Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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Continuing the Franchise

As of July 19, 2009, my cousin, who frequents these boards rarely, and I have started planning an additional Kingdom Hearts Video Game. What does that mean?

As of July 25, 2009, we are announcing the release of Kingdom Hearts IV! We are hoping for a Fall release date, but cannot give any specifics at this time. The project might even be pushed back further, but everything is unknown at the moment. This new Kingdom Hearts installment will follow the events of Kingdom Hearts III, but not everything is as simple as it sounds.

With this next installment, a variety of new worlds, characters, weapons...and enemies, will become new assets to the Kingdom Hearts series. We're so excited to be forming this next project and cannot wait for the start of Kingdom Hearts IV.

Can I help with the project? I want one of the worlds to be called The Big Top, and be themed to "Dumbo". It can be the new game's "mini-world", like KH1 and 2's 100 Acre Wood, KH2's Atlantica and KH3's Coral Sea. I think for returning worlds, how about including, but not necessarily limiting to:

  • Neverland
  • Wonderland
  • Atlantica
  • Olympus Coliseum
  • Chateau de France
  • Agrabah
  • The Pride Lands
  • Enchanted Dominion

How's that to start with?
KingMickey, you always know just how much to give us, and keep us begging for more. :lol:

Doing a great job, and I can't wait to see more of BatB. For obvious reasons..:lookaroun:animwink:

You know what always bugged me in the first game? The fact that Alice was a princess of heart. What in the *bleep* were they thinking? She's not a princess. She's not exactly "pure of heart" (can anyone remember all the B & E's she caused? And all the little stuff she took and ate? Sheesh!) Also, they could've had plenty of other girls be the last princess. Megara, anyone? (I know she's not a true princess, but she's with a God, it definitely counts for something.)

Carry on guys, carry on.


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In the Parks
Can I help with the project? I want one of the worlds to be called The Big Top, and be themed to "Dumbo". It can be the new game's "mini-world", like KH1 and 2's 100 Acre Wood, KH2's Atlantica and KH3's Coral Sea. I think for returning worlds, how about including, but not necessarily limiting to:

  • Neverland
  • Wonderland
  • Atlantica
  • Olympus Coliseum
  • Chateau de France
  • Agrabah
  • The Pride Lands
  • Enchanted Dominion
How's that to start with?

Honestly, I love everyone's ideas and they're always very helpful, but this upcoming project is something that my cousin and I have thought up and are fashioning together. The new game, itself, will venture into a completely unexplored direction of the series. Some may love it, some may hate it, either way, it's going to happen. I think, for the better. It should add several new factors and twists. Adds several layers to the game.

Not that I don't love everyone's ideas because they've all been very helpful and given new inspiration, but this is something that the two of us have completely created together. We already have all the worlds and the biggest parts of the "main" storyline and let me say, I wouldn't be suprised if there was a KHV. Everything in all of these games are somehow connected. Of course, I'm not going to say one word of it. We've already started planning the events of several games. My cousin even started sketching new, original illustrations of enemies. He's even done a few for KH3, so I'll post those sometime, too.

As for those worlds, they're all great worlds, but they've all been over-used. Wonderland, Pride Lands and Enchanted Dominion are the only ones that haven't been used twice, where as in Atlantica and Chateau de France, I'm desperately searching for some connection to the movies. NO Disney movie is a staple to the KH series. The only things that are staples are Sora, Donald and Goofy, Riku and Kairi and Radiant Garden, so any world could either make or break it.

Just a fact, by the way KH3 ends, you'll have no idea what's in store; for the future of the characters and of the worlds. That's all I'm going to say. But that list of worlds is rather LARGE for returning, especially of ones that have been visited several times already. KH3 is going to consist of mainly new worlds, left unexplored by the series. Very surpising, indeed. Yet, a select variety of worlds will be returning.

KingMickey, you always know just how much to give us, and keep us begging for more. :lol:

Doing a great job, and I can't wait to see more of BatB. For obvious reasons..:lookaroun:animwink:

You know what always bugged me in the first game? The fact that Alice was a princess of heart. What in the *bleep* were they thinking? She's not a princess. She's not exactly "pure of heart" (can anyone remember all the B & E's she caused? And all the little stuff she took and ate? Sheesh!) Also, they could've had plenty of other girls be the last princess. Megara, anyone? (I know she's not a true princess, but she's with a God, it definitely counts for something.)

