a log in or a bracelet? The current system works, it's easy, it's convenient. This sounds as if it's about as convenient as a chocolate teapot!

Gah. This seems like too much effort and hard work for a holiday. Just get rid of the fastpass system altogether and go back to waiting in stupid lines.

I agree..we are planning a trip with 11 family members and the current FP system would be so easy. Who ever wanted to go on one ride could run and collect FP tickets, the others could pick a different ride. Now we need to have planning meetings just to pick rides/attractions. Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
We may never know the exact algorithm, but in order for FP+ to be an incentive to stay on property or upgrade accommodations (especially if they get rid of EMH), they will have to promote and advertise some of the details of the advantages.

Dr. Strangelove: Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the world, EH?
When it comes to NextGen, quoting from Dr. Strangelove is appropriate. However, I tend to go for the more obvious choices, either 1984 (“Big Brother is Watching You”) or The Prisoner (“Be seeing you”).

NextGen represents a major shift in Disney’s theme park strategy. Even Disney is selling it as a new theme park experience (propaganda for “we’re changing things”). Already, some grumble “I don’t like this” while others grumble “I don’t like that”. Disney needs the public to accept NextGen. They need to get people over the initial hurdle and conceptually accept NextGen. Then, as they make additional changes, they can sell this as “You’ve already accepted NextGen, this is just one more change”. It's a divide-and-conquer approach to negative publicity.

This is why I’ve previously posted that we should expect to see a lot more changes to NextGen in the next few years. NextGen is a long-term business strategy, not a flavor of the month. People have posted that NextGen will fail. IMHO, NextGen will fail only if Disney changes too much too quickly.

We’ve already accepted one less evening EMH. There was a little grumbling but there’s no big revolution saying “We’re never going to WDW again because there’s one less EMH.” What happens when Disney takes away a second evening EMH? Probably about the same. So, in a few steps, WDW will have gone from 3 EMH most nights to 1 evening EMH on only select nights. Disney is slowing reducing the EMH dosage.

NextGen is the new medicine. Disney will be slowing increasing the NextGen dosage. In a few years, I am waiting to hear reports of the following conversation:

Guest: “I logged online to reserve my FP+ for Toy Story Mania and it said nothing was available. I logged in exactly at the 60-day window. How come nothing’s available?”
Disney: “We’re so sorry to hear about that. I see you’re staying at Port Orleans Riverside.”
Guest: “Yes.”
Disney: “It so happens that we can guarantee you a FP+ for Toy Story Mania, Soarin’, and Expedition Everest if you simply change your resort to the Animal Kingdom Lodge.”
Guest: “What are you talking about? I’m staying at a Disney resort. Why can’t I get a FP+ for TSM?”
Disney: “Well sir, you see we allocate FP+ for each of our many resorts. It’s only fair that guests at all of our resorts have access to FP+, you see? Unfortunately, it appears the FP+ allocation for Port Orleans Riverside has been used up. However, I see that FP+ are still available for the Animal Kingdom Lodge.”
Guest: [silence for several seconds]
Disney: “Well sir, what would you like to do?”

Again, the key is to make changes subtly so there’s an evolution in people’s attitudes, not a revolt. For Disney, evolution means profits, revolution means loses.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I am wrong, but I thought they already announced a FP+ booking advantage for those staying onsite vs. day guests. That is why I accepted the premise.

I also am guessing (like others) this will replace EMH, but obviously have nothing to back it up.
An onsite FP+ booking advantage was mentioned last month by one well-known blogger. It was something along the lines of "Well, know that we know onsite guests will have a 180-day booking window ..." As far as I know, this has not been confirmed by an official source.

Eventual lose of EMH is already happening. Evening EMH has been reduced from 3 to 2 hours. It also appears that, so far, there are fewer EMH days than last year. According to The Spirit, the plan is for these to largely disappear. (Personally, I think Disney should keep them for holidays.) EMH costs Disney a lot of opex. Since FP+ is effectively free to Disney, it makes sense for Disney to replace EMH with some sort of extra FP+ perk. Give it time. Let's see how this evolves.


