Kingdom Hearts III -Imagineering A Video Game


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In the Parks
I don't just mean the battle with Siren, I mean also the other levels in the game, including Olympus Coliseum and its battle against SIN. Is that all one big long level?
I'm not really sure if I understand the question or not. The secret boss battle with Siren takes place in the Magma Crater, located in Atlantica. The tournament with SIN takes place in the Courtyard, located in Olympus Coliseum. (It would/should be in the Arena, but the creature is far too massive to fit inside there.)

They're all small side missions and quests that you don't have to do. You don't have to do all or any of them. However, defeating one of these enemies does give a lot of EXP. They're all individual events that don't have any affiliation with eachother. Just some thing extra added into the game.


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In the Parks
After leaving Atlantica and exploring Port Royal, Haunted Grounds, Castle of Dreams and Enchanted Dominion, you realize that nothing seems outside of the ordinary. You’ve been fighting Heartless all the while, leveling up and now, you’re on a pretty high level. Though, you still haven’t re-explored Radiant Garden. The Gummi Ship heads for the world. You select to land in the Crystal Cavern.

You head out of the cavern and into the Dark Valley, which leads out into the Dark Meridian.

Ahead, they see a shrouded figure standing in the distance. The smoky area fogs any view of the character. All that’s visible is the dark shrouded shadow of the approaching figure. Suddenly, the figure steps out of the smoke and lunges at the team. Sephiroth!

-Boss: Sephiroth-

Here we go again. The bad boy that’s been known to be the secret boss, as well as possibly the hardest boss in the game. Sephiroth is a one-winged, monstrous being, whom attacks with a 15 foot long sword. As you may know, you have to be on a pretty high level to take down this guy.

He rapidly moves about the area, jumping, flying, running, anything imaginable, all the while trying to slash you. His sword alone takes up about 1/5 the battle field, yeah…a lot of room. He’ll constantly try to attack you. Glide is a definite must for this battle. Try to land as many hits as you can, even though it won’t even seem to effect him. He moves so rapidly and quickly that you have to score a hit whenever you get the chance. Make sure your items are loaded with Elixirs and you have the Curaga spell ready.

When about half his HP is depleted, he’ll start performing an attack called Sin Harvest, which depletes your HP to one point and completely takes away your MP. Use an elixir immediately after the attack. The attack can be avoided by flying up to Sephiroth, who is fairly high off the ground and striking him, causing him to be stunned. Now, he’ll form dark orbs, flying your way, but don’t worry to much about them. They’re easily avoidable by gliding away from them.

Towards the end of the battle, he’ll perform one last major attack in hopes of destroying you, an attack called Meteor. He’ll fly out of the battle area and summon this great Meteor from the sky. The meteor breaks into hundreds of smaller meteors and crashes into the ground, sending the area ablaze with smoke and fire. This attack cannot be avoided so well, so brace yourself and be prepared to take one for the team.

Continue the strategy mentioned above to be the victor of the battle.

Once the battle ends, Sora wants to know what Sephiroth is still doing around here. It appears that the one-winged monster wants to have a final confrontation with Cloud. Sephiroth sends the trio to bring Cloud to him.

Make sure you head back up to the Crystal Cavern to save your game. Head back through the Dark Valley and up the Garden Perimeter. Continue through the Bailey and the Town Plaza in order to get to the ruins of Merlin’s House, where Cloud will be located.

Sora says to Cloud that Sephiroth has been waiting for him to finally defeat his darkness. Cloud knows that he must deal with Sephiroth again and that this battle will never be over until his darkness is defeated. He starts to head out, but Aerith stops him. She doesn’t want him to disappear again. Cloud promises that he’ll come back, just like last time. Cloud wants her to stay here. Before Aerith can say anything else, Yuffie and Rinoa bring her inside.

Sora heads back in the direction he came, towards the Dark Meridian, where Sephiroth waits. You can use the save point in the Crystal Cavern if you want to before proceeding towards Sephiroth.

Inside Merlin’s House, Aerith escapes and heads towards the Dark Meridian without anyone knowing.

In the Dark Meridian, Sora and the others arrive with Cloud, who states that it’s time to defeat the darkness. Sephiroth lunges towards him, as their swords clash. A huge fight scene takes place, very similar to the Showdown of Fate in Kingdom Hearts II. Cloud falls to the ground, completely vulnerable and helpless. Suddenly, a Curaga spell is casted over him, as Aerith appears.

Sephiroth decides to take care of Cloud, his light, and the others all at the same time. Sora, Donald and Goofy cheer them on. As Sephiroth is about to attack Cloud, Aerith casts an impenetrable shield in front of him. It’s now or never for Cloud to defeat his darkness and find his light. As Sephiroth is about to attack, Aerith places her palm on Cloud’s shoulder and they both begin to glow a subdued, golden color. Sephiroth seems confused by the whole act. Suddenly, the light becomes so bright that Sephiroth winces and cannot bear to witness it. Before he can escape, the light grows to strong and becomes blinding.