Carry on guys, carry on.
Thanks for posting! I know, I've mastered the talents of cliffhangers and suspenseful situations.

I'm very excited for Beauty and the Beast, too. I think that's next?? Maybe? I have no idea what world's Though, it should wrap up the world's story very nicely.

I know!! Alice was a Princess of Heart!?! No. She was never represented as a "princess" in the entire unviverse of Disney, until then. What the hell? Well, there was Ariel, but she was a mermaid, so that wouldn't work. Actually are there any other princesses out there, before the 2001 timeframe? Wendy could've worked, too, at least better that Alice. Winnie the Pooh would have fit the role better. Alice was a last minute throw-in. Maybe have another tie-in with the princess of heart in the future?

So, lastly, I'd like to see what worlds that you think would be interesting. Remember, the primary word is SEE, so nothing is going to be definite, until the world actually APPEARS in the game. Please PM me stuff regarding that, don't post here. Don't send me character lists, or enemies, weapons, places, storyline blah, blah, blah, just send me the name of the movie and I'll handle it from there. It doesn't matter if it's a new or old world because I'm running this little experiment to see what worlds out there would like to be used in future installments, even though I'm pretty sure the outcome of the games(s) will be pretty wicked.



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In the Parks
Heheh sorry.

Chateau de France (2nd Visit)

As Sora, Donald and Goofy return to the Provincial Town, they notice a huge crowd gathering in the center of the town, just next to The Pub. They head towards the crowd to see what is happening. In the center of the crowd, Gaston stands, ridiculing Maurice for his constant blabber about “castles” and ‘enchanted objects”. Maurice insists that every word of it is true, while Gaston and the townspeople think otherwise.

Sora, Donald and Goody head into Belle’s House, hoping that Belle might be found inside.

Luckily, inside the small house, Belle waits, obviously sad and grief-stricken. She’s returned from the castle. Belle is so happy to see the team. It seems as though their timing couldn’t be any better. She explains to them that the darkness in the prince’s heart has turned him back to a beast. She’s worried about him. He has given up on trying to fight the Heartless AND be rid of the curse.

To top it off, the town is ridiculing her father. She wants so desperately for a happy ever after. For her to be with her prince, for the town to accept her and her father, for the Beast to return back to a prince. But she fears that it’s too late to stop the outcome of these events. But Sora, Donald and Goofy think, otherwise. With Sora’s help, he convinces Belle that it’s never too late to change anything in our lives. He explains that we write the stories of our own lives, ourselves. With newfound determination, Belle decides to take action.

From the cupboard, she reveals a magic mirror, which the Beast gave to her. Belle explains that the mirror holds special powers and heads out the door.

Belle stands on the steps of her house, drawing the crowds’ attention. Just as the crowd thinks Belle is just as crazy as her father, she beckons the mirror to show her the face of the Beast. From within the glass of the mirror, the Beast’s face is magically revealed. The crowd is horrified. How, Gaston has a change of plans. Gaston huddles the town together, creating a huge, angry mob. They march their way through the forest, towards the Beast’s castle.

Sora, Donald and Goofy decide that they have to do something. Belle tells Maurice to stay in the house, where it’s safe. With that, Belle unties her horse, Phillipe, and they head towards the forest, followed by the team.

The team then travels through The Woods, which is found on the opposite side of the town, past a stone bridge. Anything can happen in the dark shadows of the woods, so watch out! The team escorts Belle from the village to the Beast’s castle. Throughout the woods, killer wolves lunge from the shadows of the trees. It is the team’s job to safely protect Belle and Phillipe from any danger that they may encounter along the way. In the distance, they can see the dark castle, shrouded by a sea of decaying trees.

As the team arrives on the Drawbridge of the Beast’s castle, they hear the distant discord of the angry mob. They push the heavy doors open and arrive in the Grand Hallway. Inside, the team sees the large mob in the dark castle. It seems as though the enchanted objects of the castle are fending off the large group of people. It actually looks like a war is taking place.

