Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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ToonTown was always going to be a one-visit world. Classic Disney cartoon characters fit perfectly because they are in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy. If this world is known as ToonTown, wouldn't it make more sense for the world to be where most of the toons came from, not just the Roger Rabbit cast? That was my original plan for the world.

Well, the thing is, I'm not really certain how Toontown would fit with the mishmash of Disney characters and Roger Rabbit. It worked with Disneyland, to be sure, but I'm not sure how it would work in this game.

I'm really not sure about Pooh. And the Atlantica topic is pretty much null-and-void, considering they do know what Heartless are. They also had Ursula in both games, who was the main enemy of the world. Unlike Atlantica, Pooh and Co. have no idea what enemies even are, nor do they realize what's outside their storybook. I think that they should remain in their storybook. It just seems to take away from the magic of 100 Acre Wood, knowing that the characters just pop out of the book, when that is actually impossible for them to do.

Well, okay, I guess we'll have to drop the Pooh characters entirely, then, right? I was just thinking it would not be the KH series ("main" games, anyway) without them. And since we agreed that their world would not be returning, I figured the next best thing was to have characters as summons, but I guess that doesn't really fit. So I guess we should just drop the Pooh characters completely, right?

You'll just have to be patient for when I'm posting these worlds. It's not like they take five minutes to write up. I have to follow somewhat of a story that I'm trying to also enjoy creating. Since today's fathers' day, I'm not going to update the next world today.

Well, okay, since today is Father's Day anyway. I can't argue with that. I also can't argue with that these worlds must take some time to write, considering the amount of detail you went into on them in the past. What about maybe tomorrow, though?

And also, what about the different worlds where characters' appearances are altered appropriately? Based on what we know, it is obvious that Atlantica will call for the return of the usual forms: Sora as a merman, Donald as an octopus and Goofy as a turtle. I was also thinking of improving Donald as an octopus by having him wear his typical sailor hat in this form, just as Goofy as a turtle wears his regular cartoon hat rather than his KH hat.

But what of some of the other worlds that appear for the first time in this game? For Toontown, I was thinking maybe of having Sora look cartoon-like (maybe something from early anime of the 1960s, like Speed Racer), and Donald and Goofy be dressed in their typical cartoon clothes, as seen in the intro to "KH: Chain of Memories".

And remember when we agreed that Riku and Kairi would be playable characters in this game? What I was thinking was that during all cutscenes, they would be appearing with Sora's party, even if they weren't in your playable party at that very moment. It's like when world-centric party members can be in your party replacing existing party members, yet appear with the rest in the cutscenes. We could do something like that with Riku and Kairi. Also, I was thinking that where world forms are concerned, Riku and Kairi, like Sora's party, would be altered to fit the worlds in which they are visiting. So in Atlantica, Riku and Kairi, like Sora, would be mer-people, and in Toontown, they be somewhat cartoon/anime-like.

How about those ideas?


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In the Parks
Well, the thing is, I'm not really certain how Toontown would fit with the mishmash of Disney characters and Roger Rabbit. It worked with Disneyland, to be sure, but I'm not sure how it would work in this game.

Well, okay, I guess we'll have to drop the Pooh characters entirely, then, right? I was just thinking it would not be the KH series ("main" games, anyway) without them. And since we agreed that their world would not be returning, I figured the next best thing was to have characters as summons, but I guess that doesn't really fit. So I guess we should just drop the Pooh characters completely, right?

Well, okay, since today is Father's Day anyway. I can't argue with that. I also can't argue with that these worlds must take some time to write, considering the amount of detail you went into on them in the past. What about maybe tomorrow, though?

And also, what about the different worlds where characters' appearances are altered appropriately? Based on what we know, it is obvious that Atlantica will call for the return of the usual forms: Sora as a merman, Donald as an octopus and Goofy as a turtle. I was also thinking of improving Donald as an octopus by having him wear his typical sailor hat in this form, just as Goofy as a turtle wears his regular cartoon hat rather than his KH hat.

But what of some of the other worlds that appear for the first time in this game? For Toontown, I was thinking maybe of having Sora look cartoon-like (maybe something from early anime of the 1960s, like Speed Racer), and Donald and Goofy be dressed in their typical cartoon clothes, as seen in the intro to "KH: Chain of Memories".

And remember when we agreed that Riku and Kairi would be playable characters in this game? What I was thinking was that during all cutscenes, they would be appearing with Sora's party, even if they weren't in your playable party at that very moment. It's like when world-centric party members can be in your party replacing existing party members, yet appear with the rest in the cutscenes. We could do something like that with Riku and Kairi. Also, I was thinking that where world forms are concerned, Riku and Kairi, like Sora's party, would be altered to fit the worlds in which they are visiting. So in Atlantica, Riku and Kairi, like Sora, would be mer-people, and in Toontown, they be somewhat cartoon/anime-like.

