Well-Known Member
Personally, I like don't mind these Toy Story Lands at WDSP and HKDL...
Because they can't hold a candle to the awesomeness of our Pixar Place.

Mr.Epcot is right. Cast Members and Imagineers use it loosely, but even the ticket ranges vary among imagineers some time. It is a fun and purely fan based venture.
Because they can't hold a candle to the awesomeness of our Pixar Place.

When it really comes down to it, nothing is an "E" Ticket anymore. Sure, Disney will use that phrase to plug their newest ride, but you won't find them making an official stance over whether a particular experience is an "A", "B", "C", "D", or "E". Until if and when they reinstate the ticket system, the only criteria for determining the ticket value is purely fan-based.
The "tickets" are still used internally to describe projects.
I only know because the lead for DHS's TSMM told me it was a D.
Mr.Epcot is right. Cast Members and Imagineers use it loosely, but even the ticket ranges vary among imagineers some time. It is a fun and purely fan based venture.