MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Resident Curmudgeon
Can they revert back quickly and easily? Given Disney's issues with technology projects, I would not be surprised if going back is not much of an option. There is also the issue of ego. MyMagic+ was the thing that was to redefine the Disney theme park experience. It is Iger's stamp on the domestic parks and their has never been a strong belief that the big, expensive attractions really drive the parks.

I think runaway ego has more to do with this than any other cause.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
@pheneix Good to see you posting again. I'd love to pick your brain over what's happening (or going to happen) to DLP.

Anything you can share?

In regards to the MA article... that's just depressing.

How much money has Disney spent in development only to shelf everything and if they can the imagineers.... will parts of those projects walk away with them... again?


Well-Known Member
that's an interesting question (about DLP) - does anyone know how well the overseas parks do compared to those in US? It seems they have been putting A LOT of money in new parks overseas and not much into, well at least the one in Florida


Premium Member
Can they revert back quickly and easily? Given Disney's issues with technology projects, I would not be surprised if going back is not much of an option. There is also the issue of ego. MyMagic+ was the thing that was to redefine the Disney theme park experience. It is Iger's stamp on the domestic parks and their has never been a strong belief that the big, expensive attractions really drive the parks.

Go back all the way? No, I don't see that happening or at least being an cost effective way (never mind all the disruption in front of guests). But you could roll back the services being offered.. hunker down and focus on the 'classic' features... Hotel bookings, hotel ops, ADRs, and the website for those. Leave customer wifi out there as a perk.. decide what to do with your mobile apps.. hunker down... roll back to FP and drop FP+... drop the Magicband distribution and data collection aspects. Basically rescope it to be the IT infrastructure update it was. But knowing what to cut or not that requires insight into what aspects are truely the most expensive or have the most expense in front of them. Things that don't necessarily reflect in the user facing stuff. So difficult for us to speculate.

I doubt Ego has much to do with it - it's probably more about where the dollars can be justified and return on those dollars. Facing the music on expenses vs future revenues. I'd wager they lose a lot more sleep over that than worrying about if MM+ will be a 'edsel' comment 10-15 years from now.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
that's an interesting question (about DLP) - does anyone know how well the overseas parks do compared to those in US? It seems they have been putting A LOT of money in new parks overseas and not much into, well at least the one in Florida

DLP has been floundering for years and hasn't had a good investment in a while. DLPS is finally getting a new ride, and from what I've gathered the park sorely needs it. I've never been.

@marni1971 would be a good person to answer questions about DLP, I think.

Or maybe I'm just thinking of his awesome videos and how I'd rather be watching them than at work dealing with work stuff.


Well-Known Member
@pheneix Good to see you posting again. I'd love to pick your brain over what's happening (or going to happen) to DLP.

Anything you can share?

In regards to the MA article... that's just depressing.

How much money has Disney spent in development only to shelf everything and if they can the imagineers.... will parts of those projects walk away with them... again?

Thanks for the kind words. I am going to be rather occupied with some travel for the next few weeks, but whenever I am back home and bored again I likely will have things to share. :D


Active Member
Oh. MyMagic+ is a bust and may knock the whole company to its knees for a while?

I love Disney to pieces, but this whole MM+ business has ticked me off royally.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
actually, no. Healthcare.gov is closed at night...just like WDW. Coincidence? I think not.

Sure they are.
I totally believe that Sucker guy from facebook too .. really (/sarcasm) ;)

also, PLOT TWIST...
The healthcare site is being hosted right under the Cinderella castle, because its benefits are pure fantasy!
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