How about those ideas?
The characters will have duo appearances in Atlantica, for certain reasons. Donald wearing his sailro hat is fine.

Sora, Donald and Goofy will look more catoon-ish. Not necessarily anime styled, but they will definitely seem more whimsical and colorful.

As for Riku and Kairi, I said they would be party members, but I did not say that they would be replacement characters for Donald and Goofy. The worlds that would seem normal for them to explore, would be Destiny Islands (which in inaccessible), Disney Castle, Radiant Garden, and the Finale World. I feel like having them be party members throughout the entire game would be a bit much (You'd have to choose between 5 different characters at certain points, even with sidekicks that help you out). And really, the worlds are meant to be explored by Sora, Donald and Goofy because King Mickey specifically told them to stick together. Some things would just fall apart if that theme was broken. Riku and Kairi will both serve as party members at some points during Radiant Garden and for all of the Finale world.


Well-Known Member
The characters will have duo appearances in Atlantica, for certain reasons.

What do you mean by duo appearances?

Sora, Donald and Goofy will look more catoon-ish. Not necessarily anime styled, but they will definitely seem more whimsical and colorful.

I already know what Donald and Goofy should look like in Toontown. They will be dressed in their usual cartoon, non-KH clothes. I was just talking about Sora. I just felt maybe that an anime look for him would fit him, since the games originate in Japan anyway.

As for Riku and Kairi, I said they would be party members, but I did not say that they would be replacement characters for Donald and Goofy. The worlds that would seem normal for them to explore, would be Destiny Islands (which in inaccessible), Disney Castle, Radiant Garden, and the Finale World. I feel like having them be party members throughout the entire game would be a bit much (You'd have to choose between 5 different characters at certain points, even with sidekicks that help you out). And really, the worlds are meant to be explored by Sora, Donald and Goofy because King Mickey specifically told them to stick together. Some things would just fall apart if that theme was broken. Riku and Kairi will both serve as party members at some points during Radiant Garden and for all of the Finale world.

Well, okay, I figured maybe Riku and Kairi in the game joining Sora's party would be overdoing it a bit.

Also, in other worlds, will the characters' appearances be altered to fit the world where they're in? We have Atlantica and Toontown; will there be any others?


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In the Parks
Also, in other worlds, will the characters' appearances be altered to fit the world where they're in? We have Atlantica and Toontown; will there be any others?
Yes, their appearances will be altered in 5 different worlds. So, they have six different visual appearances.


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In the Parks
Oh, I never thought of the Beast being in human form... how's this going too work...? I know!!! I know!!!! I'll wait.
If you have an idea, please post it. This particular scenario/world is rather complicated (main reason why it's taking so long.) We could have the darkness consume the world, causing everything to return to it's original, enchanted state. Or the ENCHANTRESS RETURNS. MAJOR BOSS BATTLE. Lol I don't know. I'm just throwing out ideas.

Maleficent cannot be directly involved within any of the worlds just yet because she's yet to make an appearance or revealed to be alive, so she can't be the reason. And no extra characters could be added just yet. The first visit is not based off of the movie or anything, rather just as throw-in storyline. I have to find someway to turn "Prince Adam" back into the Beast by the end of the first visit. Any ideas?

Beast's Castle will not be the optional world of the game. It's rather suprising. (Just a quick interjection, weren't both 100 Acre Wood AND Atlantica optional worlds in KH2.)


Well-Known Member
If you have an idea, please post it. This particular scenario/world is rather complicated (main reason why it's taking so long.) We could have the darkness consume the world, causing everything to return to it's original, enchanted state. Or the ENCHANTRESS RETURNS. MAJOR BOSS BATTLE. Lol I don't know. I'm just throwing out ideas.

Ooh, how about a Heartless turning everyone enchanted again?


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In the Parks
Ooh, how about a Heartless turning everyone enchanted again?
That's what I was thinking, everything in the castle, even the castle itself, would be enchanted, with the exception of Belle.

If we really wanted to go far with this, we could have Sora, Donald and Goofy become enchanted, as well. However, once they live the barrier of the world and return to the gummi ship, they'd be normal again. Just an idea. The second part may not go over well.


Well-Known Member
Beast's Castle will not be the optional world of the game. It's rather suprising. (Just a quick interjection, weren't both 100 Acre Wood AND Atlantica optional worlds in KH2.)

Yes, they were. I would like to see what this game's optional world is, though, considering that 100 Acre Wood is gone and Atlantica is a "regular" world again.


