MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Well-Known Member
One problem I have with the bands (one of many) is that I don't want to carry them around. I keep my AP in my work bag, so that if I have a last minute trip the AP is already in my bag. Compared to a flat piece of plastic, this wristband is bulky, and I don't carry it.

That alone would be a valid reason for not giving the MB to AP holders. I had not considered this before, but it would be very bulky to carry that around on the off-chance that you may got to WDW for the day. I agree that AP holders should receive the cards if they choose. I know I wouldn't want my Kings Island AP in a band form.


Premium Member
I'm noting that Disney spent over $2B on a system that does nothing to relieve a systemic problem; ride capacity.

Build attractions. Add theaters at Soarin'. Clone Toy Story Mania. Do what was done for Dumbo. These non-sexy improvements make for a better theme park experience for all guests.

Bake a bigger pie instead of simply cutting the existing pie into different slices.
Amen. I greatly appreciated the double dumbo this past trip. Even on low crowd days with the old setup there was always a wait for the ride and no shade at all. The new setup changes Dumbo from a pain in my behind that I had to do for the kids to a pleasurable experience. They could/should expand capacity at TSMM the same way. Clone the thing right next to the original. Make 1 side be the FP line and 1 the standby line. I bet without FP the standby line doesn't get much over 30 mins. TSMM is also a ride that many would love to do over and over. It's fun, you are always trying to beat your top score and it's family friendly. Same goes for Soarin. Adding additional theaters would be a fine idea. Of course if they do this and we are no longer waiting in those lines we may spend more on food/drinks/shopping. Win/win for everyone, except my wallet;).


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
This pretty much sums it up right here for all MM+ naysayers

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. - Walt Disney

Problem is that worked when Walt was alive and his legacy of doing things over the top well the first time is gone, gone, dead. Just like Walt.


Well-Known Member
Having experienced MM+ last week for 8+ days, and working with MM+ prior to arriving on property, and taking confidential surveys on the concept more than 3 years ago, I couldn't diagree more. It's taking 10 year old tech (a variation on Mobil's speed pass, pay at the pump) adding room access, park tickets and using it to try and re-distribuit crowd levels because of a stagnation of new entertainment and attractions.

Our bands worked great, no issues at all ... but it was far from a magical way to pay for dining and gifts ... and in reality its a cheap, plastic wrist band (which gives you a great tan line too) ... as an adult getting dressed up for a meal at the Cali Grill with my wife, the last thing I wanted to do was wear it. So we stuffed them in our bags, or I put it on my camera strap.

If you like to plan your vacations down to the most minute, detail ... then eventually it could be perfect for you.

People can spin it all they want, but it the fact remains that it is a long, long way from being the next great thing in the Theme Park Industry ... if it ever even becomes that.
By the time it becomes Next Gen it will be Past Gen and something else will be there to replace it.


Premium Member
No your theories are incorrect. You are missing something in the equation entirely. The only guest using the FP+ system are guest staying at the resorts. When ALL guest are privy to the sytem one can only think that what ever the situation is today. It will get severely worse before it gets better. Will it get better? No one here knows.....not even you.

It has been theorized that only on property guests would be allowed to book FP reservations in advance. If that happens all of the reservations for headliners will be gone long before off property guests get a shot to book them same day. The rides/shows left to book will probably be completely unnecessary so lots of guests won't use the system at all. Last week we had several reservations that went to waste mainly because they were not needed.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
What is this less Disney is offering?

Where are these cuts in guest experiences and maintenance?

If there was a universal feeling of being unsatisfied with the WDW product, surely the public would have taken notice and voiced this with their wallets and pocketbooks at the parks? If the parks were as poor and dangerous as people are trying so hard to make one believe, it would have made front page news.

It hasn't, or is the general public too stupid to stop going to a poorly run theme park, and spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to do so?

Yeppers, it just makes so much cents...That end up in executives year end bonuses no doubt...