Well-Known Member
I just wish they actually had all the information available on this new system. That's what makes me nervous is that the press releases were so vague and now that no new info has come out yet detailing anything, part of me thinks wdw doesn't even know what is going to happen with this monster! Especially since u am a guest who does stay off property more than on. Our trip is in may so hopefully this won't be fully integrated yet!

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Why can you only get FP+ for one park/day? This seems to discourage park hopping, which is how we like to tour. I'm really trying to keep an open mind about this, but I am not going to 90 minutes for BTMRR because I used my FP allotment in Epcot earlier in the day.


Think for yourselfer
I am just totally baffled by all of this.
What is wrong with just going to a park and using your damn ticket to get a paper fastpass for an hours time? Why all the planning? Why all the need for a smart phone, and to have a log in and an ID and book your fastpass times? I just want to be able to go to the park, with minimal crap, especially not my mobile phone and have an enjoyable, stress free day,not to use dodgy Wifi that may or may not work, to spend valuable holiday time booking fastpasses to rides.
The system now is fine. It's fair to everyone, no matter where you are staying or how long you are staying for. It's easy; "Ooo I fancy riding this ride. Oh, 2 hour wait? Well nevermind I'll get a Fastpass and come back in a few hours." Uhm not any more. This just screams of Disney trying to make money.
Can you do any fastpasses without a smart phone or a log in or a bracelet? The current system works, it's easy, it's convenient. This sounds as if it's about as convenient as a chocolate teapot!

Gah. This seems like too much effort and hard work for a holiday. Just get rid of the fastpass system altogether and go back to waiting in stupid lines.

Chocolate teapot. Being stateside I had never heard this before, I actually LOLed. Literally laughed out loud.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gang, I haven't been on the boards for a few days due to the Inaugural prep. Is this new system still in testing or is it fully rolled out. I'll be in the World in a few weeks and want to know if I am missing something. Thanks.


Premium Member
Hey Gang, I haven't been on the boards for a few days due to the Inaugural prep. Is this new system still in testing or is it fully rolled out. I'll be in the World in a few weeks and want to know if I am missing something. Thanks.

Still no public timeline on roll out.


Well-Known Member
I hope that for some reason this whole thing ends up getting delayed somehow! Seeing as how their new website has been up for sometime now and is still a complete disaster, does not give me any faith whatsoever of them pulling this off properly. This is 10x bigger than a buggy website...

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
As far as I can tell, resort guests are semi-using the system right now at least. CM's were directing resort guests at both Epcot and MK yesterday to use the new RFID entry and directing everyone through turnstile-less exit (at MK). Also, they are converting turnstiles at all parks to the new RFID entry.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to NextGen, quoting from Dr. Strangelove is appropriate. However, I tend to go for the more obvious choices, either 1984 (“Big Brother is Watching You”) or The Prisoner (“Be seeing you”).

NextGen represents a major shift in Disney’s theme park strategy. Even Disney is selling it as a new theme park experience (propaganda for “we’re changing things”). Already, some grumble “I don’t like this” while others grumble “I don’t like that”. Disney needs the public to accept NextGen. They need to get people over the initial hurdle and conceptually accept NextGen. Then, as they make additional changes, people they can sell this as “You’ve already accepted NextGen, this is just one more change”.

This is why I’ve previously posted that we should expect to see a lot more changes to NextGen in the next few years. NextGen is a long-term business strategy, not a flavor of the month. People have posted that NextGen will fail. IMHO, NextGen will fail only if Disney changes too much too quickly.

We’ve already accepted one less evening EMH. There was a little grumbling but there’s no big revolution saying “We’re never going to WDW again because there’s one less EMH.” What happens when Disney takes away a second evening EMH? Probably about the same. So, in a few steps, WDW will have gone from 3 EMH most nights to 1 evening EMH on only select nights. Disney is slowing reducing the EMH dosage.

