Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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In the Parks
Today, I will be posting the next two sections of the game, considering I WANTED to post something yesterday, but I lost the time.
so im an avid kingdom hearts fan and have skimmed over what king mickey has posted. It looks good form what ive read, and i like the concept, great worlds, great names, characters and bosses. I would love it to be how you are making it, just like KH and KH2. But i wouldnt be getting hopes up on it being exactly like KH and KH2. From reading what ive read, one Nomura hasnt even really started on the game, but he does know what he wants to do with it, and from what ive read from interviews with him he wants to give sora a break for a while in the game. If u saw the secret ending of KH2, we see three masked armored figures, totally different apparel of what we see in the KH series. I just think the game is going to be different and have some kind of a different storyline, not along soras line.


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In the Parks
so im an avid kingdom hearts fan and have skimmed over what king mickey has posted. It looks good form what ive read, and i like the concept, great worlds, great names, characters and bosses. I would love it to be how you are making it, just like KH and KH2. But i wouldnt be getting hopes up on it being exactly like KH and KH2. From reading what ive read, one Nomura hasnt even really started on the game, but he does know what he wants to do with it, and from what ive read from interviews with him he wants to give sora a break for a while in the game. If u saw the secret ending of KH2, we see three masked armored figures, totally different apparel of what we see in the KH series. I just think the game is going to be different and have some kind of a different storyline, not along soras line.

Yes, Nomura hasn't even started a KHIII yet and he probably won't for awhile. I know he's stated that he has one in the works, but production's not gonna start anytime soon on it. I'd love it if the game turned out this way, but the chances of that happening are slim to none. So, I'll just sit back and play the upcoming KHIII and silently squeal if something similar happens.

That secret ending at the end of Kingdom Hearts II isn't refering to Kingdom Hearts III. That secret clip is actually for the new upcoming KH game, titled Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. The game takes place 10 years before the original game and really focuses around the beginning of darkness and Xehanort's power. The armoured knights aren't Sora, Riku and Kairi, they're another group of protagonists, I won't say who if you don't want to be spoiled. But yeah, that ending really isn't tied into KHIII that much.


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In the Parks
Now that you have the Auraga spell, return to Coral Sea to complete the final chapter of the world.

Coral Sea (5th Visit)

After arriving in Coral Gardens, proceed to talk to Marlin, who asks if you’re ready to proceed to rescue Nemo. When you’re ready, continue the adventure.

Sora, Donald, Goofy, Marlin and Nemo use the Auraga spell and swim through the large coral wall, which previously prevented passage. They swim out into the large, eerie open sea.

Up ahead, they see a rather small fish in the distance, who looks fairly scared and shy. Dory calls out to the small fish, beckoning him to come to them. Then, the fish shifts shape and begins to swim closer to them. Uh-oh. That “fish” isn’t a fish as all, it’s a giant whale! They try to swim in the opposite direction, away from the whale, but they find themselves being sucked towards the large aquatic creature. They soon find themselves being engulfed in the mouth of the whale. Why do Sora, Donald and Goofy feel like this has happened before? Hmm…

In the whale, the team, Marlin and Dory swim about its large, water-logged mouth. Dory clearly insists that she can speak whale and tries several attempts to get the whale to open its mouth. The noises that emit from her mouth are utterly ridiculous. Suddenly, the water level starts to decrease and they latch onto the whale’s tongue, as it lifts them above the water. Dory states that the whale says it’s time to let go. Marlin states that Dory can’t just do things without thinking through them first. Finally, Marlin is able to trust Dory, as they all let go off the whale’s tongue and descend down the throat of the whale.

The next mini-game begins. This game has Sora racing through the tubular squishy interior of the whale, as the rapid current sends him swimming quickly. Sora swims through the bubble formed rings to build up speed. As he descends down quicker, he builds up speed, as he swims with the rapid current. Then suddenly, a huge gush of water blasts towards him, as he shoots out of the whale’s blowhole and into the open sea.

Sora, Donald, Goofy, Marlin and Dory arrive back in the ocean. Dory ecstatically says goodbye to the whale, as it actually responds back to her. They quickly swim across the sea.

Back at the Dentist’s office, all of the fish have been put in water-filled bags, as the Dentist plans on cleaning out the fish tank. Nemo, who pretends to be dead, lies belly-up in his water bag, as the rest of the tank team begin to make their way towards the open window, out to the dock and into the sea. Nigel, the pelican, watches the seen from the window, before descending down onto the Pier.

