Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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In the Parks


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In the Parks
Radiant Garden (3rd Visit)
Part 2-The Aftermath

As the fierce rushing of the storm came to a halt, Maleficent stared over the destruction that she and her fellow companions had caused. With silent victory, she simply smirks to herself, before vanishing within a sea of flames, leaving all of Villains' Vale unoccupied.

In the Bailey, a destroyed piece of debris, placed firmly against the stone wall falls to the ground. Sora, Donald and Goofy emerge from the rubble that the storm had swept in. They are clearly tired and injured, but for the most part, are alright. As they recoup, they see the destruction of the town for the first time, with their own eyes. They move into the Garden Walkways, where they see the once beautiful pathways, now a destroyed road of debris.

While making their way up the path, they notice one pretty obvious detail missing. The castle. They rush up the path to the Postern. Upon arrival, they see the huge, cluttered pile of debris. Everything falls motionless. Suddenly, a clutter of debris starts falling from the shattered main entry door of the castle. Cloud emerges, followed by Aerith. Cid and Yuffie follow shortly after. They are so relieved to have escaped the destroyed castle. Now, they must return to Merlin's House.

While going to Merlin's House, they see Yuna, Rikku, Paine, Scrooge McDuck and Ludwig Von Drake searching through the town's rubble. They state that they escaped the destruction of the Marketplace. However, their shops weren't as fortunate. They say that it'd be some time before they'd be able to reopen their business. For now, they'll do anything they can to help the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee.

Upon the arrival at Merlin's House, they see that the entire roof of the house has been completely destroyed and removed, causing their once secure base to become somewhat hazardous. Only the base of the house remains. Inside, Cid's once useful computer mechanism sparks, as Merlin's fallen library bookshelf clutters the area. Along the floor are Merlin's scattered books, regarding darkness of the heart and conscience of the mind and whatnot. Aerith and Yuffie begin to salvage the books.

Then it occurs to them that Leon, Rinoa, Riku, Kairi and Pluto were all in the building, as well. Suddenly, Cid's secret Gummi Ship crawl space, as revealed in the Radiant Garden flashback, opens, as Leon helps Rinoa, followed by Pluto and Riku out.

Sora anxiously awaits Kairi's appearance, but is stopped by Riku, who tells Sora that Kairi disappeared. He has no idea where she is or if she's okay. Sora cannot even believe it. He's lost Kairi again. Now, he's on a mission. He has a score to settle with Maleficent, a life to avenge, the girl he has to save. Nothing will stop him on his quest.

Sora obtains the Oathkeeper Keyblade.
Sora obtains the Cura and Aurara spell.

Jiminy's Journal-Radiant Garden (3rd Visit)

While arriving at Radiant Garden, Sora, Donald and Goofy met up with the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee. They discuss the strange happenings that have been occuring in the town lately. They decide to lead an investigation and solve the problems of the rampaging Heartless. Sora, Donald, Goofy and Merlin take on the Heartless head-on. A gummi ship blasts into the world. Onboard, was Riku, Kairi and Pluto. The three proceed to Merlin's House.

The Villains' plans were finally ready for action, yet mounting tension within the group proved to be unbearable. Malfecent sends Cruella DeVil to stop Sora and the others. They encountered Cruella, who the easily defeated.

The team continued into the Dark Valley. Cruella turned on the League of Villains and decided to thwart their plans by telling Sora Maleficent's goal. Kairi was kidnapped by a dark figure. The team confronted Maleficent, whom they fiercely battled. In a moment of opportunity, Maleficent was about to kill Sora with her dark magic, but Merlin blocked the attack and is struck instead. Maleficent fled the scene.

In Villains' Vale, the Queen, disguised as a peddler woman, tricked Kairi into opening the door of darkness, causing a flood of Heartless and darkness to occur. The rush of darkness effected Kingdom Hearts, and in turn, all worlds among the stars.Sora, Donald and Goofy saw the event happen and ran to warn the townspeople, as the mounting force of darkness rushed forwards. Cruella ran after them in hot pursuit.

