Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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In the Parks
Looks like the end is nigh! Also, are you going to give a detailed description of all the Heartless enemies in the game?
Yes, alot of that kind of stuff (enemies, complete journals, weapons list, soundtrack) is going to come just before the end of the game. Basically, we're going to go through the last world, as if it was a normal visit. However, the post is going to end at the FINAL save point, by that point everything in the journal would be up-to-date.

So, from there I'd do all of the things mentioned above. (It won't take long. I'm doing all the Heartless in one day, followed by the Journals, which are already done and then the soundtrack, which is done, as well. Somewhere in their the weapons/spell/summons list will be in there as well.)After it's done, we'd proceed into the final segment of the game.

But yes, the end in indeed nigh.

Sorry forgot to mention: Now we're on to sidequests. They won't take long considering they're smaller segments instead of whole world visits, so there'll be multiple posts a day, with a new event happening each one. I don't know where to start! They're all really great quests, if you're willing enough to level up for them...


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In the Parks
A part was supposed to come today, but for some reason, I had absolutely no internet connection all day. This is my first time on all day, and it's already too late at night to post anything. I'm going to certainly post something tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
A part was supposed to come today, but for some reason, I had absolutely no internet connection all day. This is my first time on all day, and it's already too late at night to post anything. I'm going to certainly post something tomorrow.

I know how that feels. I hate it when internet connections are indisposed and out of action.


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In the Parks
Now that we've approached the end of the game, many different optional sidequests and adventures take place. Now, you don't have to accomplish any of these to to successfully win the game, however, to unlock certain goodies, most of these sidequests, as well as quite a few other things, would have to be completed.

Now, you could either continue the adventure and proceed to Destiny Islands, or you can wait a bit, level up some more and explore. You travel through Native Camp Grounds, Fairytale Forest, Château de France and everything seems to be normal. Just the normal group of Heartless that appear. You proceed through the area, continuing to level up.

Then, you arrive at Olympus Coliseum and head through the Coliseum Gates and into the Lobby. Approach Phil and he’ll ask you what tournament you want to enter. A new tournament, labeled “???” is now found among the previous tournaments. The tournament is known as the “Golden Match”. So, the tournaments listed in the coliseum are now:

· The Muses Cup
· The Hermes Cup
· The Zeus Cup
· The Hades Cup
· The Golden Match

You have to be prepared for this upcoming match, if you decide to take it on. It’s going to be quite a doozy. Make sure you”re equipped with all of the best armor and items. Sora proceeds into the Arena, alone.

Sora enters the arena, when suddenly, a huge glyph appears from above the arena, as a huge monster appears, sending Sora into battle. The arena has been expanded for the battle.

-Boss: SIN-

This enemy is well known among many Final Fantasy fans as the deadly creature that many wrecked havoc throughout Final Fantasy X. Since this is a tournament, you don’t have to worry about getting a “Game Over”.

This creature attacks with brute force and can reduce your HP in an instant. The creature floats above the ground, so the Glide ability is prominent for this battle. Its main attacks come from his left fin and his right fin, as well as several spells that it will cast. The left and right fin will stomp down into the ground, causing a shockwave to erupt from beneath. It can be easily avoided by jumping to avoid the wave of power.

SIN will occasionally snap its’ jaws in Sora’s direction, so quickly glide out of the way or use dodge roll to escape the attack. Sora can land on SIN’s head, where his target lock is located. Hack away at his head as much as you can, for the first several combos, SIN will remain immune to all attacks and magic. However, after a certain number of successfully executed combo attacks, SIN will start to lose HP. Continue this routine of avoiding his attacks during the battle.

When SIN loses just about half of his HP, he’ll start casting extremely powerful spells, sure to deal some major damge. He will start casting a Gravija spell, a spell which will reduce one’s HP by half. Quickly use cure or a potion after the attack is executed. Another one of SIN’s spells is Giga Gravitation. Not only does this spell slowly begin to drain your HP, but it also starts to take your MP away, as well. Both of these attacks cannot be interfered. Continue to use all of the tactis mentioned above, however there is a certain scale of luck to this battle.

You really should be at a higher level with your items stocked with Elixirs and Mege-Elixirs. After the battle is over, SIN disappears into a morphing glyph and the entire arena is back to the way it was moments ago.

