My first trip report July 28-August 2

Hello everyone :wave: I've always enjoyed reading trip reports and have decided to try one myself. I had a great vacation and can't wait to share.

The Cast: Me (23) my mom (50) and my sister (18). My mom and me have been to Disney world 13 times including this trip while my sister has been a total of 11, So we know our way around but this was our first vacation in 4 years and first time staying at the Polynesian.

Day 1- July 28

We had a flight out of JFK at 8:15, we live in connecticut so we had scheduled a driver to pick us up at 5:45 and he came at 5:30 luckily for him we couldn't wait to leave and were ready to go!! We got to JFK around 6:30, we were flying Delta and I have to say I LOVED using the check-in kiosk, I had paid our bag fees the day before so that was a breeze, security was not, long long long line, by the time we got through and got breakfast it was almost 7:30 then we realized we had to go to the other side of the airport to catch our plane that was now leaving at 8:00. We made it and just as I sat down to eat my fruit and yogurt cup that cost me an arm and a leg it slipped out of my hands and splattered EVERYWHERE!! I'm not the kind of person to leave a mess so I ran to the bathroom got towels and cleaned the floor just as I finished it was time to board so breakfast was cookies on the flight!!!

Landed in Orlando before 11 and went right to the magical express, it was very different from the last time we used it 4 years ago much more organized wait about 10 minutes and we boarded our bus for the Polynesian which was also the first stop!! I had checked in online a couple days earlier and went to the line where we had to wait awhile while another couple was being taken care of. Check-in was a breeze, this trip was a birthday gift to me and a birthday/graduation gift for my sister so we all got our buttons and everything was ready including our room. So went to our room where we found this:

It was so cute we didn't want to move it!!! Our room was in the Rapa Nui building, now I loved the Polynesian and I would definitely stay again but I didn't like being so far away from everything in the lobby, I did enjoy the view though:

I enjoyed watching the monorail and that parking lot was barely every full it didn't bother me too much, and when a car was on the raceway you could hear it and my mom being a huge NASCAR fan loved it!! but next time I'll make sure to request a building closer to the lobby.

We then gathered our stuff and headed to Captain Cooks where we had a quick small lunch, I had the grown-up grilled cheese and Polynesian Chips while my mom and my sister shared a cheeseburger and Polynesian Chips, those chips were amazing I want them right now thinking about them!! It was about 2 so we headed over to the magic kingdom, but first I took some picture around the Poly:




We had dinner reservations at 4:20 for the Crystal Palace so first we went to Adventureland and headed for Pirates

We all are huge Pirates movie fans and were huge fans of the ride before so we all especially loved the new updates to the ride. As we got off my mom noticed how swollen her feet had become we all thought it was so odd since she walks to work every day it must have had to do with the plane :shrug: and her forgetting to take her high blood pressure medicine which she left out to take but forgot!!! She is also a diabetic has been since she was 9 and it was getting closer to our dinner reservations so my sister ran back and got her insulin since she would never had made it with her feet so my mom and me waited for her in the front so there wouldn't be any problems with security.

Got to Crystal Palace on time and the food was great!! It is one of my favorites, After dinner my mom was still not feeling her best so she left my sister and I to do what we wanted while she went back to the Poly to rest. We walked toward adventureland again and just kind of wandered around, went through frontierland, and then decided on the Haunted Mansion, my sister when she was about 10 rode this ride about 10 times in a row just kept getting off and getting back on so this is her favorite and she loved the updates as did I, it really did a lot for the ride!!

we then continued through fantasyland and into Tomorrowland where we rode Buzz, Astro Orbiter which we never did before we were always too scared don't know why but we were!! then we did Stitch I love stitch he reminds me of my dog!! I know most hate him, and yeah the attraction isn't the best but it does crack me up when he spits on people and they freak out We then headed to mainstreet where we tried to watch Spectromagic, it was so hot and the air was just dead, no breeze and everyone was packed so tight it wasn't the best conditions and not once or twice but three times during Spectro did I see the same parade attendant sprint up main street for what I can only imagine were some dumb dumbs trying to cross the street in the middle of a parade!! We then got some snacks and waited for Wishes, we enjoyed the show and then headed back to the Poly via boat and enjoyed some time on the beach before returning back to our poor mother sitting in the room her feet up begging us to call room service, we did and then decided to hit the hay.
Day 2 at Epcot will follow maybe tonight or tomorrow!!