Maleficent magically conjured a tornado, which ripped through the world causing mass destruction. The cyclone kills Cruella, as Maleficent gladly watches. The Marketplace was under attack by Hades, who caused a great fire to spread across the town, and Gaston, who pilfered items from the shops. In the Dark Valley, Ursula causes a mounting wave of water and darkness to flood the land.

The team rushes and takes cover behind some debris in the Bailey, as the rapid tornado tore through the town. Then, everthing stopped, as Maleficent saw the destruction she caused. The town had been completely destroyed. The castle was no longer there.

After the storm had passed, Sora Donald and Goofy scouted the area for anyone. Luckily, Cloud, Aerith, Yuffie and Cid emerged from the rubble of the castle, Yuna, Rikku, Paine, Scrooge McDuck and Ludwig Von Drake went unharmed and Leon, Rinoa, Pluto and Riku survived the destruction. Merlin's sacrifice is and always will be greatly admired. He will remain a source of power and knowledge in the future, through his wise books and magical teachings.

Kairi had disappeared. It looks like Sora has has a bit of adventure still to come.

  • Leon
  • Cid
  • Yuffie
  • Aerith
  • Cloud
  • Rinoa
  • Merlin
  • Yuna
  • Rikku
  • Paine
  • Huey
  • Dewey
  • Louie
  • Scrooge McDuck
  • Ludwig Von Drake
  • Moogle
  • Maleficent
  • Cruella DeVil
  • Master Xehanort

Oathkeeper Keyblade

Abilities Gained
Cura Spell, Aurura Spell

  • Shadow
  • Large Body
  • Soldier
  • Dark Wyvern
  • Warlock
  • Brick Body
  • Shadow Substance
  • Neoshadow
  • Dark Nocturne
  • Pengelum

-Cruella DeVil, Maleficent


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In the Parks
Merlin's sacrifice?! You mean he has deceased? You can't kill off a Disney character like that!

Otherwise, excellent. Keep it up!
Well, there's nothing that says you can't kill off a Disney character; it's just never been done like this before. I realize that it's unlikely because it's Disney, but I guess that wasn't the case for Bambi's mother, Kocoum, Mufasa, and KH's own Ansem, the Wise. Also, it's fairly unlikely that EVERYONE would have made it out alive in this situation.

Besides, Merlin and the events of his death still serve a purpose in the story.


New Member
Hey, if you didn't mind I was going to begin on the Heartless for the Last world (not sure if you revealed it yet).

I'll get back to you with the names and a description of their physical appearances, abilities, etc.


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In the Parks
Hey, if you didn't mind I was going to begin on the Heartless for the Last world (not sure if you revealed it yet).

I'll get back to you with the names and a description of their physical appearances, abilities, etc.
Hey cuz, can you message them to me first? I wouldn't post "those" ones up this early.

And thanks Disneyson. I'll probably have the next segment of the game tomorrow. We'll be going back into the "real world" storylines of the game.

Plus suprises.


Well-Known Member
Well, there's nothing that says you can't kill off a Disney character; it's just never been done like this before. I realize that it's unlikely because it's Disney, but I guess that wasn't the case for Bambi's mother, Kocoum, Mufasa, and KH's own Ansem, the Wise. Also, it's fairly unlikely that EVERYONE would have made it out alive in this situation.

Besides, Merlin and the events of his death still serve a purpose in the story.

Well, can he at least come back somehow at the end of the game?


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In the Parks
Well, can he at least come back somehow at the end of the game?
No. That would defeat the purpose of the entire event and it just wouldn't happen. There are several layers to these scenes, much more is happening than what's actually visible. What may seen pointless and spur-of-the-moment may prove to be something much greater.
Sounds great KingMickey, and I have something that's completely off topic guys, but check out my thread in Chit-Chat..the pregnant one. I'm very excited. Well, my husband is too, but since he's not on

For this, and of course, my news. lol. I can't wait to see what happens next guys!


