May I vent??

Some people just don't get it and they never will but I always say Different strokes for Different Folks, LOL. It's irritating and we've encountered lots of comments too. We budget alot through out the year to save extra money to go to Disney. We do alot of things (brown bag lunch for example most of the time) that most of these big mouths can't bother to do. We drive to save money on airfare. But we just love Disney--we've traveled to other places--but there's no place like "home" to us. And based on the thousands of people we see at the parks and dear friends here on this board, we feel like we're part of the Disney family. So think of all they're missing out on.
Please, this is a woman who does'nt understand going on vacation with children .. So to throw in disney as well aww it kills her...Although she's the boozer type..would rather drink ( whicH I do love my cocktails.......esspecially when they are around Than anything else.....

I love you guys!!!!!
Did you ever watch Saturday Night Live with the "Debbie the Downer" skit? If not, look it up on YouTube.

This lady sounds like a cross between Debbie the Downer and Negative Nancy.

You know what I always say when someone says something to me? "Well, it's a good thing no one has asked you to go". How 'bout them apples?:drevil:


Well-Known Member
Everyone is obsessive compulsive about something. The ones that shame me for enjoying Disney (and no I don't get there as much as others, about 1 every few years), they are the ones that will spend sunday in a bar wathcing NASCAR. Not for me, but to each their own. You'd be surprised at what people obsess about like teddy bears, dolls, sports, etc.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As I laugh to myself after looking at great pics by mousemerf's update for epcot on aug 9 th ....I laugh because only us Disney Freaks can truly enjoy these things......"the others" don't quite "get it" nor is it worth explaing...YEs there are people that can understand how or why one would want to listen to theme park music while driving to work or searching the web for different dsiney info(this being the best in the world thanks Steve) As a fellow disney nut and client of mine, came home last week from disney with pretzle rods rolled in butterfingers from goofys candy shop ( My babe's fav), she gets explaining....Yes here I'm normal...and its all good!!!


Active Member
Disney is no more expensive than a cruise, a week of snow skiing, or a week at a beach resort. For people that do not put travel as a priority in there life, they wont understand it would seem a waste of money to them.

Personally I find alot of things that others spend there time, effort and hard earned money on as a waste. But thats what they enjoy to do with there freetime. I dont rain on there parade, as long as they dont rain on mine as it is coming down Main Street USA.


Active Member
My boyfriend's parents think it is ridiculous how much I love/go to Disney. Of course their son as an annual pass (due to my parents being so generous and giving them to us for our birthdays). I bite my tongue no matter what. I've tried saying "well it makes me happy" but nothing seems to register in their heads.


New Member
I am a Cast Member at WDW and I have to say I've loved this thread and reading that all of you love my parks so much! In my role, merchandise, I have very high Guest interaction and can create magic at will. I love when I see Guests having a good time.
My friends at home are the same way anytime I come back there for a while. I am seasonal and still in school, so I'm here for periods of time, then I go back to TN for a bit. And when I am away, that is all I talk about, all people ask me about, and what most people know about me- that I work at Disney. I have friends coming down in Sept who have asked me to be their travel/park/everything Disney guide.
To any of you coming down soon, msg me and I'll give you my location so we might can meet up! :wave:


Oh Meyla Weyla
I get this all the time until I explain to them the money I am saving by getting an AP as opposed to buying length-of-stay tickets. We save a boatload of money this way and also save on resort costs. While we were unable to use the AP discount on our room for the free dining plan in September we did save on admission by using our APs. We had to purchase at least 1 base ticket per person but we will be using these toward our AP renewal. It's a win-win situation! :wave:

This is something I have been wondering about for awhile. Sorry it's off topic, but I hadn't seen it mentioned before.

So if I buy a 1 day ticket and don't use it they will allow me to put the value of it towards renewing my AP? That would be great!


New Member
I understand

I married into a family out here in Utah that has very differant ideas about what is worth it and fun. they think that a week at lake powell is the greatest thing in the world...for anyone who has never been tolake powell let me explain. It is 1,000 degrees with nothing but dirty water and rocks and sand that end up in ever crack of your body. it includes a week of eating food that crunches no matter what it is. I hate it.