Suddenly, the team sees the lovely Mrs. Potts and her son, Chip, on the banister of the stairs. They pour a flood of hot tea onto the villagers. Then, a feather duster, Babette, flirtatiously lures Lefou into a trap. From behind, Lumiere appears and holds up his flamed candlestick hand to Lefou’s trousers, causing them to ignite. The Wardrobe leaps off the staircase, belting an operatic melody, while she falls to the ground, smashing several villagers. Even Cogsworth gets in on the action!

They notice that Gaston is missing from the scene. He must be up ahead. Lumiere confronts the team and asks them to escort him to the Beast’s chamber in the West Wing. They first head up the staircase, to the right, and arrive at Belle’s Room, where Belle tells the others to proceed, carefully. There is a save point in the corner of the room.


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In the Parks
The team proceeds back through the Grand Hallway, as the fight continues. The head up the left side of the splitting staircase, which leads to the West Wing. However, if you enter the door in between the splitting staircases, you’ll arrive in the Ballroom, but watch out! It’s swarming with strong Heartless. In the wing, they see Gaston. Just before entering the Beast’s Room, he summons a storm of Heartless that the team must defeat.

After the team defeats the sudden spur of Heartless, they quickly follow Gaston into the Beast’s Room. The Best, depressed that he’s lost Belle, willingly lets the castle fall under attack. Inside, Gaston confronts the Best, in an effort to finally win back Belle’s heart. Gaston pushes the Beast out of the room’s window and onto the rooftops of the castle. They continue the fight up the slanted roofs, around the tall castle spires.

Outside, a harsh thunderstorm sends lightening bolts shooting through the sky. A fleet of raindrops fall and land on the rooftop. Gaston throws punch after punch at the Beast, who doesn’t even fight back. Then, the team arrives on the rooftops, where the Beast is surprised to see them. Without instruction, the team blocks the Beast from Gaston’s attack. The Beast joins the party.

-Boss: Gaston-

During the fight, Gaston attacks with a sharp dagger. Gaston swings the dagger towards the team, attacking rapidly as he does so. He’ll occasionally yell out, before lunging directly towards one of the party members. He attacks often and uses the power of darkness to increase the strength of the attack. Wait until Gaston finishes a series of combo moves before springing in to attack.

After the battle, Gaston laughs wickedly to himself. He knocks Sora out of the way, as he heads straight for the Beast. Just as he is about to kill the monster, Belle calls out from the balcony. The Beast, given new encouragement by Belle’s arrival, grabs Gaston by the throat and holds him over the edge of the roof, thousands of feet above the ground.

Just as he’s about to go through with it, he thinks twice about his actions. Killing him would be no better than being the beast that once existed in his heart. He gives Gaston a second chance and forces him to lave immediately. Belle calls out to the Beast. Just as Belle and the Beast are about to reunite, Gaston takes the dagger and plunges it into the back of the Beast, determined to make Belle his own. He laughs, wickedly, as he retreats from the Beast. Gaston missteps on the slippery rooftop, causing him to fall of the roof of the castle and take a fatal plunge to his death, below.

Belle rushes to the Beast to aid him, as the thunder ceases, the rain still heavily falling from the sky. With his last few words, the Beast wishes Belle goodbye and tells her how happy he is that he got to see her one last time. Just as he takes his last breath, Belle lovingly claims his love for him.

Just as all hope seems lost, smoke suddenly emerges from the Beast’s cloak. His figure rises into the air, wrapped around his cloak. As he stretches out his palm, rays of light shoot from his fingertips, as his claws disappear. His figure changes and morphs. His furry face ripples as the hair dissolves into skin. The light is so blinding that it causes the team to cover their eyes, but Belle stares on, enchanted. As the light dissolves, the figure remains beneath the cloak.

The figure emerges and the Beast has turned back into a prince! His name is Prince Adam. As Adam approaches Belle, she gently touches his face before sharing a deep kiss. A spark of light flies from above their heads and illuminates the sky in a dazzle of fireworks, blocking out the rain. The sparks descend down, onto the castle, sending a wave of color and magic across it. The dark castle, returns to its’ original state, beautiful and elegant.

