Your hair color is awesome! I may just copy one of your pics for future reference...
Oh I totally agree about holiday crap. Once it is past New Year's we are soooo over it!! Get it outta there, I want normal WDW back!
And I feel ya with the temps. We went to DLR just after Christmas and it was friggin' freezing!! Yes, it does make it hard to enjoy. It just doesn't feel very Disney-ish for some reason...perhaps because you don't expect to freeze, you expect to wear shorts and the warm breeze is part of the experience.
Bummer about the crane in your pics, but this one turned out really nice!
I totally noticed this too a few trips back, mostly because my youngest LOVES the "mine" seagulls. Here's my before and afters. (man the greenery has taken a beating from the cold weather!)
I can't take a bit of credit for my hair. Seriously. I found the world's best hair chick and I love her. I show up, sit in her chair, and she let her do what she's good at. I totally trust her. She's absolutely gorgeous so how do you not trust a person who makes themselves look so spectacular???
The crane cropping! That pic actually had me in it, too, but I had this totally screwed up expression so I cropped me & the crane out. Works for me!
I'm glad I'm not like 5 years late noticing that handrail gone at The Seas. I noticed it in someone else's pics before we left on the trip & found it interesting how they created the barrier with landscape. It looks nice. I'm just used to finding long discussions about the most minute changes on the News board & don't recall seeing a thing about that. LOL!
HAHA, you are so hilarious!!!:lol: I love all these silly comments! Your but looks just fine!
I loved the boys with the green army men. That looked so much fun!
Sorry about the unfortunate (unmentionable) event. I'm so glad you were able to recapture the magic on the last two days.
So sorry for posting two comments, I just read your whole report this morning. And thanks a whole lot for making me waste most of my Saturday morning!
Enjoyed it either way!! Until next time!:wave:
OMG! Since we left for the Disney trip I've gained 10 lbs. At some point I've got to get this back off. I hate the way my clothes feel. Ugh! Maybe the butt shot was the jeans or a bad angle but it weirds me out. I'm trying to be better about being less vain and throw pictures out there even if I do look kinda bad or weird in 'em.
Eh, the unspeakable event. When I think about it I get irked all over again so I try not to think about it. We must've made it past it, tho, because Tracey is wanting to go again without the kids soon if we can. Yaaaayyy!!
My reports do tend to be long, huh?
I agree that this stuff is sooooo good!
I've been waiting for you to post your report, and I have to say that I loved it! Your first day in the parks was our departure day, and it was miserable! I'm glad though that you were finally able to enjoy the parks without looking like you were about to go on some ski slopes, not to the Magic Kingdom. Your experience with the Sunrise Safari makes me really want to stay at the Concierge level at AKL. It seemed like a great experience. I loved Ellie, too! I thought she was a great touch.
I hate that we missed each other! Dang! Just once I'd like to meet someone from the boards in the park just so it's not a fully-electronic-experience. LOL!
The Sunrise Safari was awesome. I don't know that I'd pay to stay club level again. It was nice but the cost is an awfully lot. I was totally not impressed with the IPO people. They screwed up several things that I had to go back and fix. I guess being the planner I am it makes the Club Level not that much of a value for me. Oh well! But the Safari was awesome and I'm really glad we did it.
i love your TR's! They always keep me interested! And i also think it's cute for you to bring your ellie along. I just might do the same thing with my goofy that i bought back in 93!
You should totally bring a "friend" on your trips with you to share the experience. When you're in line or waiting for something it's built-in entertainment. I loved having Ellie with me and I plan to bring her again.
I do alot of business with KFDM TV in Beaumont!!! How funny is that! Small world!!! Wow! That's awesome that the registration process is so in-depth, I think that is great! Can't say the same for the High Schools around here! :lol:
It's 60 here today!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: I love it!
We are heading to Disney again in December... I usually try to book my trips that are during the school year during a week where I know my son has a day or two off from school, so he doesn't miss an entire week! I'm dreading the day he gets into the older grades and I can't pull him out of school b/c of the work load :-(
Girl I have a sinus infection right now that I've had for the last two weeks and there are days I feel like I've been punched in the face! So I totally feel for the poor animal!!
Oh, and P.S. I love your DB mickey bag!!!
We rarely ever watch local tv. We just don't watch a lot of television. Well, we will soon with the new season of Deadliest Catch upcoming still. We're die-hard with that show & have been since day 1. The most we've seen KFDM was during the Olympics recently. I think KFDM is the NBC affiliate.
We got the boys' report cards last Friday. Yeah, not taking them out for fun anymore. They understand and don't argue. They're good with Spring Break trips. We'll make it work somehow.
Oh yeah! I looooove the Disney Dooneys. I got both designs for Christmas from Tracey and love love love 'em. I get all sorts of questions about them from other chicks who like them. I hope they do more!
Thanks for the pics of the bunk beds..I know it is kinda weird..but the railing is great due to I will have a 4 y.o. next we stay there..and the pics of W.C. are wonderful too!
The bunks worked out so good for us. I wish we could get them in the Poly rooms or the Contemporary. The rooms at AKL are soooooo small compared to the Contemporary & the Poly. I guess I'm spoiled, huh?
Love your trip report and all the pictures. Two quick questions:
1) Did you need to request the bunk-beds at the AKL?
2) Where did your son get the camera strap. I think it's really cool.
You can specifically reserve the bunk bed rooms at AKL & Wilderness Lodge. They up-charge for them. When booking the concierge level you have to request them & they aren't guaranteed.
The camera strap I go him off eBay. I wanted him to have something nice & don't care so much for the ones they currently sell in the parks. The one Chandler has was sold in the parks back in the 80s from what I read. Cool, huh? You can find them if you search for them. There's lots of different ones they've had over the years.
I loved your trip report! Thanks for all the great photos!
(And I love your CPK!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! It felt good to post it and see that I did, in fact, find the magic again in the end. Oh! And Ellie says she loves you, too! She's such a stinker!
That's it... THAT'S IT?? IT'S DONE???
What am I supposed to do now... I have 51 days until my trip... I don't think I can wait that long...
Do another one... make it up... I DON'T CARE!!!
Yeppers. It had to end somewhere. You should go get you a little notebook & pen and get ready to take notes so you can post your story for us to read when you get home. I'd love to read it!
I wish I could make another one up. I wish I could go back so I could have another adventure to share!
I always enjoy your trip reports!:wave:
I'm sure you hear it all the time, but your older son is your husband's twin! I can see a strong resemblance in both of them to your father in law too.
Thank you soooo much! Actually, I usually hear that my oldest looks like me and my youngest looks like his daddy. I think they're a perfect blend of both of us. Funny you should say that...just 2 days ago I hauled out some old pics for the boys to look at of their dad when he was their age and my youngest looks juuuust like his dad used to. Expressions and all!
Why is it always so difficult on the last day? I always try to think of something to do that will help that. This year, we originally thought we'd be leaving on a Sunday, but now we've decided to leave on Monday. We're telling ourselves that we're leaving on Sunday so when we start to feel sad and wishing we could stay another day, we'll remind ourselves that we're really leaving on Monday! Silly I know, but we gotta do something to ease the pain!
Your Wishes moment made me teary too. Thanks so much for taking the time to write this all up, I really loved it.
Last days are the worst but you can't have an adventure without 'em so it's a necessary evil. We always have our tearful moments but it's never goodbye forever. We'll be back.
Ah, the Wishes moment. Yeah. That meant a lot to me. It really did.
Thanks for coming on the journey with us & feeling my Wishes moment with me.