Then the winters are spent skiing, as someone pointed out I could go to disney 3 times a year for how much it costs to strap wood to your feet and fly down a mountain at 10 below(I actually like skiing, but you know)

when I mention disney my mother-in-law says I am living in a "fantasyland", she thinks my dream of making my career at wdw is stupid and I will live in poverty the rest of my life. some people just don't get it. No mater how hard we try to share the magic we feel they will never get it. If you ask me that is the saddest thing in the world. what is life without a little magic?


So many people just dont understand. My theory is that they are either grumpy miserabe's that hate EVERYTHING, or they just havent experienced the magic yet.

'll tell you all a funny story: I had visited WDW and disneyland many, mnay imes during my childhood. My dad used to travel to Los Angeles every few weeks, and since my mom wasnt working at the time, we would all go and make a trip of it. This translated to me going to disney every few weeks, so I was VERY VERY familiar with it.

When I met my fiancee, I naturally, suggested a trip to WDW. He was keen on the idea of going to florida but had no interest in visiting Disney (he had never been). He put me through HELL in the week preceeding our vacation. Griping and b*tching every time i mentioned the world. The day I literallly DRAGGED him to the MK, I remember we were walking towards the monorain and he wa pitchin the ONLY fit.

We were in full fight mode at that point. As we boarded the monorail, he told me that he was going to get off in the parking lot, take a cab, and go back to the hotel pool, because he wasnt going to "deal with this baby stuff'. i ignored him of course, and stared out the window ready to cry.

Well, let me tell you, as the monorail shimmied through the contemporary resort, I looked up at him and saw a huge smile across his face. It was at that moment i realized that he caught the bug! Later on, after he apologized to me numerous, numerous, numerous times I asked him, what was the deal with his horrid behaviour earlier? He told me that he thought Disney was a rinky amusment park on the same level as a carnival! He told me that never in a million years would he have thought that this kind of park could even exsist, let alone sit there in Florida without him even knowing about it!

Now, we go every year and i swear he is more excited about the trips than I am LOL!!!

You see, case and point, ...sometimes people just dont understand..

PS- I still, to this day, 8 years later, tease him about his behaviour every year as we glide through the contemporary resort..and every year, his face turns beet red and he says the magic phrase: "You were right, I was wrong, you know everything, and I know nothing" :lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
My sister started bragging (her words, not mine) to a co-worker about how I love to go and how this year will be my third trip in 4 years. How I plan, pay on my trip each month, etc. So, co-worker says she wants to take her family and how do I do it? Generous person that I am, I sit down and think of all the ways I save throughout the year and all my tricks. Twenty different things that I do and thought of at the time. I send it to my sister to give to co-worker. Ends up all she wanted to know was where to go to book the trip! :hammer: Duh,, I said.

Now, my co-workers at work, they ask me how long until my next trip. They want to go, won't save like me, want to go NOW, and moan & groan about it. Me, I wave to them as I am walking out of work cause I know I am going....and that would be in 35 days from today!! :sohappy:

Ok so here goes, had a client come in today started talking about how disney went up on their tickets (hello , already knew that..) anyway then she procedes to say" uhh , how can you go there and afford that all the time?"..mind you with a look of total disgust on her face...So I tell her that we're pass holders which works for us better..." well why do you do that, you don't live in Florida , uhh thats such a waste of money" ..Is what I get from her...So I procede to tell her ( because now I'm really offended, yes I know different strokes for different folks but still) That for us it works we go there once , twice a year and unlike her We trully enjoy it there and not just cause we have kids , we love it as adults!!! So the best was when she said "so do you do anything else besides disney world , like epcot?".....HELLO ITS THE SAME PLACE YA MORON!!!!! Sorry I'm better now so yes I told her (did'nt bother to correct her , no use) that yes we do Epcot, Animal Kingdom The studios, water parks and etc....She still looked disgusted.....I hAd to bite my tounge.....It amazes me how rude some people are..Ok I knew you guys would understand...I'm sure some of you have had an experince as such..feel free.....tell a story....

And just to let you know, she is the only client that I have that always say something rude about my going to disney( there have been times that I don't even say anything to her if I go, unless it falls on her day to come in).....My other clients, say they live through me....they think its great...

34 more days................till I'm at WALT DISNEY WORLD>>>>Say it loud and proud baby!!!!!

People are a pain in the neck! It's your money, and you should be able to spend it however you want. My family goes twice a year or so, and we scrimp and save to do it...but it's our choice, ya know? But good for you for holding your tongue...I don't know if I would have been so polite!


