La Fiesta de MJ


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I had a semi-bad day today. It started this morning when my alarm clock didn't go off and I was late for work.:( Work itself wasn't too bad. I was at Epcot today with Nemo. The only bad part was that kids kept beating up Nemo, even after we repeatedly told them not to touch his eyes or fins.:brick: Oh well. Tomorrow I am off because it is my....birthday!!! I am going to be 21!:sohappy: I am having lunch at CRT with 3 friends. Can't wait! Well, I am going to go to bed now. Talk to everyone tomorrow.


I might not be on very much until Mon. because I am going on a girls weekend with my sisters and their DDs. I am hoping to be able to check in once in a while but who knows.:lol: My sister has some plans for us, like going swimming, playing games, watching movies and winning gifts. and doing makeup. I don't wear makeup so I don't know what I am going to do.:lookaroun I guess just play around with the makeup.:eek:


New Member
joanna71985 said:
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I had a semi-bad day today. It started this morning when my alarm clock didn't go off and I was late for work.:( Work itself wasn't too bad. I was at Epcot today with Nemo. The only bad part was that kids kept beating up Nemo, even after we repeatedly told them not to touch his eyes or fins.:brick: Oh well. Tomorrow I am off because it is my....birthday!!! I am going to be 21!:sohappy: I am having lunch at CRT with 3 friends. Can't wait! Well, I am going to go to bed now. Talk to everyone tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Joanna.


Well-Known Member
joanna71985 said:
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I had a semi-bad day today. It started this morning when my alarm clock didn't go off and I was late for work.:( Work itself wasn't too bad. I was at Epcot today with Nemo. The only bad part was that kids kept beating up Nemo, even after we repeatedly told them not to touch his eyes or fins.:brick: Oh well. Tomorrow I am off because it is my....birthday!!! I am going to be 21!:sohappy: I am having lunch at CRT with 3 friends. Can't wait! Well, I am going to go to bed now. Talk to everyone tomorrow.
Happy early birthday Joanna!!! :wave:


Active Member
Disnut said:
I might not be on very much until Mon. because I am going on a girls weekend with my sisters and their DDs. I am hoping to be able to check in once in a while but who knows.:lol: My sister has some plans for us, like going swimming, playing games, watching movies and winning gifts. and doing makeup. I don't wear makeup so I don't know what I am going to do.:lookaroun I guess just play around with the makeup.:eek:
sounds cool exept for the makeup but can I go?


Well-Known Member
Disnut said:
I might not be on very much until Mon. because I am going on a girls weekend with my sisters and their DDs. I am hoping to be able to check in once in a while but who knows.:lol: My sister has some plans for us, like going swimming, playing games, watching movies and winning gifts. and doing makeup. I don't wear makeup so I don't know what I am going to do.:lookaroun I guess just play around with the makeup.:eek:
Sounds like fun - I don't do makeup much either. Have a great time!


Well-Known Member
We had a violent storm here last night - lots of people still have no power, and a tanker ship out on the port of Providence was struck by lightning while unloading, causing a major fire through most of the night. Fortunately, no casualties.
Our new screenhouse lost its roof, but I'm pretty sure it's fixable. Not going to put it back 'til we know more what Beryl is doing....


Nemo14 said:
Sounds like fun - I don't do makeup much either. Have a great time!

I hope to.

I just wanted to pop in this morning to say don't talk to much this week:zipit: . I want to be able to find yall when I get back. :wave:


New Member
Hiya all, I am so sorry I dissappeared yesterday. Andrew's parents visit was eh, icky. However the worse problem and reason that I wasn't on last night was MJ...

She cired all day for Paul (the Godfather) and Daddy, then our friend Ami came over for a bit (MJ had a hard time with her leaving, but not too bad since Grandma and Grandpa got here at the same time) When Grandpa left however it was total meltdown city and of course then she was calling for him, Paul, Nana and a bunch of others she has had to separate from, it was her autism at it's finest. It was so heartbreaking. We had to take a deposit to the bank anyway, so we took her to Boardwalk to see the jugglers and stuff, then we came home, where she promptly settled in my lap, not to be separated till this morning.....


Well-Known Member
MommytoMJM said:
Hiya all, I am so sorry I dissappeared yesterday. Andrew's parents visit was eh, icky. However the worse problem and reason that I wasn't on last night was MJ...

She cired all day for Paul (the Godfather) and Daddy, then our friend Ami came over for a bit (MJ had a hard time with her leaving, but not too bad since Grandma and Grandpa got here at the same time) When Grandpa left however it was total meltdown city and of course then she was calling for him, Paul, Nana and a bunch of others she has had to separate from, it was her autism at it's finest. It was so heartbreaking. We had to take a deposit to the bank anyway, so we took her to Boardwalk to see the jugglers and stuff, then we came home, where she promptly settled in my lap, not to be separated till this morning.....
She's had a lot to deal with lately Bonny. You're doing a great job with her!

((Hugs)) to both of you!


New Member
Andrew is on his way home, He was released from work early (if he wanted to) so we are going to get some things done and spend some quality time with MJ.

One of the things the inlaws were doing here yesterday was giving us $$ (long story) but with it we are going to be able to do some things that we need to do.

Get a new car seat for MJ, pay off my contacts, look at a new cell phone for me, take MJ to get hedr nails done (we promised her while she was in the hospital) yada, yada, yada and probably take her to MGM tonight.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone. :wave:
Bonny, MJ will have her days. And you will get her through them, like always.
And we are here to help you do that. By listening. It's the best we can do, and we don't mind doing it. So rant, yell, cry, scream. . .whatever.
We can take it!
We love you. Both of you. :kiss:

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