MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Well-Known Member
Ah....but of course you are adding a level of precision, based on your personal experience, to the discussion that I was not aware of. I should have read your mind or checked in with you before I posted.

Anyway, as I noted the ability to tailor an experience to the guest is a clear advantage of the system. And whether that cost is $100 or $200 the ability to do so will generate additional business for Disney.
But the purpose of MM+ is to add a level of precision to all guest experience. If MM+ works as designed, there will be no walk up opportunity. MM+ could be used in this manner if tables are set aside for discounted offers.


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight. You are complaining that fast passes were gone early for a a ride that has a normal 110 minute wait time?

A quick check of my Lines app shows a 10 out of 10 for crowd level. Could it be that your experience reflects a near at capacity park? Naw.......I am sure it is those magic bands. o_O
I'm noting that Disney spent over $2B on a system that does nothing to relieve a systemic problem; ride capacity.

Build attractions. Add theaters at Soarin'. Clone Toy Story Mania. Do what was done for Dumbo. These non-sexy improvements make for a better theme park experience for all guests.

Bake a bigger pie instead of simply cutting the existing pie into different slices.


Active Member
:D Are you looking for an argument or something?

Please point out to me in that post where I was complaining, rather I was stating what we observed our last trip. For the record we are AP holders and our tickets were linked to our bands, and as I said our bands worked perfectly in numerous posts, I just don't care for the system of FP+ because I dont like the idea of having to make ride pics 60 days in advance, and once this thing goes resort wide and consumer wide, like it will, I dont see any way around it ... and nor do I care to wear a cheap plastic band around my wrist or on my person when I am dressed up for a Dinner at the Cali Grill, but because the dining plan is linked to the band ... you have little choice but to have the thing on you.

No not really.....

As I noted I happen to like the system, but then again I prefer to pre-plan the key highlights of my day.

I am not sure you still need to wear it the whole time especially for a nice dinner.....
And they would do that why?

Don't waste time cooking up a CM conspiracy. The fact is, FP+ greatly reduces a guest's ability to get a FP on the day of their visit, especially for headline attractions.

Not a conspiracy at all. I am just saying hey are human like everyone else and want to move you along. What is worse, thinking a CAM may not be telling you everything or taking a CM's word as gospel. Cue the bus drivers, they are CM's too!


Active Member
But the purpose of MM+ is to add a level of precision to all guest experience. If MM+ works as designed, there will be no walk up opportunity. MM+ could be used in this manner if tables are set aside for discounted offers.

Exactly. My point is that I don't have the analytics on you that you thought I should I have.


Well-Known Member
I'm noting that Disney spent over $2B on a system that does nothing to relieve a systemic problem; ride capacity.

Build attractions. Add theaters at Soarin'. Clone Toy Story Mania. Do what was done for Dumbo. These non-sexy improvements make for a better theme park experience for all guests.

Bake a bigger pie instead of simply cutting the existing pie into different slices.
When you don't like theme parks this will never be a valid suggestion because attractions have not generated their own revenue since 1982. This is also the same company that has abandoned and essentially abandoned dining facilities in the world's busiest theme park.


Well-Known Member
And therefore are a 'for profit' company. Which means they will work to extract the maximum amount of money from every guest.

Let me get this straight. You are complaining that fast passes were gone early for a a ride that has a normal 110 minute wait time?

A quick check of my Lines app shows a 10 out of 10 for crowd level. Could it be that your experience reflects a near at capacity park? Naw.......I am sure it is those magic bands. o_O
We're complaining because it's a wild deviation from the previous norms. We're complaining because we don't like the choice of "Plan your vacation 60 days in advance vs. wait 2 hours for a ride." On the busiest days prior to Fastpass+ you could get a Soarin' Fastpass up until 12-1 PM. This is not a good system. It angers myself and other people because Disney is making it increasingly difficult to tour the way that we did previously. Yes, they have the right to change their procedures but if it upsets too many people they're going to continue to take attendance hits.

My 3rd Premier pass expires on January 16th. I have a vacation from January 4th-12th and while I'm guessing I will return to Florida in the fall I think it's far more likely that I buy a Universal annual pass over a Disney annual pass on that trip.

There are concepts behind Fastpass+ that work like grouping your entire family and friends together, making it digital, avoiding trekking around the parks, etc. The part that doesn't work is the unnecessary change to the distribution rules. It's short sighted, it's done by people that wouldnt' be caught dead in a theme park, and I sincerely hope it blows up in their faces.