When the light fades, a single black feather falls to the ground, and then blows away with the wind. Cloud feels different. Maybe he’s found his light? Aerith approaches him and asks if he’s okay. He regrets not letting her come in the first place and apologizes, he says that he’d do anything for her because she helped him defeat his darkness and find his light. She says that she only wants him to stay here and not to go away again. Sora, Donald and Goofy watch as they walk back towards the town together.

Now, you can use a save point to return to the Gummi Ship, if you wish. However, there’s still some more secrets that lie hidden away in Radiant Garden.


New Member
Have you thought about how the game would look like for the Wii?

I figured out a way that the game can still be an RPG and still have Wii-like features.
1.The Wii's controls could really spice up the gummi routes.
2.You don't have to wield the keyblade with the Wiimote.The basic controls like commands can be the same but, the remote would still be held vertically.
3.Reaction commands can be done differently. Instead of using the triangle button to do them, they will display motions for you to do with the remote to perform the reactions.
4.Things like limits and minigames can also be specialized for the Wii. Just think about it.
5.And finally, you know how Sora's Keyblade just pops into his hand everytime he needs it?(By the way, have you ever wondered where it goes when he doesn't use it?)Well, we can make that happen every time you swing the remote. Although, some may find that annoying.

I'm just thinking maybe you could probably consider it. Anyway keep up the good work.

P.S. I'm worried about how you envisioned the keychain equipments and the command menus for the princess levels. We are trying to make the game comfortable for boys to play, right?


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In the Parks
Have you thought about how the game would look like for the Wii?

I figured out a way that the game can still be an RPG and still have Wii-like features.
1.The Wii's controls could really spice up the gummi routes.
2.You don't have to wield the keyblade with the Wiimote.The basic controls like commands can be the same but, the remote would still be held vertically.
3.Reaction commands can be done differently. Instead of using the triangle button to do them, they will display motions for you to do with the remote to perform the reactions.
4.Things like limits and minigames can also be specialized for the Wii. Just think about it.
5.And finally, you know how Sora's Keyblade just pops into his hand everytime he needs it?(By the way, have you ever wondered where it goes when he doesn't use it?)Well, we can make that happen every time you swing the remote. Although, some may find that annoying.

I'm just thinking maybe you could probably consider it. Anyway keep up the good work.

P.S. I'm worried about how you envisioned the keychain equipments and the command menus for the princess levels. We are trying to make the game comfortable for boys to play, right?

This game would most likely be on a Playstation console. Just the way the console's controller is structured would make the game more pleasing to play. I'm leaving he decided console for the game unmentioned. The keyblade just dissapears when Sora uses it, it's not like there has to be anything special so that it dissapears, too.

I don't see how the keychains for the princess levels really matter. There's four dominant princess levels, Fairtytale Forest, Chateau de France, Castle of Dreams and Enchanted Dominion. Well, in Fairytale Forest there's a destructive cave-in, Chateua de France doesn't even focus on the aspect of Belle being a princess, and in Enchanted Dominion, a castle wrapped in thorns. Kinda takes away from the princess feel.

The worlds are perfectly balanced out with worlds like Olympus Coliseum, Neverland, Port Royal and Haunted Grounds. The fact that this game might be leaning on the verge of "too girly" has never even crossed my mind. I selected the best worlds, old and new, to help represent the third game.

As for the keyblades, they've used floral-themed keyblades in the past and Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty's world's keyblades have nothing to do with flowers or anything girly, for that matter.

I don't see how a destructive weapon reassures a man's masculinity...


New Member
This game would most likely be on a Playstation console. Just the way the console's controller is structured would make the game more pleasing to play. I'm leaving he decided console for the game unmentioned. The keyblade just dissapears when Sora uses it, it's not like there has to be anything special so that it dissapears, too.

I don't see how the keychains for the princess levels really matter. There's four dominant princess levels, Fairtytale Forest, Chateau de France, Fabled Countryside and Enchanted Dominion. Well, in Fairytale Forest there's a destructive cave-in, Chateua de France doesn't even focus on the aspect of Belle being a princess, and in Enchanted Dominion, a castle wrapped in thorns. Kinda takes away from the princess feel.

The worlds are perfectly balanced out with worlds like Olympus Coliseum, Neverland, Port Royal and Haunted Grounds. The fact that this game might be leaning on the verge of "too girly" has never even crossed my mind. I selected the best worlds, old and new, to help represent the third game.

As for the keyblades, they've used floral-themed keyblades in the past and Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty's world's keyblades have nothing to do with flowers or anything girly, for that matter.