The team, Marlin and Dory are seen arriving at the Pier, surrounded by seagulls, who repeatedly say “Mine!” Nigel sees them and offers them to take him to Nemo. They all quickly jump into his mouth, as he ascends to the window. Once there, they can see Nemo lying belly-up in the water-filled bag. The dentist, who is only seen from waist to neck, sees the apparently deceased Nemo and brings the water bag to the toilet, where he flushes Nemo down the toilet, into the pipes.

They return to the sea. Marlin is deeply depressed after losing his son and tells Dory that he’s going home. However, Dory doesn’t want to be alone, she claims that she knows things when he’s around, But Marlin still swims away, as the team tries to change his mind.

Nemo swims through the pipes, as they lead out into the large open sea. By a chance greeting, Dory sees the small familiar, yet unknown clownfish swim by. Seeing him, it suddenly occurs to her…it’s NEMO. She takes him and quickly swims after Marlin. In the distance, she sees the clownfish ahead. Marlin is thrilled to finally see his son. However, moments later, a large finishing net comes along and engulfs Nemo and Dory inside, leaving Marlin and the team to get them loose.

Nemo has an idea on how to get free; something the tank gang has taught him. They must all swim down and fight against the tight net. The fish continue to swim down, as Sora, Donald, Goofy, even Marlin enter the net to pull the net down. Then, the rope snaps, as the net flies open, releasing all of the fish. Marlin reunites with Nemo and apologizes for everything.

Once they have returned home, to the Coral Gardens, Marlin let’s Nemo have the adventure he always wanted. Then, the tang gang all rushes to meet Nemo. Crush and Squirt are also seen swimming in the area. Even Bruce, the shark and Anchor and Chum are seen. Bruce, who apologizes about the whole scenario before gives Sora an Orichalcum, an item used in Item Synthesis. Suddenly, the item glows and reveals the keyhole. Sora uses the Kayblade and seals it.

Everyone is so happy to be together again.



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In the Parks
Jiminy’s Journal-Coral Sea

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive in Coral Sea, where they meet Nemo, a clownfish and his father, Marlin who is very protective of his son. Mr. Ray, Nemo’s teacher gathers the fish together, as he leads them off towards the Drop-Off.

While there, a scuba diver snakes up behind Nemo and puts him in a water-filled bag, before returning to his ship and knocking his diving mask overboard. Marlin swims after the boat, until he meets Dory, an absent-minded fish, who wants to help him find his son.

They find the mask, but are unable to read the writing on it. A shark named Bruce approaches them and takes them to his submarine. Inside, a Fish Eaters Anonymous meeting takes place, along with his friends, Anchor and Chum. Dory and Marlin begin to fight over the mask, which results in her accidentally getting hit in the nose. Bruce smells the few strands of blood and instantly chases after the team. Throughout the chaos, the team takes cover, as the several mines outside the sub explode. The mask falls into a pitch black valley.

They proceed down into the dark valley, where a fierce Anglerfish attacked the group. They were able to decipher the worlds, “P. Sherman, Wallaby Way, Sydney”, before escaping.

In a Dentist’s office, Nemo met the tank gang, who consisted of Gill, Bloat, Gurgle, Bubbles, Jacques, Deb (and her sister Flo) and Peach. Together, they formed a plan to escape.

They approach a school of fish, who tells Dory, when arriving at a trench, swim through it, not above it. They arrive at a trench, but due to Dory’s short-term memory, she doesn’t exactly remember what to say, but insists on swimming through. Marlin, however, swims above it, followed by the others. They soon arrive in a forest of jellyfish and barely make it out alive, as everything fades to black.

When they awake, they arrive in the EAC, onboard the shells of some gnarly turtles, Crush and Squirt. At the right time, they send the team out of the EAC and into the open sea, towards Nemo’s direction.

They swim out into the open sea, but soon, they are swallowed by a whale! At the right moment, they were able to exit the whale through his blowhole. A clever pelican, Nigel, knew where Nemo’s whereabouts were and said to the team that they would take them to him. Nemo, as well as the other tank gang, had been placed in water-filled bags, and planned on escaping. The other fishes had planned on escaping out the window, though Nemo pretended to be dead, in order to be flushed down the toilet. When Marlin saw him, he thought his son had dies.

After giving up all hope, he started to return home, alone. However, by a chance meeting, Dory found Nemo and quickly followed after him. However, before they were able to reunite, a large fishing net trapped them, inside. Marlin, Sora, Donald and Goofy all helped the fish swim down in order for the rope to snap open, releasing all of the fish. Marlin apologized to Nemo about everything.