Jimmy Thick- Entering a higher realm of common sense...
The issue is: I'm pretty sure the people who are refusing to return to WDW again are just being replaced by new customers who dont know better.

the problem is: if you only cater to the "first time" clients.. and they start to get disappointed, you will start to lose customers when they refuse to return another time.

only an stupid company will cater to "first time" clients only... Building loyal customers can have huge advantages. (Ie, you get THEIR dollars constantly.. and your competition doesn't)

Except that I like my schadenfreude without said trouble also making trouble for me!

And I am seriously stunned that 60th Anniversary stuff is being held/cancelled. Doesn't Disney usually use any excuse (such as an anniversary) to advertise and draw people in? To me, this seems like the most dire and indicative that Iger cares about nothing other than bottom line numbers.

Agree, the 60th anniversary should have been bombastic to pull big PR stunts to attract big customers, make unique merchandise..etc..etc..etc..
If you find the GF not up to standard especially when paying 1k a night, why would you ever stay there?


You can be like me and not worry about burnt out lightbulbs, that's petty and not worth the brain fluids involved to comprehend.

When did Imagination close?

Do DHS and AK really need parades? I would consider that personal opinion, I never cared for them to be honest.

What small shows?

Last time I was at WDW,in September, the monorails seemed fine to me, I didn't see mold nor did they stink. Guess I need to bring a mold detector with me next time. ( Um, yeah )

What else you have?

Jimmy Thick- Chipped paint, Splash Mountain not running all effects...Blah blah blah...

Jimmy.. seriously, at this point you really seem fixated into ignoring anything that is wrong with whats happening in the parks. :/
next you are gonna tell us that you wouldn't care if the bathrooms or even critical components of the resort are not working or falling apart...
just "ignoring" what is happening will not magically make the problems disappear, they will linger and get stagnant and result in worse things.

On this, the day after Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the IGNORE feature... :)
at this rate, seems more and more people will require to use it.
What led to the Great Wall? Did you make this up or is this a pop culture reference I am unaware of?


Didn't the mongols go around the wall to finally conquer china?

The CM could infer from a high proportion of magic bands to paper FP in the FP return line and early termination of paper FP availability.

I still have no idea why they didnt just remove the paper old FP, and change the machines of fastpass by programming the fastpass service right into the magicband.
so instead of paper.. you get the magicband, and into my magic and disney can track the movements too!

You would not be suggesting MM+ would be used to manipulate crowd behavior?

Lol, you just gave me a silly idea..
if you go to ride too many park attractions.. CMs can directly tase you using your magicband!

Anybody else find it suspicious that Recon just joined a few days ago and EVERY single post he has made at this site has been in this very thread in defense of MM+?

I notice that has happened a few times recently.. out of nowhere, someone registers.. defends MM+ or other disney things.. and ignores/blasts the issues... once the thread calms down.. said account mysteriously goes silent.


Well-Known Member
Ok so no one not a Disney employee can become a new member of this site and enter a discussion with an opposing view (pro Disney)?

After seeing the majority of the discussions though I can certainly see how anyone pro Disney or doesn't get turned on by Harry Potter is definitely in the minority around here

Harry Potter doesn't turn me on. But then plastic bracelets don't cause my heart to flutter either.

I take issue with your "pro-Disney" statement. Most everyone here who is critical of numbskull decisions by Disney management is very decidedly "pro-Disney". They are so "pro-Disney" that they agonize over what is happening to WDW.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I've just returned from my time travel in the future. The results are that the MiceAge is completely off the mark, that the market for Disney books will explode, and that when you come home in April I didn't seduce your wife I was really just trying to fix the plumbing in your bedroom closet and was naked so my clothes wouldn't get soaked in case of failure.

Sir, I would like you stand down.
We're gonna have to extract all the information of the future for this universe stability.
We will have to order the following on your persona:


Banned! I want them banned from wdwmagic! I want wdwmagic bans! I want Magic bans! .... I .... want... Magic...Bands....?