Active Member
Four days a week, I get up no later than 4:15 a.m. to go to a part-time job that helps me pay for my trips. Friends say they just don't know how I do it on top of my full-time job. I just remind them how much longer I have until my next trip! If you want it, you'll find a way to do it.




Well-Known Member
How rude is that customer! It's non of her business if you wanted to go every week!

Luckily I haven't came across many people who dislike WDW. A lot of People in Enlgland realise how great it is!
I get "you're going THERE AGAIN??" And my all time, personal favorite is "you don't even have any kids." We can't have kids so I normally shut them up with a response of "no, we CAN'T have kids. So, does that mean we're not ALLOWED to go to Disney?" We are AP holders and find it more affordable to visit using the various discounts. I'd rather be at WDW than any other place I can think of.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am a Cast Member at WDW and I have to say I've loved this thread and reading that all of you love my parks so much! In my role, merchandise, I have very high Guest interaction and can create magic at will. I love when I see Guests having a good time.
My friends at home are the same way anytime I come back there for a while. I am seasonal and still in school, so I'm here for periods of time, then I go back to TN for a bit. And when I am away, that is all I talk about, all people ask me about, and what most people know about me- that I work at Disney. I have friends coming down in Sept who have asked me to be their travel/park/everything Disney guide.
To any of you coming down soon, msg me and I'll give you my location so we might can meet up! :wave:

Ahh , my goal one day...CAST MEMBER!!!!!!
I can see what your saying about seeingthe happiness on (most) faces, to know that you can help in creating the magic...Ohhh I get chills thinking about it..I say I'm goin there when I retire.. I have quite a way to go though (i'm only 31). I get excited when someone starts talking about going to disney or planning a trip, I don't know how many times I've given people names of this site, mousesavers and kingdom konsultants and allears on the back of my buisness cards for any info they need on the" world."....And I feel fortuate enough that we can take our girls to disney ,going there before we became parents was great..but going there with children, seeing it through their....hearing my little one say in a sqeaky voice as we get closer to the Magic Kingdom and you see thecastle getting closer in veiw" Mama, I see rella's castle, there it is." ...Yeah I'm tearing up as I write This, bu t this is why we go...Where else can I go and act like a 10 year old wearing mickey ears and its perfectly acceptable?? ( I quess I could here but they might send the white coats after me)!!....

33 more days and I'm going back MNSSHP here we come!!!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
This is something I have been wondering about for awhile. Sorry it's off topic, but I hadn't seen it mentioned before.

So if I buy a 1 day ticket and don't use it they will allow me to put the value of it towards renewing my AP? That would be great!
You have to renew in person, but yes, you can save the ticket until you renew or if you don't renew you can use it toward your next regular ticket purchase. If you can't be there in person within your renewal window, you can hold on to the ticket from your package until the next time you have the opportunity to renew in person. It'll never expire until you use it.

I'm going in two weeks doing exactly that. We have APs but bought a one-day base tickets each so we would qualify for free dining. So long as we don't accidentally use the admission on our room key, we'll save it for our February 2009 trip and use it toward our next set of APs. I don't plan to renew, but rather we'll get APs alternating years, it works out better for us that way.

PS- I still, to this day, 8 years later, tease him about his behaviour every year as we glide through the contemporary resort..and every year, his face turns beet red and he says the magic phrase: "You were right, I was wrong, you know everything, and I know nothing" :lol: :lol: :lol:
There's a man who will do well in marriage! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I love the stories of people who were non-believers that went to WDW and "got it".

My hubby traveled a lot as a kid but never to WDW. He went to Disneyland. I lived in Orlando for 10 years as a kid so I had been to WDW looooots. For years I talked about going to WDW, dreaming of going there with my hubby and sons. DH always went on and on about why was it such a big deal. He had been to Disney at it wasn't "all that". I remembered what my step-dad used to say every time we went, that Disneyland was so tiny in comparison to WDW. I heard a quote on the Travel Channel once that went something like "Disneyland was enchanting while WDW was utterly magical". When our sons were just little bitty guys I managed to save enough to drag just the DH to WDW for a long weekend. We left the kids with his parents. I wanted him to be a believer before we took our boys. And just like that other story on this thread, once we got there he was forever changed. 4 years ago we took our boys for the first time. It was pure magic. When we left that first time we both cried on the plane and he told me he wanted to bring the boys to WDW every year somehow. So far, we've managed to do it. He gets into the planning every bit as much as I do. Saving and planning is truly a family thing!

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