MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Well-Known Member
Funny the comparisons between this and the ACA...just like that debacle no ones heads will roll and the man in charge will continue to sell it as the next coming of sliced bread!


Well-Known Member
Ya know I love you, Dad13, but the cars are whizzing by above without any problems it seems.

ahh... I feel the love... but just because they are buzzing by doesn't mean they didn't have an issue earlier which backed things up. besides, it's a holiday week, middle of the day, can't blame FP+ for a long line when this is usually the case there even before FP+

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
fans of Disney are responsible for a leadership and project management issue at Disney?

Anyone who has continued to give WDW money and defended Disney's decisions for the resort since the early 00s are absolutely responsible for this. Continued loyalty gave management the confidence to cut attractions, add more DVC, and waste money on stupid gimmicks like MM+


Well-Known Member
No, they guy in grey was just standing there. I took the pic from BACK of FP line. A lot of people confused and standing around, or maybe waiting on family perhaps. Many people complaining in line
Gotcha...that stinks. :( How long did it take you to get through the line? We had a FP+ on 11/9 and it took us 30 minutes, which was longer than I expected. That 30 minutes DID include the "build your own car" section, but still...


Well-Known Member
For the dumbing down the parks...for the false "everything is great" attitude that comes with cheering on MM+ and the convenience of FP+, and the greatness of New Fantasyland and BOG Restaurant and soaking up Free Dining like it's the best pixie dust drug around. For saying that if you had to chose between value and quality, you'd prefer value, instead of holding firm for both, and speaking up when you don't get it.

It's the current dumbed down Disney Guest's fault because they're OK with JUST OK because you still have a good time and can live off the nostalgia.

CFO is arguable the most powerful position in a company. They get to write the checks!

I said it in the monorail thread that while Disney is ultimately to blame, you need to look just a little further and see the type of guest the parks attract now. This really shows you in physical form where the parks are headed.

The trash that trash the parks are eating it up still like it's the best slop available and not realizing that once upon a time, Disney really ran things as if quality, customer service, clean parks, forward thinking attractions, and most importantly the guests actually mattered.

Now the parks are filled with people that throw trash on the ground (turkey legs, popcorn boxes, whole ice cream bars, etc.), abuse programs like the GAC, throw trash on the rides, expose themselves on ride cameras, and generally act like the lowest common denominator among the human race.

This is a direct reflection on the way the parks have been run for years now. Disney doesn't care so why should the mouth breathers?


Think for yourselfer
ahh... I feel the love... but just because they are buzzing by doesn't mean they didn't have an issue earlier which backed things up. besides, it's a holiday week, middle of the day, can't blame FP+ for a long line when this is usually the case there even before FP+

He is showing us the FP line. And how long THAT particular line is. Forgetting standby. You are working OT to defend the Brand here. Chill.


Well-Known Member
... and sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train (Hogwarts Express, maybe?). I would like to think that maybe, just maybe, this would be a kick in the pants to higher ups about how much MM+ sucks, but I am not getting my hopes up.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Anyone who has continued to give WDW money and defended Disney's decisions for the resort since the early 00s are absolutely responsible for this. Continued loyalty gave management the confidence to cut attractions, add more DVC, and waste money on stupid gimmicks like MM+
i.e., every person on this board. The argument seems to come down to what amount of money is acceptable, and what amount makes one part of the problem. It's the pixie dust curve!


Well-Known Member
Is the Submarine Voyage really closing down permanently on Jan 4?

Thats really the only thing I want to know
according to the article the show building is going to be demolished for the Ewok camp, TDA is still hoping that burbank will eventually give the funding and to save on costs of repairs I guess they wanna shut it down.

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
i.e., every person on this board. The argument seems to come down to what amount of money is acceptable, and what amount makes one part of the problem. It's the pixie dust curve!

Don't speak for everyone. The second I noticed a real decline in quality and lack of new attractions I stopped going immediately and haven't been back since. Im sure plenty of others have done the same and now take their theme park dollars elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
What a shame. Front line CMs in the park said all along this whole program was going to be a mess. Unfortunately, as the article points out, the people who make the decisions rarely step foot into a park, and when they do they are treated like kings. Area leaders are tracking and emailing the executives every footstep through the park so the GSMs can be one step ahead, making sure there's no trash and the cast members are smiling. The executives never get a real sense of how the parks are, and make flawed decisions because of it. I wish Bob would do "Undercover Boss" to see what the parks are REALLY like.

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