New Member
Can this game come out for Xbox 360????

Reason 1- I stopped playing most PS2 and don't own a PS3 and mainly play Xbox 360.

Reason 2- There are more sales going on for Xbox 360 (23,000 or somethin sales since 06 I think, and another good one would be Wii with 50,000 sales since 07 or somthin)

Reason 3- I think that PS2 is still a strong target but more people are playing Wii and Xbox 360 now. ( To me!)


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In the Parks
Well, I'm not going to classify this game under a specific game console just yet. I don't own a PS3, either, but I rarely play Xbox 360. I mainly play PS2 and Wii. I'm just going to live the game console undecided. I don't think it really matters, as of now. Besides, even if this game was to be released, it'll be years before it would come out.


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In the Parks
Chateau de France

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive in the lovely center of a small French town. The town is surrounded by a beautiful, thick forest. The town is made up of several stores and shops, such as the Baker’s shop and the Library; however, they are not inaccessible. In the center of the cobblestone-path town, lies a fountain. Ahead, they find Belle, sitting on the rim of the castle. They wonder what she’s doing in the town and where the Beast’s castle is. They proceed into the Provincial Town to greet Belle.

You approach Belle, who’s seen reading a book. As you catch up with Belle, she reveals that the Beast has turned back into the prince, Prince Adam to be specific. Although, he’s still yet to come to the village. Belle explains that she occasionally comes to the village to meet with her father. Afterwards, the surrounding townspeople assume Belle is crazy because she talks about castles and princes, things they’ve never even heard of or seen.

The team proceeds through the town, noticing the lack of Heartless. The Belle stops them; it seems she has a dilemma. Gaston lies ahead, in search of Belle. She explains that he’s set on marrying her, but she’s already found love with the Prince. He arrogantly assumes that Belle is in love with him, when it’s actually the complete opposite.

The group, including Belle, successfully escape, without Gaston noticing, and proceed to Belle’s House. To the left of Belle’s house, you’ll find a stable, where her horse Phillipe, and a gathering of chickens and pigs.

Inside, you find Maurice, Belle’s father. The town thinks Maurice is even crazier then his daughter. He’s famous for creating and testing his own experiments, which explains the puffs of smoke, materializing from the chimney. Maurice still believes his daughter when it comes to the rumored magical castle. However, he’s more interested in his wood-chopping experiment. This triggers a mini-game, where Maurice wants to show you how his experiment works.

The mini-game starts with the machine chopping pieces of wood, sending them rolling towards Sora. He must use the reaction command to hit the pieces of wood into the air, sending them towards Donald and Goofy, who are behind the machine. The more pieces of wood they catch, the more points you receive.

After the mini-game, you are able to access a save point, located inside Belle’s house. Belle quickly leaves the house. Sora, Donald and Goofy follow, behind her, into the town.

They ask her if everything is alright. She confesses that something is wrong. She doesn’t seem content with the prince’s behavior. She fears that his transformation back into the prince has made him lose sight of the lessons he learned. To make matters worse, the town, including Gaston, ridicules them for being “crazy”. Belle asks if Sora could possibly help convince Gaston to knock it off. The three head into the town, where they see a rowdy gathering in The Pub. They enter.


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In the Parks
A huge ruckus is going on. Apparently, “no ones quite like Gaston”. With swinging beer glasses and rowdy townspeople, Sora, Donald and Goofy feel rather uncomfortable. They get into a bar fight, where some of the townspeople are revealed to be Heartless. They finally approach Gaston and his sidekick, Lefou. Gaston doesn't hear anything except what he wants to hear... Belle's back for a couple of days. Now's the perfect time, he thinks, to make his move! Sora's invited back to Maurice's for the night.

The next morning, Gaston has set up his lavish wedding practically on the doorsteps of Belle’s House. The townspeople, Gaston’s wandering fleet of Silly Girls, and Lefou have all come to witness Gaston and Belle’s marriage. As Belle, Sora and the others emerge from the house; they are surprised to find the large crowd waiting. Belle is utterly disgusted that Gaston would pull such a trick on her. She flat out denies him. Just as Gaston is about to interject, a Heartless monster attacks the town, destroying the wedding setup.

-Boss: Shrouded Crasher-

I guess this Heartless monster came in handy, considering it destroyed Gaston’s plans of marriage, but it still needs to be taken care of. The Shrouded Crasher is a type of Heartless that shrouds the area under a cloud of dark fog, causing the gamer confusion in sense of direction.

The monster is not at all difficult to defeat, just hard to find. But once you do find it, go oat it and unleash everything you’ve got. After the heartless is defeated, the team is awarded with the Thunder spell.

