Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game

Disneyson 1

New Member
Wonderful closing. The ends tied together very nicely. Too bad Gov. Radcliffe isn't there. And when the winds came alive, I immediately thought of the WoC! Good job.


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In the Parks
Wonderful closing. The ends tied together very nicely. Too bad Gov. Radcliffe isn't there. And when the winds came alive, I immediately thought of the WoC! Good job.

Tomorrow, I'll have two sections up. The first one being Fairytale Forest.
And maybe an announcement.


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In the Parks
After leaving Native Camp Ground, you continue your quest to the next world.

Fairytale Forest (2nd Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive into the familiar forest setting of the Log Bridge. Ahead, they hear the distant sound of shoveling and pick-axes. However, it doesn’t sound like the dwarves are mining. They rush to the open mine to see what is happening.

Once they arrive at the Mine, they notice that the entrance has been barricaded by the fall of rocks and debris, offering not way to get inside of the mine. From the other side of the rocks, they hear the dwarves mining their way out of the cavern. The rocks begin to shake and crumble, unblocking the passageway. Sora, Donald and Goofy begin to help shift the rocks around. Then, all of the seven dwarves appear from inside the cavern, completely unharmed and rather joyous, even Grumpy. Sora looks into the mine and sees…the ground covered with slaughtered Heartless?

Sora decides to escort the dwarves back to their cottage. He leads them across the log bridge, as they all march in a single file line. They make their way to their cottage.

Inside, the find Snow White, who’s so relieved to see all of them. In honor of their return, she plans to make them a special dinner that they all can enjoy. Snow White heads to the washing trough behind the cottage, while the dwarves and the team wait inside. While at the trough, Snow White meets the Prince, who is enchanted by her. Just as they begin talking, she realizes she’s in the middle of performing a task and kindly asks the prince to return. The Prince kindly obliges and tells the princess that he’ll return later. Snow White cannot wait for that moment to come. She continues her work at the trough before continuing to the cottage.

Later that night, the dwarves, Sora, Donald, Goofy and Snow White enjoy the feast, which she made herself. After the brief moment of satisfaction and relish, Snow White heads upstairs to sleep on two small beds pushed together. Sora and Goofy also go to sleep on two small beds, while Donald’s smaller body sleeps on one small bed. The dwarves all find spots in their living room to find a comfortable place to sleep, mimicking the move, exactly.

The next morning, Snow White wakes up early to see the dwarves off to work. They make sure to tell her not to talk to strangers, and more importantly, not to let them into their home. She reassures them, before they make their way to the mine, with shovels and pick-axes in hand.

Hours later, Sora, Donald and Goofy wake up. They descend down the stairs, to Snow White cheerfully wishing them a good afternoon. They decide to head out and do a little exploring. Before they leave, Snow White makes sure to tell them to be careful.

Sora, Donald and Goofy leave the cottage area and enter into the Dark Forest. Odd. The area seems less scary than it was the first time you walked through it. Maybe it’s become a bit brighter and you realize that those “eyes” are harmless woodland creatures. However, that doesn’t stop the eerie swaying of the trees OR the appearance of the Heartless, which are new and improved. The team makes their way through the gnarly and grotesque forest and towards the lighted Forest, which looks much friendlier and brighter.

In the forest, the “nicer once” that is, you proceed until you reach another spontaneous appearance of the Heartless. You continue through the woods and arrive at the Flower Field, the first area which doesn’t seem to be crawling with Heartless. The field features a variety of colorful flowers. You continue along the flowered path, up to a castle, unfamiliar to Sora.

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive on the steps of the Queen’s Castle. The stone steps make large “cludding” sounds beneath their feet. To the right, the find a Wishing Well, which travels far into the ground. Up on the castle wall is a window. For a brief second, Sora thinks he saw someone standing there, but Donald rejects that theory when he points out the billowing curtains.

The team makes their way across the stone landing and up a curving stone staircase, which leads to an overlooking landing, where a heavy bolted door is located. The team pushes the door open and proceed to the next room.

In the Queen’s Chamber, the Queen stares at her reflection in the mirror, before summoning the slave within the mirror. She asks, “Magic Mirror on the wall, who now is the fairest one of all?” citing Snow White’s untimely death. To her surprise, the mirror states that Snow White is still the fairest. The queen shows the mirror proof of Snow White’s death, by revealing her heart, locked within the lavishly decorated box. However, the mirror reveals the truth to the Queen. It is actually the heart of a pig. Her own huntsman had tricked her. Just at this moment, Sora, Donald and Goofy race into the seen, unknowing of what they’re getting themselves into. Enraged by the intruders, the queen relentlessly attacks.