Now, does anyone want to buy some Disney stock?


Well-Known Member
Not a conspiracy at all. I am just saying hey are human like everyone else and want to move you along. What is worse, thinking a CAM may not be telling you everything or taking a CM's word as gospel. Cue the bus drivers, they are CM's too!
The situation only has three possible causes:
1. Available allotment reduced due to advanced reservation.
2. Available allotment reduced for its own sake.
3. Increased crowds.


Well-Known Member
If you find the GF not up to standard especially when paying 1k a night, why would you ever stay there?


You can be like me and not worry about burnt out lightbulbs, that's petty and not worth the brain fluids involved to comprehend.

When did Imagination close?

Do DHS and AK really need parades? I would consider that personal opinion, I never cared for them to be honest.

What small shows?

Last time I was at WDW,in September, the monorails seemed fine to me, I didn't see mold nor did they stink. Guess I need to bring a mold detector with me next time. ( Um, yeah )

What else you have?

Jimmy Thick- Chipped paint, Splash Mountain not running all effects...Blah blah blah...

I am not going to make a list one right after another. You want to ignore it.....fine with me. What I will tell you is mother was a CM for about 18 years......now retired. We stayed at POP on our last trip. I am telling you and you don't have to believe me. She was on the crew that opened POP, she was extremely proud. When we visited there last January she literally came to tears to see in what condition the place had fallen to.

She knows the place inside out. She will tell you how they did away with their painting crews.....a lot of in park cleaning crews. The work is now being subcontracted out. Most things I have zero inside knowledge about. But upkeep and maintenance I have more then just a fanbio knowledge base. Dangerous? Limbs fallen off the TOL not dangerous? Only if it isn't you standing under it. Jimmy boy....some people I understand, you....I don't get you. I know for a fact you area smart guy. The only reason I can come up with is you just want to be contrary. No I don't think you should just follow the masses. Its ok if you think WDW is wonderful but to act like WDW does not have maintenance issues is way over the top. As much as you say the D&Gers are.....Do you get that?


Active Member
We're complaining because it's a wild deviation from the previous norms. We're complaining because we don't like the choice of "Plan your vacation 60 days in advance vs. wait 2 hours for a ride." On the busiest days prior to Fastpass+ you could get a Soarin' Fastpass up until 12-1 PM. This is not a good system. It angers myself and other people because Disney is making it increasingly difficult to tour the way that we did previously. Yes, they have the right to change their procedures but if it upsets too many people they're going to continue to take attendance hits.

My 3rd Premier pass expires on January 16th. I have a vacation from January 4th-12th and while I'm guessing I will return to Florida in the fall I think it's far more likely that I buy a Universal annual pass over a Disney annual pass on that trip.

There are concepts behind Fastpass+ that work like grouping your entire family and friends together, making it digital, avoiding trekking around the parks, etc. The part that doesn't work is the unnecessary change to the distribution rules. It's short sighted, it's done by people that wouldnt' be caught dead in a theme park, and I sincerely hope it blows up in their faces.

Now, does anyone want to buy some Disney stock?

Well you are upset on a personal level and that is OK. But I see this as an argument of changing the way business was done to one of how it will be done in the future. Eventually it will be the way of the WDW and other sites yet to be determined.


Well-Known Member
When you don't like theme parks this will never be a valid suggestion because attractions have not generated their own revenue since 1982. This is also the same company that has abandoned and essentially abandoned dining facilities in the world's busiest theme park.
It wasn't that long ago that corporate Disney made improvements to WDW simply because it made for a better guest experience. There's a reason WDW once was considered the undisputed best theme park resort in the World; because it was.

Even more so than under Eisner, every Park & Resort decision under Iger gets made looking through the microscope of projected ROI.

The problem with projections is that it's easy to cook the numbers to get any result you want.

In its obsession to micromanage every detail, Disney leadership has lost site of the Big Picture.


Well-Known Member
True. But we don't know which is the actual cause, do we?
No, but we can educated guesses. Disney has alone trended towards increases in the FastPass allotment. A sudden major increase in visitation would be quite the anomaly. People pre-booking FastPass+ selections is exactly what Disney wants and certain choices are clearly known as favorites based on the setup of the different tiers.


Active Member
Not a huge leap if you believe:
  • CM's have cognitive analytical ability.
  • CM's have no ability to influence FP availability
  • Frequent guests have cognitive analytical ability

I appreciate the effort, but none of this is what was being discussed now was it?

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