I don't see how a destructive weapon reassures a man's masculinity...

It's okay. I just always wanted to see how an RPG would look like for the Wii. There probably already is one but, It probably isn't that good(correct me if I'm wrong about that).

And about the "too girly" thing, I wasn't EXACTLY worried about the designs. I was worried about how the other fans would react. You and I may not think that a destructive weapon reassures a man's masculinity but, maybe someone else does(I know this is just fan-fiction but some of us treat it like a real game). Thanks for reminding me that the princess levels(Yeah, I'm calling 'em levels) you made aren't exactly that bright and poofy. By the way you still haven't said anything about the command menus(or are those to hard to describe?).

7 ways to know you're obsessed wit Kingdom Hearts:

1. You try to open your house by pointing the key at it and waiting 'till a laser of energy shoots out of it.

2.You made your hair spiky.

3.You have a crush on Kairi

4. You're constantly worried that you're dog might dissappear in a portal of darkness.

5. You watch Disney movies and complain that they don't have any heartless.

6.You've actually made the Ultima Weapon keyblade.(Seriously, who has the patience)

7. You're reading this list.

...Sorry for the lame and stupid joke I just made. I was bored.


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In the Parks
If anything, I'm treating and respecting this like it's a real game. In Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, they have all the princess worlds that I'm including in this game. Of course, none of us know just what will happen in those worlds, but I took a fair shot at what we might see...and coincidentally, it looks like I nailed one pretty hard on the head.

Today, new scans came out of the Cinderella world and the scans completely intertwine with segments from Fabled Countryside in my game. The whole "key" scenario, the ball, and a PUMPKIN COACH MONSTER BOSS. I thought up that thing like two months ago and then today, actual images of the boss come out lol. Mind you, the entire Cinderella section was done by the time these recent images came out. I was like "WHOA, I think I may have written something about this before..."I know it's just pure coincidence, but that's still pretty cool.

Having a weapon that suits both a man and a woman's particular needs is probably one of the last things on my mind while making this game. Each Keyblade is different and unique, a variety of different colors, textures and themes, something for everybody. So, if you absolutely cannot stand one Keyblade, there's always a better one out there.

I'm drawing a blank, but what exactly is the command menu? The Attack, Magic, Item, Summon, Party menu? The main menu? Or something else?

(AND that list isn't lame, I just haven't done anything on it with the exception of number 2 and 7 LOL)


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In the Parks
I think the command menu is that little box in the bottom left corner of the screen that has "directions" on it.
Yeah, that's what I though too.
The menu is pretty simple. It's this setup.
  • Attack
  • Magic (Including Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, Aura and Demi spells)
  • Item (Your own item inventory)
  • Summon
Right or left click the game arrow directions and the menu flips over into this configuration:
  • Attack
  • Magic
  • Item
  • Party Members

Disneyson 1

New Member
Ya'know, I could NEVER figure out how to do magic in that game. It was always very hard for me, for some reason.

Your coincidence is REALLY cool! Sometimes I think that happens with me, but when you make a TLM ride, how much can you change?

And I totally agree about the Keyblade issue.


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In the Parks
Ya'know, I could NEVER figure out how to do magic in that game. It was always very hard for me, for some reason.

Your coincidence is REALLY cool! Sometimes I think that happens with me, but when you make a TLM ride, how much can you change?

And I totally agree about the Keyblade issue.

Well, the coincidence is just freaky cuz I din't think anything similar would happen. But to have an actual pumpkin coach boss? Unexpected. Makes you wonder if anything else similar would happen. It's like I'd be playing my game, even though it's a completely different game...

Hold on, next segment coming up in a few. Final secret boss segment...:cry:


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In the Parks
After you proceed out of the Crystal Cavern, you proceed back into the Dark Valley, continuing to explore Radiant Garden. Continue fighting Heartless in the Garden Perimeter and the Bailey. Once you make your way into Town Plaza, pass Merlin’s House and arrive at the Marketplace.

Once there, Scrooge McDuck and Ludwig Von Drake are carefully surveying the area, while the Moogles are doing their own thing. You approach the Moogles, who look like they’ve got something up their sleeves. It appears they want your help with something. Now’s your chance to decide whether you want to follow through with their task. Choose very carefully. They are so happy that you’ve agreed and lead the team to a certain destination.

They head towards the Dark Valleyand lead them down the large open valley. Now, they have a little trick up their sleeves. They lead them up to a large canyon wall, where they use their Synthesis magic to make the material of the wall disappear, revealing a dark cavern. Brace yourself now, once you go in, you many not come out…The team continues into the Cavern of the Unknown: Entrance.