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In the Parks
Now that you have the Aurara spell, you can continue the next section of Coral Sea.

Coral Sea(3rd Visit)

You swim through Atlantica, through the familar rocky passage and arrive at the Coral Garden of Coral Sea. When you're ready to continue the adventure, speak to Marlin.

Now that you have the Aurara spell, you can return to the dark valley, where the mask slipped out of grasp. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Marlin and Dory all head out to the dark valley.

Meanwhile, in a fish tank located within a Dentist's office, Nemo meets with the "tank gang". Bloat, Peach, Gurgle, Bubbles, Jacques, Deb (and her sister Flo) and their appointed leader Gill. Together, they start to form a plan to escape from the fish tank and return to the ocean.

After the team arrives in the dark valley, they start to descend down into the pitch black abyss. The Aurara spell does offer little light in front of the group, while the surrounding area is still maksed in a blanket of darkness. The team reaches the floor of the ocean and begin to scout the area for any sign of the mask. As they continue through the area, they notice a small glowing orb of light, which seems to be floating across the ocean. Of course, this draws the group in, towards the bright orb. As the team is just about to touch the orb, it is revelaed that it belongs to the head of a giant Anglerfish!

The Anglerfish's luring bulb lights up the surrounding area, revealing the mask in a dune of sand, nearby. Sora, Donald, Goofy and Marlin decide to act as bait for the Angerlfish, while Dory tries to read the strange markings on the back of the mask. The next mini-game begins.

In this mini-game, Sora must rapidly swim through the darkened area, avoiding the ferocious attacks of the Angerlfish. On top of that, Dory needs the Anglerfish's lure light to read the back of the mask. To help out, a course of circular ring bubbles have been places for Sora to travel through. After successful traveling through a bubble, he gains speed, but if he misses one, he slows down. The mini-game ends when Dory successfully reads whats on the back of the mask.

"P. Sherman, Wallabee Way, Sydney."
Just as the Anlerfish is about to attack, Sora uses the mask's elastic strap to pin the Anglerfish to a rock. The group successfully heads out of the valley and back into the clear water. Now, they quest on their path to find Sydney or Wallabee Way or Nemo.

As they swim through the now blue and tranquil waters, they come across a school of fish, who rather enjoy forming pictures with their own bodies. Dory calmly asks how to get to Sydney from here. The school of fish form an arrow and point the group in the right direction. As the team leaves, the group of fish call back Dory and tell her to "swim through the trench, not above it". Of course, she forgets this little detail seconds later.

As she catches up with the team, they reach a stone barrier, blocked by fallen rocks. The team can continue no further. Sora needs Thundaga magic to continue.

Back on the World Map, the Zeus' Cup Tournament has opened at the Olympus Coliseum. After successfully winning the tournament, the team learns the Demara magic spell.​


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In the Parks
Oh, and congratulations BeastsBeauty on that amazing news! I'm sure you're little one will love Disney as much as the rest of us on here!
Thank you KingMickey! I can't wait to see more of the game unfold! And of COURSE my DD will be as much as a Disney Freak as her parents. It's like...inevitable. :p

I am waiting anxiously for the next installment of this game!

Disneyson 1

New Member
OHMYGOSH!! Wow, congrats Beast's Beauty! That's so great. Good luck!!

The Coral Reef thing was good, too, but just a slight error. In the movie, Dory remembers the detail, but nobody believes her. This is important, as Marlin's trust in Dory is a metaphor for his relationship with Nemo. As the movie goes on, he finally trusts Dory in letting go of the whale's tongue, resolving his personal issues of keeping Nemo "sheltered" and ultimately makes him a better father. (The meeting with Crush also helps Marlin learn [through Crush and Squirt] that sometimes you just have to "let them go") Sorry, that just kind of bothered me. Otherwise, I love it!! I like the use of mini-games inside of the worlds to keep the game varied!