Sorry, kinda zoned out there for a second. :eek:

I agree, since you were so happy and cheerful in to the banning procedure.. I suggest in banning you first! ;)

Then we can sell shirts - "I'm with the banned!" lol

we get shirts now?

Anyway, I think the problem here is.. some people instantly label any guy who complains.. as an awful "no-fun" human who only lives for the annoyance of others.
Ignoring that these people are actually worried about the future or quality of certain thing they love so much.

kinda reminds me of this image:



Well-Known Member
One problem I have with the bands (one of many) is that I don't want to carry them around. I keep my AP in my work bag, so that if I have a last minute trip the AP is already in my bag. Compared to a flat piece of plastic, this wristband is bulky, and I don't carry it.

It's so bulky. God forbid you wear it like a watch.


Well-Known Member
It has been theorized that only on property guests would be allowed to book FP reservations in advance. If that happens all of the reservations for headliners will be gone long before off property guests get a shot to book them same day. The rides/shows left to book will probably be completely unnecessary so lots of guests won't use the system at all. Last week we had several reservations that went to waste mainly because they were not needed.

Seems plausible.......but that isn't the way the system is being applied, marketed and perceived. Its believed that in order to have a "Magical" experience you need to make these reservations. Who you are talking about are veteran park goers. We all realize that this system is not for us forum members. In the tier system there are only a few rides that require a FP to begin with. They have tried it both ways in testing....with and with out tiers. Really neither one has solved the capacity issue. PO4 has been preaching this from minute one. We as vets understand this. Although your theory could be correct, the large percentage of people will still reserve their 3 Fp's. Weather you use them is no consequence to the system or capacity at the marque attractions.

My theory is that the current system will over load the marque attractions. MORE people will have FP+ reservations and by God they will want to keep them. Which gives credence to PO$'s observations where everyone rushed the attraction at the top of the hour. I think this can be tweaked. The bottom line is that there are no more FP's available then there was before. It is just that there are more people they are available to.....2 months in advance. If you are a day tripper....you will be totally SOL.

Did you know that CM's and their guest are not privy to the program yet? DO you know how many guest this number accounts for? More then you would realize. Ever see the" CM only" lines? It does not matter if they are staying on property or not. When you add these guest to the mix it only exacerbates the situation. Throw in AP's next.....so on so on. Not only will there be no Fp's left at day of there will be a large segment cut out 60 days prior. At best the program is a gimmick. Enhance guest experience? Those who say I had mine and it worked as advertised.......so what! It got you thru the gates....it opened your resort door and you bought your Glow with the Show ears with them. News Flash! Its been done before. Someone tell me how the band made a Magical moment for them? Anybody? Yes it is still early. It has not been rolled out fully. I get that. But lets face it early results are not that impressive. I think this program has an inherent communication problem. WDW depends heavily on foreign visitors and first time visitors. I cant see how they over come the deficiency in educating these guest. Reports are that CM's are not fully competent with the system yet....how can they expect the guest to be? In the end as always it is about the guest experience....that will decide the fate of MM+. IMO this program has little chance of success. This has been a HUGE change as how we tour the park. With out adding attractions this program would have to be an absolute stunner. A big WOW. It has to be a MUST DO. It hasn't.....Its over budget, under whelmed and a PR nightmare.


Premium Member
It's so bulky. God forbid you wear it like a watch.

Do you want to wear a Disney wristband 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? No. You don't. At least my watch tells me what time it is. The MagicBand doesn't even do that.

My point is that I carry my AP in my bag, my bag which goes everywhere with me. It is small, and flat, and fits in my wallet like a credit card. It is there when I want it, and I don't have to remember to pack it because it is already in my wallet that goes in my carry-on and therefore with me at all times. In fact, I am sitting at my dining room table right now, enjoying Thanksgiving leftovers, and my AP is right here in my wallet. My MagicBand is no where in sight. It IS bulkier than a credit card sized AP.