Premium Member
Great report so far!!! My dream is to someday stay at the Poly, and that Pool picture with the castle in the background just makes me want to go there even more!!!


Well-Known Member
Wonderful start to your first trip report!! I love your pictures. And you're not alone, I'm a Stitch fan, too. :lol: I can't wait to read more!


Original Poster
Sorry for taking so long to update I have some family visiting from Italy. Thanks for the comments everyone!!! My mom is doing better now thanks for asking, but her troubles for the trip were far from over!!

Day 2- Ohana's, Epcot, and more!!

We woke up and were off for a 7:35 reservation at Ohana's. The food was great and so was the juice, does anyone know what it is?? We want to try and make our own less awesome version at home because I doubt it will be as good!! We then decided on Epcot for the day, we are the kind of people who just kind of go where we want to, we don't really plan our days ahead of time, only time we do plan are when there are Extra-Magic Hours. We finished breakfast and my mom wanted to buy new sandals thinking her old one were what made her ankles swollen so after she got a pair we headed off to Epcot.
We got to there a little after 9:


and headed to Test Track:


it was about a 20 minute wait, we then decided to head to Mission Space:


I had never gone on I was always too scared, the wait for green team was non-existent so my sister and I went on Green Team, I loved it and wanted to try Orange, Green team is good for people who want to try the ride but don't want to wait in line or if the fastpass time doesn't work for you, there is hardly ever a line and its still the same thing just less intense. I then headed off to get a fastpass for my sister and I on soarin' while my mom and sister sat near the fountain, we had to return between 1:45 and 2:45 so we decided to go through the World Showcase, last time I went I was in a stroller and my sister had never gone.

We started in Mexico around 11 and began to work our way though each country. We all went on the Grand Fiesta Tour in Mexico, and then my sister and I rode the Maelstrom in Norway which confused me?!?! I didn't follow the story at all and then they try to make you watch a movie, luckily we sprinted through the theater along with about 10 other teens and got out of it. By the time we got to Germany my mother realized her feet were not swollen but now bleeding because of the new sandals :brick: this then led to us sitting on a bench in every country, this was not turning out to be a good vacation for her!! We did have a delicious Pretzel in Germany, and then when we got to Italy my sister suggested eating there which made my mother and I want to throw her into the lake, we eat Italian every night!!!! and she complains every night!!!! We got to Japan and had a shaved Ice which was amazing because looking back I feel like it was the hottest day our whole trip. By the time we got to France we were all bickering with each other and by the time I took my last picture of Canada it was 1:00 it took us 2 hours to get through the world showcase. Now we laugh about it and just the other night my mom was laughing because my sister had my moms old shoes in her bag the whole time, my mom could have just put those on and been fine!!!

We still had sometime to kill before Soarin' so we went on Journey into the Imagination:


we then headed to the land where we got some food and then went on Soarin' my sister and I love this ride, my mom did it last time and hated it so she got some much needed sitting and resting time!!! on the way out my mom wanted to do the Nemo ride


We all enjoyed the ride and then headed back to the Poly.


We got to the room and my mom went to soak her feet while my sister and I went to the beach, this was one of my favorite things to do the whole trip, the Poly beach is great and the hammocks are a plus!! this was my spot:


My sister was a little further back in her own, we just laid there and watched the boats and the castle, I want to go back and just lay on the beach!!! We went back to my mom just as a storm was coming, we decided to head to the Grand Floridian and explore and wait out the storm there since we had no reservations that night and the Floridian was always her favorite resort, well that storm was not going to let up, we had some food in the arcade there and then attempted to go to the kingdom, where all we accomplished was getting fudge and sweets from the main street bakery and watch the cast members on main street pushing the water with their little squeegee brooms at each other it was pretty entertaining!!! The park was empty and if it wasn't a torrential downpour I would have taken my camera out and taken pics!!! We went back to the room and had our fudge then around 9:50 I headed out alone to the pool and soon as the clock struck 10:00 the rain stopped and the fireworks started, it was Disney Magic at it's best. Watching the fireworks from there was amazing its a must!!! They pipe in the music and its a straight on view!! I didn't have my camera again cause of the rain but it was nice to just enjoy them!! I then got a dole whip and headed back to the room!!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I suspect the juice you had was [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Lilikoi Juice - a passion fruit, orange and guava blend. :slurp:


