Premium Member
Well, the swiper doesn't require annual replacements. Passive RFID is rather cheap though. When compared to the physical wear and tear, the current readers should last 20 - 30 years, easy.
I think his point was more about scales.. even at 10c a piece... times a few million guests EVERY YEAR.. that adds up. Just order of mag numbers.. 10 million guests at 10c is 1 million in costs every year. How many POS terminals do you replace for 1 million a year? Assume a safe number of $500 per terminal.. that's 2000 terminals every year.
I don't have the energy to try to estimate how many terminals are on site.. but I wouldn't be shocked to hear of numbers in the 4-5 digit range.
Plus, given Disney's relationship with Visa, and all their prominent advertising.. I wouldn't be shocked if Visa wasn't subsidizing the POS terminals.
With just rough stabs.. doesn't sound like massive savings to me. I'm sure it helps, but justifying it? Not convinced..
And the current readers will never be used for 20-30 years.. other technology refreshes will still force them to be replaced. I'd wager their expected lifespan is more like 2-3 years. Card tech, screen technology, etc have all forced frequent terminal upgrades.