Magic Kingdom No Longer to be Dry


Well-Known Member
I don't see how "changing with the times" and serving booze should be associated with one another. As just about everyone has pointed out, booze is sold EVERYWHERE on Disney property. Can't they leave one place dry?


New Member
Walt is rolling over in his cryogenic freezing chamber right now...:rolleyes:

Seems that the "traditionalists" are the most upset. While I respect that vision, you'd think they'd be more concerned about the ongoing commercialization of the MK now.


Well-Known Member
Mommy why is that man acting funny?
It is ok dear, he had just a bit too much to drink.

Sell wine in restaurant.
That works ... more profit.

Sell beer too.....
That works ... more profit.

Lets extend the hours, lunch too.
That works ... more profit.

Lets have beer and wine carts in "Fantasy Land!!!!!"

Sigh.... ok, one restaurant a glass of wine with meal ok. (Nobody is opening a bar "Yet")
I just seen it get out of control at Epcot, hope it does not happen at the Magic Kingdom.


Active Member
I'm not a drinker, and I liked the concept of the Magic Kingdom being dry, but I don't see how an alcoholic beverage served during dinner in a controlled environment would cause any significant harm. If we start seeing people stumbling around New Fantasyland plastered, I think I'd feel differently!


Well-Known Member


The sky is not falling! A French-themed restaurant with fine food... a drink with dinner makes sense. No drinks outside the restaurant, no kegs at Gaston's, no alcohol kiosks will allow Magic Kingdom to keep its family feel. I have no problem with this one break from tradition... let us hope this is just a one-time break!


Well-Known Member
While I share the concern that this could be a "slippery slope" (e.g., if ultimately alcohol becomes freely available at MK, meaning there will be a few drunken bad apples that will spoil the family-friendliness for the rest), I understand the move. Lots of us enjoy a well-paired alcoholic beverage with our meal, and so long as the consumption is limited to inside the restaurant, it will curb over-serving. Frankly, I wouldn't think it was such a big deal if Liberty Tree offered a good stout with dinner, or if Crystal Palace had mimosas with breakfast. As long as the alcohol stays INSIDE THE RESTAURANT and isn't made available as an inexpensive or quick-service option, Johnny Frat Boy and Embarrassing Nana Doe will have a tough time getting their drink on and cussing their way up Main Street.
While I share the concern that this could be a "slippery slope" (e.g., if ultimately alcohol becomes freely available at MK, meaning there will be a few drunken bad apples that will spoil the family-friendliness for the rest), I understand the move. Lots of us enjoy a well-paired alcoholic beverage with our meal, and so long as the consumption is limited to inside the restaurant, it will curb over-serving. Frankly, I wouldn't think it was such a big deal if Liberty Tree offered a good stout with dinner, or if Crystal Palace has mimosas with breakfast. As long as the alcohol stays IN THE RESTAURANT and isn't made available as an inexpensive or quick-service option, Johnny Frat Boy and Embarrassing Nana Doe will have a tough time getting their drink on and cussing their way up Main Street.

i agree with this 1000%. i dont want my kids to lose thier sense of magic about the place because of some drunken moron walking around staggering and being disruptive. keep it IN the restaraunt Disney please!!!


Well-Known Member
You have every right to raise your kids any way you want. I am not questioning your values or parenting choices. That being said I have a fundamental problem with your implying that a parent having a drink at dinner is somehow setting a bad example for their kids or someone elses. My dad came home from a hard day at work and had a beer or 2 most days. I didn't turn into an alcoholic or have issues with drinking because I witnessed my dad drinking beer. I will have a few drinks when out to dinner with my kids now. I don't think I am setting a bad example. If anything, if your children witness you responsibly consuming alcohol they will probably be less likely to abuse it themselves. If you really have a problem with kids witnessing drinking then don't take your kids to BOG or any restaurant outside the MK. They offer that pizza delivery direct to your room.

I understand the sentiment from those who are saying they think it's a bad idea because of nostalgia or tradition. I do think they should limit this to table service restaurants in MK. But I can't get behind the idea that alcohol should not be served because its illegal or because an alcoholic might go there and drink.

I'm not concerned about the action...I am concerned about the where and the why. Is drinking, in appropriate places not a problem...absolutely, but when your actions convey that in order to "enjoy" your outing alcohol is necessary, then it's a possible problem. This will happen whether I like it or not, but I don't have to think that it's a good idea. Someone on another board mentioned that they were sure that if Disney was going to venture into the sale of alcohol in the likeness of DL or MK, it would be much more appropriate in say Blue Bayou rather then Fantasyland.

I don't think it is a bad idea based on nostalgia or tradition. I do, however, think it was a good idea to keep the influence of alcohol out of the most visited kids section of any park, anywhere! I am also not concerned about how a responsible drinker will influence them...but, and you can take this to the bank, there will be a number of irresponsible people there as well. They can, and if I were a betting man, bet on it, put a damper on someones day quicker than you can say, 'have another'!

OK, so I'm old and I come from an era where people tried there best to make a good impression, not be a bad example and genuinely had enough self pride to not want to be thought of as someone that couldn't make it through a day without some artificial influence dulling our brain cells. I knew that when my kids got older they were going to, at the very least, experiment with things. It is the way of youth. I guess in the world of 24/7 disaster broadcasting there really is no need to shelter them early on. That ship has sadly sailed.

Before I get jumped on as an anti-alcohol spokesman, I do have a drink now and then and there was a time that I did more than my share. I have nothing against drinking, I just have a very strong opinion that there is a place for everything and Fantasyland is not one that screams alcohol.


Well-Known Member
I have very mixed feelings about this. God knows I love an adult beverage or 50, but I had no problem at all with the MK being a dry place. If they only allow the alcohol at this restaurant, I can justify it by stating that it is not much different than having something to drink at one of the monorail resort restaurants and then coming back to the park. However I really hope they don't start selling booze all over the MK. I could see major problems especially when it's hot and crowded. Unlike EPCOT which has the room and space for people to spread out, even when it's busy, and DHS which rarely gets very busy, MK can be a crowded place and I could see that leading to some alteractions.


Well-Known Member
That's about Gaston's tavern. The reports we're seeing right now is that BoG will serve beer and wine during dinner only, and only inside the restaurant; you cannot leave the building with it.

I see this as being the first step... oh ok, its ok in just BOG, then a year down the road... Caseys will serve beer, beer and dawgs go so well together.

eventually I see booze creeping in


Well-Known Member
Not that I have anything against "newbies". After all, we were all one at some point. But why is it there are so many that have come on to this thread and insulted people for being unhappy with this decision?


Well-Known Member
I see this as being the first step... oh ok, its ok in just BOG, then a year down the road... Caseys will serve beer, beer and dawgs go so well together.

eventually I see booze creeping in

That's my fear, too. Alcohol is a huge money-maker, with a far higher profit margin than food, and I'm worried that the folks in charge are more concerned about the cash flow than protecting the reputation of the park. If they honestly keep it limited to a table-service restaurant at night, fine. But can we trust them to do that?


Well-Known Member
as someone who doesn't have a family, unsure if this really bother me... but, it is something Walt believed in so I am irked by it

I'm not bothered by it because I have a family. Not in the least bit. If I were, I wouldn't take them anywhere. Like you, I'm bothered because it wasn't what Walt wanted. It's something Disney had done fine without for 41 years at the park. It's a tradition that wasn't necessary to break. If you can't get through a French themed meal without alcohol, then you've got some issues. Like you said, next it will be Casey's and people will be defending that saying "Hot dog and a beer - Makes perfect sense."

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