Wow! I must have really captured the cold if you felt it in July. :lol: <---I laugh because we're in the upper 90's outside at the moment.
I know people are probably sick to death of hearing me whine & complain about the miserable cold we had the misfortune of experiencing. I'm sure there's probably a group of people pooling their resources to have an intervention and force me to seek therapy to get over it already.

I'll be honest, I don't want to go to WDW in January anymore. I guess that could change but for right now I can't fathom being there after December 31st or before February 1st ever again.
The trip as a whole didn't feel as epic as it did in the past but I don't think it's entirely about the cold. Normally when we go on trips we're already planning the next one before we ever leave. This trip was different in that we went into it knowing that within a few months of our return the hubby's project would be ending. The job market has been brutal right along with the economy. We didn't know when/if we'd be going back so it almost felt like we were losing our best friend as we went thru each day. The overall sadness really dampened the whole thing. In that way, we sorta killed the vibe for ourselves.
Lessons learned. Gotta have faith. We had a heckuva spring with the hubby out of work for 2 months (first time in 17 years - :lookaroun) and the smack-down of a lifetime with the middle school. All things happen for a reason...when one door closes another opens...we're where we're supposed to be. Looks like we didn't have to wait too long for that next adventure, either. Counting down to beginnings...and lounging at da' Bay. :sohappy:
Glad you enjoyed the report. Stay tuned for the next installment in the series.