My Little Mouseketeer's First Visit to the World (9/23 - 10/3)

Hello all…

First, a little background and a few caveats.

My girlie, Anastasia, looooves her Mickey. She’s been raised with the Mouse since she’s been born. Her first words were “Me-mou!” (or “Mickey Mouse!” for those of you who need a toddler-to-adult translation). At home she can spot a Mickey from 100 paces and go running to point it out to you. She only watches one show on TV every day, and that’s the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It’s safe to say the girl’s obsessed.

So we brought her home for 10 nights…

The caveats:

This is going to be nothing like my prior trip reports… I’m so thick with Mommy-brain that I barely remember what we did this morning, let alone what we did the first few days we were here, and in exactly what order. This will be mostly pictures of my little one with her beloved characters. Not much artsy photography, because it’s hard to snap away when you’re trying to keep your little one from launching herself headfirst into one perilous situation after another. Just some cute pics for you, a little explanation to go with them.

I hope you enjoy!


Well-Known Member
I've said it before, but Anya is just the cutest!! Those Mickey and Minnie pictures still get me.

I'm glad you guys are having such a great trip! Can't wait to hear about the rest!


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Day 3:

I let DH sleep in this morning, and took the girl over to the AK all by myself. It was so strange to just mosey into the park, and not rush for a big ride. We chilled out in the Oasis for a while, but it wasn’t really working out… too many people were rushing along, just like I used to do, and the danger of her being trampled was great. So I packed her up and we headed over to visit with the Hundred Acre Wood pals…


There was almost nobody in line to see them first thing in the morning, so we got a lot of interaction time. I think all the characters and photopass people were smitten with her. She snuggled up to them, giving them hugs, played coy a few times… she had a ball. Pooh was especially a big hit. Pooh even came back to see her, once the people had left his line…


Silly old bear...

"Wait... why can't I stay with Pooh Bear?"

Big cuddly Eeyore


Hugs for Piglet


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Then it was off to see what other characters we could track down… we found Stitch near Pizzafari. He was cute, but not as much fun as the Pooh gang. I was hoping she'd recognize him from the stuffed animal we got for her when she was 5 months old... it's been sitting in her room for a while now, and we play with him from time to time... but I don't think there was any real recognition. Oh well. :shrug:


After visiting with him, we headed off to Camp Minnie Mickey for some more face time with the characters.

Poor Donald. He was the first we saw, and she was responsive and cuddly… until she spotted the Pal Mickey that a little boy in line was carrying. She was off like a shot pointing him out and saying “Middy!” (her new word for Mickey). Donald was left in the dust… I apologized to him. Donald got overshadowed by the Mouse again.

Playing Peek a boo with Donald:

"See ya! I'm outta here!"



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Then we stopped in to see Goofy... I think she was a little intimidated by how tall he was... but was still happy to see him.


Then we paid a visit to Minnie, whom she adored. She pointed out where her ears were, her nose and gave her a hug.

"Gimme five!"

"Where's Minnie's nose?"


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Around the corner from the gang was Koda and she went nuts over him. “Bear” is one of her words, and when she saw him she squealed with delight. Then she took off running, to play “Catch me if you can!” with him… and he did! He ran right after her. I caught her eventually and made room for someone else to have some time with the characters.


After all that character fun, we just wandered around for a bit, soaking up the sights... I finally got to see DeVine! I tried to get a good picture, but it was tough to keep her sitting in her stroller and snap good pictures at the same time. She wanted OUT!! So after we saw her, we headed back to the busses... it was naptime again.



Active Member
Awww, I just got tears in my eyes reading about her first meeting with Mickey!

The next time someone says toddlers are too young to get anything out of WDW, someone needs to post a link to this trip report. You can tell she is having the time of her life!


Well-Known Member
I'm loving your trip report! Your little girl is so adorable! I just love the pose Donald is holding while she's running away. He's like, "Hmmm, what just happened?"


Great TR and pics and your daughter is so pretty. We leave next Wed and I am so excited because it is my 3 year old sons first time. I hope he does as good with the characters. Glad you had fun. :wave: Sheri


This is such a great mom trip report! I cry over your details and swoon over the beautiful pictures of your daughter. Please tell us more!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
I looooove this TR! I swear, when my friends point out to me that they want to wait to take their kids to WDW until they're out of diapers and can do the parks without the strollers I always tell them that my only regret with taking our boys is that we didn't take them as toddlers. One of our family's favorite things while there is to watch the little bitty kiddies interact with characters. Even my sons catch these magical moments and point them out. I only hope the parents of these little angels don't get weirded out that we enjoy watching their kids. We totally do it in an inobtrusive way. LOL!


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Great report so far Bunny - love the pics!!!!

Thanks Fishy... stay tuned, there's lots of Nemo-loving to come...

OMG you're little Mouseketeer is so adorable! It looks like she's having an amazing time so far...and it seems like you're having quite a blast as well.