-Boss: The Queen, Magic Mirror-

The Queen actually doesn’t even strike you, mainly because she doesn’t have a weapon, but that won’t stop her from casting some pretty mean spells. As soon as the fight begins, she’ll summon the possessed face of the magic mirror, who unwittingly obeys her every command. The face actually forces itself through the glass of the mirror, floating about the room, casting cursed spells, aiding the queen is battle.

The mirror should be your primary focus. Defeat the face’s smaller health bar, before proceeding to the queen. Attack the queen, right before she’s about to unleash a spell. It’ll stun her for a brief moment, giving more time to attack. Keep this tactic up. However, watch out, because the Queen may re-summon the face within the magic mirror.

After the battle, the queen is enraged and opens up a secret stone passageway, which leads down into her laboratory. Just as she enters, she immediately closes the passageway behind her, offering no entrance.

The queen descends down into the laboratory, where she decides to kill Snow White, herself. She moves about the room, cluttered with tables full of experiment equipment and beakers and bottles of potion fluids. She decides to disguise herself as an old peddler woman. She goes to her bottles of potions and spell books. She gathers items including Mummy Dust, An Old Hag’s Cackle, A Scream of Fright, A Blast of Wind and a Thunderbolt, to mix the spell. Inside, the queen drinks the glass of her potion, making her disoriented and fazed. She crumbles down behind the experiment tables, as lightning flashes across the room. She is unveiled as the witch.

Back in the Queen’s chamber, a new save point appears. The team wonders how to get into the laboratory, when suddenly the magic mirror appears from within the mirror and offers guidance to the team. He magically opens the door to the laboratory for the team and tells them to proceed with caution. The team proceeds and enters The Catacombs, a spiraling staircase, cluttered with cobwebs and lifeless skeletons. At the end of the staircase is a doorway, which leads to the Laboratory.

Back in the laboratory, the witch is dipping a poisoned apple into her boiling cauldron. She reads her spell book and is angered to read that the spell could be broken with “True Love’s Kiss”. Nothing must stop her on her path to be the fairest. Just then, Sora, Donald and Goofy enter, they see that the Queen has transformed into an old, ugly peddler woman, who laughs wickedly across the room, as she holds a poisoned apple in her hand, offering a bite to Sora, who instead, unleashes his Keyblade. The witch, laughs wickedly to herself, before putting on a deadly grin.

-Boss: The Witch-

The battle is actually surprisingly short. You might not even think it’s a battle. The witch stands on the opposite side of the room, barricaded by a variety of tables of experiments and test tubes. The witch sends three of her own personal Heartless to do the work for her. She sends out a Mummy Dust, a Black Night, and a Cackler to be Sora’s primary focus.

After the three Heartless are defeated, she’ll start throwing potions towards the party members. Carefully watch the color of the potions and the witch’s cauldron. If the potion is red, strike the cauldron with fire magic. Same goes for blue or yellow, for blizzard and thunder. The spell casted will actually inflict damage on the witch. But watch out! If she casts out a green potion, to not cast cure on the cauldron, it will heal her instead.

After the battle, the witch retreats inside the door on the opposite side of the laboratory, into her Dungeon. Sora, Donald and Goofy follow behind her, in hot pursuit.

Just as they arrive, they see the queen departing the dungeon, from a boating dock, slowly sailing across a dark, misty river, laughing to herself. To the right, a helpless skeleton reaches for a vase of water. The team quickly decides to head back to the cottage. Troubles on the horizon.


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In the Parks
As the team re-enter the Queen’s Chamber, the Magic Mirror once again greets them. He states that the Queen will stop at nothing to be the fairest in the land and has headed to the Dwarves’ cottage to take care of Snow White. The team quickly decides to follow, but the Magic Mirror has one more request: to smash the glass of the mirror. Sora is relenting at first, but in the end, proceeds.

Sora obtains the Magic Mirror Summon Spell.

The team quickly makes their way back to the cottage, fighting the groups of Heartless along the way.

Meanwhile, back at the cottage, Snow White is cleaning up the house, when suddenly the witch appears at the window, beckoning Snow White to let a poor beggar woman inside for a glass of water. Snow White, being as kind-hearted as she is, let’s the peddler inside. Thanking Snow White for her gratitude, the peddler reveals a ruby red apple. The peddler insists that it’s a “magic wishing apple” and that all of Snow White’s dreams will come true.