Thanks for the sarcastic insult.


Premium Member
That alone would be a valid reason for not giving the MB to AP holders. I had not considered this before, but it would be very bulky to carry that around on the off-chance that you may got to WDW for the day. I agree that AP holders should receive the cards if they choose. I know I wouldn't want my Kings Island AP in a band form.

Thank you. That is exactly my point.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
It's so bulky. God forbid you wear it like a watch.
Do you want to wear a Disney wristband 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? No. You don't. At least my watch tells me what time it is. The MagicBand doesn't even do that.

Maybe it's the residual effect of all the "Mark of the Beast" sermons I heard growing up in the Bible belt*, but wearing a band branded with a Mickey head that synchronizes all my personal info. Just...ew. I just...no. I can't even really say why. But no.

*it's not actually this. Please don't respond to my post like this is the real reason.


Well-Known Member
Do you want to wear a Disney wristband 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? No. You don't. At least my watch tells me what time it is. The MagicBand doesn't even do that.

My point is that I carry my AP in my bag, my bag which goes everywhere with me. It is small, and flat, and fits in my wallet like a credit card. It is there when I want it, and I don't have to remember to pack it because it is already in my wallet that goes in my carry-on and therefore with me at all times. In fact, I am sitting at my dining room table right now, enjoying Thanksgiving leftovers, and my AP is right here in my wallet. My MagicBand is no where in sight. It IS bulkier than a credit card sized AP.

Thanks for the sarcastic insult.

you can carry your magic band in your purse/bag. you do understand that, right? I mean, really. You're bringing down an entire enterprise based on whether or not you can keep this instrument of terror in your purse.


Premium Member
you can carry your magic band in your purse/bag. you do understand that, right? I mean, really. You're bringing down an entire enterprise based on whether or not you can keep this instrument of terror in your purse.

I'm not bringing down any enterprise, MM+/Iger/TDO are doing that all on their own. All I am saying is that I am unwilling to take up the space with a device which I consider bulkier than a credit card sized Disney ticket, which I do carry around, and which has worked great for years. The system wasn't broken, and it didn't need MM+ and MagicBands to fix it.

I know I can carry it around. I choose not to waste the space. If, on a whim, I want to leave work and drive over to the parks I don't want to have had to pack my MagicBand. I carry my WDW AP in my wallet. I can't carry my Disney Bracelet in my wallet, and I'm not wearing it to work like a watch. I am able to fit my AP and my Key to the World card in my wallet. I can't say the same for the MagicBand. It doesn't fit in my wallet.

I walked around Disneyland 2 weeks ago, on a whim, for 4 hours, after I left work one evening. I had my iPhone, my wallet, and my car keys with me at the time. My ticket was in my wallet. Now, if I had needed a MagicBand, it would have disrupted my plans to visit the park on a whim, and I wouldn't have gone.


Well-Known Member

I walked around Disneyland 2 weeks ago, on a whim, for 4 hours, after I left work one evening. I had my iPhone, my wallet, and my car keys with me at the time. My ticket was in my wallet. Now, if I had needed a MagicBand, it would have disrupted my plans to visit the park on a whim, and I wouldn't have gone.[/quote]

You're right. A magic band would have destroyed your plans to Disneyland. You do realize, that the magic band is only there to help you book a fast past? And not to destroy your vacation plans? I was at Magic Kingdom on Monday, and I didn't use any fast past machines...and yet I still had fun....sorry...

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
You're right. A magic band would have destroyed your plans to Disneyland. You do realize, that the magic band is only there to help you book a fast past? And not to destroy your vacation plans? I was at Magic Kingdom on Monday, and I didn't use any fast past machines...and yet I still had fun....sorry...

What if that person wanted a Fastpass? What would you say then?

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