Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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Well, that, and it's just kinda strange, to be honest, even for this game.
It's no more strange than Sora being shunk down to the size of a doll so he can fit on Dumbo's head or a black and white world where everything looks like a 1920s cartoon.

"Strange" really isn't a word to describe some things in this game. Certain things in this series are absolutely unusual, unexpected and suprising, which is why this series is a Greatest Hits. Everything is unexpected or unusual, whether it's a world or a character's appearance or storyline. What's verging on the line of "strange" is completely ordinary in this game's sense of reality. It's going across a border, which has never been crossed, adding a new sense of depth into the world's storyline.


Well-Known Member
Well, anyway, I was thinking about doing my own KH game, which runs sort of parallel with this one. It's about what Riku, Kairi and Pluto are doing in the game when they're not with Sora and co. It's sort of like the Riku's story version of KH:COM. It opens the same way as KH3, but after Disney Castle (or do they go their separate ways in Radiant Gardens? I forgot), you then take control of Riku and his entourage as they do their own world-hopping adventure.


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Well, anyway, I was thinking about doing my own KH game, which runs sort of parallel with this one. It's about what Riku, Kairi and Pluto are doing in the game when they're not with Sora and co. It's sort of like the Riku's story version of KH:COM. It opens the same way as KH3, but after Disney Castle (or do they go their separate ways in Radiant Gardens? I forgot), you then take control of Riku and his entourage as they do their own world-hopping adventure.
I can tell you right now, these stoylines would not match up at all, especially with the game's finale.


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But they would touch base time and again, and they would fight some of the same enemies, albeit on different times.
This "inbetween-quel" wouldn't work out. Why? Because Riku, Kairi and Pluto AREN'T even traveling to other worlds. They're showcased out of Disney Castle and Destiny Islands and then later go to Radiant Garden for the cliffhanger. They're working with King Mickey right now, which is why he isn't in the story, either. This is something that will be reflected on in the future. Why would they fight some of the same enemies at different times? This game is SUPPOSED to be original to the series, right?

And the game would have to end exactly at the cliffhanger because...Kairi dissapears and Riku is helping the FF crew restore Radiant Garden during the second half of the game, so I don't see how a game could be made, there's no story for them to follow. I didn't care what worlds Riku was visiting in KH1, nor did they make a side game of it...

Why create a game based off of a game that I created? What's the sense of toying with a game that I carefully pieced together for months?
Where's the originality in this?


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After completing the final Atlantica section of the game, you proceed to the stormy docks of Port Royal.

Port Royal (2nd Visit)​
Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive at the Rampart of Port Royal. In the distance, they can hear the rumble of danger ahead. They head into the Town’s Outskirts, where they see Jack Sparrow faced off against the Heartless sends the team into a fight. As the Heartless fight ends, they see Davy Jones off in the distance, heading for the Flying Dutchman.

Tia Dalma emerges onto the scene and tells the group that Davy Jones is keeping a watchful eye on the Dead Man’s Chest, which contains his heart. She makes sure to mention that he carved his own heart out to avoid the pain of his lost love. The team then goes on a quest to deal with Davy Jones and retrieve the Dead Man’s Chest in one fast swoop. Jack Sparrow joins the party and they head for the Black Pearl.

Remember, onboard the Black Pearl, in the Captain’s Stateroom, you’ll find a save point.

Onboard the ship, the team meets up with Will, Elizabeth, Pintel, Ragetti and Bill Turner. They’re going to attempt going after the Dutchman, in order to deal with Davy Jones and claim the chest. The Flying Dutchman sails off into the distance. When you’re ready, approach Captain Jack Sparrow, who’s commandeering the ship and the chase will begin!

The ship quickly heads out at sea, following the Dutchman against the rocky waves. With speed behind their mast, the Pearl picks up speed, quickly catching up to the Dutchman. Upon arrival, the team swings onto the Dutchman, via the mast ropes which dangle down below. Davy Jones is surprised by their sudden appearance and makes sure that the Dead Man’s Chest, containing his heart is safely stored. He is determined to immediately halt their actions.