Inside, in the Grand Hallway, they notice the entire castle has morphed into the beautiful, majestic structure it once was. They run into the human versions of Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip, The Wardrobe and Babette. They all cannot thank Sora enough for all they’ve done.

Suddenly, Sora senses something. He lifts the keyblade. In one of the newly seen stained glass portraits, a keyhole is revealed. A spark shoots from within the keybalde and the keyhole is sealed. Sora smiles to himself.

The screen focuses on a new stained-glass portrait of Belle and Adam, as Sora, Donald and Goofy are etched in below them.


Sora obtains the Demaga Spell.

Sora obtains the Ruby Rose Keyblade.

Jiminy’s Journal-Chateau de France

The town ridiculed Maurice for his “crazy talk”, with the help of Gaston. Belle protected her father by revealing the face of the Beast in the magic mirror. Gaston, now angered by the revealed monster, forms a mob to attack the castle.

The team led Belle through the forest towards the castle, where a war between the enchanted objects and the villagers was taking place. Gaston raced up to the Beast’s room, where the fight began.

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive to aid the Beast. Belle arrived and gave the Beast newfound hope. However, Gaston brutally stabbed the Beast, before falling to his death by losing balance off the side of the castle’s rooftops.

Belle stated her love for the Beast, just as he took his last breath. His body was emerged in smoke and light. When it all disintegrated, the Beast had turned back into a prince. The entire castle and all its inhabitants turned back to normal. The castle now stands beautiful and majestic.


  • Belle
  • Prince Adam (The Beast)
  • Maurice
  • Lumiere
  • Cogsworth
  • Mrs. Potts
  • Chip
  • Babette
  • The Wardrobe
  • Phillipe
  • Gaston
  • Lefou
Demaga Spell
Ruby Rose Keyblade

-Silent Attacker
-Deadly Dreamer
-Gargoyle Knight
-Dark Wyvern
-Brick Body
-White Mushroom



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In the Parks
So, this is just a little post which displays some facts and figures that will happen towards the conclusion of the game. All of this will be posted before the final section of the game. Not the final world, the FINAL LAST SECTION.

So here's what's going to be posted:

-A Complete Jiminy's Journal (This includes individual posts for each world, which includes the entire world's storyline, characters, and their profiles, and a list of all the Heartless and bosses found within each world.)

-A Complete Heartless List.

-A Complete Weapon and Magic Spell Itinerary

-The Complete Kingdom Hearts III 2-Disc Soundtrack


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In the Parks
Now, this is just one of the Olympus Cups, which opens after the turning point of the game.

The Zeus Cup

Seed 10-"Dark Matter"- Shadow (x4), Shadow Substance (x1), Large Body (x2)
Seed 9- "Silent Knight"- Gargoyle Knight (x2), Silent Attacker (x1), Wight Knight (x2)
Seed 8- "Rebel Rockets"- Fire Spiitters (x5), Smasher (x2), King Raven (x1)
Seed 7- "Forested Frights"- Powerwild (x4), Dark Root (x3), Needlestick (x6)
Seed 6- "Flight Brigade"- Luna Pirate (x1), Dark Wyvern (x1), King Raven (x1), Gargoyle (x1), Aeroplane (x1), Battle Ship (x1)
Seed 5- "Grotesque Gardeners"- Vinyl (x2), Tree Stomper (x2), Creeper Plant (x1), Leafer Creeper (x1)
Seed 4- "Nocturnal Dreamers"- Diamond Disco (x2), Ruby Calypso (x2), Sapphire Punk (x2), Dark Nocturne (x1)
Seed 3- "Wicked Wizards"- Black Mariah (x1), Warlock (x2), Pengelum (x2)
Seed 2- "Dark Masters"- Shadow (x4), Shadow Substance (x2), Dark Nocturne (x1), Dark Wyvern (x2), Neoshadow (x1)
Seed 1- Hercules

For winning the Zeus Cup, you receive the Demara Magic Spell.


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In the Parks
After clearing Chateau de France, the pathway to Olympus Coliseum reopens.

