Mission:Space update (confirmed)

No Name

Well-Known Member
Correction: it's not the kind of ride that YOU want to experience more than once. I know a family where 3/4ths ride it every chance they get...

That's why I said "many people," and not "everyone." Judging by the ride's low-ish popularity and wait times, that family is certainly not in the majority.

Oh, and I do ride it once every few years.


Well-Known Member
I'll get that DSNY guy now. There should be a new video confirming this later today today.
I covered this in my very first video, and I was only discussing the plausibility of Apple's cash reserves and how if Apple could somehow bring back the massive cash pile sitting overseas tax free, they could make a MASSIVE acquisition of this kind, but governmental regulation would probably put a stop it.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that finds Mission: SPACE to be an underrated ride? The intimate experience often generates mocking and banter, similar to a rapid ride.
No, I totally agree with you. I love the ride. Very immersive and has a real feel to it. I started out with the orange side, but, found that my COPD created a problem during the acceleration. It was fixable by simply remembering to breath through my mouth at that point to counter act the minor pressure against my chest. Then, because, I kept forgetting to do that, I started to go on the green side and found that to be more fun because then I didn't have to worry about the breathing part. It was never at the point of dangerous, just felt weird and I'm sure someone without COPD would not have any concern at all. I don't really and still ride the orange occasionally.

The green side to me is just fun, not scary or intense. In fact, as a simulator it is in many ways much milder then Star Tours or Body Wars. I don't think any changes were made due to intensity, at least on the green side, but, perhaps a change in the story line.


Well-Known Member
So true. People usually ignore ride warnings and often they really don't matter for the majority of the population (i.e. most people hold their arms up when riding a roller coaster even if the warning tells them to keep them in the ride vehicle at all times) but not turning your head during Mission Space is definitely one warning that everyone should pay attention to.

Edit: not that I'm a proponent of ignoring ride warnings...I'm not. I'm just saying they are often on the extremely conservative side and people get away with ignoring them all the time with little to no consequence, but for M:S it's definitely not a good idea to do so.
In fairness, there was at least one person that had a preexisting condition and ignored the warnings and died from it. The other had a condition, but, was unaware of it. Two people paid the ultimate price within a very short time span early on. That is one of the reasons that so many avoid it. It was supposed to be a super "E" ride, and is, for those that are not afraid of it and just don't ride it at all.


Well-Known Member
Agreeing with @Movielover here. Try orange. As someone with a erratic stomach, I've never had any issues with it. Worse aftereffect I've had was my legs feeling "weightless" for about 15 minutes after it. And if you're worried about getting sick, don't look away from the screens. On top of that, the forces are only for short spurts too. Maybe 10 seconds tops for each (launch, slingshot, re-entry to Mars)? I could never imagine doing the ride with out the forces. I said before, that's its' "party trick". Without those, it's a less exciting Star Tours.

EDIT: To add to all of this, I think people are scared of orange because of all the warnings and the 2 deaths. I had a friend scared of orange and when it was over, he said "That was it? The forces weren't as bad as the signs make them out to be".

Orange: It's a great ride, except the two deaths. Boy, can't wait to ride it!:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Orange: It's a great ride, except the two deaths. Boy, can't wait to ride it!:rolleyes:
Two deaths that could have occurred elsewhere. The little boy unknowingly had a very, very weak heart, so weak that a sudden surprise could have killed him. The woman knew had known medical issues. Mission: SPACE is not the only attraction at Walt Disney World that could have pushed their bodies too far. Mission: SPACE is blamed for deaths while people give no thought to riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.


Well-Known Member
Two deaths that could have occurred elsewhere. The little boy unknowingly had a very, very weak heart, so weak that a sudden surprise could have killed him. The woman knew had known medical issues. Mission: SPACE is not the only attraction at Walt Disney World that could have pushed their bodies too far. Mission: SPACE is blamed for deaths while people give no thought to riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

Yeah, I know. The juxtaposition of the statements. I just couldn't resist.


Well-Known Member
Huh, they put up a new graphic for the sign out front.

July 13th:

July 26th:

Incorporates Earth & Mars neatly. Weird change though. The sign for the Advanced Training Lab and store hasn't changed. Nothing else has either.

Also there was a member of security skulking in the wooded area between Mission: Space and Wonders of Life. Really weird.


Well-Known Member
Huh, they put up a new graphic for the sign out front.

July 13th:

July 26th:

Incorporates Earth & Mars neatly. Weird change though. The sign for the Advanced Training Lab and store hasn't changed. Nothing else has either.

Also there was a member of security skulking in the wooded area between Mission: Space and Wonders of Life. Really weird.
Apparently it's not going to be green/orange, it'll be Mission: Earth and Mission: Mars (according to clickbait) (sorry if this has been mentioned already)


Well-Known Member
Apparently it's not going to be green/orange, it'll be Mission: Earth and Mission: Mars (according to clickbait) (sorry if this has been mentioned already)
Although it's kind of weird because the original naming of the missions predicted this 2017 update. Earth is green so it's called the Green Mission, mars is orange so it's called the Orange Mission.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Two deaths that could have occurred elsewhere. The little boy unknowingly had a very, very weak heart, so weak that a sudden surprise could have killed him. The woman knew had known medical issues. Mission: SPACE is not the only attraction at Walt Disney World that could have pushed their bodies too far. Mission: SPACE is blamed for deaths while people give no thought to riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

That's because BTMR is medicinal. It cures kidney stones.

But you're right that the idea that a ride kills because of a precondition is silly. People with a precondition can die from that precondition while running, walking, sitting, or sleeping. But no one gets worried of killer mattresses. The Disney incident blotter mentions people who go to the hospital or die from riding the bus.

Obviously, if you have a known precondition for which sudden moves might trigger it, then yes, you try to stay away from thrill rides. But if you have an unknown precondition, your time might come on Tower or Terror, or on The Peoplemover, or in Ellen's.

Mr Disney

Active Member
In the Parks
I'm personally STOKED that they're updating Mission:Space. Maybe it'll make it more exciting to work there... *audibly rolls eyes*


Well-Known Member
Although it's kind of weird because the original naming of the missions predicted this 2017 update. Earth is green so it's called the Green Mission, mars is orange so it's called the Orange Mission.
That's kind of a stretch, Earth is known as the Blue Planet and Mars is known as the Red Planet.


Well-Known Member
Confirmed to be returning August 13, complete with HD Video and new experiences. Green is going to land at Kennedy Space Center, which is a nice tie-in to an attraction not far from WDW.

Height restriction is also being reduced for younger kids, so they can experience the green. "The height restriction will be changed for the Green Mission side with the addition of new X-2 booster seats allowing children 40-44” to ride."


Well-Known Member
Confirmed to be returning August 13, complete with HD Video and new experiences. Green is going to land at Kennedy Space Center, which is a nice tie-in to an attraction not far from WDW.

Height restriction is also being reduced for younger kids, so they can experience the green. "The height restriction will be changed for the Green Mission side with the addition of new X-2 booster seats allowing children 40-44” to ride."


Horizons '83

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Any idea when Fastpasses will open up? I know Martin said we have to wait until Ops gets their hands on it again but it appears they have now.


Well-Known Member
Confirmed to be returning August 13, complete with HD Video and new experiences. Green is going to land at Kennedy Space Center, which is a nice tie-in to an attraction not far from WDW.

Height restriction is also being reduced for younger kids, so they can experience the green. "The height restriction will be changed for the Green Mission side with the addition of new X-2 booster seats allowing children 40-44” to ride."
Man is that perfect timing. I'll hit it the 13th or 14th then!

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