New Member
Also, with the death of Merlin it adds a sort of dark tone to the game in the way that a beloved Disney character has been killed off so, really, anything is likely to happen.


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In the Parks
The Coral Reef thing was good, too, but just a slight error. In the movie, Dory remembers the detail, but nobody believes her. This is important, as Marlin's trust in Dory is a metaphor for his relationship with Nemo. As the movie goes on, he finally trusts Dory in letting go of the whale's tongue, resolving his personal issues of keeping Nemo "sheltered" and ultimately makes him a better father. (The meeting with Crush also helps Marlin learn [through Crush and Squirt] that sometimes you just have to "let them go") Sorry, that just kind of bothered me. Otherwise, I love it!! I like the use of mini-games inside of the worlds to keep the game varied!
Well, they haven't arrived at the trench yet, so it wouldn't give Dory purpose to say anything about it yet, considering often times, she forgets things. Once they arrive at the trench, in the next Coral Sea section, something will trigger to Dory. Thanks for the imput and comments.

Also, with the death of Merlin it adds a sort of dark tone to the game in the way that a beloved Disney character has been killed off so, really, anything is likely to happen.

And I wouldn't take a major step like this unless I knew it would work well and have some sort of payoff in the end. (I think you know...)

On a side note, hopefully I'll post Native Camp Ground (2nd Visit) and Fairytale Forest (2nd Visit) tomorrow. Basically, from this point on, there are the world revisits, which offer some sort of conclusion to each of the worlds. Then, there's the sidequests, which include the Cups, secret bosses, etc, and then that'll take us to the final world, where I'll finish off the strong ending of the game...


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In the Parks
You return to the World Map and are now left on a mission to find Kairi. Sora, Donald and Goofy decide that it would be best to search the familiar worlds for some sort of clue or sign of Kairi. They head back down the gummi route, to Native Camp Grounds.

Native Camp Ground (2nd Visit)

Upon arrival at the Native Camp, you notice the tension that fills the air. The group reunites with Pocahontas, who explains everything that's happened while they were away.

Not so long ago, a rampaging group of Heartless stormed their camp and the woods. They Heartless became so dangerous that they've actually killed one of their fellow tribe members, Kocoum. The problem? Pocahontas' father, Chief Powhotan, believe that the Jamestown settlers were responsible for the death, and for that matter, has held John Smith captive, his death sentence later that day.

Pocahontas brings the team into the Tent, where they speak with the Native Elder. The Elder throws a handful of tribal powder into the firepit, causing an uproar of smoke and flames. Within the smoke, barely visual illustrations of the settlers and Heartless attacking the camp comes into view. Suddenly, a group of Heartless are thrown from within the firepit, attacking the group. These Heartless are known as Fire Spitters and are flame based creatures. After the small encounter, Pocahontas wants to take the group to Grandmother Willow. They go to the save point, before heading out of the tent.

The team continues through the Camp Outskirts, through the Pine Forest and into the Forest Trails area, fighting several sporadic groups of Heartless along the way. Once in the area, to the right, they notice that the Settlement area has opened. Pocahontas, afraid to venture inside, waits in the forest for Sora, Donald and Goofy to return.

Inside the Settlement, you see various settlers preparing for battle. You approach one of the settlers, Thomas, who states that the native tribe had conjured the Heartless to attack them and are now looking to go to war. Sora tries to convince the settlers otherwise and tell them the truth, but they don't care what he has to say. There is a save point in the settlement barrier walls. Use the save point before leaving.

You return to the Forest Trails, where Pocahontas rejoins the group. With her guidance, you take the straight path through the woods, arriving at the River. You board her waiting canoe, which is docked just on the side of the river. While traveling down the river, watch out! Now, Heartless will leap out of the river and attack the group! Sora uses his paddle oar as a weapon. Defeat the attacking Heartless to arrive securely at the Grove Entrance.

