May I vent??


Well-Known Member
I got that very same thing from my FAMILY, who were, of course, the ones who took us to WDW when we were kids.

My DB hadn't been in over 10 years and his DW hadn't been in maybe 15-20 years. All the time, I'd hear, "What? You're going again?"

So, just this past March, we ALL went down for a Grand Gathering. Me, DS(6), DGP, DGM, DB, DSIL, DN, and my DB's MIL and FIL.

Well, I CONVERTED them! DB and DSIL are going back this December! Lol! My DSIL actually said to me, "I never understood your Disney fixation. But, now I'm hooked."

How great is that? :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Hi there all, This is a great thread!!!!! Special kudos for the great laughter I got from Jsfra's story!!!! I probably would have hauled off and hit him so please remind him what a great lady he is married too!!!!
As far as most of the people I know who as the inevitable "again?" folks, I can usually turn around and ask them " oh where are you planning to go away to this year?" and dont get any response at all!!!!! Soif you arent going anywhere anyhow, how can you possibly criticize me???? DUH!!!!!!!!!!
Also there are so many people who return toa specific resort or vacation destination year after year as well. That is their happy place, we all have certainly found ours!!!! Belle


Active Member
"My happy place". I think when someone asks me why I go, I will tell them it is my happy place! That is the perfect phrase.



EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Just try and wear a EPCOT shirt in high school.."Why do you like EPCOT? x10000000 times a day gets annoying

Eh, I have you guys to understand me...Sorry to hear about your argument.Have fun on your trip.


Well-Known Member
Ok so here goes, had a client come in today started talking about how disney went up on their tickets (hello , already knew that..) anyway then she procedes to say" uhh , how can you go there and afford that all the time?"..mind you with a look of total disgust on her face...So I tell her that we're pass holders which works for us better..." well why do you do that, you don't live in Florida , uhh thats such a waste of money" ..Is what I get from her...So I procede to tell her ( because now I'm really offended, yes I know different strokes for different folks but still) That for us it works we go there once , twice a year and unlike her We trully enjoy it there and not just cause we have kids , we love it as adults!!! So the best was when she said "so do you do anything else besides disney world , like epcot?".....HELLO ITS THE SAME PLACE YA MORON!!!!! Sorry I'm better now so yes I told her (did'nt bother to correct her , no use) that yes we do Epcot, Animal Kingdom The studios, water parks and etc....She still looked disgusted.....I hAd to bite my tounge.....It amazes me how rude some people are..Ok I knew you guys would understand...I'm sure some of you have had an experince as such..feel free.....tell a story....

And just to let you know, she is the only client that I have that always say something rude about my going to disney( there have been times that I don't even say anything to her if I go, unless it falls on her day to come in).....My other clients, say they live through me....they think its great...

34 more days................till I'm at WALT DISNEY WORLD>>>>Say it loud and proud baby!!!!!
Some people just don't get it! :rolleyes:
They will never understand the magic of WDW.
I think those people have lost their "inner child."
:D :wave:


Le Meh
Premium Member
I had a boss recently who gave me a real hard time about how much we went to Disney. He would give me all the standard complaints...too expensive, too crouded, too hot....I then reminded him that he goes to Vegas every summer and loses a *&^% load of money. I also reminded him it was hot in Vegas during the summer.

He quit giving me such a hard time, but when I do still see him on occasion he will ask if or when we were going and it gives him the opportunity to role his eyes at me.

I am also the resident Disney expert in the office. I dont think I have ever had anyone come back and say that they had a miserable experience and would never consider going back....


Well-Known Member
yes, YIKES. People better be warned not to bring up WDW if they really don't want to hear about it. :D I can have a lot to say!

I asked for a day off to work in the house and get some stuff done, and my Boss asked if I was going to Disney again and suggested I move to Orlando!

I wanted to say I was taking the day off for job interviews! :lol: But I didn't feel like being a smart- A.. I do that enough already!


New Member
Disney Haters Stink!