They returned home, with all of their friends that they met along the journey. They keyhole is revealed and Sora seals it. Everyone is thrilled to be together again.


  • Nemo
  • Marlin
  • Dory
  • Mr. Ray
  • Crush
  • Squirt
  • Gill
  • Bloat
  • Gurgle
  • Bubbles
  • Jacques
  • Deb
  • Flo
  • Peach
  • Nigel
  • Bruce
  • Anchor
  • Chum
  • Anglerfish





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In the Parks
So, today I was working on backing-up these files (just in case something ever was to happen to them or this site) and I was pretty stunned to see that the Microsoft Word file they were stored in was well over 90 pages! Honestly, I cannot believe I wrote that much. It really doesn't feel like it at all when looking through the thread. By the time this game is done, it'll be well over 100 pages!

I've kinda been slowing it down a bit, mainly because I don't want to finish the game so soon! However, I'm really looking forward to the conclusion of this game and hope that you've all been enjoying the trip. After all, I do think that taking the journey is much more fun than the destination in the end.

Disneyson 1

New Member
I liked the closure. But you closed the story of Coral Sea like how other worlds have been closed in the past, the titles re-appear. But why haven't you done that for the other worlds?


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In the Parks
I liked the closure. But you closed the story of Coral Sea like how other worlds have been closed in the past, the titles re-appear. But why haven't you done that for the other worlds?
I'm not sure I exactly understand your question. You asked why the other worlds haven't had the same closure as the other worlds in the past, where the titles appear. I'm pretty sure that all of the past worlds have had the same closure, where the title appears. It might get lost in the shuffle of reading it. The title always comes right before the world's journal entry.


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In the Parks
(Just a note: I altered the midpoint just so this section of the game would work better.)

After proceeding to complete Coral Sea, you head to Castle of Dreams.

Castle of Dreams (2nd Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy yet again arrive in Cinderella’s Room, shrunken down to the size of a small mouse. Cinderella, who’s seen looking out the window, towards the palace in the distance, notices the scurrying friends run by. Jack and Gus are with her. She tells them that the Prince has started searching the kingdom for the maiden who ran away from the ball. Of course, it’s her.

She’s stated that her stepsisters would do anything to be with the prince, while her chances are slim to none. She leaves the room, followed by the team, who exits through a small mouse hole. You can use the save point in the corner of the room before proceeding to the next area.

They reach the Stairs, as they battle Heartless on every step as they descend. Cinderella is nowhere to be found. The team proceeds down the stairs until they reach the abnormally huge Entrance Hall. The large room makes they seem even smaller then they already are. Everything’s quiet, when suddenly…CRASH! A huge broom stick sweeps across the floor, being help by Lady Tremaine. It seems she’s mistaking the small Sora, Donald and Goofy as mice.

-Boss: Lady Tremaine-

This battle is a little tricky. Not necessarily hard, just tricky. The real problem? Lady Tremaine is a giant, while you are the size of a mouse, but a mouse with a keyblade! If you were normal size, this battle would be a cinch…but that’s far too easy. Watch out for Lady Tremaine’s attacks! She uses her large broomstick to sweep across the floor, smack and crush the team. She’ll also use her feet to try and step on and crush the team.

As a mouse, you can’t jump high enough to block her attacks, so it’ll be best to just steer clear of her movements altogether. You can only attack her feet, as it’s the only place capable of being attached. Of course, to her, it’ll feel like a mighty tickle, but we’ll worry about that later! The battle soon ends, leaving Lady Tremaine pinning you against the wall with her broom.

Just as she is about to do away with the small creatures, Anastasia and Drizella come rushing out of the Hall, exclaiming to their mother that it’s time for their piano rehearsal to begin. As Lady Tremaine looks back, she discovers that the little creatures have disappeared, exiting out of the front door and into the Courtyard Garden.

Outside, Cinderella sits on the stone bench in the garden. The garden becomes a glow with a merge of blue lights, when suddenly, the Fairy Godmother appears. She sees that the team has shrunken down again and with a flick of her wand, she casts a ray of magic power onto the team, which makes them normal size again. The Fairy Godmother states that there is some pretty serious trouble happening at the castle and asks the team if they could go look into it. With that, the team starts making their way to the castle.

They head down a new part of the world, known as Trail to the Castle. This area was where the Pumpkin Carriage raced away from the castle. Now, the team travels along the trail fighting Heartless monsters along the way. The trail comes to and end upon reaching the Steps of the Palace.