-Boss: Davy Jones-

Davy Jones is definitely a tough cookie, all right. The fight takes place alongside the deck of the Flying Dutchman. However, just strike him a few times, with a few powerful combos. This fight only lasts a matter of seconds.

After the battle, Davy Jones it fed up with dealing with all the meddling of the team and decides to summon the Kraken to shake things up. We immediately go straight into the next battle.

-Boss: Davy Jones II and the Kraken II-

This fight is obviously much more difficult than the first, considering you have two different enemies to deal with, the Kraken and Davy Jones. Go after the Kraken first because it’s more of a hassle to battle Davy Jones around.

The strategy for the fight is very similar to the first fight with the monster. The tentacles will try to strike you, but can be avoided. Focus on attacking one tentacle at a time, the battle will be much easier. After the tentacles HP has run out, it will sink back beneath the sea.

After the tentacles are defeated, focus your attention on Davy Jones. He attacks rapidly with a sword, aiming swiftly and accurately after the group. However, you can fend him off by attacking exactly at the same time as he does, causing him to defend. This is a prime time to head in for a bunch of combo moves. In no time, you’ll be the victors of this battle.

Davy Jones still stands, strong and deviant. Just as the team makes their escape for the Black Pearl, the Kraken rises out of the sea again. Jack gives the orders for all of the crew to abandon ship and they all head out in a stowaway ship. The crew heads down to the small ship, but Elizabeth lags behind. She realizes that the Kraken is only hunting one thing: Jack. She deceivingly kisses him, while handcuffing him to the mast as bait.

She then makes way to the stowaway boat, where she says that Jack wanted to remain behind. The stowaway boat heads off into the distance. Just as the Kraken is about to attack, Jack is able to free himself from the shackles and lunges towards the mighty sea monster, sword in hand. The Kraken drags Jack and the Black Pearl deep into the depths of the ocean.

Davy Jones declares that Jack’s debt is settled, but when he goes to the Dead Man’s Chest, it is revealed that his heart is missing! He screams out in agony.

Meanwhile, General Norrington delivers the heart and the Letters of Marque to Lord Cutler Beckett.

As the team arrives back in Port Royal, Elizabeth reveals that she’s kept Jack Sparrow’s mystical compass. The compass emits a strange glow. They Keyblade reacts. The compass reveals the Keyhole and Sora seals it.


Jiminy’s Journal-Port Royal (2nd Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive in Port Royal, just as Davy Jones sets off into the sea, holding the Dead Man’s Chest, which contains his beating heart. Jack Sparrow joins the group in order to obtain the chest and deal with Davy Jones.

Onboard the Black Pearl, the team met up with the crew, including Will and Elizabeth. They quickly chase after the Black Pearl. As they gain speed, Davy Jones notices their arrival. At first he faces them, but when he realizes he’s no match alone, he summons the Kraken, as well, to deal with them.

After the battle, the team leaves the ship on a safely boarded stowaway boat. However, Elizabeth deceives Jack by kissing him and handcuffs him to the mast, leaving him as bait to the Kraken. Just as the Kraken is about to attack, Jack is able to free himself and lunges at the monster. The Kraken drags Jack and the Black Pearl deep beneath the ocean.

Davy Jones opens the chest and finds that his heart is not inside! Meanwhile, General Norrington delivers the heart and the Letters of Marque to Lord Cutler Beckett. In the town, Jack’s compass reveals the Keyhole and Sora seals it.

The whereabouts of Jack Sparrow are unknown.


  • Captain Jack Sparrow
  • William Turner
  • Elizabeth Swann
  • Pintel
  • Ragetti
  • Tia Dalma
  • Bootstrap Bill Turner
  • Weatherby Swann
  • Lord Cutler Beckett
  • General Norrington
  • Davy Jones
  • The Kraken

-Air Pirate
-Luna Pirate
-Air Launcher
-Battle Ship
-Barrel Spider
-Cannon Belcher

Davy Jones I, Davy Jones II, The Kraken II


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WALL-E is a 700 year old, solar powered mobile trash compactor robot. He is designed as a small compactor box with all-terrain treads, 3-fingered shovel hands, binocular eyes, and is equipped with a cutting laser between his eyes, which is capable of turning any respective Heartless into a pitiful pile of dust. :p

I wanted to bring him into the game while I still could, considering he's not having much of a purpose in the future of the series, so I decided that now would be the best time.

