For PotC and HM, FP+ was added to these attractions. These attractions previously did not have FP. "Before" and "after" numbers will give us an idea of how these attractions were impacted by FP+.
FP+ shifts wait time from the express to the standby line. With FP+, guests in these newly created Standby lines should end up waiting longer.
Conversely, attractions that previously had FP should be impacted only slightly by FP+.
The goal of FP+ is to get guests to preplan their trips around their FP+ selections. As such, FP+
might (I'm just guessing) have a higher redemption rate than FP. That means potentially more guests in FP+ lines.
Conversely, if there aren't FP super-users (like me) getting 8-to-10 FP per day, is that going to more evenly distribute ride capacity?
Gone are my days of riding RnRC 3 or 4 times a day, each time with FP.
Are there enough like me that our changed behaviors will help Standby lines?
As I've suggested before, it's difficult to be sure exactly how FP+ ultimately will impact Standby lines because FP+ is designed to alter guest behavior. It really depends on which groups of guests dominate the system, and which groups of guests' behaviors are most modified.
It can be modeled but, like any model, it's subject to error. With FP+, we are trying to understand how millions of people will behave using the new system.
Right now, guest behavior is in a state of flux. I would not put too much weight in current Standby line patterns. We need to wait until FP+ is fully rolled and and guests have altered their touring behaviors accordingly.