As soon as they arrive, they know something is up. From the steps, they can see a horde of Heartless surrounding Prince Charming, who holds the glass slipper. The Heartless lunge at the prince and steal the glass slipper. They rush to the Ballroom to give him a helping hand. Now, this of course forces the team into battle, making them defeat the Heartless, while also retrieving the slipper without it receiving a scratch.

After the battle, the team receives the glass slipper and returns it to the prince. He states that he’s going to start his search for that lovely maiden. When the team hears this, they give a light clue just who this lovely maiden is and where she could be found.


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In the Parks
Back at Lady Tremaine’s house, Lady Tremaine and Cinderella see the Prince’s Carriage approaching in the distance. While Cinderella returns to her room, to tidy herself up, Lady Tremaine has other plans. She secretly sneaks up to Cinderella’s room and locks her inside. She returns to the Entrance Hall, waiting for the prince to arrive, so Anastasia or Drizella or BOTH could become his rightful bride… The team and Prince Charming enter the house, where Lady Tremaine warmly greets the Prince and “those other fellows”. Anastasia and Drizella instantly try to outplay eachother and swoon the Prince, who remains unfazed the entire time.

Meanwhile, in Cinderella’s Room, Jack and Gus promise to help Cinderella escape and proceed to leave through the mouse hole. As Drizella and Anastasia try endlessly to put on the slipper, Sora sees Jack and Gus sneak into Lady Tremaine’s pocket and steal they key. With the item in hand, they proceed up the staircase, towards Cinderella’s Room. They pass the key under the door’s crevasse, so Cinderella can grab it and unlock herself. She gets the key and opens the door.

In the Entrance Hall, the Prince is just about to leave when suddenly the Heartless attack, causing the team to spring into battle. After the fight, the remaining Heartless get a hold of the slipper and smash it into a thousand pieces. Now, the prince will never know who that lovely maiden was.

Then, at the top of the staircase, Cinderella appears and from within her poor scullery outfit, she reveals the glass slipper. The prince already knows that this maiden is right. He takes the slipper in his hands, as Cinderella’s foot fits perfectly into the slipper. The prince has finally found the maiden he’s been looking for! Lady Tremaine and her daughters cannot believe it and storm out of the room, furiously.

Cinderella states that she’ll be living in the castle from now on. She thanks them so much for all of their help. Perhaps, they’ll find their happy ever after too, someday.

Sora obtains the Translucent Hope Keyblade.


Jiminy’s Journal- Castle of Dreams (2nd Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrived in Cinderella’s room, where she longed to live in the palace with the prince. They noticed that they had become the size of mice again. The prince is starting to search through the town to find the maiden he danced with the night of the ball. They proceed through the house and after a brief encounter with Lady Tremaine, luckily escape.

In the garden, the Fairy Godmother returned them to normal size. She mentioned that the castle is in danger, so the team made their way. Upon arrival, they helped the prince retrieve his glass slipper from the Heartless. They mentioned that they might know where his fair maiden is.

To prevent Cinderella from stopping her plans, Lady Tremaine locked her in her room, while the Prince arrived and started fitting the glass slipper on Anastasia and Drizella’s feet. Gus and Jack helped Cinderella escape by cleverly stealing the key from Lady Tremaine and passing it beneath the door. As the prince was about to leave, the Heartless appeared and smashed the slipper into pieces.

Cinderella appeared, holding the other slipper in her hand. The Prince instantly took the slipper and placed it on Cinderella’s foot. It was a perfect match. He found the maiden he’s been searching for. Cinderella thanks the team for all of their help and states that she’ll be living in the castle, where she’s sure she’ll have her happily ever after.


  • Cinderella
  • Prince Charming
  • Jack
  • Gus
  • Fairy Godmother
  • Lady Tremaine
  • Anastasia
  • Drizella
  • Lucifer

Palace of Dreams Keyblade

-Pumpkin Patch
-Tree Stomper
-Dark Wyvern

Lady Tremaine


Well-Known Member
Wonderful work! I can't wait to see how Enchanted Dominion and beyond are resolved.