I know! How sad is it that people have to be rude and nasty just because they either can't afford to go to Disney as often as we true Disney lovers can, or what I have found true more often, these people have never been so their hearts are still iced over with hate.

The easiest way to cure people like this is to invite them to go along with you one time. We did that one year and now the "hater" is a lover and wants to go all the time. Face it, you're first time you were probably a little skeptical. And then, when you walked into the Magic Kingdom and stood on Main Street looking the castle, your heart felt the happiness and the magic. We have to show these haters what Disney is all about.

I do know one thing for sure, I can't wait until December so we can make our annual visit!


Well-Known Member
Face it, you're first time you were probably a little skeptical. And then, when you walked into the Magic Kingdom and stood on Main Street looking the castle, your heart felt the happiness and the magic.

Before I ever took my first trip, my DH had been a teacher chaperone for a couple of Grad Nights and I could not go. Though I didn't bash him for his excessive whining about wanting to go back, neither did I really understand what he was talking about. After my first trip, I completely understood since I was able to see that there REALLY is such a thing as magic and you can find it at WDW! That pixie dust settles all over you and no matter how hard you try, you just can't shake it:dazzle: EVER!


New Member
Ugh. I hate people like that.

My response would be "That's how my family likes to spend our vacation. So, where do you guys go?"

You make a statement with an air of finality and then shift the focus to something else.


Active Member
My answer for the people who say it's too expensive is this: "Yes, it is very expensive and you are guaranteed to spent a boat-load of money, but I can't think of anywhere else that you can go and spend that much money and feel like you've gotten every penny's worth!" You are entertained every minute of every day on WDW property.
I have a friend who says that the DMV and the Post Office should be run by Disney... you'd still wait in line for ever, but you'd be happy by the time you got up to the counter!

By the way... 100th post!!


New Member
I'm the resident Disney expert at work as well. When people talk about the expense, I relate my 25th anniversary story. I took my wife to Myrtle Beach on our 25th, and yes we did have a beach front hotel, but 4 days in Myrtle cost me approx. the same per day as it does to go to WDW (which we do twice a year.) By the time you pay to go to the other things around time, and deal with driving everywhere and traffic, etc. WDW is more relaxing and much less hassle. Once you get on site, WDW takes care of you.

As for food, if you watch what you get, WDW has some of the best food around. The prices are not much different than if you went to a baseball or football game and the quality and quantity are MUCH better.

I'm a YOUNG 50+ & already told my boss, when I retire, I plan on moving to the Orlando area and working for WDW. I've told my kids the same thing. Planning my retirement around it. It's my life, get over it.


Well-Known Member
Ok so here goes, had a client come in today started talking about how disney went up on their tickets (hello , already knew that..) anyway then she procedes to say" uhh , how can you go there and afford that all the time?"..mind you with a look of total disgust on her face...So I tell her that we're pass holders which works for us better..." well why do you do that, you don't live in Florida , uhh thats such a waste of money" ..Is what I get from her...So I procede to tell her ( because now I'm really offended, yes I know different strokes for different folks but still) That for us it works we go there once , twice a year and unlike her We trully enjoy it there and not just cause we have kids , we love it as adults!!! So the best was when she said "so do you do anything else besides disney world , like epcot?".....HELLO ITS THE SAME PLACE YA MORON!!!!! Sorry I'm better now so yes I told her (did'nt bother to correct her , no use) that yes we do Epcot, Animal Kingdom The studios, water parks and etc....She still looked disgusted.....I hAd to bite my tounge.....It amazes me how rude some people are..Ok I knew you guys would understand...I'm sure some of you have had an experince as such..feel free.....tell a story....

And just to let you know, she is the only client that I have that always say something rude about my going to disney( there have been times that I don't even say anything to her if I go, unless it falls on her day to come in).....My other clients, say they live through me....they think its great...

34 more days................till I'm at WALT DISNEY WORLD>>>>Say it loud and proud baby!!!!!