Olympus Coliseum (2nd Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive in the Underworld, which seems to be much darker and gloomier than usual. They notice that the dark water, which leads to the one-opened Underdrome Coliseum, has opened into a swirling whirlpool, golden thunderbolts, emitting from within. Just as the team wonders what’s happening, the underground caverns suddenly begin to shake and tremble, sending waves of force throughout the caves. The team quickly head up the stone stairs to the Coliseum Gates.

One in the large courtyard, everything looks peaceful, but the harsh trembling only grows more apparent. The team races to the Lobby, hoping to find Hercules or Phil, possible giving some sort of explanation.

Inside the lobby, they find Phil and Megara, who are taking cover from the unsettling waves of power. They explain that the Titans have been set free and are heading for Mount Olympus. Hercules is at the peak of Olympus, defending the mountain, alongside his father. Without hesitation, Sora agrees to help out. Meg and Phil want to go with Sora, to ensure Hercules’ well-being. Sora tells Donald and Goofy to keep watch over the Coliseum.

Back in the courtyard, Pegasus descends from the sky, beckoning Sora to hop on. Sora, Meg and Phil hop onto the flying horse and take off into the sky, towards Mount Olympus.

As Pegasus circles round the large mountain, Sora spots four monstrous forms, slowly making their way to the zenith of the mountain’s peak. Pegasus lands on the Steps of Olympus and lets Sora, Meg and Phil off. Once arriving, they find Hercules, worn out and tired, yet still defending the mountain. Zeus stands commanding Hermes to warn the Gods and Goddesses. Before speaking to Hercules’ head over to the save point in Zeus’ Chamber. Afterwards, talk to Hercules, who will ask you if you’re ready to fight for your life.

Hades appears, riding a black chariot, steered by a winged demon. As soon as he steps foot on Mount Olympus, Meg disappears in a puff of black smoke, being held captive. It seems Hades has a small proposition for Hercules. In order for Meg to be returned safely to him, Hercules must give up his godly strength for 24 hours. To add to the deal, Hercules insists that, for those 24 hours, Meg must not be hurt in the slightest way. In the heat of the moment, Hercules agrees with the compromise and shakes Hades’ hand.

As he does so, light shines from within his palm, as he falls weakly to the ground, having lost all his powers. Meg reappears and rushes to his side. Hades takes off, in his chariot, heading for the Underworld. Suddenly, it occurs to everyone. The Titans are practically knocking on the gates of Olympus and no one is doing anything to defend themselves. Sora instantly decides to do the defending for them and hops on Pegasus, heading off into the sky, into a ferocious battle with the Titans.

-Boss: The Titans-

This battle is definitely going to be one of the highlights of the game, not only for being a complete epic segment of the game, but also because you’re facing all four Titans at the SAME TIME. Yes, it’s four monstrous Titans against Sora. However, there are definitely some ways to help ease the difficulty of the battle. Not to mention, this battle requires you to use all fields of combat learned so far in the game.

Sora glides through the air, around Mount Olympus, on a huge circular map of the area. The best thing about this fight is that the map is so wide that it has so much free space, located a safe distance away from the Titans. Now, even though there’s four Titans in a huge fighting area, there is still somewhat of a time limit, but it’s much more lenient than you’d think. Basically, you have to prevent all FOUR of the Titans from reaching the top. So, you’d only have to take out one of them to eliminate the time limit. On top of that, Zeus will send down the occasional thunderbolt to stun the Titans.

Now, which one to eliminate first? They all have the same amount of health, so that doesn’t make the situation better. On top of that, each Titan has its own battle strategy. The best bet is to go for the Rock Titan first.

The Titans obviously don’t have as much health as they used to in the past, but that’s because they’ve been split into four separate enemies now. The Rock Titans battle is very similar to the fight in KH1. Attack either one of his heads, considering he has two. He’ll snap and bite at you, but it won’t do too much damage. You’ll definitely have him beat by the time you reach the top of the mountain, eliminating the time limit. As you beat him, he crumbles into a thousand smaller rocks.

Now, there’s an elemental choice, to go after the Ice or the Lava Titan. It doesn’t particularly matter, so let’s go to the Lava Titan first. The Lava Titan moves like a gelatinous blob, spreading hot lava, dripping down the side of the mountain. The problem? It’s lava, which means you can’t touch it. Pretty obvious, but still. Use his element of fire to your advantage. Use your Blizzaga spell to do some major damage.