NextGen is the new medicine. Disney will be slowing increasing the NextGen dosage. In a few years, I am waiting to hear reports of the following conversation:

Guest: “I logged online to reserve my FP+ for Toy Story Mania and it said nothing was available. I logged in exactly at the 60-day window. How come nothing’s available?”
Disney: “We’re so sorry to hear about that. I see you’re staying at Port Orleans Riverside.”
Guest: “Yes.”
Disney: “It so happens that we can guarantee you a FP+ for Toy Story Mania, Soarin’, and Expedition Everest if you simply change your resort to the Animal Kingdom Lodge.”
Guest: “What are you talking about? I’m staying at a Disney resort. Why can’t I get a FP+ for TSM?”
Disney: “Well sir, you see we allocate FP+ for each of our many resorts. It’s only fair that guests at all of our resorts have access to FP+, you see? Unfortunately, it appears the FP+ allocation for Port Orleans Riverside has been used up. However, I see that FP+ are still available for the Animal Kingdom Lodge.”
Guest: [silence for several seconds]
Disney: “Well sir, what would you like to do?”

Again, the key is to make changes subtly so there’s an evolution in people’s attitudes, not a revolt. For Disney, evolution means profits, revolution means loses.

I'm sure this is what we're all thinking. People complain that the internet is ruining things in regards to disney and people are complaining...its true. I have to think of it this way, if your scenario plays out, multiply by however many rooms non Deluxe hotels have, and people will be ed. People will blog, people will post, it will be huge backlash. And Disney will have to take notice when bookings drop and/or when it gets to be such a big reaction that national papers pick the story up and run with it. Its already started with just the hint of what FP+ might be and 'tracking'. This was such a bad move and huge waste of money.

On the bright side, maybe whatever braintrust came up with this whole idea and what it entails, will be fired and someone with some common sense will take their places.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't judge an entire process based off an isolated incident you experienced. It doesn't matter if it's Disney World or your own place of work, things go wrong. We do not live in a perfect world. What matters is that they fixed the issue and then they probably compensated you with a fastpass or something. All cast members who will be utilizing aspects of NextGen are being trained specifically for it. Disney actually has a park support team consisting of hundreds of cast members who work specifically on NextGen (they are walking around in blue shirts with the Mickey Dot on the left), as well as having hired several hundred more guest relations cast members to assist in the transition.

oh i agree...just stressful at the unknown. no compensation other than an apology call. the sad part for what i talked about earlier was it ate up over an hour of the christmas party we were attending so it was after 8pm before we got in...just makes me that much more anxious to get this new process up and running and get the bugs worked out.


Well-Known Member
Let me preface this with.... " I do not believe that it is the right thing to do"

I think that if WDW discontinues annual passes, maybe they want those vacationers filling the parks and weeding out the AP holders. Because even though AP holders spend more over a year, they spend less on any 1 given day. If you get rid of AP's add more hotels and free up the parks of AP holders, than you have more "space" to fill it with vacationers who are spending much more per day. So the amount spent per guest/per day/per hotel is higher.

I'm not saying I like it, but financially it make sense.

but if you look at trying to by more than a 3 day park ticket as a florida resident they now kick you to at minimum a season pass so they're not completely done with us yet...maybe waiting until the economy is betterl lol???


New Member
I think the magic band is kinda cool... don't have to worry about losing my key card in the parks or pool... I wonder if they'll have a way to charge to it. Won't have to bring my wallet around. When I'm walking around the countries in Epcot, the lighter I carry the better!


Well-Known Member
I think the magic band is kinda cool... don't have to worry about losing my key card in the parks or pool... I wonder if they'll have a way to charge to it. Won't have to bring my wallet around. When I'm walking around the countries in Epcot, the lighter I carry the better!

i'm all for streamlining what i carry too. i guess you'll be able to tell whose been to disney now by the big white untanned stripe on their arms lol.

I was wondering how it works if they have you book your fast passes months in advance for say a 7 day trip and you book your full allotment how do you remember or access when your fp times are once you're actually on vacation if you were to ONLY have your arm band thing on ...or will they just assume everyone has an iphone?

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