What of those little iris-ins and outs, as you go from scene to scene, like in KH2 and will be in KH:358/2D? Based on what we know, here are some of the things that will probably be here:

  • DISNEY CASTLE: Mickey head
  • CHATEAU DE FRANCE: Rose (since this is the same as Beast's Castle)
  • OLYMPUS COLISEUM: Cloud with lightning bolt
  • NEVERLAND: Feather (seen in KH:358/2D)
  • PORT ROYAL: Skull-and-crossbones

But what about the other worlds; what segues should be used there?
  • Destiny Islands
  • Native Campground
  • Fairytale Forest
  • Toontown
  • Atlantica
  • Coral Sea
  • Fabled Countryside
  • Enchanted Dominion


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In the Parks

Here's what they'll be:
  • Destiny Islands: Small island with a single palm tree.
  • Disney Castle: Mickey Mouse symbol
  • Radiant Garden: Crown
  • Indian Grounds: Leaves
  • Fairytale Forest: Jewel
  • Chateau de France: Rose
  • Olympus Coliseum: Cloud with lightening bolt
  • Neverland: Feather
  • Toontown: Benny the Cab's Tire
  • Atlantica: Seashell
  • Coral Sea: Coral garden
  • Port Royal: Skull and cross-bones
  • Haunted Grounds: Candleabra
  • Castle of Dreams: Slipper
  • Enchanted Dominion: Castle
  • ???: Swirling Vortex


New Member
I would like to say that this idea is awesome. I like all the clever storylines on each world. I just have one question. What's with random items revealing the worlds keyholes? I thought that random items reveal the gate to the next world and that the keyholes where located in hidden locations. Anyway, keep doing this.


Well-Known Member
I would like to say that this idea is awesome. I like all the clever storylines on each world. I just have one question. What's with random items revealing the worlds keyholes? I thought that random items reveal the gate to the next world and that the keyholes where located in hidden locations. Anyway, keep doing this.

My guess is that the keyholes in each world get locked, like they do in KH1.


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In the Parks
That's actually a puzzling question that hasn't been answered in KH2 or KH3. In KH2 and 3, the items reveal the keyhole and open the new pathways to the worlds. However, in worlds in KH1, the keyhole was an actual visible structure or object (I.E. The tree in Deep Jungle, the Neverland Clock Tower, the mural in Traverse Town).

In KH2 and 3, the keyhole is "revealed" and then dissapears, so it's not like Sora's sealing the world, but opening a new path. The Keyhole is the heart of the world. When Sora seals it, it prevents the Heartless from taking over the world.

This goes even deeper to explain if certain KH2 and 3 worlds are sealed from the Heartless. For instance, in KH1, worlds like Atlantica, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, etc., all had been sealed in some way from the Heartless. In KH2 and 3, the new worlds like Beast's Castle, Land of Dragons and Port Royal's keyholes aren't visibly seen anywhere. So, this leads to question whether the world's core is safely protected or not. Who knows if we'll find out the answer.

I'm going to be returning to the original "Keyhole-Found-Within-the-World", though, just because I think the item/keyhole thing is pretty lame. Thanks for the comments!


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In the Parks
After completing the final part of Castle of Dreams, you continue to the final available world.

Enchanted Dominion (2nd Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive in the mysterious Woodland Forest. Everything seems absolutely normal, yet something must be going on. Suddenly, the Heartless randomly appear, forcing the team immediately into battle. After the fight, they decide to head to the Cottage to check up on Aurora, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather.

They exit the Woodland Forest and enter the Forest Clearing, where they run into Prince Phillip, who states that he is searching for his lovely maiden. He disappears as quickly as he came, venturing into the forest to find the maiden/ leaving the team clueless. They continue onward to the Cottage Grounds, the area which surrounds the cottage. They enter the Cottage.

Upon arrival, they notice that the building is completely empty. Where is Flora, Fauna or Merryweather? You can use the save point in the corner of the room, if you wish. They exit the cottage and make their way back to the Woodland Forest, where they first started.

They realize that the Aurora and the fairies are probably at the castle. They start to make their way in that direction. They head to the Forest Pathway, where the castle lies in the distance. Throughout the forest, several groups of Heartless sporadically appear and try to prevent the group from passing. They exit out of the forest and arrive on a bridge, which leads to King Stefan’s Castle.

They arrive at the castle’s entrance and push open the large heavy doors, which lead into the Royal Chamber.

Inside, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather greet the team end explain what has happened in his absence. They state that Aurora, under Maleficent’s spell, had touched the cursed spindle, sending her into a deep sleep. The fairies lead the team though the Secret Corridors and into the Castle Turret, where Aurora peacefully sleeps in her bed. The fairies want to find some way to awaken Aurora from this sleep. The team states that they’ll find some way to awaken Aurora.

They return to the Royal Chamber. Use the save point in the corner of the room before continuing. Exit out of the castle doors.

