

Active Member
Agree with you Servo...I saw the X-Files today and I really enjoyed it for what it was. I was/am a huge X-Files fan and I thought it did harken back to older episodes. Also, being a fan of the Mulder/Scully relationship (a "shipper" as it was back in the day), I was pleased with what the movie had to offer. :) I did find out there was something after the credits but we didn't stay. The kids who clean the theater were giving us the evil eye to leave.

All in all, not intended to be a huge movie but definitely for the fans. :D

I'm one of those kids who clean the theater lol. Sometimes if its busy we tell guests there is nothing at the end of the film so we can clean it ready for the next film. It's amazing how much mess popcorn can make, it goes everywhere.

X-Files isn't out over here until friday so i'm going to have to wait til then but the best thing about working at the cinema is I get to watch films for free which comes in handy with the film course i'm doing at university. It saves me alot of money considering I go about twice a week to watch a film.

Green Lantern

New Member
Agreed on both points, though the only way I can see Part IV is if they set it in 2045 when Doc's old as ever. :lookaroun :lol:

Ever seen Tom Wilson perform "Biff's Question Song"?

I'd love a sequel if they had a good story, as for a remake, you can never top perfection, so why try? (I pray studio heads at Universal never even think of remaking BTTF.)

Is anyone a fan of the BTTF cartoon?

Tom Wilson's Question Song is awesome.


New Member
Original Poster
I'd love a sequel if they had a good story, as for a remake, you can never top perfection, so why try? (I pray studio heads at Universal never even think of remaking BTTF.)

Ugh, remaking it would be a bad idea. Continuing the series if they had a good story, sure, but redoing it? No thanks.


Well-Known Member
Is anyone a fan of the BTTF cartoon?

I was born in '91, but I started watching the reruns back when I was 7. (This is well before I became BTTF-obsessed. I think I watched the actual movie at 9 years of age. :lol: )

Ugh, remaking it would be a bad idea. Continuing the series if they had a good story, sure, but redoing it? No thanks.

Bingo. Among man other things, they'd have to think of a new time machine; I'll keep my Delorean, thanks. :D

EDIT: Ladies and gentlemen... the best thing ever.

BTTF... recreated... in glorious, glorious French.


New Member
Original Poster
Man, did X-Files bomb over the weekend or what??

Mild understatement :lol: I didn't think it'd do that well but I wasn't expecting it to come in behind Mamma Mia. I never did get why they felt like releasing it during the summer; I think it would have fared much better in an October release.


Well-Known Member
Man, did X-Files bomb over the weekend or what??

I put the blame on the marketing team for the movie. I did not see a trailer or even a word about the movie until 2 weeks prior to its release. There was absolutely ZERO buzz about it.

A movie like this could've been huge...and SHOULD'VE been huge due to the large fanbase...but if you don't get the word out...and get people excited about it, you're not going to get people in the seats.

David Duchovny was on Opie and Anthony on Friday and he was saying that he knew it wouldn't beat out The Dark Knight. He was telling people to go to the theater, and if Dark Knight was sold a ticket for the X-Files and then sneak into the Dark Knight :lol:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


New Member
Original Poster
EpcotServo, how dare you get me all curious and intrigued for that! Shame, shame shame. And what was Disney thinking?! Oi... :brick:


Well-Known Member
I put the blame on the marketing team for the movie. I did not see a trailer or even a word about the movie until 2 weeks prior to its release. There was absolutely ZERO buzz about it.

A movie like this could've been huge...and SHOULD'VE been huge due to the large fanbase...but if you don't get the word out...and get people excited about it, you're not going to get people in the seats.

David Duchovny was on Opie and Anthony on Friday and he was saying that he knew it wouldn't beat out The Dark Knight. He was telling people to go to the theater, and if Dark Knight was sold a ticket for the X-Files and then sneak into the Dark Knight :lol:

I agree with you there. There was no press about this whatsoever. Now, I am being realistic...even as a fan I wasn't expecting it to be HUGE. But the trailers were so vague that when you went to go see it they had nothing to do with the movie. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

That movie looks to be the stupidest movie of the freakin' TIME!


Well-Known Member
But it should do well in the target demographic of 21-42 year olds... that's in dog years, by the way. :animwink:

I have a 3 year old (er...21 years old) nephew and that trailer came on the other day and he wasn't the least bit interested. Now, this kid LOVES Cars, Monsters Inc., and Lady and the Tramp. (He also really liked TMNT).


Well-Known Member
It would be the best answering machine message in history. :D

(Right up there with Queen: "We will, we will, call you back!" :lookaroun)

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