My Little Mouseketeer's First Visit to the World (9/23 - 10/3)

Hello all…

First, a little background and a few caveats.

My girlie, Anastasia, looooves her Mickey. She’s been raised with the Mouse since she’s been born. Her first words were “Me-mou!” (or “Mickey Mouse!” for those of you who need a toddler-to-adult translation). At home she can spot a Mickey from 100 paces and go running to point it out to you. She only watches one show on TV every day, and that’s the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It’s safe to say the girl’s obsessed.

So we brought her home for 10 nights…

The caveats:

This is going to be nothing like my prior trip reports… I’m so thick with Mommy-brain that I barely remember what we did this morning, let alone what we did the first few days we were here, and in exactly what order. This will be mostly pictures of my little one with her beloved characters. Not much artsy photography, because it’s hard to snap away when you’re trying to keep your little one from launching herself headfirst into one perilous situation after another. Just some cute pics for you, a little explanation to go with them.

I hope you enjoy!


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Last day! I promise!

Anyway, here are the pics.

We headed to Epcot for our last full day at the parks...


We got some condensation on the lens, and didn't realize until I uploaded the pics, so these are a bit blurry. But still cute. :o


Pluto was tickling her tummy with his nose.

And of course, we HAD to go on Nemo at least 4 times. No lines meant that we could just duck around the handicapped entrance to get back into line. The CM's all knew us by then...

Posing with Bruce

"I'll take a bite out of you!"

Then we wandered around in Innoventions for a while until it was naptime. She especially liked the magic screen at the House tour.

After her nap we chilled out at the pool at Saratoga for a while.



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On our last morning, we had some time to kill before we needed to be at the airport... so we decided to take one last trip on Nemo! I never would have thought we'd go to a park, walk in, ride one ride, and turn right around again to leave. Gotta love having an AP! It was a lot of fun being able to go on one last ride before we endured the flight from H-E-Double hockey sticks.

My apologies to everyone on our flight, because she just WOULD NOT NAP. I booked the flight over her normal naptime,thinking she'd sleep through at least a part of the flight. She kept trying, but everytime she would nod off, her head would snap back up and she'd cry again. Ugh.

But we finally made it home again. It's safe to say she had the time of her life. Every day when I get her out of bed in the morning, she points at her Mickey Ears and makes me get them down for her.

"Let's go again, Mommy!"

See you all real soon! :wave:


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Bunny --

As a mother of a 3.5 year old daughter who is about to go on her 6th trip in a few weeks - I truly appreciated your trip report. I wish I had done them for each trip - but I never find the time.

One word of advice - you think you rode IASW too much this trip - wait until she is old enough to tell you what she wants to ride. We did it like 3 times in one day - my husband and FIL refused to ride it at one point.

As for your flight home, we did that in November 2007 at 2.5 years old. It was the worst. Now she has flown on 10 flights (5 round trips) and we never had another situation like that. I don't know what the problem was but I felt like everyone was staring at me and commenting to keep my kid quiet under their breath. It was not fun.

I am glad you did Norway with her. My mom gave me a dirty look when I told her we were going on it this past November. My daughter loved it, and my mom was okay once we got off and she was fine.....but according to her it was too scary for a toddler.

You pictures of the Epcot fountains are identical to mine. We lived in that fountain last April. Will be back in it this April (as well as the one in Pop). Great energy driver for getting her tired for a nap! Learned well from the April 07 trip when she was almost 2.


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Bunny --

As a mother of a 3.5 year old daughter who is about to go on her 6th trip in a few weeks - I truly appreciated your trip report. I wish I had done them for each trip - but I never find the time.

One word of advice - you think you rode IASW too much this trip - wait until she is old enough to tell you what she wants to ride. We did it like 3 times in one day - my husband and FIL refused to ride it at one point.

As for your flight home, we did that in November 2007 at 2.5 years old. It was the worst. Now she has flown on 10 flights (5 round trips) and we never had another situation like that. I don't know what the problem was but I felt like everyone was staring at me and commenting to keep my kid quiet under their breath. It was not fun.

I am glad you did Norway with her. My mom gave me a dirty look when I told her we were going on it this past November. My daughter loved it, and my mom was okay once we got off and she was fine.....but according to her it was too scary for a toddler.

You pictures of the Epcot fountains are identical to mine. We lived in that fountain last April. Will be back in it this April (as well as the one in Pop). Great energy driver for getting her tired for a nap! Learned well from the April 07 trip when she was almost 2.

It's funny you say that she's going to tell us when she wants to ride... I haven't gotten to this in my current report, but at one point when we tried to go on Peter Pan's Flight she nearly had a meltdown because she saw IASW and we weren't going on it. She kept signing please and pointing at it. Then when we got off of PPF we went to go on IASW and she didn't want to go to the entrance... she just wanted to duck under the ropes and head down the ramp - she knew the fastest way to the ride! We had to convince her to hang in there until we could reach the actual ride entrance. :rolleyes:

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