Standing at the end of the drawbridge is none other than Maleficent. She is obviously infuriated by the group thus far and is fed up with their constant meddling. With her scepter, she whirls a magical array of purple clouds into the sky. Lightening bolts crash down from the sky and into the ground, springing forth a forest of prickly thorns. She immediately charges the group into battle.

-Boss: Maleficent-

Wow, a third time fighting this witch in the game. However, this is definitely the hardest battle as of yet with Maleficent. It’s similar to your first encounter with her, only much harder. The battle quickly proceeds further into the dark forest of thorns.

She’ll occasionally cast a fire spell which lights an entire section of the thorns on fire. Afterwards, she pauses for a bit, which is a great time to move in and strike! Then, she’ll suddenly disappear in a sea of flames and travel easily through a wall of thorns, leaving Sora to trail after her, breaking the thorns into pieces.

You don’t want to get to close to the thorns because the can damage you. Continue attacking Maleficent until all of her powers drains.

At the end of the battle, Maleficent helplessly disappears into the sea of thorns, as the thorns disappear in a rise of flames. As the flames disintegrate, no trace of anything is left behind.


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In the Parks
Back inside the castle, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather congratulate the team on their bravery. Suddenly, the castle doors open and Prince Phillip steps inside. The fairies are so relieved to see him. They quickly lead him through the Secret Corridors and tell the team to follow behind.

Upon arriving at the Castle Turret, Prince Phillip finally finds his lovely maiden. He quickly goes to her and kisses her. Color returns to her skin, as she awakens and stares at the fellow she met in the forest, who just happens to be her betrothed prince. The fairies are thrilled, as they light up the sky outside of the castle in an array of fireworks, as the town celebrates.

Back inside, the castle Aurora thanks the team for everything they’ve done, for rescuing her and for helping her find her prince. The prince thanks them, as well. The three good fairies wish the team good luck on their journey and give Sora something before returning to the Gummi Ship.

Sora obtains the Blissful Awakening Keyblade.


Jiminy’s Journal- Enchanted Dominion (2nd Visit)

Upon arriving in Enchanted Dominion, everything seemed normal. The team traveled to the cottage, but discovered that it was empty. So, they made their way to King Stefan’s Castle.

Once there, they met up with Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, who told them that Aurora had pricked her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and has now fallen under Maleficent’s deep spell of sleep. They escort the team up the tower so they can see for themselves. They swore that they were going to rescue Aurora from this curse.

Upon exiting the castle, Maleficent confronted them, yet again, and forced them into battle. At the end of the fight, Maleficent disappeared with a flamed forest of thorns, leaving no trace of anything behind.

The prince found the castle and the maiden he was searching for. Phillip kissed Aurora, breaking the spell and causing Aurora to awaken. They all thanked Sora for everything they have done.


  • Aurora
  • Prince Phillip
  • Flora
  • Fauna
  • Merryweather
  • Maleficent
  • Diablo
Blissful Awakening Keyblade

-Gargoyle Knight
-Dark Wyvern
-Shadow Substance



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In the Parks
Now that you have completed all of the "necessary" world revisits, a new tournament opens in Olympus Coliseum. However, you should at least be on level 65 or more before deciding to take on this monster tournament. It's pretty long and strenuous!

NOTE: All of the "Boss" battles are bolded.

The Hades Cup

Seed 50: “Shadow Assault” Shadow (x5), Soldier (x2)
Seed 49: “Body Guards” Large Body (x2), Cackler (x1)
Seed 48: “Black Garden” Creeper Plant (x3), Dark Root (x1), Needlestick (x2)
Seed 47: “The Bodies” Large Body (x1), Mama Body (x1), Fat Body (x1), Brick Body (x1)
Seed 46: “Retro Soldiers” Ruby Calypso (x1), Diamond Disco (x2), Sapphire Punk (x2)
Seed 45: Dark Shard
Seed 44: “Dark Symphony” Crescendo (x4), Dark Nocturne (x4)
Seed 43: “Nocturnal Dream” Dark Nocturne (x1), Ruby Calypso (x1), Diamond Disco (x1), Sapphire Punk (x1)
Seed 42: “Jeweled Roots” Creeper Plant (x3), Ruby Calypso (x1), Diamond Disco (x1), Sapphire Punk (x1)
Seed 41: “Shadow Support” Shadow (x5), Brick Body (x3)
Seed 40: Bastion Bolstrum

