I have said this before, but it's worth repeating. You don't need to use the system to have an opinion on it. It is possible to like or dislike the system (at least in theory) without ever having used it. It's also possible to not be a fan of all of the components of the system but still have a positive experience with it overall.
Discussion around MM+ is a lot like a political debate. People generally have picked a side and won't listen to anyone from the other side. If you like the system or support it then everyone who is against it are just doom and gloomers who haven't even used it but are still against it anyway. On the flip side anyone who supports the system is a pixie duster or worse a Disney plant. When you openly support the system and then say it worked flawlessly for you the other side dismisses your experience/report as being overly positive. On the flip side if you openly despise the system and then report back on all of the issues you had the other side will dismiss your report as being overly critical and embellishing problems. Pretty much exactly how a political debate usually goes. Nothing gets accomplished.
Very well put. And the truth, as always, lies in the middle.
I thoroughly enjoyed my bands, and actually missed them on my Cruise (someone mentioned they should have done their beta testing with DCL first, and I agree with this wholeheartedly, as the service and quality there would have made up for headaches)...
But, since it was WDW, my band experience was largely painless. And since I work in IT at the level that sees the big picture (not a code monkey) I was able to tell the difference between training and behaviour issues with the front line staff vs systematic issues. System wise (aside from the MDE site) I had very few issues.
And, I enjoyed the band.
On the second half of my trip, I didn't have FP+, but I did have RFID and ADRs. Again, I experienced no real issues.
I don't hate the system. I actually like the system. I just hate to think what we could have gotten for it for the same investment.
I just don't think it is all that groundbreaking. The KTTW did 90% of what the current "band/RFID" does. It certainly won't make me spend any money to go see Disney next year, nor will it attract others I suspect who were not already planning trips. Excellent fireworks, great service, amazing food, fantastic shows and parades, top of the shelf rides, THAT will make me go back...Disney isn't firing on all cylinders in that respect.
This reminds me of when I was learning to manage restaurants...I was the BOH (Back of House, meaning, Kitchen Manager) and I wanted to replace an ice scoop holder. It cost about 40 bucks to get the "corporate approved" version, and I thought, heck, it's only 40 bucks.
My GM was furious. He said, just clean it up! I was indignant and took him back to the ice scoop holder and showed the moldy nasty thing to him and said...it's ruined. He proceeded to remove it from the ice machine, and after 15 minutes with an SOS pad in a sink (mixed with a few other chemicals) the thing looked like new. Then a run through the dishwasher, and it was sanitized and spotless...like it just walked off the assembly line.
My point is...what is new is not always better. And what is better is not always new.
Disney needs to get back to basics with their management of WDW.
I had the pleasure of a trip to Disneyland California nearly a year ago, and I can tell you, the rides were not significantly better. Neither were the lines.
However, the feel of the place...the theme...the fact that Main Street USA (while still quite similar to WDW, is a big shop) didn't FEEL like a big shop like WDW does...the fact that characters still roamed the streets and had random interactions...I could go on...
These are things that set it apart.
I never thought I'd be singing DLC's praises (heck, DLC fans hate I even use that term)...but...the crown lives there.
And, a plastic band...even with a USB drive (if you can't figure out the website, how the heck are you gonna figure out a USB drive...please explain that to me?)...isn't gonna do it.
Colossal waste of money.
Will it pay off? Possibly. If they keep at it. Keep the units updated with the latest tech.
Some have pointed out this should be viewed as a utility expansion, not an experience one, and I think that is the most apt explanation. But...how cool is futureworld at Epcot when Magic Kingdom is just as "futuristic"?
Meh...just a big meh from me.