Sora and the others proceed through the Dark Forest, closer to the cottage.

Snow White silently wishes to herself, before taking a bite from the apple. The peddler anticipating her wish to be fairest in the land. Snow White feels strange and seconds later, falls to the floor. The witch laughs wickedly to herself and proclaims herself fairest in the land! She escapes the cottage, just as Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive. They chase after her, rapidly.

The witch runs through the forest, in hot pursuit by the team. She exits the forest through a cleared passageway, which leads to the Cliffs. She weakly proceeds up the cliffs, followed by the team. Lightening clashes high in the sky, as rain falls to the ground. Just as she’s about to make her escape, dead end. All that’s around her is a large boulder and a stick. Then, an idea occurs to her. She’s going to use the boulder to crush the team!

-Boss: The Witch II-

This battle doesn’t even require you to physically attack the witch. Instead, you must race your way up the mountain, avoiding the various crumbling rocks and falling cliffs. Once you’re a safe distance away from the witch, begin casting your strongest spells to disorient her. If your timing is right, you can even fling some of the crumbling rocks back at her, causing some serious damage. At the end of the battle, the queen is seemingly victorious, as she’s about to crush the team to death.

The queen laughs wickedly, as it echoes across the large sky. She holds the wooden stick high in the air, about to send the huge boulder crumbling down. Then suddenly, Sora unleashes the Magic Mirror, who stands just feet in front of the witch. The mirror displays her beauty as the Queen. The queen eyes her reflection in the mirror, amazed by her beauty. But then, the mirror states what her heart looks like. The image morphs into the old hag. The mirror states that she is now the farthest thing from being the fairest in the land. She’s horrified by her appearance. Her image shatters, just as she’s about to kill the team.

Then, a lightening bolt descends from the heavens and strikes the landing, beneath the Queen’s feet. The rocks crumble beneath her feet, sending her plummeting to her death, the rocky boulder falling just feet above her.

Sora learns the Thundaga Magic Spell.

In the Garden Grove, the dwarves have laid Snow White ina glass coffin, held up a wooden stand, hand-carved by the dwarves, themselves. They all pay their respects to Snow White and leave her in peace. No more Heartless appear in this area. From this point on, the Garden Grove will always be a place in honor of Snow White. Snow White remains, in her beautiful glass coffin, as the rays of sunlight reflect through the trees, across the glass.

Back in the cottage, Sora finds the poisoned apple on the ground. As he’s about to be rid of the cursed object, it emits an enchanted glow. The apple raises into the air and emits a beam of light, which reveals the keyhole. Sora directs the Keyblade at the keyhole and seals it.


Jiminy’s Journal– Fairytale Forest (2nd Visit)

As Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive, they witness the dwarves escape the collapsed mine, as they have brutally maimed all of the Heartless. They return to the cottage, where Snow White cooks them dinner. However, she meets a handsome admirer, while performing the task.

The next day, the dwarves head to work, while the team explores and Snow White stays at home. The team heads to the Queen’s castle, where they confront the Queen. After the battle, she retreats to her laboratory, where she disguises herself as a peddler woman and brews a poisoned apple, especially for Snow White. The team once again confronts her, only this time, she escapes from the castle and makes her way towards the Dwarves’ cottage.

The team quickly makes their way back to the cottage, but the witch beat them to it. She tricked Snow White into biting the poisoned apple and now proclaims herself fairest in the land. All’s well for her…until she sees the team. She races up a rocky cliff, until she reaches a dead end. She’s about to kill the team by sending a huge boulder their way, but then, a bolt of lightning strikes the cliff, sending her plummeting to her death.

The dwarves lay Snow White to rest in a beautiful glass coffin and remain watching over her. The poisoned apple revealed the keyhole. Sora sealed it. Now, Snow White sleeps, dreaming of the day her prince will come.


  • Snow White
  • The Prince
  • Evil Queen
  • The Witch
  • Magic Mirror
  • The Huntsman
  • Doc
  • Grumpy
  • Happy
  • Bashful
  • Sneezy
  • Sleepy
  • Dopey
-Magic Mirror Summon Spell
-Thundaga Magic Spell

-Leafer Creeper
-Dark Root
-Diamond Head
-King Raven
-Mummy Dust
-Black Night

-The Queen, Magic Mirror, The Witch, The Witch II

Announcement later.