Seed 39: “Dark Memories” Memory Catcher (x2), Silent Attacker (x2), Deadly Dreamer (x2)
Seed 38: “Life Force” Zapper(x3), Life Stalker (x2)
Seed 37: “Night’s Minions” Luna Pirate (x2), Moon Sage (x1), Star Seeker (x3)
Seed 36: “Gangster Crew” Gangster (x2), Air Gangster (x3), Hot Rod (x1)
Seed 35: “Flights of Fancy” Aeroplane (x1), Tornado Step (x2), Air Pirate (x1)
Seed 34: “Lifeless” Soul Searcher (x2), Wandering Soul (x2)
Seed 33: “Pirate’s Crew” Battle Ship (x1), Air Pirate (x2), Barrel Spider (x3), Cannon Belcher (x1)
Seed 32: “Deadly Demise” Zapper (x1) Life Stalker (x1), Soul Searcher (x1), Wandering Soul (x1)
Seed 31: “Undersea Delight” Coral Mushroom (x1)
Seed 30: “Reaper Cousins” River Reaper, Wind Reaper

Seed 29: “Dark Knight” Gargoyle (x1), Gargoyle Knight (x2), Wight Knight (x2)
Seed 28: “Grim Grinning Ghosts” Ghoulish Goblin (x1), Wight Knight (x3), Graveyard (x2)
Seed 27: “Shadow’s Farm” Pumpkin Patch (x1), Tree Stomper (x2), Vinyl (x3)
Seed 26: “Bubble Madness” Bubble Trouble (x?)
Seed 25: “Shadowed Nightmare” Shadow (x5), Gargoyle (x2), Dark Centipede (x1), Ghoulish Goblin (x1)
Seed 24: “Brute Force” Pengelum (x2), Smashers (x2), King Raven (x1)
Seed 23: “Shadow Riders” Neoshadow (x3), Dark Wyvern (x3)
Seed 22: “Fire Force” Firespitter (x?)
Seed 21: “Witch’s Brew” Warlock (x1), Cackler (x1), Mummy Dust (x1), Black Night (x1)
Seed 20: Leon and Cloud

Seed 19: “Air Attack” King Raven (x2), Dark Wyvern (x3)
Seed 18: “Erosion” Smasher (x3), Water Snake (x4)
Seed 17: “Miner 49ers” Miner (x3), Diamond Head (x3)
Seed 16: “Construction Crew” Miner (x5), Brick Body (x2)
Seed 15: “Shadow Revenge” Shadow (x10), Soldier (x4), Neoshadow (x3)
Seed 14: “Aged Beauties” Mummy Dust (x3), Cacklers (x2)
Seed 13: “Unlucky Numbers” Warlock (x1), Neoshadow (x1), Shadow Substance (x1), Pengelum (x1)
Seed 12: “Forgotten Sorrow” Sentinel (x4), Shrieker (x3), Neoshadow (x2), Shadow (x1)
Seed 11: “Dark Deceit” Sentinel (x2), Shrieker (x2), Oblivion Knight (x3)
Seed 10: Cerberus

Seed 9: “Knight’s Dominion” Oblivion Knight (x3), Black Night (x2), Wight Night (x1)
Seed 8: “Darkness Rising” Heaven’s Cataract (x3), Harpie (x2), AlphaShadow(x3)
Seed 7: “League of Darkness” Heaven’s Cataract (x2), Oblivion Knight (x1), AlphaShadows (x4)
Seed 6: “Mysteries” Heaven’s Cataract (x?), Oblivion Knight (x?), Harpie (x?)
Seed 5: Yuffie and Cid
Seed 4: “Heavenly Glory” White Mushroom (x3)
Seed 3: Cloud, Aerith, Leon and Rinoa
Seed 2: “Shadow Evolution” Shadow (x?), Neoshadow (x?), AlphaShadow(x?)
Seed 1: Hades

For defeating Leon and Cloud, you get the Strifed Heart Keyblade.

For defeating Cloud, Aerith, Leon and Rinoa, you get the Curaga Spell.

For defeating Hades, you get the Firaga Spell.

For obtaining all third-level magic spells, you get the Magical Mystery Keyblade.

(You know the end of the game is approaching when you're getting so much goodies!)


Active Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
This is just a small note/announcement.

I will start posting my Kingdom Hearts IV game on October 9th, 2009, to coincide with the release of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, a perfect release date for the middle of fall. Kingdom Hearts III will wrap up by the end of August, leaving sufficient time for the ending to really settle in and to get away from the game for a bit, so the anticipation of KHIV will be really amped up! Can't wait for it.


Active Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
After completing all of the world revisits and possible the Hades Cup, Chip and Dale signal you from the Gummi Tower and tell you to return to Radiant Garden.