Thank you :o We had a TON of fun, all of us!

I'm loving the TR Bunny!! And the pictures are great!

Thanks Jo!:wave:

Great TR - your daughter is such a sweetie!!! Isn't it amazing to see WDW through the eyes of a child!?!

It's the best thing in the world :king:

Great TR and pictures, can't wait to read and see more!

It's coming! Gotta get upacked first :(

Awesome so far Bun! Major major goosebumps when you shared Anya's experience with Mickey and Minnie. Can't wait to read more!

And...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!:sohappy:

Thanks, and happy birthday to Em! :kiss:

Wonderful report - your daughter is precious - tears came to my eyes during the Mickey/Minnie meeting!! Look forward to more on your trip. How old is your little one? We are leaving in 2 days to meet up with my grandsons (yes 2 of them) ages 2 years and the other one 6 months at the World. Are we crazy or what?? Cant wait to hear from you soon!:wave:

Shw turned one at the end of August. It's actually her "second" trip to disney, but the first one we didn't visit the parks at all :rolleyes: She was 5 months at the time...

Yay Bunny!
More! More! More!

It's coming!
LOVE. IT! :sohappy:


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Great report - love the photos

Thanks :wave:

She did cream me at Buzz...but I've learned I'm much better at TSMM anyway. Now I just need to ride that with Bunny...maybe I can cream her then.

And babysitting...yes, a great method to family planning. I think those short few minutes though change WHF's outlook just a little on children though. Which kinda scares me. (Although, thankfully, not enough that he wants kids RIGHT NOW! Whew!)

Artsy?! More like bird filled! :lol:

I'm sorry we left so soon. If you weren't feeling tired already, I could have stayed later. I'm glad I got to experience it with you though!!! :)

If you ever want to "borrow" her again, let me know!! I could use a good babysitter :lol:

Yeah I totally had tears in my eyes reading about the Mickey meeting. Too cute!

:o I cried too!

Great report. It reminds me of my trip last year when we took our 2yr old boy for his first trip. He was the exact same way about seeing mickey.

Isn't it the most magical thing EVER???

Great report Bunny! What a beautiful little girl :) All the pics are wonderful but the Mickey & Minnie ones had me sniffing a little. So sweet! There is nothing like seeing your little one meet the Mouse! Can't wait to read the rest!

Thanks girlie :wave:

I've said it before, but Anya is just the cutest!! Those Mickey and Minnie pictures still get me.

I'm glad you guys are having such a great trip! Can't wait to hear about the rest!

Hopefully I'll get more up tomorrow...

Awww, I just got tears in my eyes reading about her first meeting with Mickey!

The next time someone says toddlers are too young to get anything out of WDW, someone needs to post a link to this trip report. You can tell she is having the time of her life!

Hee. That's a god point... shehad a TON of fun... I wouldn't think twice about taking someone so young. We just geared our trip to her needs, and everyone was happy.

Awwww, so CUTE Bun! I love her expressions meeting the Pooh characters! Anxiously awaiting more. :sohappy:

Coming up!

I'm loving your trip report! Your little girl is so adorable! I just love the pose Donald is holding while she's running away. He's like, "Hmmm, what just happened?"

Heh. That's what Donald's attendant said! :lol:

What a wonderful trip report! It is such a joy to see a toddler enjoying herself so much at the world!

It is a very magical age... and we're blessed to have a very easy going kiddo too! My nephew went at the same age a few years ago and wouldn't go NEAR he rides. :shrug:


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My goodness! What a great trip report! It sounds so magical!!

And to think! You're still there!

Not anymore... :cry: But it was magical.

Great TR and pics and your daughter is so pretty. We leave next Wed and I am so excited because it is my 3 year old sons first time. I hope he does as good with the characters. Glad you had fun. Sheri

Best of luck on your trip!! I hope he does well! :wave:

Great TR Bunny! The pictures are so CUTE!!!!!

Thanks :o
This is such a great mom trip report! I cry over your details and swoon over the beautiful pictures of your daughter. Please tell us more!!:wave:

I wish i could remember more details... Mommy-brain does it again! :hammer:

great report! I can't wait to see more.

Coming up tomorrow!

I looooove this TR! I swear, when my friends point out to me that they want to wait to take their kids to WDW until they're out of diapers and can do the parks without the strollers I always tell them that my only regret with taking our boys is that we didn't take them as toddlers. One of our family's favorite things while there is to watch the little bitty kiddies interact with characters. Even my sons catch these magical moments and point them out. I only hope the parents of these little angels don't get weirded out that we enjoy watching their kids. We totally do it in an inobtrusive way. LOL!

It was funny... wherever we went, we always had people watching her.. sometimes a crowd would gather... it was odd at first to have all these people staring at her, but I could tell that they were getting the same kind of happiness out of watching her as I was.

It wasn't so bad going with her in diapers and lugging the stroller around. Much better than we though it would be!

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