That's the type of person who may NEVER get it. These are the same people who put little to no research into planning their vacation, because they don't believe that spending a few hundred or a few thousand is worth their time. And these are the same people who arrive at the parks at the most busiest time of the year, without making any ADRs--and there's no way they can get into a TS or CM restaurant. And these are the same people who have no clue for FP, and who arrive late at the parks and wonder how come they have to wait two hours in line to see an attraction.

My mom use to complain to me about how I could want to go there all the time, and how she thought it was kid stuff. After her hearing me talk about it so long, and after she saw several Hotel and Travel Channel she finally gets it. She did say next time when DH and I go to WDW (and most likely we'll have kids by then), she would want to go with us. Now my mom is slowly trying to convince my step-dad to go. He's hard to convince, because he doesn't like to travel anywhere expect his home hick town.


Well-Known Member
We decided to get APs and I was telling my Mom this today and the reply I got was don't you think you will be sick of Disney after your next trip (in 17 days)
:brick: :brick: :brick:
All I could say was... are you serious???? :eek:


Active Member
ugh.... Co-Workers

ok I work with this guy and he is VERY anti Disney. And I don't mean he is Pro any other park he is just really against Disney. He saw me looking at this site (which I doo toto and was ike you going back to Facist land.. I was like what do you mean.. and he went on this rant about how Disney brainwashes people and that It is run like a communist place..:hammer: Anyone else have a co-worker like this


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm the resident Disney expert at work as well. When people talk about the expense, I relate my 25th anniversary story. I took my wife to Myrtle Beach on our 25th, and yes we did have a beach front hotel, but 4 days in Myrtle cost me approx. the same per day as it does to go to WDW (which we do twice a year.) By the time you pay to go to the other things around time, and deal with driving everywhere and traffic, etc. WDW is more relaxing and much less hassle. Once you get on site, WDW takes care of you.

As for food, if you watch what you get, WDW has some of the best food around. The prices are not much different than if you went to a baseball or football game and the quality and quantity are MUCH better.

I'm a YOUNG 50+ & already told my boss, when I retire, I plan on moving to the Orlando area and working for WDW. I've told my kids the same thing. Planning my retirement around it. It's my life, get over it.

Myrtle Beach is the other thing we do besides going to disney( but thats the april vaction , usually, next year we're trying the DCL) .Its nice but nooo Disney , my hubby and I are so use to being in the disney-mode , always something to do, great places to eat..and the best.. no driving, Yes there is no comparison, which while we are there at Myrtle we do...Last year we had a good friend of the family driving with us, well she never heard the disney "right down the middle of mainstreet "song, well both my babe and gave her our rendition, she still talks about to this day, telling us how we should make a video of it. she was dying.....Yes thats us..the disney nuts!!!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
ok I work with this guy and he is VERY anti Disney. And I don't mean he is Pro any other park he is just really against Disney. He saw me looking at this site (which I doo toto and was ike you going back to Facist land.. I was like what do you mean.. and he went on this rant about how Disney brainwashes people and that It is run like a communist place..:hammer: Anyone else have a co-worker like this
Yeah,A few friends that think Disney was a Nazi,but I don't belive that or pay any mind too it...funny thing is, I'm Jewish!:)
A lot of people give me a hard time for always going to Disney. I'm 20 and most of my friends are going down the shore or Cancun or something and I always want to go to Disney. My friends say, "Aren't you sick of Disney?? Isn't that for little kids??" People just don't understand. I've been going to Disney with my parents since I was 5 years old and some of my best memories with them are when we are in Disney. I could never get sick of Disney or the magic.


I also work with someone who doesn't get the whole Disney magic thing. Of curse, he also doesn't get the whole concept of taking a vacation or having a life outside the office:hammer: Fortunately the other person I work with loves Disney almost as much as I do and is currently planning her first trip in 12 years.:D It's been a lot of fun with both of us planning our trips at the same time.

98 days to go!!

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