Now, how is the heavy damage done? Fly by the Ice Titan, who is conveniently located next to the Lava Titan. The Ice Titan will shoot sharp blocks of Ice in your direction. Well, you can use the Lava Titan as a shield, now can’t you? The Ice Titan will inadvertently hurt his own brother, dealing some major damage. Keep up this tactic and the Lava Titan will freeze to bits.

Now, head for the Ice Titan. Unlike the Lava Titan, you can actually attack the Ice Titan, similar to the Rock Titan. Stay clear of his sharp, crystalline claws, while attacking his head. Every now and then, he’ll breathe out a gasp of frigid, cold, which will do some pretty major damage to Sora’s help, but sooner or later, the Ice Titan will fall, as well.

Finally, onto the remaining Titan, the Wind Titan. It is likely that he would have made it to the top by now, but that doesn’t matter anymore. This Titan is saved for last because it’s definitely more difficult than the others. The huge tornado sucks Sora and Pegasus towards its rapid wind tunnel. Now comes another stunning observation. How to defeat something entirely made of nothing but wind? Well, you actually have to let the Titan pull you into his wind funnel, so you’re actually INSIDE the Titan. You may get damaged while entering, but it’s the only way to defeat the monster.

Inside, you’ll find that the rampaging waves of wind have stopped and you’re actually able to control movement inside the tornado. Now that you’re inside, the tornado has no way of attacking you, almost as if you were invincible. Inside, cast a powerful Aurara spell, which will send illuminated strands of light throughout the funnel cloud, stunning it. At the proper time, lower yourself towards the end tip of the tornado and use the reaction command “Swirl”. Sora will grab onto the tornado’s funnel and send it swirling away from the mountain, dealing critical damage. However, now Sora’s back outside the tornado, so continue this tactic until the whirlwind dies down into nothing but a strand of wind. Sora wins the match.

The erupting chaos of the Titans sends waves of power throughout Olympus. Back at the entrance to Olympus, Meg and Hercules take cover from the rapid tremble of power. Suddenly, a large pillar disconnects from the ground and is about to crush Hercules. Meg sees it coming and dives towards Hercules, pushing him out of the way, as the column falls on her. Hercules screams out to her and quickly runs over the column, trying with his utmost strength to lift the heavy object. To his surprise, he finds that as he proceeds to lift the column, his strength is returning to him. Hades deal is broken.

While Hercules feels like he failed at being a hero, Sora convinces him otherwise. Hercules puts Meg in Phil’s care. Hercules and Hades race off to the Underworld.


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The two arrive back in The Courtyard, where Donald and Goofy are waiting. They join the party. Together, they venture into the Underworld. In the large, open cavern, head to a save point before pressing on. Continue to the Cavern of the Dead: Passage. As they pass through the area, they see Cerberus chained to the wall, thankfully. This path will take you to the Inner Chamber, where the final save point is located. You continue through the small crack within the wall, to the Valley of the Dead, unaware of what lies ahead.

The Fates oversee Meg, as she lies lifelessly on the ground, Phil holding her hand. The Fates holds a taught thread, as they cut through it. Meg’s hand falls limp.

They arrive on the stone pathway, suspended high above, Hades’ warping river of souls. At the opposite end of the pathway, Hades’ stands, backed-up by Pain and Panic, who are looking rather frightened. Hercules immediately rushes to him, demanding to return Meg’s life. However, everything is just fun and games to Hades. He has another deal. Hercules must dive into the river of souls, obtain Meg’s soul and make it out. However, if he saves her life, he must take her place, instead.

To add to the ambience, Hades calls forth the Fates, who present the “thread of life” which belongs to a human mortal. They cut the thread, sending the mortal’s soul into the river. They make an agreement. Hercules dives into a river. However, Hades has other plans for Sora, Donald and Goofy.