Sora re-enters the Lobby, where Phil hands him a True Hero Certificate, stating that he took down one of the most powerful monsters in existence, proving that he is so much more than junior hero. Of course, this leads Donald to want to receive his own certificate, but Phil still wants him to prove himself. Sora, Donald and Goofy exit Olympus Coliseum.


Active Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
The endiongs of the worlds were FANTAS(MIC)TIC. Just GREAT. I loved it. Now can we get that Snow to wake up in a sidequest or what????
Thanks so much!!!!
But no, sadly, Snow White won't be waking up in a sidequest. I'm stalling for that.

Disneyson 1

New Member
And stalling for Malificent to appear in dragon form... I don't blame you, she's like the "big bad" of the game!

And P.S. the SIN thing is good, even though I'm not a FFFan.


Active Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
And stalling for Malificent to appear in dragon form... I don't blame you, she's like the "big bad" of the game!

And P.S. the SIN thing is good, even though I'm not a FFFan.
........I'm not sure if Maleficent will reappear in dragon form...
That was something truly epic in Kingdom Hearts I and I'm not sure if I'd want to repeat it. Ther's an up and a down side. The upside, it's completely epic and you'd expect to fight her as a dragon. The downside, it's more or less a re-hash of the battle in KH1 and that battle was epic. Doing it twice might take away from it all. However, you did fight Ursula as a giant multiple times already, but that's kinda comparing two different evils. No one even knows where Maleficent is, or if she's even alive...

And thanks for the comments!


Well-Known Member
So when's the next part coming? I can't wait!

As for Snow White waking up, maybe that might happen during the end credits. I sort of envision it happening there, like how Olympus Coliseum was rebuilt during the end credits in KH2.


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In the Parks
You continue your adventures through Neverland and Toontown, leveling up, fighting Heartless and picking up some extra items along the way. Nothing seems out of the ordinary in these worlds.

Upon arriving at Atlantica, you travel through Triton’s Throne Room, through Triton Gardens and into the Sea Cavern, all the while fighting the Heartless and surveying the world for anything outside the norm. Upon entering the dark cavern, you notice the previously explored Dark Canal, the passage that opened just before the defeat of Ursula. You enter the passage.

Remember, the passage splits into two paths. The left path leads to a save point, so let’s take that route first. You take the path into the Hidden Alcove, where a save point seashell is located. It’d be wise to save your game now. Once finished, continue back out into the Dark Canal. You continue down the opposite path and into the Abandoned Passage, a dim, narrow cavern which empties out into the Magma Crater.

Once there, Sora swims through the large, open sea crater. Then, suddenly, a loud screeching noise is heard. Sora looks around wondering where the noise came from. Nothing. Then, it’s heard again! Still nothing. Then, a large creature startles the group from below and attacks them.

-Boss: Siren-

Don’t be fooled by the appearance of this beautiful creature, she’ll stop at nothing from destroying you. She’s part human from the waist up, part mermaid, even part bird and of course, part Heartless. She attacks with her razor sharp fins and her aquatic scepter, made out of fish bones. Her power is incredible and completely devastating.

Siren swims across the area at an extremely quick rate, attacking you along the way, as she does so. Be sure to swim out of the way, or trail closely behind her to avoid the attack. As soon as you can land a hit, be sure to strike as many combos, as you can. Siren swims so fast, that you have to land as many hits as possible in one moment, because before you know it, she’s off again! When about half of her life is depleted, her true powers come out.

She then starts to sing a beautiful melody, which, unfortunately, puts every party member to SLEEP. During the sleep, Siren takes the time to recover, as her HP bar starts to grow. The only way to awaken from the sleep is to actually let Siren attack you. When you awaken, instantly cast Cure on yourself. Siren will then start a whirlpool moving through the area. To avoid the swirling underwater tornado, swim towards the opposite side of the crater, where Siren will most likely be waiting. This would be a good time to land some combo moves. Continue this strategy until the end of the battle.

At the end of the fight, Siren disappears among a sea of bubbles and fades into nothing. You receive an Orichalcum+, an important ingredient in Item Synthesis.

When finished exploring, you can return to the Hidden Alcove and use the save point to return to the World Map.


Active Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
That's a pretty cool idea, never thought of a siren in the TLM world. Is that a FF character?
Well, Siren being an FF character is debatable. There was a summon known as Siren in FF8, but they're visually not the same, just the name. It's more like she's a creature who haunts the waters of Atlantica, a lot like the Clocktower Phantom or Kurt Zisa. So, there is a FF "Siren", but this one isn't the same. This ones just a crazy operatic monster.

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