

Well-Known Member
Quiet morning here.
Good morning everyone.

Bonny and MJ, I hope today goes smoothly for you.
Have fun!
I've finished my letter to MJ and I'll PM it to you later.
Or I can post it here if you like.
Just let me know.


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joanna71985 said:
Well, today was a long but fun day. I got to sleep in (which was nice). I then went to MK with 2 of my roomies and 2 other people. We were at MK together from about 12 to 3. At 3 pm I went over to Bonny's. I was there from 3 to just before 7. It was a lot of fun hanging out with Bonny and MJ. I really enjoyed it. I too have a story to add.

"I first met Bonny, Andrew, and MJ last year. I became friends with the show performers in Cinderellabration, as well as the attendants and a couple of the show managers. Well, I was there talking to the attendants and one manager friend (TC) when 3 people come up. One of them included a little princess dressed like Snow White. Well, I knelt down and asked her if she liked Snow White. I then gave her one of my personal Snow White pins. That turned out to be the start of a beautiful friendship. We hung out several more times during the CP. I was there when MJ first saw Mickey and started meeting the characters. And when I went down again in January, we got to hang out once more. We even got to watch Spectro together that night. That was such a fun experience (one I hope to repeat many more times). All I can say is that meeting Bonny, Andrew, and MJ has changed my life. MJ brings such a joy into my life. Her smile makes me feel warm inside. I feel blessed knowing them and hope to have them as friends for a long time. Because being Aunt Joanna is one of the best titles I could ever have. And I hope to add many more memories together with them."

Awwww, crying again! We love you too Joanna!


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Uponastar said:
Quiet morning here.
Good morning everyone.

Bonny and MJ, I hope today goes smoothly for you.
Have fun!
I've finished my letter to MJ and I'll PM it to you later.
Or I can post it here if you like.
Just let me know.

Either is fine, I can copy and paste it from anywhere, but the folks here would probably like to read it :)

We are waiting for Andrew to get ready so that we can go to MGM, I think it will be fun, it's SWW and I am bringing MJ's Light Saber at the request of her Auntie Maddie (a CM there)


New Member
Original Poster
Good Morning to everyone here!

For those of you who have posted Stories and letters, I have them on MJ's page ready to upload as soon as I get everything transferred from her blog and get all of her pictures up :)


New Member
This morning has been very hectic.

Not only was it the morning of the youth-led church service (well, we led both of them, so I guess it's services), but Peko (my dog) had some kind of doggie vertigo when I woke up this morning. My mom and I thought she had had a stroke overnight, or even had the big R-word (rabies :eek: ), but luckily it was just some old-dog-vertigo thing that was gone after we got back from church. We took her to the vet even though she was pretty much fully recovered and they gave it a long name that I can't remember. Something to do with old dogs who just randomly get dizzy, which passes quickly. They don't know how it happened. But she's fine now. She's a trooper. And she is pretty old, so it's understandable. She's 13, which is CRAZY for a dalmatian. She doesn't even act that old. Everyone who meets her thinks she's ten years younger.

But anyway. That was my scare of the day. I have to go to wrok in about 3 hours. I might read some Angels and Demons while I wait.

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