-Boss: Hades-

Hades, God of the Underworld, is finally setting the score with Sora. Hades main attacks feature him sending a comet of fire, directly in Sora’s path. This attack is easy to defend by just “Dodge Rolling” out of the comet’s path. Hades will also occasionally turn his outstretched hands into a sea of flames. This can be repelled by casting a blizzard spell on him.

After about halfway through the fight, Hades will start a new attack, where he lights the ground on fire below him and sets a huge inferno throughout the area. Also, the fight takes place across several stone platforms, so Hades can easily appear and disappear in a puff of smoke.

After the battle, Hades seems victorious. The Fates are holding out Hercules’ mortal thread of life, prepared to snip the string in two. Hades watches in anticipation. Just as the scissors begin to break the skin of the thread…it won’t cut…? The fates try several times snipping the thread. It won’t cut through!

Then, a golden glow rises from the river. No one can believe it. Hercules ascends up to the platform, holding Meg’s wispy soul. He’s not a hero, he’s a God. Hades is just as shocked as the others. He tries to find someway to reason with Herc, but he’s not hearing any of it. Hercules punches Hades square in the face, sending him into the river of souls. The thousands of gruesome souls cling onto Hades, as they drag him into the pits of the Underworld.

Back on the Steps of Olympus, Hercules returns Meg’s soul to her body, where she regains life. They kiss, before being greeted by Zeus and Hera, who offer a choice for Hercules. He can either stay a God forever, or return to Earth as a mortal. However, this isn’t so easy. He’s wanted to become a God all this time, but that would mean he’d be losing Meg.

Hercules wisely decides to stay on Earth with Meg, as a mortal. He’s finally found a place where he belongs. Zeus welcomes them to Olympus anytime. He sends a lightening bolt beneath their feet, as a cloud appears, bringing them back down to the Coliseum.

In an unknown ancient museum, a ceramic vase reveals Sora, Donald and Goofy surrounded by the Muses.


Jiminy’s Journal- Olympus Coliseum (2nd Visit)

The Titans attacked Mount Olympus. Meg and Phil assisted Sora to the top of Mount Olympus, where Hercules was defending the summit, alongside Zeus. Hades appeared and held Meg captive. In exchange for Meg’s safety, Hercules had to agree to give up his strength for 24 hours. Sora fought and defeated all four of the Titans.

In the midst of the chaos, Meg was fatally injured while protecting Hercules. This being the case, Hercules regained all his super-human powers back. Hercules put Meg in Phil’s care. Sora and Hercules ventured into the Underworld.

Once inside, they confronted Hades, who had other tricks up his sleeve. Hercules had to five into the “River of Souls” and rescue Meg’s life, before the Fates cut through Hercules’ “thread of life”. In the meantime, Sora went up against Hades in a deadly match. As the Fates were about to cut through the thread, the string turned golden and was undamaged. Hercules emerged, with Meg’s soul, as a true God. Hercules knocked Hades into the river of souls, where the grotesque souls dragged him to the deep pits of the Underworld, for the time being.

Hercules brought Meg back to life. Zeus and Hera applauded Hercules’ bravery, but gave him a choice. To forever join the Gods of Olympus, or to return to Earth, as a mortal, with Meg. Hercules chose to return o Earth with Meg. They are willingly allowed to head to Mount Olympus anytime they’d like. They return to Olympus Coliseum.


  • Hercules
  • Megara
  • Philoctetes
  • Pegasus
  • Zeus
  • Hera
  • Hermes
  • Calliope
  • Clio
  • Malpomene
  • Terpsichore
  • Thalia
  • Athropos
  • Lachesis
  • Clotho
  • Hades
  • Pain
  • Panic
  • Cerberus
  • Rock Titan
  • Ice Titan
  • Lava Titan
  • Wind Titan
  • The Cyclops

-Life Stalker
-Wandering Soul
-Soul Searcher
-Shadow Substance
-Dark Wyvern

Rock Titan, Ice Titan, Lava Titan, Wind Titan, Hades


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He's getting scrapped because of his future role in the series. The summon wouldn't have worked out for a few obvious reasons.


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In the Parks
Thanks so much! I liked that Titan fight, too, even though it was a complete bear to write.

Like your new avatar and how it orifginally went from Mickey Mouse, to Stitch, to an old school Mickey Mouse. Ironic.

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