And thanks so much again!


Well-Known Member
WALL-E is a 700 year old, solar powered mobile trash compactor robot. He is designed as a small compactor box with all-terrain treads, 3-fingered shovel hands, binocular eyes, and is equipped with a cutting laser between his eyes. That laser is cable of turning any approaching Heartless into a pitiful pile of dust. :p

I wanted to bring him into the game while I still could, considering he's not having much of a purpose in the future of the series, so I decided that now would be the best time.

And thanks so much again!

Well, if nothing else, we have at least two Pixar movies referenced in the game. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see how Fabled Countryside and Enchanted Dominion's respective stories are resolved.


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Well, if nothing else, we have at least two Pixar movies referenced in the game. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see how Fabled Countryside and Enchanted Dominion's respective stories are resolved.
Thanks. Haunted Grounds is coming up next, followed by the conclusions of Fabled Countryside and then Enchanted Dominion.


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After completing Port Royal, you then proceed to the closest following world on the World Map.

Haunted Grounds (2nd Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy find themselves back in the dimly-lit Foyer of the abandoned mansion. The “Ghost Host”, who they previously met, states that those ferocious beings are attacking the mansion. The happy haunts are scared, even after death! The Ghost Host ushers the group through the mansion’s Portrait Gallery and to the Staircase.

While there, he explains that those monsters have been wrecking havoc inside and outside of the mansion. He’s so befuddled and none of the ghosts can rest in peace. The team states to the ghostly voice that they’ll take care of ridding the mansion of Heartless. As soon as they state that claim, a group of Heartless appear on the twisting, spiraling staircases and the team is drawn into battle.

After the close encounter with the Heartless, the Ghost Host states that he must be off and insists that he’ll see them a little later. Now that the team is by themselves they are on a mission to scout out the mansion for any Heartless beings that might be found. The team heads off.

In the next segment of the world, the team must search through the mansion to find the Heartless. There are five specific rooms that they have to visit, where the Heartless are located. They must defeat all of the Heartless in all of the rooms.

The team proceeds up the rising staircase, past the several pairs of mysterious blinking eyes and into the Endless Hallway. Once you arrive in the hallway, proceed east until you arrive into the East Sideof the hallway. Once there, a group of Heartless will appear. Clear the area of the Heartless before proceeding to the next room. If you leave during the fight, you’ll have to fight the enemies all over again. As you exit into the Séance Room, you pass by a rather odd-looking demon grandfather clock.

You then head into the Séance Room, where another sporadic burst of Heartless appears. After they defeat the enemies, they approach the crystal ball in the center of the room, where Madame Leota awaits. She states that she felt a strange presence in the mansion, when moments later, the Heartless suddenly reappeared. The team continues through the mansion on their hunt for the Heartless.

They proceed back into the Endless Hallway and go to the West Side. In this area. The Heartless will suddenly appear again. After clearing out the room, proceed through the curtains and into the Ballroom.

The Ballroom is also infested with the ferocious creatures, which are moving about the room rather rapidly. After clearing this room as well, you proceed up the stairs to the top room of the mansion, the Attic.

The Attic is the fifth room of the mansion, where the Heartless will be found. In this room, it seems like the enemies carry on forever, but the enemies will soon die down. After the battle, Emily emerges in the attic and tells the team that whatever strong force which is overtaking the mansion must be outside in the graveyard, as she points out the window that Constance previously crashed out of. Without hesitation, the team rushes out the window and arrives in the Gates.


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They descend down the side of the building, beneath the deep cover of dead, twisting trees. On one of the dead tree limbs, a lonesome raven yells out into the middle of the cold night. Up ahead, the team could see the entrance into the Graveyard. At the entrance, they see the ghostly apparition of a caretaker, with his frightened dog. He states how terrible his situation is. He’s been taking care of the mansion grounds for years, and then he gets killed and has to spend the rest of his afterlife there!