Gaston is seriously angered by these events. Belle takes off towards the exit of the town, into the forest, unbeknownst to any of the town. Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Realize Belle is returning to the castle. They head back into her house, where they fill Maurice in on the details. Now, it’s you’re choice whether you want to continue exploring the town or not, but you can return to the Gummi Ship.

Later that night, Gaston is in the pub with an unknown woman. It looks as though they’re bargaining over something. An evil smile appears on Gaston’s face. Maurice spies on the two, as he sees the horned woman, disappear in a rise of flames.

Back on the world map, a new destination is available; however the team finds the ship flying itself back towards Radiant Garden.

Jiminy’s Journal-Chateau de France

Sora, Donald and Goofy reunited with Belle in her town. She revealed that Gaston is madly in love with her, yet she’s found love in the prince. They met Belle’s father, Maurice, who was working on several inventions, some which Sora got to test out.

Belle revealed that she’s been unhappy with the prince’s behavior.

Sora and the others go to the pub, where they get into a bar fight with the Heartless. The next day, Gaston sets up a wedding. However, a Heartless monster crashes the wedding. After the fight, Belle returned to the castle, leaving Gaston and the townspeople stunned.


  • Belle
  • Maurice
  • Phillipe
  • Gaston
  • Lefou
Abilities Gained:
-Thunder Spell

-Diamond Disco
-Ruby Calypso
-Sapphire Punk
-Dark Nocturne

Shrouded Crasher

And thanks to Disneyson 1 for a helping hand!


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not going to classify this game under a specific game console just yet. I don't own a PS3, either, but I rarely play Xbox 360. I mainly play PS2 and Wii. I'm just going to live the game console undecided. I don't think it really matters, as of now. Besides, even if this game was to be released, it'll be years before it would come out.

If given a timeframe for when the game was released, I'd go with maybe either late 2010 or early 2011. And that's for when it was released in Japan. Therefore, unless it has gone the way of the dodo by then, I would stick with PS2. But if it has gone the way of the dodo by then, I would have it be released through PS3.

The other thing I was thinking about was maybe a tagline for the game. I'm thinking a line spoken by Ansem in the first game: "One who knows nothing... can understand nothing."


Well-Known Member
I helped out on this one, but KingMickey really created the whole world. It's really awesome!!!

Yeah, I just realized too late that it was put up and I didn't see it. It's great!

Which reminds me: I've got to revise the cast list again, as per the inclusions of some characters and exclusions of others:

  • TONY ANSELMO: Donald Duck
  • BILL FARMER: Goofy; Pluto; Sleepy
  • SUSANNE BLAKESLEE: Maleficent; Evil Queen
  • MOLLY KECK: Selphie Tilmitt
  • ???: King Mickey Mouse
  • ???: Queen Minnie Mouse
  • TRESS MACNEILLE: Daisy Duck; Chip
  • COREY BURTON: Dale; Magic Mirror; Huntsman; Grumpy; Captain Hook
  • EDDIE CARROLL: Jiminy Cricket
  • DOUG ERHOLTZ: Squall "Leon" Leonhart
  • CHRIS EDGERLY: Cid Highwind
  • MAE WHITMAN: Yuffie Kisaragi
  • ANDREA BOWEN: Aerith Gainsborough
  • JEFF BENNETT: Merlin; Bashful; Maurice; Stupid; Mr. Smee
  • FRANK WELKER: Elliott; Meeko; Flit; Wheezy
  • JIM CUMMINGS: Doc; Baby Herman
  • IRENE BEDARD: Pocahontas
  • RUSSELL MEANS: Chief Powhattan
  • DONAL GIBSON: John Smith
  • LINDA HUNT: Grandmother Willow
  • DAVID OGDEN STIERS: Governor Ratcliffe
  • JAMES ARNOLD TAYLOR: Happy; Jack Sparrow
  • BOB JOLES: Sneezy
  • PAIGE O'HARA: Belle
  • JESSE CORTI: Lefou
  • TATE DONOVAN: Hercules
  • ROBERT COSTANZO: Philoctetes
  • SUSAN EGAN: Megara
  • JAMES WOODS: Hades
  • JESS HARNELL: Roger Rabbit
  • ???: Eddie Valiant
  • ???: Judge Doom
  • KAT CRESSIDA: Jessica Rabbit
  • CHARLES FLEISCHER: Benny the Cab; Psycho
  • DAVID L. LANDER: Smarty
  • ???: Greasy
  • JODI BENSON: Ariel
  • CHRIS STEELE: Peter Pan

Anyways, great work so far! I wonder what will happen at Radiant Garden, though. And by the way, KingMickey, is it okay if I give you a hand with the next level, like how Disneyson1 helped you with the last one?

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