Well-Known Member
How would this have even worked? WDW can't use characters that are in the Avengers family.
I'm curious as to what exactly the Avengers E-ticket is -usually it's described as some sort of Quinjet experience. Maybe somehow a variant on the FoP tech?
Anyway, my question is that if the ride is based more on the experience of being in battle and using a certain "tech", it might not really be dependent on specific characters for the story. Perhaps the idea was to do a similar experience as what was being planned for DCA but instead use different characters - e.g. maybe a "young avengers" like Ms. Marvel, Hulkling, Wiccan & Speed, America Chavez, etc. who should all likely be usable since they are new characters. I mean, the following scene doesn't seem like you need the specific characters depicted:

You could have a similar experience with some tweaking. I dunno, just a thought, but I could see that as having been the idea at play here for Epcot.
Also, is the Avengers E-ticket actively being build at Hong Kong?