Screamscape was the first I heard of it. For all I know, it could be in the very early planning stages. If it was leaked to a fansite, that sometimes means it's a blue sky project that somebody is hoping to get going through fan excitement.
Of course, I can't think of a time that has every worked, and is usually a ploy used by new imagineers.
I think I am also a believer as the stuff that he has told us is nothing that does not seem plausible or they are ideas that have been discussed for a long time but are ideas that are well beyond blue sky. The TL expansion seemed to almost be green-lit after the sucess of C&G.
However, two questions for Roy Disney:
1 - What type of video is being thrown around for ST?:drevil:
2 - For any BB expansion would the expansion simply come off of the mountain because I cannot see any other logical ride that would not totally mess up the themeing?
Pardon my ignorance but what do the bolded initals stand for?
Pardon my ignorance but what do the bolded initals stand for?
I'm sorry but nobody believes this BS "insider info"l, give it up....
I am not aware of any plans to close "Dream Along with Mickey," and I did not suggest any such plans. Read between the lines on that.
My guess is that you and everyone else already knows the answer to this one. Crush'n Gusher was an attraction that was essentially sent in from one company, constructed over the winter by cast members, and then themed (less than was originally desired :brick: ). For a relatively small amount of money, Typhoon Lagoon was greatly enhanced and its theming was kept consistent.
Now compare that to anything we could do at Blizzard Beach. Although we have about three or four concepts that we could do if management requested something new at Blizzard Beach, the costs are substantially higher. Whatever you do at Blizzard Beach, the theming costs are just insane. I love the ideas behind BB, even if I do think in hindsight there should be much more shaded areas, but the fact is that BB is viewed as the smaller of the two waterparks, and it will stay that way. Not only due to costs, but also due to the fact that BB is pretty much maxed out in size.
I hope for this person's job security that they're full of it. I remember when I had "the talk" for posting some information that I probably shouldn't have.
I hope for this person's job security that they're full of it. I remember when I had "the talk" for posting some information that I probably shouldn't have.
there doesn't seem to be that much room left on the mountain. Granted, waterslides can be snaked in, if need be, they just have to be tastefully placed--if you put in too many slides, it'd throw off the theme and scale, and suddenly Mount Gushmore wouldn't look like a mountain at all.
Anything's possible in the imagination. :lookaroun :zipit:Still trying to figure out how Star Tours becomes a mobile motion base within the existing ride building.... and with no plans showing up for a building extention it just dosn`t add up.
Still trying to figure out how Star Tours becomes a mobile motion base within the existing ride building.... and with no plans showing up for a building extention it just dosn`t add up.
Considering there really isn't much room back there at the Studios. Unless the "pods" travel over the back entrance of the Studios parking lot, into the *New* Star Wars Land ( to battle the HP@US)?:lol:Still trying to figure out how Star Tours becomes a mobile motion base within the existing ride building.... and with no plans showing up for a building extention it just dosn`t add up.
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