Well-Known Member
We got to the room and my mom went to soak her feet while my sister and I went to the beach, this was one of my favorite things to do the whole trip, the Poly beach is great and the hammocks are a plus!! this was my spot:

That is our favorite spot at The Polynesian also..we always watch Wishes from there..:)

Great pictures..and so sorry for your mom..Glad she is feeling better..:)


Well-Known Member
great trip report so far. ugh...there is nothing worse than having shoes that make your feet hurt while at disney. i hope your mom's feet problems cleared up before your trip was over! i can't wait to read the way, wonderful pictures!!


Original Poster
Thanks for all the comments, and I plan on making my own version of that juice soon!!

Day 3- Magic Kingdom, Pool

We woke up the next morning ready for our first visit to Kona, I had been reading about the Tonga Toast for the past 4 years and couldn't wait to try it!! It was amazing!!! Everyone must try it!!! It was extra magic hours at the magic kingdom so we headed over and by the time we got there it was about 8:30 so we headed to Splash and got Fastpasses and then went to Adventureland where we rode Jungle Cruise, Aladdin's Magic Carpet, and Pirates again. We still had some time to kill so we did a little window shopping and then decided to hope on the Train for a ride around the park, today was going to be a take it easy day. We got back to Frontierland just in time for our fastpass times. We got right on and got completely soaked, I was in the front while my mom and sister who hate drops were behind me, and I was drenched luckily I handed my bag to my mom otherwise my camera would have been ruined!! So we got off, hung around to try and dry a little bit had some snacks and then decided to head back to the Poly for some pool time.

My sister and I decided to first take out the SeaRacyers we had our fun and then headed to the Quiet Pool, the volcano pool was insane!!! Had a nice lunch, swam, and relaxed. I think we stayed at the pool until almost 4 headed back to the room showered, and just as we were heading out another storm, nowhere as bad as the night before but enough to make you angry, well I wasn't going to let another night go by without us doing anything so I bit the bullet and bought 3 ponchos, the whole time tinking they are only $1.15 at Target!!! but what were we going to do!! We decided to stay close and head back to the kingdom where we rode It's a small world, Snow White, and Philarmagic. It had stopped raining and we ended up in Liberty Square where we watched Specto, and then headed over and watched Wishes. My mom was a real trooper this day, her feet were bothering her but she kept going, we just took lots of breaks and it wasn't too bad!!

But we did have some problems getting back to the Poly, we got to the monorail and I was the first one up to the gate with my mom and my sister behind me. As we were waiting these two teens decided to make out I mean seriously heavily making out :hurl: I ignore it and start to laugh because it was just so ridiculous they were like 16-17, so the monorail pulls up to the station and the gates open to board when I get pushed from behind so hard that I luckily moved myself somehow to where instead of my head going into the pole my shoulder does, I don't know how but I manage not to fall flat on my face to look behind me and see about 3 girls around 17-19 push me so there mother could sit down, turns out they were behind my mom and sister and pushed them when they were at the gate and then just pushed me while I was boarding so they could all get seats, by the time my mom and sister get on there were no seats, when my mom really needed a seat because of her feet, but these girls were sitting and the two making out were sitting, I was furious I live really close to New York City, I go all the time ride the subways constantly I consider myself 1/2 New Yorker and I have NEVER been pushed on the subway like that EVER and New Yorkers are supposed to be mean!! We got off at the T&TC since our room was closer to it than the Ceremonial house and I was still angry so I just walked around the resort to cool off and got a Dole Whip and called it a night.

Here are some pictures from the day, enjoy and thanks for reading!!

Like I said, I love Lilo and Stitch but don't hold that against me!! :)





and I always see people take this picture so I did one of my own!!


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