The team makes their way up the stone pathway, behind the flowing curtain of leaves, which belong to a willow tree. Inside, they reunite with Grandmother Willow, along with Meeko and Flit, who are also waiting. Pocahontas tells her all about the situation of the upcoming war between the native tribe and the settlers. Grandmother Willow reveals that Pocahontas is the only one who can calm the disputes between the two different forces. She tells her to follow what her hearts tells her to do. They quickly make their way back to the canoe and head down the river.


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In the Parks
Meanwhile, Powhotan goes to John Smith and tells him that it's time. Several natives forcefully grab him and follow Chief Powhotan into the forest area. A brush of wind sweeps through the area, blowing a trail of leaves past them.

From the River, the team sees Chief Powhotan, John Smith and the Indians head up the Overhanging Cliffs. They quickly make their way back to the Forest Trails, where they run into the trail of blowing leaves. Suddenly, the Heartless appear and converge themselves with the blowing wind, creating a dark monster of their own.

-Boss: Wind Reaper-

This shifty boss is rather difficult. The creature is invisible as first, only displaying the shifting wave of wind, whirling leaves about. During the beginning of the fight, it is invincible, as well. It quickly moves across the area within the blink of an eye.

Spells are handy here. Fira, Blizzara and Thundara spells are the most useful. Depending on the color of the leaves states what spell to use. If the leaves are red, use Fira. If they are a bluish-green color, use Blizzara. If they are yellow, use Thunder. If they are a mix, use any of the three. After the spell is successfully executed, the creature will turn visible. Now, it’s time to strike. Continue hacking away at the Heartless until it turns invisible again. Repeat this tactic until the monster is defeated.

With the monster defeated, the blissful wind swirls around Pocahontas and then leads a pathway to the Overhanging Cliffs. Without hesitating, Pocahontas follows the path. Sora, Donald and Goofy trail closely behind.

At the cliffs, Powhotan is just about to stone John Smith to death. The settlers look on from below. Pocahontas leaps over his defenseless body and protects him. Powhotan is appalled by her actions, but Pocahontas reveals that she loves him and that he’d never do anything to hurt her or anyone else, for that matter. She states that the two different sides need to put aside their differences and learn to live together, peacefully.

Powhotan finally understand his daughter’s actions and releases John Smith, unharmed. Now, he states that the two different sides of people will leave together, as one.

The walls of the Native Camp and Settlement area are pushed down, joining the entire world, as one.

Finally, back at the Native Camp, Pocahontas, John Smith, Powhotan, even Meeko and Flit, wish Sora, Donald and Goofy goodbye and good luck on their journey. They can return there whenever they’d like to.

Sora obtains the Colors of the Wind Keyblade
Sora obtains the Blizzaga Spell


Jiminy’s Journal-Native Camp Ground (2nd Visit)

Upon arrival, there was much tension between the natives and the settlers. John Smith had been held captive under Powhotan’ orders. It was believed that he murdered Kocoum, when it was actually the Hearless’ doing.

In the Settlement area, the settlers were preparing to go to war with the natives. Nothing would stop the upcoming war.

The team assisted Pocahontas to going to Grandmother Willow’s Tree Grove. There, the wise willow revealed that the future of their world lied in the hands of Pocahontas. She tells her to follow her heart. They make their way back to the forest. Powhotan is just about to complete John Smith’s death sentence.

Suddenly, a Heartless wind monster attacked. After the monster was defeated, the wind revealed the path to John Smith. Just as Powhotan was about to kill him, Pocahontas defended him and revealed her love for him.

This strong bond of love caused the two different groups of people to put aside their differences and live together. The barrier walls were taken down and they now live together, as one.


· Pocahontas
· John Smith
· Chief Powhotan
· Meeko
· Flit
· Grandmother Willow
· Native Elder
· Kocoum
· Thomas
· Radcliffe

-Colors of the Wind Keyblade
-Blizzaga Spell

-Dark Roots
-Fire Spitter
-Water Snake
-King Raven
-White Mushroom

Wind Reaper

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