Well, whatever the case, he states that whatever is causing the mounting darkness must be up ahead. The team enters the graveyard, filled with headstones and mausoleums. Directly ahead they see the dark monster. The creature springs towards the team and forces them into battle.

-Boss: Parasite Grave-

The Parasite Grave is the dark Heartless monster who has been roaming about the graveyard of the mansion. The creature looks like a huge spider, instead, its central body is made of a coffin, with hands emerging from the slit in the closed lid. From within the lid are several spider legs, which sharp prickly thorns along them.

This battle is easy. Steer clear of the legs and you’ll be fine. However, the heartless will dig is legs into the ground and surround the entire graveyard with them. Take down each individual leg, before proceeding to attack the coffin. It’ll make the battle a lot easier. After the monster’s life is fully depleted, you win the battle.

Sora obtains the Auraga Spell.

The Ghost Host suddenly reappears after the battle and reveals a hidden Crypt. The team heads for the crypt, a dark stone passage, which leads to safety. The Ghost Host states that the Gummi Ship is waiting as the end of the passage. Emily and the Caretaker arrive to say goodbye to Sora, Donald and Goofy. As they make their way to the exit, they pass by a group of three traveling hitch hiking ghosts, Ezra, Phineas and Gus. They insist on receiving a ride from the group but Donald is far too easily scared to let that happen. The Ghost Host warns them that the ghosts might even follow them out of the mansion!

Emily gleefully waves goodbye to the team. They board their Gummi Ship and begin to take off into the air. Emily and the Caretaker grin secretly as they see the three hitch hiking ghosts waving goodbye from the back of the Gummi Ship.

Sora obtains the Hitch-Hiking Ghosts Summon.


Jiminy’s Journal-Haunted Grounds (2nd Visit)

Sora, Donald and Goofy arrived back at the mansion, when the Ghost Host stated that they had a rather serious predicament on their hands. The Ghost Host gave them the task to search throughout the several rooms of the mansion to find and defeat the Heartless. For a while, there’d been a strong darkness roaming about the mansion and it must be defeated. The team gladly takes on the task.

After searching through the Endless Hallway’s West and East Side, the Séance Room, the Ballroom and the Attic, Emily revealed that the strong darkness was coming from the Graveyard.

The team arrived at the entrance of the Graveyard, where they met the previously living Caretaker. Inside, they fought the Deadly Parasite Cage and won. The Ghost Host returned and revealed a hidden Crypt, which led the way to their Gummi Ship. Inside, three hitch-hiking ghosts tried to get a ride from them, but they weren’t having any of it.

The Ghost Host, Emily and the Caretaker said goodbye, as the three hitch-hiking ghosts secretly followed the team along their journey.


  • Ghost Host
  • Emily
  • Madame Leota
  • The Organ Player
  • The Caretaker
  • Ezra
  • Phineas
  • Gus
  • Constance

Hitch-Hiking Ghosts Summon

-Gargoyle Knight
-Search Ghost
-Wight Knight
-Ghoulish Goblin
-Crawling Spider
-Dark Centipede

Parasite Grave

Just a last few notes, I know I previously had WALL-E as a summon. Well, I scrapped it. It made a lot more sense to have these three ghosts go along on the journey with Sora. The scene and the actual ride insist the ghosts are going to be “following you along the journey” so it only makes sense. And having these three as summons are total bad--- anyway.

This world’s visits were inspired by the 22 times I rode Haunted Mansion over the course of my visit and to those absolutely amazing Cast Members who had to put up with me the entire time. It was an amazing experience.


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In the Parks
That was a really nice ending. What exactly do the ghosts do in terms of fighting?

All of the summons in this game are very similar to how they were represented in KH1. In the original, it was like they were actual summoned party members, where as in KH2, oyu summoned the character and you just had to do a bunch of reaction command initiated attacks.

The ghosts would be able to fly about the room, while doing a "Flying Sweep" attack, which would heabily damage and Heartless lying in the ghosts' path.

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