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In the Parks
You're CHANGING the stories??? I mean,killing Merlin off out-of-context is O.K., I guess, but that's horrible! Let's see how this goes...
Who ever said stories were being changed? I never did.
Just saying that everything in the game has a payoff.
Even Merlin's death.


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In the Parks
Now, that you have the Thundaga spell, you continue to the next chapter of the Coral Sea world.

Coral Sea (4th Visit)

You arrive in the Coral Gardens. When you are ready, talk to Markin about moving the stone barrier.

The team heads back out to the stone barrier and they use Thundaga magic to crumble the rocks. Just behind the barrier, lies a large trench, which stretces high and far across the sea. Then, something triggers in Dory's mind. For some reason, she thinks that they should swim through the trench, not above it. But Marlin declines and hastily speeds up to the top of the trench. The others follow after.

At the top of the trench they find an eerily crystalline clear sea, Nothing in sight at all. Then, in the corner of their eyes, a small purple bulb moves about. A baby jellyfish. They're so fixated on this jellyfish that they don't seem to see the forest of jellyfish, which is beginning to surround them. Suddenly, it occurs to them that they are lost within this sea of stinging creatures. They have to make their way out. In the cutscene, the team races through the jellyfish forest, by bouncing on the bulbous part of the jellyfish's body. They bounce through the forest torwars the blue clearing of the ocean, when suddenly they realize that Dory's missing. Sora and Marlin continue through the forest, where they spot Dory, who's injured and unconscious. They swim through the jellyfish, retrieving Dory, and swim out, just as everything fades to darkness.

Back in the tank of the dentist's office, the tank gang and Nemo's plan for escape are finally taking place. The fish have successfully broken the automatic fishtank cleaner, so now, it's only amatter of time before the dentist will have to remove the fish from the tank and put them in water-filled bags. From that point, they escape.

When Sora awakens, he realizes that he's on the back of a turtle, named Crush. They are traveling down the East Australian Current, promptly named the "EAC", which conviniently heads straight for Sydney. Dory is seen playing hide and seek with all the little turtles, visibly fine. Crush teaches Sora to let loose in the EAC and brings his son out, Squirt, to teach Sora how to swim through the EAC currents. After Squirt's small tips, the next mini-game begins.

Sora swims through the rapid spinning currents of the EAC, which spirals and swilrs in a hectic matter. Sora must stay on the course of the EAC, which is a rather difficult task to accomplish, especially when the angles of the game switch often. If Sora spirals out of control and gets spewn out od the current, he has about five seconds to reclaim his position in the current. At the end of the mini-game, Sora reclaims his position on Crush's shell.

Crush mentions the great job of swimming through the current, but their stop is coming up. Crush sends the team, Marlin and Dory spinning out of the EAC and into the open water. Crush wishes them goodbye and hopes that they find that "little dude". They continue swimming through the area and are proud that they've finally reached Sydney, but where to look next?

The team arrives in a beautiful Coral Valley, but are suprised to see a wall of Coral blocking their passageway.

Sora needs Auraga magic for them to continue to Sydney.
Announcement coming soon.​


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In the Parks

Continuing the Franchise

As of July 19, 2009, my cousin, who frequents these boards rarely, and I have started planning an additional Kingdom Hearts Video Game. What does that mean?

As of July 25, 2009, we are announcing the release of Kingdom Hearts IV! We are hoping for a Fall release date, but cannot give any specifics at this time. The project might even be pushed back further, but everything is unknown at the moment. This new Kingdom Hearts installment will follow the events of Kingdom Hearts III, but not everything is as simple as it sounds.

With this next installment, a variety of new worlds, characters, weapons...and enemies, will become new assets to the Kingdom Hearts series. We're so excited to be forming this next project and cannot wait for the start of Kingdom Hearts IV.

Disneyson 1

New Member
Ummm... WOW?!?!?!?! That's great! I can't wait! And there are so many new worlds to choose from, the possibilities are endless! Hmm, I wonder if any of my suggestions will be used...?

P.S. I liked your Coral Sea "mini-sode!"


Active Member
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In the Parks
Ummm... WOW?!?!?!?! That's great! I can't wait! And there are so many new worlds to choose from, the possibilities are endless! Hmm, I wonder if any of my suggestions will be used...?

P.S. I liked your Coral Sea "mini-sode!"

I think some of the suggestions will be used. I can't say for sure, nothing's set in stone yet. And yes...alot of new, unexpected worlds and the possibilities ARE endless. In a way you can't even imagine. I'm so excited!

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