

New Member
Original Poster
They're just trying to milk Harry for all they can by shortening the span between films 6 and 7 part one. The writer's strike is allegedly delaying 7.

The writer's strike has hurt the summer line up for next year for most of the studios (if you look at the releases right now, it's rather weak compared to this summer) WB moved HP back to fill in the gap in their scheduling; they know they have a hit on their hands and they'll likely need to revenue more next year than this year.

Stupid strikes :mad:


Well-Known Member
Back from The S...well, I can't say it. This IS a PG Forum.

Tropic Thunder was great! Tons of Apocalypse Now in it too.

Like I've said...I'd really love a double bill of Pineapple Express and Tropic Thunder. They share a few smaller stars, and go great together.

Pretty funny though, the power went out 3/4ths in(keep in mind this is a small local cheap theatre.) The film stopped, and the lights came on. Made a few people laugh when I said "Missing Reel". Maybe it's my fault since I wore my Grindhouse shirt?

What I love about small local, non-googleplex theatres is that nobody wanted to go out and burn the theatre down like when this has happened in big AMC theatres. Everyone just hung out, went to the bathroom and a minute later it started back up again.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Just got back from the Clone Wars. It wasn't bad. In fact I enjoyed it. I can see why the critics didn't like it though, it didn't really have a story. But the other clone wars cartoons didn't have much of a story either, but I don't think they were meant to have one because its just showing events and what the characters were up to during that time.

But it had plenty of what I wanted: Clone Wars battles so I was satisfied.:D


New Member
So I let DW pick the movie...Mama Mia (and I'm thinking mama mia, ya know?:hammer:) BUT...this was THE best movie I've seen in a long time, and now ranks among one of my most favorite movies!

I also was taken (partially against my will) to see Mamma Mia....and I'm a 25 year old female! :lol: You would think I'm in the target audience! But my mom really wanted to go and I knew she wasn't going to be able to talk dad into it, so I went. I LOVED it. I even bought the soundtrack on Itunes!

Again, as a 25 year old female, I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy Dark Knight. LOVED it too. I was worried it would be too graphic and I was on a date (didn't wanna seem all "girly.") Wow. Usually those movies don't live up to the hype, but I think it totally surpassed it. I have a friend who has seen it 6 times in the theater so far and now I can see why. I might not pay to see it six times, but I would definitely watch it again.

Those are the only 2 summer movies I've seen and both were great. Now I just need to see Pineapple Express before it leaves my theater...I have an odd "crush" on Seth Rogen...:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I think I may have cracked a rib I laughed so hard at Tropic Thunder. Robert Downey Jr. should get an Oscar...seriously.

By the way, I can't wait to see Satan's Alley

Kirk Lazarus will SO get another Oscar for that one!

So I finally watched CLOVERFIELD last night, and all I can say is thank goodness for RiffTrax. Only thanks to Mike, Kevin, and Bill was I able to withstand all that "DUDE!" "MAN"! "BRO!" and "RUN RUN RUN!", "MOVE MOVE MOVE!" and of course "LISTEN UP!" (And people, acoordingly Listened up.) in one movie.

Have to say, they managed to pull off one of the worst "Hip" movies ever made. Plus there was so many great questions left unanswered...

Why was the monster always withen 25 feet of them?

Why did it leave after killing HUD? Was he ashamed?

Why on earth does the government care about their love story, and why would then even edit it in?

Where do you buy a camera that has like 20 hours of battery life without charging it?

How did she survive having an iron pipe in her lung?

How did they survive a 1000 foot Helicopter crash?


And what about "What's up Dude?" guy? What "was up Dude?" Will we never know what was up? Dude?

Oh, and I guess you could ask about the monster and stuff, but the movie didn't care about it too much so I just assumed it was to fill time in between a bunch of incredibly ugly twenty-somethings yelling "ROB! ROB! ROB! DUDE! ROB, MAN! BRO! ROB, BRO! ROB! MOVE! RUN RUN! LISTEN UP, DUDE!"

So many questions!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Because the movie wouldn't be exciting or interesting if it didn't have that stuff. Also, the pipe wasn't in her lung, it was in her shoulder by the looks of it.

Oh well, I love Cloverfield.:D I love how the monster makes those eerie moaning sounds.


Well-Known Member
Because the movie wouldn't be exciting or interesting if it didn't have that stuff. Also, the pipe wasn't in her lung, it was in her shoulder by the looks of it.

Even if it was sticking out of her shoulder, she'd have died from blood loss soon after they yanked it out of her!

If it was any other movie I'd ignore it since "realism" isn't important in movies, but this one went to such annoying lengths to be "real" that you have to laugh at them when they overlook simple things. (Um? Movie? Hi. Me again.You DO know that there would be lots of MOVING cars trying to ESCAPE the city, right? What? Did the monster borrow the EMP thing from 2004's War of the Worlds?)

And you know, I'm not a great cameraman, and I have an unsteady hand. But somehow I can tape a man standing in the middle of a party without tipping the dang camera on it's side. Trying too hard!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Even if it was sticking out of her shoulder, she'd have died from blood loss soon after they yanked it out of her!

Eh, I don't know. It just depends on what part of her shoulder it pierced.

(Um? Movie? Hi. Me again.You DO know that there would be lots of MOVING cars trying to ESCAPE the city, right? What? Did the monster borrow the EMP thing from 2004's War of the Worlds?)

Well, look at 9/11 and the 2003 blackout, TONS of people were leaving by foot. Mainly because many new yorkers don't have cars because they travel around by subway.


Well-Known Member
Well, look at 9/11 and the 2003 blackout, TONS of people were leaving by foot. Mainly because many new yorkers don't have cars because they travel around by subway.

I get that (Like when they're in the middle of the city) But what about all the non-moving empty cars on the bridge. What, did they just all park on the bridge, forget about it, get out of the car and start walking?

Sorry, I don't mean to be Mr.ArguePants, I just have a horrible MST-inspired knack for movies getting on my nerves.

"You say, no Mr. Crow. Don't spoil our fun. I'm sorry! It's my job!"

"It's only a movie....It's only a movie...It's only a movie..."

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I get that (Like when they're in the middle of the city) But what about all the non-moving empty cars on the bridge. What, did they just all park on the bridge, forget about it, get out of the car and start walking?

You're not very familiar with New York are you?:lol: Because under the pedestrian walkway there is a highway and it appears it was jammed with people in cars trying to leave. Then if appears they got out of their cars and ran when they saw the monster approaching the bridge.

Sorry, I don't mean to be Mr.ArguePants, I just have a horrible MST-inspired knack for movies getting on my nerves.

I do nik pick at even the best movies, so I can relate.:king:


Well-Known Member
Fans of the instant classic war-film "Tropic Thunder" should know that the 30-minute documentary about the troubled production of this film, called "Rain Of Madness" is now out for free on iTunes.

It's a very interesting look at the horrors that went on behind the camera.


New Member
Original Poster
The Goonies 2 is out next year:lookaroun

Really? That project has been go/no go for so long that I don't know what to believe anymore :lol:

Btw, hi again everyone! :wave: I disappeared for awhile because of my qualifier, which I just finished taking. (It was horrendous; none of us think we passed so keep your fingers crossed that a miracle happens and I pass it!)

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