Magic Kingdom No Longer to be Dry


Premium Member
As for drinking, anyone remember that fight in front of the Tower of Terror at DCA that was posted on Youtube, that guy seemed quite drunk and the situation got really bad for a family park. I just don't want to see that at MK.

and there is nothing to say that guy got drunk (or even that alcohol was the source of his influence) in the parks. The gates are still open to the outside world...


Well-Known Member
Hopefully Tony's and the other table service restaurants offer beer and wine as well in the near future.
I know for a fact that Tony's had architectural plans drawn up a few years ago for a full service bar if the policies were ever to change. If sales go well (which they will) I would imagine you will see the other outlets follow suit. There is way too much money to be made.


Well-Known Member
If they do expand serving alcohol to other places in the MK -- and Tony's would be the most logical choice -- I would expect that they would keep the same only-on-premises condition. However, I don't really equate "Fine Dining" with Tony's... seems like TDO is serious about creating a special, fine dining experience that is just as new to the MK as serving alcohol is. So I don't really see the slippery slope forming, but I readily admit I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
If you think that everyone at the MK was totally sober before the BOG started their wine pairing then you are only fooling yourself.

This! People are forgetting there are 4 hotels with full bars right in the area. People can go get smashed at the contemporary or any other hotel for that matter. Also it's not exactly hard to sneak in airplane bottles. Bottom line is that if people want to get drunk and go to the MK nothing is stopping them.


Well-Known Member
I only object on the grounds of tradition. Otherwise I have no problem with it.

This. I don't really have a problem with it, but I liked the tradition of no alcohol at the MK.

That said, I can see the rationale. BoG is supposed to be a top tier dining experience and it's French themed. Having wine fits (and the beers are French and Belgium, which is a nice touch). Realistically, a true French experience has wine as an option; there's a reason why DLP serves alcohol among the castle parks (and why McDonald's in France do as well) -- it's just part of the culture.

I do find it funny that the first place in MK to serve alcohol is in Fantasyland, the most kids oriented area in the park.


Well-Known Member
This! People are forgetting there are 4 hotels with full bars right in the area. People can go get smashed at the contemporary or any other hotel for that matter. Also it's not exactly hard to sneak in airplane bottles. Bottom line is that if people want to get drunk and go to the MK nothing is stopping them.

Or they could simply go to EPCOT, get hammered, then monorail over to MK.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that the fact that they serve alcohol in other areas of WDW is really relevant. We can only guess why Walt was concerned about serving it in Disneyland since he was known to drink somewhat himself. My guess would be not because he thought alcohol was a terrible thing, but that since it was a family park, the influence that it might have on the kids was his concern. There was a time when we worried about stuff like that. We cared what kind of things that we were exposing our kids too. Now we use any language we feel like with no concern for who hears it. We feel that getting a buzz on in front of our kids is OK. Nothing is done to make the world a little less stressful for them. Walt smoked like a chimney, but do you ever see him smoking on TV, or on any of the promo's he did? There are some occasional candid shots that show him smoking but it was rare. Was he against smoking...obviously not, but he did care about what example he was giving to others. Why is that not responsible behavior and why is it no longer something that we should be mindful of.

Our children learn proper behavior by the example that their parents display. Why is it that, as a society we cannot go a few hours without alcohol especially as I am sure everyone that says they can't, also say that they don't have any addiction to it. Why is it that values such as self respect and responsible public behavior is no longer the trend. OK, it's a changing society, but is it changing for the better? I think we have to ask ourselves that question.

Now we will have drinking in MK. End of the world, probably not, but you know as well as I do that amongst all the guests that go to WDW there will be a notable percentage of people who cannot stop at one, who are in every sense of the word...alcoholics. They will be there and they will make their presence known. You can give matches to a kid and they won't necessarily burn the place down, but if they don't have any matches they definitely will not.


Well-Known Member
BoG is supposed to be a top tier dining experience

But it's not. It's one credit on the DDP, it has animatronic entertainment, and it turns into a fast food joint (ok, a Panera) during the day--we're not talking V&A or Citricos. This feels like a trial balloon, something that's been on the drawing board a while and now they think they've found the camel's nose to sneak it in behind. Cindy's, Tony's and Plaza next, who knows after that. Just too much money on the table to leave behind.


Well-Known Member
This thread reminds me of the Roseanne episode where they go to Disney and Dan is so upset MK is dry and rushes over to Epcot and gets a huge beer tower thing in Germany. Ah, I love that show.


Premium Member
Our children learn proper behavior by the example that their parents display.

You have every right to raise your kids any way you want. I am not questioning your values or parenting choices. That being said I have a fundamental problem with your implying that a parent having a drink at dinner is somehow setting a bad example for their kids or someone elses. My dad came home from a hard day at work and had a beer or 2 most days. I didn't turn into an alcoholic or have issues with drinking because I witnessed my dad drinking beer. I will have a few drinks when out to dinner with my kids now. I don't think I am setting a bad example. If anything, if your children witness you responsibly consuming alcohol they will probably be less likely to abuse it themselves. If you really have a problem with kids witnessing drinking then don't take your kids to BOG or any restaurant outside the MK. They offer that pizza delivery direct to your room.

I understand the sentiment from those who are saying they think it's a bad idea because of nostalgia or tradition. I do think they should limit this to table service restaurants in MK. But I can't get behind the idea that alcohol should not be served because its illegal or because an alcoholic might go there and drink.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a wine guy by any means but the beer list, for a short one, is fairly impressive with a nice French brew and several Belgians. I may have to rethink my decision to not go to WDW until FLE is complete; it may be worth a quick weekend trip with the Mrs. to check this place out.


Well-Known Member
Alot of folks are saying "I have no problem with this".....I'm going to take it a step further and say:


Seriously, folks....put up kiosks selling booze every 100yards...I want to ride splash mountain sauced like a sailor, yell back at the drunk pirates on potc and laugh at drunk idiots riding teacups.....

The best decision TDO has made in freaking years!


Premium Member
I'm not sure why people have a big problem with this. Don't drink if you don't want. Alcohol is not an evil. Go spend some time in Europe and see how well beer, wine, and spirits integrate into everyday life. Its just kinda there, and is rarely abused. The lack of beer and wine in the MK makes Disney look like they are scared of something. No need for that fear. EPCOT, DHS, and AK all work really well with the "expanded beverage options."

The higher standards of the restaurant will likely make me a customer. It is nice to see some more options at the MK. Good job Disney.

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