You are right... While Storck is a German company which makes rather nice candy, caramel isn't particular German at all! Of all the products listed that are going to be sold (caramel popcorn, caramel apples, caramel-covered strawberries and marshmallows, gourmet caramels, cookies, brownies, fudge and cupcakes), the only thing you can buy regularly in Germany are cookies! And possibly our version of caramel apples which are more sugar glazed with a red glaze than true caramel. :shrug: Most of the sweets listed will be identified by most Germans as truly American sweets (with the exception of fudge which we think is British - a country also known for toffee here in Germany which is a kind of caramel, isn't it?)!!
And even the name is not really German either: "Karamelle-Küche" isn't proper German. It either has to be Karamellküche (meaning a kitchen producing caramel in general) oder Karamellenküche (a kitchen producing caramel candies). The dash is all wrong, maybe Karamellen Küche could be acceptable... :brick:
I have always been rather impressed that the WS is much more authentic than people here in Germany think anything an American company like Disney could ever produce. But this is just that fake kind of authenticity which I always kept telling folks here that there wouldn't be... I am really sad about that.