Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game

Wow, KingMickey is doing a FANTASTIC job with KH3! I've been following this thread since the beginning,and it's just absolutely mesmerizing! I love his attention to detail. Everyone else's input is really awesome as well! I personally think that the worst part of the cliffhanger was the caretaker. He lives with a whole bunch of dead people, for so many years, and the one time he steps foot inside the place, he gets killed with a chandelier. Shame.

I don't want to bother anyone. I can't wait till he gets back!

I think the message he sent Disneyson1 is about what he's been doing. Although he might have had had some inspired moments while on his trip, for the game! I can't wait to see the outcome!:D:D
I love the Imagineering forum! It's so full of creative ideas, but this one is definitely a winner for me personally. I absolutely LOVE FF, and Disney, and when KH came out, well..I think I had a joygasm. :eek: And now that KingMickey is putting his ideas out here, I feel like I'm not the only one with an unhealthy obsession with KH. lol


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In the Parks
Hey guys! I'm back almost two whole weeks later and really excited to continue this! I had a great time on my vacation to Disney and I'm glad to be back on these boards. To be honest, I actually started missing this thread a whole lot while I was away and couldn't wait to continue it. So, here's just a response to the subjects talked about in my absence.

Good job on the Olympus Cups, MHarrington.

Hmm...shucks, someone must have found that note I left behind, displaying my amazing time at Disney. I guess it found its' way onto these boards somehow...What could it mean?

Thanks BeastsBeauty708 for commenting on this thread! I'm glad to see other members reading this thread! On to your comment, I know...I killed the only living character in the Haunted Mansion. I kind of drew a blank when it came to HM's cliffhanger. I thought, "Hmm. I kinda feel like someone should die here, but everyone's already dead. Wait! The Caretaker!" And so on...And I also needed a "new" storyline arc for the second half of the world.

I'm glad your enjoying this thread! And no, you're not the only one out there with an unhealthy KH obsession.

So, now onwards into the future of Kingdom Hearts III! Well, before that, I'm going to do a "Recap Episode" tomorrow, which basically restates the events that happened last. I feel like I've been away too long and it'd actually help me get back into the swing of things.

Also, it'd be a lot easier reviewing the events, rather than having to scan through a four-post section. The recap will highlight all of the major cliffhangers, plot set-ups and events.


Well-Known Member
Great! I can't wait! I also had an idea for the other as-yet-unmentioned summon: Buzz Lightyear. I know you said that Finding Nemo is the only Pixar movie which would have a world in a KH game. But that doesn't mean we can't have other Pixar movie characters in there, right? So I figured we could use Buzz Lightyear, since Toy Story should be referenced somehow in the game, as least with summons if not full-blown worlds. So what do you think?


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Buzz Lightyear will be a summon. After scrapping the world, I decided to just keep Buzz in. Even with the world, I think I might've made him a summon, but this is the way it turned out.
Ooooh, I can't wait! This cliffhanger has been bothering me! :brick: Now you're here though, so everything is all better. :D I like the idea of Buzz Lightyear as a summon, since Toy Story got scrapped. What are the summons "powers" though?? Are you going to go into that? Or is it just more of a "oh, you got a summons.." Just curious, because it'd be hilarious to see Buzz do his karate chop action on Malificent as the dragon. I'd have to laugh a lot.:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

Anyways, carry on, I'll be an observer. Maybe with some humor thrown in. I love this thread! Have fun guys!


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Each of the summons do have their own special attack. They do come in handy when fighting Heartless and certain bosses, but they shouldn't be heavily relied on.

Radiant Garden (3rd Visit)
Part 1-In the Eyes of a Witch

(Recap Episode)

While arriving at Radiant Garden, Sora, Donald and Goofy met up with the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee. They discuss the strange happenings that have been occuring in the town lately. They decide to lead an investigation and solve the problems of the rampaging Heartless.