In the entrance area, there’s a lonesome save point in the dark cavern. After saving your game, which is a must-do, continue into the Cavern of the Unknown. Once inside, the entire area is pitch black, so you’ll have to use the map or the Auraga spell to light up the near surrounding area. However, at several points, large cliffs or boulders will block your path, without you even knowing it, so use the Aura spell every now and then.

To make matters worse, some of the most strongest Heartless that we’ve seen reappear in this cavern, traveling in the darkness, making the fighting even harder. It’d be best if you leveled up sufficiently in the game by this part of the game, even level up in the cavern because the upcoming fight IS the hardest battle in the game. So, brace yourself and get ready for the fight of your life. You should probably level up to level 99 just for the heck of it. You’d be surprised, leveling up happens much quicker in this cavern.

A mysterious noise lies ahead.

The team goes into investigate the noise and…uh-oh. A huge monster attacks. WHY WOULD THOSE CUTE, CUDDLY MOOGLES BRING US HERE!?!?

-Boss: Ultima Weapon-

This ultimate boss finally makes its way into the Kingdom Hearts series, after appearing throughout several of the Final Fantasy games, such as Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X. This monster is the fiercest monster in the game, so make sure you’re at an exceptionally high level, have you’re best armor and items equipped and have the most powerful Keyblade in the game, thus far. In this area, thankfully, there are flamed torches along the wall, so you don’t have to fight the monster in the dark. Little consolation. This monster doesn’t need the darkness to destroy you.

This monster takes up a large space of the cavernous room, however, since its so big, it makes it difficult for the creature to move. You have to attack the creature’s head, so Glide and High Jump is a must for this battle. The worst part of the battle, Ultima Weapon has two invisible health bars that have to be fully destroyed before any actual damage is taken. The monster is slower than most, but it’s attack can reduce your HP by thirds, so be careful and aware of your surroundings.

He’ll attack with his claws, his jaws, as well as its wild flapping wings. The true difficulty of this battle, as with most, is trying to attack the creature without getting damaged. Four hits and you’re a goner in this battle, so you’ve got to control this battle very carefully. There’s always a certain amount of luck with winning this battle, so let’s hope the fates are on your side.

Then, Ultima Weapon will start casting a spell called Ultima, one of the strongest spells in the Kingdom Hearts Universe. This attacks casts a fleet of green mist about the area, as a large bean of energy is about to head straight for Sora. However, the attack can be dodged at the last second, when Weapon throws the beam of energy at the team. Head right for Weapon to dodge the attack. Continue the fight until Weapon falls, helplessly, to the ground.

Ultima Weapon disappears, as the cavern becomes flooded with light, revealing a Synthesis Chamber. It turns out that the Moogles have been trying to rid the Cavern of Synthesis from that haunting monster for years. Crystalline gems and diamonds line the walls, as they reflect light across the room. They explain that they are going to use this Synthesis Chamber as a way to continue their business and fund the future construction of Radiant Garden.

They couldn’t solve their problem by themselves, so they enlisted the team to help them, and they successfully accomplished that goal. They could come into the chamber anytime they’d like to receive discounted items and of course, synthesize their items. Before the team leaves, the Moogles call out to them and hand Sora the Ultima Weapon Keyblade, the ultimate weapon of the game, for defeating the ultimate boss.

Sora obtains the Moogle Army Summon. That’s right! This cute flock of small synthesis creatures may seem all but violent to the common eye, but put them in the midst of a few Heartless and they form a wall of destructive force, taking down any that lie in their path! Yes.

Sora, Donald and Goofy return to the Gummi Ship.

Disneyson 1

New Member
WOW. I will never look at Moogles in the same way. I'd never be able to beat this.

Anyway, THE END IS NEAR!!!!! How sad... but we'll still be around!

Writing up the 2nd part of my Spectromagic Refurb. And you?


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In the Parks
I know, the end is very near. I'm gonna compile a list of all the mini-games next, just so everything is completed. Though, the mini-games don't have to be completed in order to receive the secret edning. I'll go into detail about the requirements. You need to:
  • Seal all the worlds, including Coral Sea (Almost Check!)
  • Beat the Hades Cup (Check!)
  • Obtain all third level spells (Check!)
  • Defeat both Sin and Siren (Check!)
Yes, even after this project ends, we've got a whole lot of other stuff to work on. And can't wait to see more of your SpectroMagic Parade.
Oh, and congrats you're all on level 99 by now!!!

Disneyson 1

New Member
That's good that you don't need everything for the secret endings. That always bugs me.

I'm toying around with the saturation levels of the pictures, does it look any good?

And I'll never be on level 99 in real life. Ever. I just don't have any patience!


Active Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
That's good that you don't need everything for the secret endings. That always bugs me.

I'm toying around with the saturation levels of the pictures, does it look any good?

And I'll never be on level 99 in real life. Ever. I just don't have any patience!
When I looked at the pics you posted before, they looked fine.

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