Radiant Garden (4th Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy return to the Marketplace. Things are still being cleared up after the big disaster that happened some time ago. The area is still littered with debris and fallen structures. They state how empty the area is without the castle being there. The townspeople are helping restore the area to normal. Within the group of people, Riku is seen helping the fellow townspeople. He says that Leon and the others are by Merlin’s House and that they should go to him.

Upon rushing up the stairs of the Marketplace, they meet with Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey and Louie, Ludwig Von Drake, and his fellow Moogle followers. Since their respective shops had been destroyed during the destruction, they state that they have started a new project and have created some new “plans”. These new plans will begin construction soon in Radiant Garden. The Moogles even have their own special plans that they promise on showing Sora sometime later.

The group continues to the Town Plaza, where they continue to fight their way through the Heartless, even though, there doesn’t seem to be as many here nowadays. Is it possible that the Heartless have stopped populating Radiant Garden? If so, GOOD! They make their way to Merlin’s House.

On the debris-covered front steps, Leon, Cid and Cloud are seen discussing plans for the town, while Aerith, Rinoa, Yuffie, Yuna, Rikku and Paine are searching through the ruins of Merlin’s house, seeing if they can salvage anything. Yuffie lifts up Cid’s once-immaculate computer screen and playfully tosses it to him, as it sparks. The women carefully begin to sort things out before joining everyone else outside the fallen house.

Cloud seems distracted by something, as if there’s a rising darkness on the horizon. Aerith and the others are deeply worried about this.

They state that their doing everything that they can to help make the town better. It seems like everyone in Radiant Garden is coming together to help make this terrible situation a little better. They’re going to continue their work until everything is successfully finished. Leon wants to thank the team for helping them out so far and hands over the Lionheart Keyblade.

Yuna, Rikku and Paine state that they have some plans themselves on how they’ll be able to obtain goods and sell them to others at substantially accelerated profits, a dream they’ve always had! Aerith, Rinoa and Yuffie talk about restoring the town’s beauty, while leaving Cid, Leon and Cloud to do the heavy work. They hope that the town will be well underway of restoration in no time. They state that they could return anytime they’d like. They could always use a helping hand to keep up the town’s reconstruction.

A shot of a dormant Villain’s Vale lying in the distance. No movement whatsoever.

Upon returning to the Marketplace, Riku approaches the group and states that it seems that they’ve got things covered over here and would like to go along with them on their adventure. Sora states that they don’t know where their adventure will lead them next and that they have no leads on Kairi’s whereabouts. Sora says that when they’re on the right trail to Kairi, they’ll return for him, so he can come to her rescue, as well. Riku thanks them and wishes them goodbye and in an instant, they’re off again!


Back on the World Map, Destiny Islands now appears as one of the worlds. Before you head off, you should really consider leveling up and doing some of the sidequests. Going to Destiny Islands would lead to the end section of the game. Of course, you could always return to the World Map, but it’s still better to do some exploring, first.


Jiminy’s Journal- Radiant Garden (4th Visit)

Upon arrival, they find that cleaning and construction of the town is well underway. Scrooge McDuck, Ludwig Von Drake and their gang state that they have some new plans for Radiant Garden. The Moogles state that they have their own secret to show Sora.

At Merlin’s House, the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee, is gathered. Cloud, Cid and Leon are discussing future plans, while Aerith, Rinoa, Yuffie and the Gullwings are searching Merlin’s house to see if they cam salvage anything. Cloud seems distracted by something…

They state that their doing everything they can to restore this town and that hopefully, things will become better in no time.

At Villain’s Vale, everything falls silent. The once dominant fortress of the Villains, now stands, useless and abandoned.

Back in the Marketplace, Riku wants to go with them on the journey, however, with no leads on Kairi’s whereabouts, they don’t know where the journey will lead. Sora promises that he’ll return for Riku, so he can go along the journey and rescue Kairi, as well. They’ll all be together again. With that, they’re off.

Destiny Islands now appears as one of the worlds on the World Map.


  • Leon
  • Cid
  • Cloud
  • Aerith
  • Rinoa
  • Merlin
  • Yuna
  • Rikku
  • Paine
  • Scrooge McDuck
  • Ludwig Von Drake
  • Huey
  • Dewey
  • Louie
  • Moogle
  • Maleficent
  • Cruella DeVil
  • Master Xehanort

Lionheart Keyblade


  • Dark Wyvern
  • Warlock
  • Brick Body
  • Shadow Substance
  • Neoshadow
  • Dark Nocturne
  • Pengelum

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