The comittee splits up into four groups. Leon and Rinoa stay at Merlin's House. Cloud, Aerith, Yuffie and Cid go to the castle, where they tried to gain access to Ansem's Computer data. Yuna, Rikku and Paine went to the Marketplace, where they kept a close watch on the town, from above. Sora, Donald, Goofy and Merlin take on the Heartless head-on.

A gummi ship blasts into the world. Onboard, was Riku, Kairi and Pluto. The three proceed to Merlin's House.

The Villains' plans were finally ready for action, yet mounting tension within the group proved to be unbearable. Malfecent sends Cruella DeVil to stop Sora and the others. They encountered Cruella, who the easily defeated.

The rest of the restoration committee continued to perform their tasks. The team continues into the Dark Valley, closer to Villains' Vale, closer to Maleficent. Cruella turned on the League of Villains and decided to thwart their plans by telling Sora Maleficent's goal. Kairi was kidnapped by a dark figure.

The team confronts Maleficent, whom they fiercely battled. In a moment of opportunity, Maleficent was about to kill Sora with her dark magic, but Merlin blocked the attack and is struck instead. Maleficent fled the scene.

In Villains' Vale, the Queen, disguised as a peddler woman, tricked Kairi into opening the door of darkness, causing a flood of Heartless and darkness to occur. The rush of darkness effected Kingdom Hearts, and in turn, all worlds among the stars.Sora, Donald and Goofy saw the event happen and ran to warn the townspeople, as the mounting force of darkness rushed forwards. Cruella ran after them in hot pursuit.

Maleficent magically conjured a tornado, which ripped through the world causing mass destruction. The cyclone kills Cruella, as Maleficent gladly watches. The Marketplace was under attack by Hades, who caused a great fire to spread across the town, and Gaston, who pilfered items from the shops. In the Dark Valley, Ursula causes a mounting wave of water and darkness to flood the land.

The team rushes and takes cover behind some debris in the Bailey, as the rapid tornado tore through the town. Then, everthing stopped, as Maleficent saw the destruction she caused. The town had been completely destroyed. The castle was no longer there.

Did Sora, Donald and Goofy survive the tornado which devastatingly ripped through the Bailey?

What happened to Kairi? Is she alright? Where is she?

What's Merlin"s fate?

What happened to Scrooge McDuck and Ludwig Von Drake? They were set up in the Marketplace, which burned to the ground. What happened to Yuna, Rikku and Paine, for that matter, too?

Did Leon, Rinoa, Riku and Pluto survive the destruction of Merlin's House?

Are Cloud, Aerith, Yuffie and Cid alive? They were deep in the castle, now a large pile of rubble. What had happened to them?​


Well-Known Member
Where is everybody?!?

BTW, I'm going to be going on my own trip very soon and will probably have limited access to the Internet during that time. I will probably be gone for about two weeks.


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In the Parks
Of course, I'm right here...on the Imagineering boards...where I usually am located.

All of this talk about WDW FL plans and mermaids and dueling elephants in the other thread has kinda kept me distracted and excited. So, strangely enough, I ventured out into that thread, just so see whats what.

I'll update soon.
I know, right??? I've been going back and forth from that thread and this one, seeing if anything has come to fruition. :drevil: *big word*

I hope to see some action on this thread soon, and of course, that one.

*drools over possible BatB additions*:eek:*wipes drool* but this thread is not for that discussion. KH3 FTW!!!! :D

Carry on boys, carry on.


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In the Parks
I know, right??? I've been going back and forth from that thread and this one, seeing if anything has come to fruition. :drevil: *big word*

I hope to see some action on this thread soon, and of course, that one.

*drools over possible BatB additions*:eek:*wipes drool* but this thread is not for that discussion. KH3 FTW!!!! :D

Carry on boys, carry on.
Hopefully, I'll post SOMETHING tomorrow. I have a fairly busy day ahead, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get done. But sooner or later, a lot of updates will come. Particularly sooner.

BatB Additions? Umm...YES.
TLM Attraction? Amazing.
Dueling Dumbos? ULTIMATE.

Thank ye for posting.

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